Friday, May 5, 2017

May 5th 2017 Post

GuuzakaTube 05/05/17
May 5th 2017 Post

What's this? No May 5th uploads?” You might be wondering. Last week, I originally stated that I'd hopefully get an outdoors, commentary and gaming video up. That didn't happen. I was a little sick and it rained on top of that, so that didn't happen. As for the commentary and gaming, I wasn't able to find enough time to get those done, because I didn't make an efficient schedule, got busy with other things, and so on. Alright, things happened the way they did, so I was looking forward to getting things done next weekend, only to end up sick – AGAIN! Worse this time too, and on top of it, it's going to be raining yet again this weekend. Heavier and colder too. These unfortunate circumstances annoy me greatly, and the fact that it happened twice in such a short time period is pretty freaky. Slapped with the rain, then sickness, and then slapped by both again, with two times the force?! What could be the meaning of this cryptic occurrence?! Well, for the rain that's just the nature for you, but why have certain parts of Canada and the United States been seeing so much rain lately? Who knows. Well, I'm sure the meteorologists know, but I haven't personally looked into it. I do actually like the rain, but not cold rain, and it's less enjoyable when you're under the weather. My sickness: what's going on here? Why have I been dinged twice in such a short time period? Not enough vitamin C? Cold drafts? Have I touched an unexpectedly contaminated area twice? Or have I not actually recovered completely the 1st time it struck (April 28), thus what I may be feeling now, could actually a relapse from last week as a result of not tending to it the way I should have? God knows, but I just wish it would go away now so it can stop ruining my plans and productivity! Sheesh, I'm so annoyed! ARGH! Depart from me nasopharyngitis, rhinovirus or whatever fancy scientific name you go by! Oh well. Telling the sickness to go away, simply does not make it leave faster. So as a result of this, there will not be any outdoor uploads for next week. Again. I know, I know: many of you would just say “Seriously dude? You're talking and acting as if people care so much, when hardly anyone watches your videos!” True, but you know why it's such a big deal for me? Because it just feels so weird to me! I'm used to uploading some outdoors shoots weekly, so to go two weeks without them feels mighty bizarre to me. As I also stated last week, I actually enjoy going outdoors to these various places over the weekend, so being unable to get out twice in a row, feels like being trapped. Twice. Guess I should take that time to finally get that automotive commentary up for next week. Thankfully, I've worked on it during the downtime, and managed to gather all the slides I need. I obviously won't bother trying to talk until probably Monday or Tuesday, when my throat improves. Sickness, delays, annoyances, and weather aside, I've setup a few accounts across various sites for the GuuzakaTube channel during the 1st this month. I've done this various for various reasons: some to expand my presence, others for functionality. I was initially going to announce and link them in this entry, but because I feel that the profiles and what not, are still “incomplete” I'll hold off till next entry. Some of them I admittedly may not end up using very much, but only time will tell for sure. I hope to get back into full throttle soon, so I can try to get 10,000 channel views soon and restore my channel back to profitability. Don't know what's going on? Read last week's entry, or better yet watch this video.

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