Thursday, May 25, 2017

May 25, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                    05/23/17

May 25, 2017 Uploads

Did you enjoy your long weekend? For those of you in Canada, you'll know what I'm talking about: Victoria's Day! Except that probably no one actually celebrates it for the sake of that queen, rather most just celebrate the fact that they have the day off! Anyways, I have a whole heap of things I want to discuss this entry, with things ranging from my latest videos, Instagram issues, a brief hands-on of a few flagships and more! So with that said, this post is going to be very long, but you can always skip sections that aren't of your interest, though I encourage you to read it all, of course! That way, you get a complete understanding of all the affairs pertained to my YouTube channel, accounts associated with it, as well as a few non-related bits.

Ok, so the first issue I honestly need to address is the problem I've recently discovered with my Instagram: it's been freakin' shadowbanned! Don't know what that is, or never heard of such a term? Well, Benjamin Chacon from has explained it fantastically well, so I'll quote him here:

On Instagram, a shadowban hides your Instagram posts from users who don’t follow you, which can be detrimental to growing your account and getting more followers. More specifically, if you get shadowbanned on Instagram and use hashtags in your post, only you and your current followers will see your post when they search for the hashtags you used. If someone who doesn’t follow your account searches for one of those hashtags, they won’t be able to see your post! Which basically defeats the whole purpose of using strategic hashtags to grow your Instagram community.”

So! You see why that's such a big deal now? I've used Instagram as a tool to help my YouTube channel get some views, and it's done a decent job at that. Of course, as you can quite obviously tell from my channel, it hasn't turned it into a high-traffic, multi-millionaire channel, but I have noticed the difference it has made before I started using it, and that matters a lot to me. It's already bad enough that YouTube themselves has “punished” channels with less than 10,000 views for being ineligible for monetization, and now this? How annoying and frustrating is that! Now I don't want to make this sound as if it's all about the money, and that it's the only thing I care about; it isn't. Trust me. If money was solely the only thing I cared about, I wouldn't have bothered putting in the time to create so many videos and take all those photographs. It's a lot of fun to do, but it's also a lot of work, and if I know that it pays, why not reap that benefit? You know, fruit for your labour? I think you know well by now what I'm getting at. I reported this problem to them with the following message:

My posts are no longer showing up on Instagram to other people, meaning that they cannot comment or like my photos. I can see my own photos just fine, but when others search for them or a specific hashtag pertained them, nothing has been showing up. My account has been fine up until May 15, 2017, though I didn't become aware of this issue until yesterday. What could be the cause of this? I have a BlackBerry 10 device for additional details.”

Probably not the best choice of words. Not sure if it would have been a good idea to mention the word “shadowbanning” or confront them about it, so I just left that out. Some people that have had this problem say that they have never responded, nor fixed the problem, so they just resorted to deleting their account and starting again. This is obviously not something that one should have to resort to, so it's time to tackle three big questions: Why hasn't Instagram opened up about this? What triggers a shadowban? How do you get rid of this sly, secretive ban? Rather than openly stating that they will shadowban accounts with suspicious account, or that you have broken terms of service, they instead say that they are aware of an issue with hashtags that can occur, and that users should try to report the error, and to continue focusing on creating quality, original posts that follow the rules. Surprised? Well, I'm certainly not! They don't want you to know that you've been shadowbanned, because that would defeat the purpose of limiting your account without you knowing! They don't even want people to be aware that such a thing exists, hence why you have to be very observant and smart about your account's statistics, which was how I was thankfully able to catch this sleazy ban so quickly! They ain't fooling me! If something smells like rotten fish, then it probably is rotten fish. Anyways, what exactly triggers it? Violating their terms of service (obviously); using bots to generate followers and likes; using banned or broken hashtags on your photos; huge surges in your activity, like say 150-200 likes, 60 comments or 60 follows/unfollows in one hour; and getting reported frequently. So which of these have I done? None. However, some say that posting too many photos, especially when they have the same hashtag, could also be a possible trigger, but if that's the case, how many within a certain time frame is too many? I don't think I've ever posted like 50 photos in one hour, and even when I did post many photos within a short frame, they were all original, unique, non-offensive and had organic users. It was all fine until the day after the Mother's Day photo on May 14, 2017. Ironic eh? How does one fix this ban? Here's how according to non-affiliated Instagram experts: By stopping the use of bots and hacks, removing broken, abused or offensive hashtags, by taking a 48 hour break and then engaging manually and humanly (no automated replies and posters!), and by reporting the issue to Instagram. I checked the list of banned hashtags, and I do not happen to have banned tags that I'm aware of, nor have I been using any cheating tools or robots, so I guess I'll just refrain from signing in for 48-72 hours and see what happens. If nothing happens, nor do I receive a response by June 1st, then I guess I'll just have to axe the account and start fresh. Really hoping that I don't have to go that route, but we'll see. Alright, let's get another obvious solution many of you were probably thinking of the whole time: use Tumblr or something! Yeah, I could do just that, and yes, I do happen to have an account. “Ok, so what's the point of all this rambling when you could just use Tumblr, till you get your account fixed?” Some of you may ask. Well, I still haven't “polished” it up yet, but it would be a good idea to do that in case Instagram keeps up with the unfair foolishness. Tumblr is also very popular, but Instagram is even more popular, hence why I invested so heavily into it in the first place. Remember: if you suspect that you've been shadowbanned, put a couple rare hashtags on your photos and ask 3-5 people to search them up. If nothing shows up, then you've been shadowbanned! Alternatively, you can also use 3-5 separate devices, while you are logged out of your account. As I've mentioned above, a drastic drop in comments and likes over an extremely short time frame is another sign of being shadowbanned.

