Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day 2017 Entry

GuuzakaTube 05/12/17

Mother's Day 2017 Entry

Why is the title in a feminine magenta shade? Because it's close to Mother's Day. Because it is Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day Bloggers! This blog post was originally supposed to be launched on Friday, as you can tell from the date in the top right corner, but because I didn't get it done on time, I decided to complete it Saturday evening, and launch it on Mother's Day. A much more attractive title than “May 12 2017 Entry” anyway. Just thought I'd answer that question in case anybody was curious, or too afraid to ask. Alright, to tell the truth: nobody probably gave two rat's backsides about this, so this is really just me more or less being lame and corny. So! Perhaps the bigger question is: what's been happening this past week? Well, in terms of YouTube productivity, it hasn't been good at all! This is now the 2nd week of no videos at all! Kind of feels like three weeks to be honest. I've already detailed the cause of this from last week's entry, so to recap: I happened to strangely get sick on the April 29-30 weekend, and yet freakin' again on the Saturday 06-07 weekend. Oh, and it also rained heavily and coldly during those weekends to add an extra slap in the face. I know, some of you would be like “oh, boohoo! Woe is you!” while some of you might be like, “Sorry to hear that man, that must have really sucked!” Regardless of where you fall, I'm not hear to expect sympathies, pats, hugs and kisses, but to recap the scenario in case you weren't following from last week. Another random thing: the fact that I'm uploading a blog post on a Sunday is a very rare event. I normally upload during the weekday.

What Have I Been Doing This Past Week?
Not as much as I'd like to. I did spend some time working on that commentary I've been talking about forever, but then I decided to put it on the back burner and focus on other things – like getting this blog monetized! Sometime ago, I talked about my plans to get this place monetized, but then dropped the idea when I found out that you couldn't use your YouTube AdSense to connect to your Blogger Blog, and have advertisements serve there as well. Why? I was confused and disappointed about this, because one would think that there would be seamless integration for AdSense between the Google brands, but nope! If you set up an AdSense account for YouTube, you'll have to own your Blogger domain, as in buy one, in order to have advertisements served there. Initially, you could choose to apply for AdSense with a free Blogger Blog, but it would have to be chosen first as your only choice over YouTube or some other Google product. You would then have to find some other way to get AdSense on your YouTube channel. Another thing is that you can only have one AdSense account per person, so this can make things particularly tricky. Don't try to cheat it, because when the payment threshold comes things could get ugly, so just be honest and choose YouTube as your choice for setting up your AdSense account, and then monetize Blogger by buying a domain, or through other legal alternatives. If you're not interested in monetizing YouTube videos, or if you're not interested in YouTube at all, then it would of course make sense to choose Blogger as your choice. Given the 2017 changes with YouTube Creators and advertisement revenue I've detailed in this video, it'll take more work to get advertisements running on your channel.

How Is This Blog Going To Be Monetized?
Good question. To be honest: advertisements on blogs are annoying. Like, really annoying! Especially for the ones that pop up, or the ones that play so many numerous videos in the background. As a result, many ad-powered blogs tend to load so slowly, and create a miserable user experience. Don't get me wrong. I know they're a necessary evil, but too many people and companies don't quite know how to utilize them effectively in way that it'll generate good revenue, without critically sabotaging loading speed. With YouTube videos, once you watch an advertisement, it disappears and you're good to go, unless of course, the YouTuber put more video advertisements along the video timeline. Let's just hope that YouTube will keep it to no longer than 5 seconds for unskippable video advertisements. Sounds a little extreme and short, but again, user experience and satisfaction is key! Alright so let's get to the point and talk about affiliate marketing. “What's that?!” You may ask. Some of you very well know exactly what it is, and are perhaps even making a reasonable or substantial income off of it. Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting another brand, person, or company's products. You do this by finding a product you like and know much about, and earn a portion of profit for each sale that has been made, when the viewer buys the product from your link. The sellers (such as Amazon, eBay, Walmart, etc.) provide you with an affiliate code that's unique to you, and you use that code to refer traffic to the target site. There are tons of in-depth articles on this, so I won't bore you any further, but if you've ever wondered why you see some YouTubers or Bloggers talking about products such as purses, phone cases, eyeliner, shoes, headphones and then you hear them telling you about optionally checking out the links in the description? These are their affiliate links, that they get a commission off of, whenever you buy the product through their links. Pretty neat, eh? Of course, you do not want to sound like a sponsored, desperate salesman, nor do you want to forcibly tell them to click on the links so you can get some money. This is of course obvious, but just something I'd shout out while I can. Be honest about how you feel about the product! Now, while I've been doing plenty of research on affiliate marketing lately, I've discovered that there are tons of programs you can join, but I also realized that you can join an aggregate network like Skimlinks, which saves you the time from joining each and every program separately. There are pros and cons to joining directly and indirectly. Some will insist it's better to join directly, while others will agree that it's better to just take a small cut from an aggregate like Skimlinks. You can research this and be the judge. At the end of the day, I chose Skimlinks. How did it go? Read below to find out.

