Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May 17, 2017 Entry

GuuzakaTube                                                                                         05/17/17

May 17, 2017 Entry

It's a warm, sunny Wednesday where I am. Quite liking that. Finally a day that's 20°C+! For some of you, depending on where you are, you experience warm weather just about everyday. For others, it can feel like a rarity at this time of the year. Anyways! Let's discuss the 3 recent videos I filmed. That's right; three. “But I only see two on the channel? Where's the third, GuuzakaTube?” Read below to find out!

Eastdale Eagles. Why is it that every school with that name, has to have an eagle theme? Coincidence? Corny? Lack of imagination or original creativity? Who knows. All I can tell you, is that this place was a large, fun, scenic building to walk around. Well, by “scenic” I guess I should specify and say what exactly made it scenic. You have a large field, likely shared by neighbouring Vincent Massey, lots of big grass patches, a large park across the road, and another one further south of their track. Nothing amazing, but if you wander around the area, you'll have a much better understanding of the Harmony-Adelaide area. You will quickly realize how many “hidden” forest paths and parks there are, if you explore it properly and know where to look. As for the Eastdale building itself, there's nothing extraordinary about its architecture, but its a big school that had a lot of interesting corners and crevices for me to wander around and photograph. I had a few silly suspicions about some of them, but thankfully, there was nothing present to be legitimately concerned about. I know. Laugh at me as you will. I was a little surprised to see that giant track virtually vacant, considering that you normally have a person or two, running or walking around it. During this visit, I only saw maybe a dog owner or two to the north. Let's just hope those dogs didn't poo on the eagle's racetrack or they won't pleased! I didn't see any “no dogs” sign that I normally see on other school's property, but I'm pretty sure they don't permit them. Not that people listen to the signs anyway! They'll go right ahead and walk their dogs on school property when the schools are closed!

Eastdale's neighbour. While I've seen plenty of high schools that had elementary schools close to them, this one is only merely separated by a fence with several openings for the Eagles and Vincents to wander onto each others property in seconds. Bad thing? Certainly not! Well, at least for the most part. It makes the transition from Grade 8 to 9 for these guys remarkably easy, since they're super close to each other. Anyways! What did I think of this little school? I found it quite alright. Not as interesting as some of the other elementary zones I've visited, but it has its charms. For Vincent Massey, that would be the things I saw in the windows. I saw some weird things, cute things, typical things and all sorts of other things you may, or may not expect to see at a school. Heh, so important I did this while it was closed! Anyways, so I guess that's all I have to say about this place, so let's discuss the 3rd mysterious missing video, shall we?

Dead Adelaide-Harmony-King Walk
Yes! What you see in the title was exactly what this video was supposed to be about: a walk along a portion of Adelaide Avenue, Harmony Road and King Street. Disappointing? Very disappointing! Like seriously, why did the phone have to die without saving the video? This used to be something that was usually an issue during the winter when certain precautions weren't performed, but what's the smartphone's excuse now? The battery died while it had at least 30% left in it. For real?! This battery isn't even the old one anymore, but a “newer” one. By newer, it's not “2017 fresh” but I believe that it was bought in either 2015 or 2016 as a supplementary battery to the internal one it shipped with. It is from the original equipment manufacturer, BlackBerry, and was brought brand new, but to be fair, going through cycles over 2 years I guess causes it lose calibration, but cutting off at 30% though? Sometimes it'll be willing to cut off at something lower like 15% or 10%, but either way, this battery is improperly calibrated. Period. “So how many 'dead' videos do you have now?” 5. Thankfully, that's not very many, and 2 of them aren't overly significant, one of them was re-filmed altogether (remember Westhill High School from Toronto?), but two of them are significant. I've detailed the solutions many times during the posts with those videos, so I don't feel like going over it again here, other than to quickly say that it will require expensive tools to repair them. To be honest, for this particular situation with the AHK walk, I could have avoided it if I had tethered the smartphone with its charger, but alas! I didn't and suffered the consequences of that. Common sense; after 30+ minutes of video shooting and photography of Eastdale and Vincent, why didn't I do that? Why did I bother risking it with a measly 2100 mAh battery bought 2 years ago? What a stupid risk! Oh well. I've learned a lot over the past several times these videos that have died in regards to weather, timing and carrying extra power. The days of videos dying will hopefully come soon. It's getting increasingly rare – thank God! So I'd like to work to make it become virtually non-existent! I can do it!