So, if you've read the story about my Instagram problems, you won't be seeing photos of these schools right now. Maybe next week? Maybe on Tumblr? Who knows! It's really too bad, considering how nice they and their surroundings are. Let's just talk about the wonderful Maxwell Heights building. This school was fun to film, walk around and photograph due to the fact that the building itself is big, looks fresh, modern, has many benches, an outdoor cafeteria seating area, gardens, a recreation centre directly north of it, a fire station directly west of it, a large track and fields east of it, and a Walmart Supercentre directly south of it. Yeah, sounds like quite a vibrant area, doesn't it? Well, it certainly is! And the fact that it was bright, sunny and a little warm, made the trip even better. Wouldn't mind coming back to visit this part of the city, but in a different area, to shoot more videos. And on a creepy/interesting/obvious note, I've discovered how to take better window pictures, so you can expect to see a little more of those now that I've mastered the secret, which should have been blatantly obvious – get close! Like, “I can breathe on you!” type of close! Yes, that sounds mighty creepy and unnerving, but it works! Of course, only to be attempted when the site is closed and without actually looking overly sketch while taking the photo or video. Sheesh, why do I always have to say such peculiar, awkward things sometimes? Next!

That name though... I normally attempt to pronounce names, even if I end up butchering them, but for some reason, I didn't end up pronouncing this one due to laziness and nervousness. Yes, I've decided to come clean here and tell you exactly what the reason was, so perhaps you now have two more questions: “Why did you film your walk to this to school instead of just showing only the school?” And “If the audio was fine for most parts of the video, why was the part with the school, which is also supposed to be the part most would be interested in, axed?” Good questions! To answer the first, I decided to film myself walking to the school so I could better showcase some of the other streets in this neighbourhood. If I had only showed the school, the video would have been really short and unsatisfying by my standards, but because I also realize that some people wouldn't want to see that, I've included a slide that tells you where to skip to. You're welcome. I enjoyed both the walk and the walkaround of the school. Like Maxwell Heights, it too, has that fresh new building look. Don't know the exact date of its opening, but it's likely less than 5 years ago. And since the weather was mild and sunny, there were lots of people out in the nearby Coldstream Park, playing sports, chilling, screaming and doing all sorts of things outdoors. Yikes! Almost forgot to answer my 2nd question about the audio! I took it out because it was no good. It happens. A few of my other videos have had this problem, but it thankfully hasn't occurred too often. Sometimes I'll replace the silence with copyright-free music, but then there are also times when I don't even bother. This was one of them. I know. Accuse me as you will, but silent videos can surprisingly be more satisfying than you think.

That G though. What does it stand for? Do you care? Certainly not! Why should you? We are here to read my rambles about this school, so let's discuss it! Ok, well to be fair and brutally honest, this video is approximately twelve and a half mintues long, yet only just under four minutes of it are actually about Norman! GASP! So what was it about? Well, if you've seen it already, most of it is about me wandering around some residential roads in northeast Oshawa. Oh! Speaking of that, do you remember Grandview & Esterbrook: Taking a Closer Look at the Pond Pathway? Yeah, a video I shot back in 2016 during the Winter that also happened to be in the northeast area of urban Oshawa. So definitely not my first video I've filmed up here. Anyway, Norman Goldfish Powers had a lot fun things to film and photograph, and the fact that their play areas weren't locked up, largely attributed to this. No, I did not play with the children's toys, houses or what not, but there was also this tree-pass thing that was fun to walk under. I don't know if somebody got slack and forgot to lock this area, or if they did it intentionally for the students to play during off-hours, but either way, I enjoyed it for video recording purposes. Sometime after I left, I noticed plenty of people come onto the property to play and chill. Yep, seems like it may have been intentional based on the high activity and vibrancy present in this part of the city. Now as you'll learn from the kind slide I put on the video, the remaining duration of it takes place on a part of Townline Road North, Badgley Drive and Docking Court. Lot's of lovely detached and semi-detached new houses in this part of the city. They are so gorgeous! And you know what else was gorgeous? The cars! You have a lot of people with Cadillac vehicles, Mercdes-Benz, Audi, Lexus, Acura and luxurious trims from other common brands like Chevrolet, Ford, Chrylser and Ram. Ok, so I didn't quite see anything like Lamborghini, Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Aston Martin and what not, but I did see a Porsche Panamera zipping by on Townline Road! Wish I was able to catch it on camera, but I had the camera turned off at that time. I actually had intentions for this part of this video to be mainly on Townline Road, but due to the lack of paved, raised sidewalks, and cars zipping by at what looked like 80 km/h, I quickly nixed that idea and turned left onto a residential road that led to the roads I mentioned above. 1000-2500Kg of steel on tires going that fast is not worth the risk!