Thank you for applying to use Skimlinks on Our approvals team has run an analysis and, unfortunately, decided that your site is not suitable for Skimlinks. Your site does not contain enough content that can be monetized, and therefore Skimlinks wouldn't earn you a suitable income. If you think that this was a mistake you can reply to this email at any time. We look forward to working with you in the future!
The Skimlinks Team

Queue the sad violin viola. The content part makes no sense whatsoever. If by content, they meant engaged audience or views, then sure, but otherwise just no. There is plenty of topics and content on my blog that could very well be monetized, so their analytics must have been looking at the extremely low view count on the blog. Part of me was urging myself to ask for clarification of what they meant by content, but then another part of me was like, “It's the obvious; your blog just doesn't have enough products you've used and know about, to allow you to chat about in details” So what should I do? Honestly, I'll just keep searching and applying to different networks until I get accepted. It's just part of affiliate reality; not every network you apply to accepts you, so you just move on until you strike the gold. I'm not one of those guys that does unboxing or review videos everyday, so I mention products when it's appropriate, and not just simply because I can, nor to add “stuffing to the blog”. That's shady, and is a possibly violation of Blogger's terms of service I believe. That said, I will try to make it more advertiser/marketer friendly, but worry not! It will not effect the quality of the blog, and will remain relevant to YouTube. So! I've planned to discuss the following 2017 phones for this entry: HTC U Ultra, BlackBerry KEYone, Samsung Galaxy S8 and the 2017 iPhone. Disclaimer: I have not personally used any of these phones (c'mon, they're expensive as hell!), so these will just be commentaries and nitpicks based on the videos I've seen, articles I read, and pictures I've taken a good look at. I am a smartphone nerd, and I like to commentate, so nothing should surprising here if you've been following for a while! 1, 2, 3 – here we go now!

HTC U Ultra
Unfortunately, the HTC U Ultra has a pretty bad reputation as being a “wasteful” phone. Why? Because it has seemingly amazing specifications on paper, yet the hardware happens to be missing 3 key functions that people wanted: wireless charging, a larger battery and a headphone jack. Understandable. Thankfully, it does have a microSD card, but with it's numerous shortcomings and a price tag of $999.00 CAD, that's a no go! Worse, it only has 64GB of storage! To some that's a lot, but for that price, I'd expect 128GB! My goodness, gracious me! Were they trying to make this thing flop or what? The sapphire blue colour on it is gorgeous, but not enough to make it justify its foolishness. Next!

