Thursday, November 23, 2017

November 23rd Entry: 4 Games Talk

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                   2017-11-23

November 23rd Entry: 4 Games Talk

Honestly didn't really know what to call this entry, so I thought I'd just go with what I put above. Hope it doesn't come off as misleading? Nah! It's about my four games I've recently recorded, so hopefully people won't think that this is supposed to be a juicy post on the latest games like Super Mario Odyssey, Sonic Forces or something. 😅

Not sure if it looks tackier to place the images below the subheadings, and then type the text below them? 🤔 Let me know what's better. So! As you can tell from the title and video itself, this recorded segment is about me just looking at the daily tasks to be done, maxing out the Lamborghini Veneno, and then decided between maxing out the Corvette or doing something else. I ultimate ended up just purchasing some cars required for getting stars from the older seasons, over dealings with the Chevrolet Corvette, La Ferrari and Sesto Elemento. Some may say that it was bad choice and that I probably should have maxed the Chevrolet Corvette. In all honesty, I think that I couldn't have gone wrong with either choice. I just wanted to try and get some of those earlier races completed while I had Double Credits activated. Ironically when time was running out, I actually jumped to seasons 7 and 8 to milk out the most profitable star bonus races. Now the parts about me racing obviously (if you've seen the video) weren't done on camera, but it was then that I realized that it really would have actually been a better idea to max a Class A car out after all... 😳😖 Heck, even a high-end Class B car like the Shelby GT500 or Lamborghini Gallardo would have been a good idea. Well, there's always another time.😏

So after running through the eerie, windy tracks from the last Mexican run, the crew has decided to head northeast to Washington District of Columbia! 🦅 Yeah, America's capital. The board special is not surprisingly an eagle for this track, and it seems to have an aerial theme judging from the presence of planes and other aircraft that can be seen on parts of the track. Oh yeah, and Lauren's 2nd outfit also backs this up. So what do I think of this track? If I must be very honest, I miss the Mariachi music and howling winds of that dumb Halloween track. I really do. It was such a special, unique touch that they've added, that I've never seen done on their tracks before. Ok, so there's probably other tracks that have bonus music mixed into the regular theme, but I've never heard or ran on them, so I can only comment based on what I've seen. But yeah, coming from that vibrant, festive track to this one with the regular music felt like a step down. Not to say that Washington D.C. sucks, because it does have its charms, but it's not as exciting. If the next tour takes place in a Christmas themed subway, it'll be interesting to see what they'll do to the music. Well, if they decide to do anything at all, that is.

Yes, this is one of those old, good, retro, pixelated shooting games. All you do is shoot the opposing aliens, spaceships and monsters to progress to the next level. Be careful not to let them shoot you though, because you apparently have no hit points! 😰 Yeah, so if you take just one hit or if they even touch you, the level restarts. 💀 So don't get #REKT wrecked! Wish this had QWERTY support so I could use the keys to move left and right and fire my lasers. Probably not something 99% of users would be concerned about, but if you have something like a Blackberry Classic, Passport or any other phone with a physical keyboard, you'll really appreciate that.🎮

So when was the last time that I uploaded a video of this game to channel? July 1st, 2016. 😲 When was this recent video uploaded? Today, the 23rd of November. Woooooo! So you can see that it's been a while. Sometimes, there are just some games that I think that I won't play and record again, only to find that I do just that: record and play. And yes, this does look just like a Koopa's shell, minus the holes. But is it really supposed to one? Likely so. This game is a simple, endless sliding platform game. Jump, dodge the enemies, collect coins and power-ups, and slide as far as you can. That's it. For this reason, some might consider this game to be very boring and slow paced, but I think it's alright. Just don't play it for too long. As I commented in the video, it would have been much better if the background would change after reaching a certain distance. Deserts, forests, snowy mountains, cityscapes and others would've been some great additions to this game.

Tomorrow's going to be that time of November again -- Black Friday! 🛒 Shops, both physical and online are going to be crazy busy! But please refrain from trampling, pushing, slapping and otherwise hurting others over materialistic goods. 😅 I know a good number of you aren't like that, but there's also a good number of you that are! 😬 And for the Internet shoppers, don't troll, abuse, or perform fraudulent tactics over goods. Now that aside, I hope you manage to successfully snag some good deals! On an Asphalt 8 front, it does not look like Gameloft will respond to my enquiry, so we'll just have to hope that they keep the updates coming for Windows Phone. I should probably get my game file synced to an online account real soon, to avoid those "accidental losses" that may happen as they claim. For the upcoming videos, it looks like this weekend will be much nicer, so I should finally be able to get back to some outdoor shoots! For games, I may record a race of Asphalt 8, but I cannot guarantee that this will happen. The commentary I planned to do will be pushed back to early December. You can also expect an unboxing video to accompany the outdoor videos being uploaded next week. Alright, now that's it and I am out!

*This blog post contains affiliate links

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