Wednesday, November 15, 2017

November 15th Entry: Bowmanville Though

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                   2017-14-17

November 15th Entry: Bowmanville Though

What about Bowmanville? Nothing super special. Well, I'm sure there are many significant events that may have happened in this town throughout its history. I have not looked into it though. I just went there to film some schools north of the Liberty Street & Wellington Street area. Let's discuss them below. Oh, and I also recorded yet another Funkoi game that same weekend!

I've covered Clarington Central in the past, so it was only a matter before I did another one of Bowmanville's schools. How was this one? Well, some parts of it looked really boring and stale, while others were a little more interesting. Nothing overall was remarkable. This school has a large track and is connected to the Alan Strike Aquatic and Squash Centre. Why does this high school have two public schools so close to it? I don't know, but a quick search told me that Duke of Cambridge Public School is French immersion, while Vincent Massey Public School is just a "regular". Not sure how different that's supposed to make them, but alright. Let's proceed to discussing the latter school.

Another Vincent Massey? Yeah, only one is administered within Durham District School Board, while this one is administered within the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board. So! Is there anything special about this place? Yes, there's a black bell in front of the school that captured my attention. Did I ring it? No, because that would just draw unnecessary attention to myself, while I was trying to keep it lowkey. So aside from that bell, there's nothing else special or worthy of mention about this small school.

You know when the last time I recorded a gameplay session of this game was? October 14, 2016. Do you know when I recorded this gameplay session for this entry? November 12, 2017. 😨😱😰 Yeah, so that means that I haven't recorded this game for well over a year! Wow! So as you can tell from the title of this video, the emphasis this time is the sound. Gone are the computer microphone days! Boy, I sure as hell don't miss them! 🤣 Such cringey videos those were! Anyways, well, nothing particularly special happens this time around during my gameplay session. Actually wait, something special does happen! I broke some old high scores and managed to unlock a purple jumbo jet. Special? I think so.

So yes, this has been a fairly light entry. There wasn't really a ton to say about these places and the game, hence why it is the way it is. Not that this being light is a bad thing though, because some of my entries have been known to be long like a reticulated python! Anyways, what's next? Some outdoor videos if the coming weekend does not actually end up raining. The Weather Network says that it will rain, but it could change by the time the weekend actually comes. Aside from outdoor videos, I may also get a gaming video or two done. Commentaries? Likely not, but maybe. As for Asphalt 8, I posted an enquiry on Gameloft's Asphalt 8 forum, but only received one response from another person was curious about the same thing. I tried looking around for a contact button on Gameloft's website, but it seems nonexistent? I'll consider shooting a direct message at either Asphalt or Gameloft on Twitter and see what happens. iPhone X? I think I may have mentioned this a little back, but if I had a choice between any of the 3 2017 iPhones, I'd choose the iPhone 8 Plus. Why? Because it's large, lacks the obnoxious notch present on the iPhone X, and has a normal 16:9 ratio of 1920 X 1080. So I guess that does it for this entry, now out I am!

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