BlackBerry KEYone
Without a doubt, this is the most unique-looking phone I'm discussing of the bunch for an obvious reason – the keyboard! That's right, it's got a physical keyboard, but why? Why in the day of candybar, slab phones, would someone make a phone like this? To appeal to users who want a physical keyboard. That right there, is a big issue: aside from some remaining BlackBerry diehards, I honestly can't imagine Samsung, LG, Huawei, OPPO, Motorola, Lenovo, ZTE, Asus and all others out there, flocking to this thing for the keyboard, which is the only notable thing it has going for it. Well, a lot of reviewers are also reporting that this BlackBerry has a wonderful battery life. So do other, higher specced' phones out there. As someone using a BlackBerry device to date, would I buy this phone? The answer is ------------------- no. Shocking? Not shocking? I'll explain: this thing is running Android. While I obviously have nothing against the Android operating system, I bought my BlackBerry 10 device a few years back, because of the name, looks, keyboard and OS 10 operating system. For some, a modern phone with a physical keyboard running Android 7.0 Nougat, is a dream come true, but for me, it just doesn't cut it. Call me weird, biased or nitpicky, but it's just how I feel about it. Besides, I'll have you know that these Android-powered BlackBerrys aren't real “BlackBerrys”. I'll explain: you see, the BlackBerry DTEK50 and BlackBerry DTEK60 weren't designed by BlackBerry, nor do they even have their own operating system running on them. Some of you know this and don't care, some of you don't. They're actually badge-engineered BlackBerrys that have the licencing agreement from BlackBerry Proper, to rebadge certain Alcatel phones and put their name and logo on it, while BlackBerry sprinkles a little bit of their salt on top of Android. You see what I am getting at? I'm not saying that this makes them bad phones, but when you dive deep into it, you realize that BlackBerrys truly aren't what they once were: original, unique phones, from inside and out. Now I know this was supposed to be somewhat “short” but now that the opportunity has finally come to discuss this, I felt the need to just spill my thoughts and knowledge on the situation. The BlackBerry Priv was apparently designed by BlackBerry Proper, as is the BlackBerry KEYone, which is said to be the last in-house design. Some care, some don't, but BlackBerry OS 10 is dead, so if you want a newer BlackBerry that has all the applications you've been missing, then you'll just have to grab one of the newer handsets, or a smartphone from another Android manufacturer. Of course, there's also the iPhone, which I'll discuss later. Perhaps I should answer a “serious” question before I move onto discussing the Samsung Galaxy S8: Should you buy a BlackBerry 10 device in 2017? Only if you don't need much applications, accept the platform for what it is, and that it might reach its end-of-life this year. I personally think that “KEYone” should be spelt as “KeyOne” or even “Keyone”. The official spelling looks stupid to me. No word on Canadian pricing to date, but it reportedly costs $550 USD which translates to $754 CAD! You'd be far better off getting something like an LG V20, OnePlus 3T or a used iPhone 6S for less.