My Thoughts on the Sony Xperia XZ Premium based on videos

Why am I discussing this phone? Because it's a “premium” 2017 flagship that I found interesting enough to discuss. Now aside from the fact that it's a successor to last year's Sony Xperia Z5 Premium, has a 4K, 5.5”(13.97cm) screen, I admittedly didn't know much else about it, so I watched a few YouTube videos to learn more about this Xperian flagship. In a number of ways, it's similar to its predecessor, but is also different and better in several areas, as it should be for a 2017 flagship. The two look similar at first glance, but when you compare them, you'll see their little differences. So based on what I've watched, here's what most people seem to praise about the Sony Xperia XZ Premium: its gorgeous HDR, 4K display, the IP68 certified water resistance, smooth performance, excellent camera and photo features, and its beautiful looks and colours. What did they hate? The price tag. If this thing ends up truly going with the reported $1145 CAD, then that's just nuts! If they're going to tip the $1000 mark, then they ought to throw in 128GB of storage and 6GB of RAM. Seriously. People have also proven that their backs are too easily stained with fingerprints, especially in the Luminous Chrome colour. I can agree that this would cause the phone to look grimy and gross, so using a case or carrying a cloth would be a good idea. I'd probably recommend using a case though. A screen protector for the front would also be a sensible move. Some have said that it's heavy and cumbersome to hold with one hand, while others say it's manageable for its size. Because this thing isn't even released in Canada, I currently do not have the opportunity to even toy around this. If you know me by know, I LIKE BIG PHONES! I've held the BlackBerry Passport, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, 4 and 5, iPhone 6S Plus, LG G4 and many others! I enjoyed the screen estate very much, so handling this thing won't be a problem for me. Now another thing people pointed out was that the fingerprint sensor will be disable once again for the American market. Not sure if they meant North America as whole, or if it was just strictly the U.S.A, but either way, that's a huge market to mistreat. Even though I don't care for it, a lot of people clearly do, based on evidence from American YouTubers. And finally, there's the issue with the battery. The Sony Xperia Z5 Premium had a 3430mAh cell, while the Sony Xperia XZ Premium has a smaller 3230mAh. Wait, what?! I don't care what kind of battery saving tricks they have up their sleeves, but that size is not going to hold up well for such a powerful, high-res phone. Nope, not without castrating your performance and downgrading your screen resolution. Again, this is why I hate this toxic, ultra-skinny, sealed, unibodied, non-removable battery trend so much! I mean, being sealed and unibodied is one thing, but do you have to make a smartphone so skinny that it chokes the battery size? This smartphone is 7.9mm thick. How bad would it be to make it 10mm thick? Sure, that will make it heavier than it already is, but so what? It's not like it's going to be as heavy as a brick, so I think the weight gain would make it worth it. Finally, with bezels that big, I think that they could have kept the navigation buttons off the screen and put them on that great, big chin of its! Alright so now it's time for the ultimate question: would I buy this phone?! Sorry, no. When you consider the phones that are already out, and that are to come later this year, this phone's got some quirks and issues I've addressed that don't make it worth it for its price. I'd choose it over something like the HTC U Ultra, but I'd rather go with the Samsung Galaxy S8+ or LG G6. To be fair, the latter two are also expensive and have similar storage internals, but they're also larger and look better in my opinion. And mentioning the LG G6 also reminds us that the Sony Xperia XZ Premium doesn't have a dual camera setup. Coming from a company that's supposed to be camera-savvy, it makes you wonder why. Outside of my strange strange biases and nitpicks, this is still a super solid phone. If you're tired of Samsung, LG, Apple and what not, but want a premium phone that's a little different, then buy it! If money, internal storage, a delicate backside, size and weight aren't an issue, then you probably won't regret you choice. If you're not sure, you can probably try it in stores when it releases in June, or from a friend or relative before you shell out $900+ on it.

The first thing I want to say is THANKS! Thanks for what exactly? Thanks for the view count on my recent Mother's Day entry. To date, it has a higher view count than any other blog post I've done on this blog. I don't know if it was simply the title, or the fact that the Instagram advertisement I used for it had lovely pink & white flowers or what, but I'm just glad to see that my work didn't go unnoticed. Especially when you consider that it was 4000+ words long. Thanks again guys! I must also encourage you to comment, if you feel like it, to let me know what you think of the posts. Mother's Day joys aside, I plan to continue with day-to-day things this week, and nothing much else exciting, unfortunately. If that changes, you'll know with either another entry or a Twitter update. I'd mention the commentary, but I can already foresee that we won't see it this week, so I almost didn't feel like mentioning it all it, but whatever. It's still coming.

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