Samsung Galaxy S8
I know, I know. Too much people talk about Samsung flagships whenever they come out, and to make matters more annoying to some, they tend to call them the “best” of their class! Are they really the best? No, they're one of the best, but certainly not the best. It's a shame I didn't go out to get a hands-on feel before typing this, so I could tell you about how they feel, as I did with the Samsung Galaxy S7, but alas! The damn sickness kept me indoors for longer than I'd like. I had the opportunity way before then, but it never crossed my mind. Anyways! Three things peeve me about the hardware: 1) It looks a little too narrow. It should be broader. 2) They got rid of the capacitive buttons! Argh! Why?! Don't manufacturers realize that it wastes a little bit of screen estate when they do that? I much prefer the feeling of clicking buttons, but it looks like most vendors are trying to do away with that. Thankfully, not all... yet... 3) A Bixby button! Seriously?! As some YouTube reviewers have pointed out, this thing is a usesless waste of time and resources! Ok, so maybe they did not say it so harshly, but I'll tell it as it is, in case they were too afraid to. Seriously, not only has Samsung been trying to prevent people from remapping it to another application with updates, but it doesn't even completely work yet! Wow! What's the point? I, for one, never use these Assistants, so I'd hate to have a button wasted for something I'd never ever use! I'm not sure if someone has come up with a full solution at this point, or if Samsung is still being a spoiled-sport, but I hope they just give up and let people choose what they want to do with their $1000+ smartphone. You read that right: in Canada, this phone cost $1,035 for the regular Samsung Galaxy S8 and $1,115 for the Samsung Galaxy S8+. Can you say - SKY HIGHHHHHHHHHH?! Yes, you can! Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the non-removable battery! Yes, this is still considered a flaw that I wish would go away! As I've mentioned sometime back in one of my entries or videos, you do not need to make the battery non-removable to guarantee water-resistance. That's false. Need proof? Just look at the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the Kyocera DuraForce XD for legitimate evidence. Despite the few hardware flaws and sky-high price tag, it still remains a very solid choice for a 2017 Android Flagship. In case I haven't said it already, it's also gorgeous to look at. I just wish that Samsung would stop trying too hard to build their own massive ecosystem (TouchWiz!) on top of another ecosystem (Android!) that already does the job just fine. It's no wonder their phones lag so badly after a while, and it's not just them that's guilty of this, but others too. To date, I know the Google Pixels are of course unskinned, and I believe Nokia uses an unskinned version of Android too. If they want people to use Samsung applications and resources so badly, then spill that effort, time and Samsung Applications onto Tizen, and transform it into a polished, alternative operating system! Seriously, rather than have Tizen sit as a 2nd class, hobby project that's highly susceptible to malware, and has been absent from high-end phones, put it to good use and quit horsing around! Don't want to take it seriously? Then just axe it, save your money and resources, and free-up your current Android phones from your heavy skin! Again, this entry turned out to be pretty long, but I said my piece and feel satisfied. So! Which should you buy? The S8 or S8+? Buy the S8+. It has more screen estate and a bigger battery than its smaller sibling, yet retains all the other good specifications.

Ah, LG. The brand that's often seen as the 2nd option to Samsung. How do I feel about the LG G6? Well, I have mostly positive thoughts actually. For one, I like that they finally made the G series larger than 5.5” (13.97cm)! About time! One thing I hated about the LG G5 was that they made it so tiny and ugly. Not this time around! They made it large and nice looking. It looks really premium, and it actually has some decent thickness that has allowed them to fit in a respectable 3300mAh battery. Unfortunately, they just had to make that battery non-removable, but we can hope that the more niche LG V30 won't be worried about looks, and will fit in a removable battery while sacrificing a little glamour. Time will tell. Oh, then there's the dual camera setup! A lot of YouTubers have praised the dual lenses for not only their functionality, but also their image quality. The photos that come out of this thing are so good, that it ranks up there with the camera bosses like the Samsung Galaxy S8, iPhone 7, Google Pixel and a few others. With all this said, what would I change about this phone? Well, hardware-wise, I'd probably make it a little broader, change the virtual buttons to capacitive buttons, bring the volume buttons back to the back, and make the battery removable. I know, some would criticize me for saying that you'd make the phone look “dated” but that does not have to be so! You can make a phone, thick, stylish and functional, but almost nobody tries these days. Also, it's important to mention that even though this is a 2017 flagship, a lot of people have singled out LG's decision to go with Snapdragon 821 versus the newer, “more powerful” Snapdragon 835. Truth is, they're both high-end chips, and most YouTubers honestly said that they couldn't notice much of a difference. That right there, tells you that you shouldn't be concerned about it being noticeably slower than Snapdragon 835. Well, the average shopper doesn't care much about chips anyway, but some people do, so it's important to mention this. Like Samsung phones, people say that LG phones are also notorious for aging poorly (slowing down!), thanks to their mighty thick skin they run on top of Android. Never used one extensively, so I wouldn't know, but the numbers that have complained about both brands in this regard, speaks volumes about the situation. Of course, you have plenty of tips, tricks and guides to speed up your Android phone, but it would've helped if they'd just keep the clutter out in the first place. Oh, and if there's two more negative things I should mention about this phone, is the Canadian price tag of $800-$900 and the fact that the North American versions only have 32GB of internal storage! Seriously LG?! Why?! Why not make all versions have 64GB? Sure, you can try to import it from a region that will carry the bands to make it have 4G LTE, but there's no guarantee you will get that everywhere you go, and then there's also other hurdles that can crop up, so LG just messed up there. They better give all regions a 128GB LG V30 to make up for this! Anyways, despite the nitpicks I have with this phone, it's still an attractive piece of art, but I'd personally choose the Samsung Galaxy S8+ if given a strict choice between these two.

iphone 7, 7S and 8
iPhone 7S? iPhone 8?! What's going on here?! Which one's supposed to be coming out this year?! To be honest with you, I don't know. I was thinking that it would be the iPhone 7S, but then you see all these rumours and what not, pointing towards the iPhone 8, so I'm not sure any more. We'll know in a few months from now, so let's just talk about the iPhone 7 – wait! Unfortunately, I'm not a huge iPhone guy and I haven't watched many YouTube reviews on this thing, so I'll just focus on the glaringly obvious things I don't like! #1 No headphone jack. I know. A very original complaint, but I'm not the only one! Even iPhone users found this move to be a dumb, controversial move, and to this day, still remains a popular joke in many YouTube videos and reviews. It is stupid. Period. Bring it back with the iPhone 7S or whatever they end up calling it. #2 The button isn't a “button”, meaning it's no longer mechanical or clickable. Instead, it just buzzes to replicate that feeling, but what's the point? I'd rather just have a mechanical button I can feel and hear clicking. Not some vibrator. Samsung, you're guilty of this with your S8's too, but at least you have a headphone jack and card slot. Speaking of that, that leads to point #3 No card slot. The iPhone has never had a card slot, and I don't understand why. Sure, you can now buy 256GB iPhone models, but then that very same space has to be shared for both applications and multimedia files like music, videos and photos. With me being an app-heavy, photo & video maniac, I would much appreciate having a card slot for my photos and videos. It's also safer, because if the phone ever completely fails, you could just pull the card out to retrieve your files, as what LG G4 and LG V10 users have done when LG phones of that year suffered from irreparable bootloop problems. Yes, I know you can keep your files backed up in the Cloud and what not, but what if you didn't? What if you don't want to have to depend on the internet? What if you get hacked? What if you just want the convenience of removable, flexible storage? See where I'm getting at? If you never thought about these types of scenarios, I hope that this changes your view and outlook on the importance of phones that possess slots for MicroSD cards. #4 Non-removable battery. Again, something iPhones never had, but should have. I honestly feel as though they'll never bother with this, but they should! Why not build a separate iPhone variant that emphasizes ruggedness and removable components, while keeping the current models for the mainstream? Now that I strongly believe would give Samsung a serious run for their money! Do it Apple! You've got to try this at least once! #5 Price. Boy oh boy! For the iPhone 7, prices range from $899 CAD for 32GB (ripoff alert!) to $1159 for 256GB! But, wait! The iPhone 7 starts at $1049 for 32GB and goes up to a sky-high $1309 for 256GB! Mamma mia! I need not say more! With all the negativity aside, the iPhone 7 is still an attractive phone, and has a powerful A10 Fusion chip that offers phenomenal performance. Let's not also forget the fact iOS ages so much nicer than Android, and receives updates in a timely manner. Something that Android users are still complaining about to this very day, save for Nexus or Pixel users. Buy the iPhone 7 Plus over the teeny iPhone 7. You get more screen estate and a dual camera setup. Big phones rule!

What's Next and Other Ramblings
Whew! I sure had a lot to chat about this entry! So, if you've actually read all of that and are still alive at this point, kudos to you! Claim your white chocolate strawberry cheesecake in the link below. Kidding. Anyways! I've finally had the opportunity to go outdoors this weekend, so you know what means? New videos will be coming very soon! So aside from editing the new videos on Monday, what else will I do? Well, I'll continue my affiliate quest, work on that longstanding commentary, and take care of other day-to-day things. Happy Mother's Day once again, and God bless.

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