Flagship Smartphone Hands-on
So for the past few entries where I've discussed smartphones, they've mainly been about my opinions based on watching other people's YouTube reviews and photos. This entry is a little different: last week, I actually went out to briefly play with the Samsung Galaxy S8+, LG G6, iPhone 7 Plus and Google Pixel in order to get a better feel of them. Watching other people's videos can only educate you on so much, but in order to see how comfortable a smartphone feels, how vibrant the screen really looks and what not, you have to physically get out there and play with a demo unit. That's obviously a no-brainer, but sometimes there may be certain exotic smartphones that are not sold in your country, so these will be an exception. You still want to arm yourself with as much knowledge possible. Anyways! Let's get to it!

Samsung Galaxy S8+
Probably no need to explain considering how some of you know my smartphone tastes by now, but I did not even bother touching the smaller versions of these phones I tested. Why? Because phones with a ittybitty screen and round thing in your face get sprung! Too lame? Trying too hard? Let us keep going! This smartphone was the first one I tested since it's supposed to be the “best” and most interesting as many will claim. This phone indeed feels highly premium, and the display is wonderful, rich and bright. For some reason though, this unit's navigation on-screen buttons did not provide a taptic response. Kind of sucked, considering that it was supposed to make it feel more like the physical buttons from last year, but alas! I won't know what that feels like, unless I decide to try another unit from another store. Reminds me much of how most Samsung Galaxy Note smartphones tend to have their styluses missing from the store units. Sigh... Why must people be so ghetto and awful? Is it that hard and expensive to just buy the original stylus online or something? Anyways, I didn't find the phone to be as uncomfortably narrow as I thought it would be, but I did appreciate the iPhone 7 Plus' broadness more. All in all, this phone left me with great impressions, though I still wish Samsung left its physical buttons alone. Some are saying that the Samsung Galaxy S8 Active may have physical buttons, but will it have a 6.2” (15.75cm) screen? I hope it will. I would like to see them be a daredevil and make it 17cm! Why not? It's supposed to be a big, bad, rough-tough, utilitarian type of phone, so it would be great if they did that! It would make it look to menacing and macho!

The 2nd smartphone I briefly tested. Unlike the Samsung Galaxy S8+, this phone's narrowness did feel kind of weird... especially when I went to use the iPhone 7 Plus afterwards, I was reminded of how weird these tall, narrow phones can feel. That aside, at least its got more screen estate than the tiny, ugly LG G5 from 2016, so that's really good. But it's also missing a removable battery. You want to know what else is good? The display. It is gorgeous on this thing! I even decided to briefly play Temple Run 2 on it to observe performance and colours. Both were fantastic, though long-term performance, of course, has yet to be seen, and you know that goes with your typical LG and Samsung smartphone – bad! Or will that be different for the LG and Samsung smartphones this year? Who knows. Time will tell. Oh, I forgot to mention this for the Samsung write-up, so I'll mention it here: both the S8 and G6 are super prone to fingerprints! Using a case or carrying a cloth would be a very smart idea, though having both would be even better! On a final note, I love the presence of the dual cameras. Should've taken a picture of that, which would've also highlighted people's lovely, unique fingerprints!

iPhone 7 Plus
Even though I enjoyed the estate of the Samsung Galaxy S8+, this phone felt the most normal of all the smartphones I've tested. Even more so than the Google Pixel, which is supposed to have the same screen size at 5.5” (13.97cm). Like the other two, this phone felt nice, but the others were a little nicer to hold. Where's the headphone jack? Well, you can't test retail units with your personal headphones anyway, but seriously though: why'd they have to remove it? Ha haaaaaaaaaa! Can't talk about an iPhone 7 without mentioning the lack of a headphone jack! But anyways! Let's discuss that homescreen button that also failed to vibrate too! What's going on here? First the Samsung Galaxy S8+, and this one too? Were there too many people pressing the daylights out of these phones, that in turn caused their taptic engines to fail? Damn! That's serious business! I enjoyed the feel of the mechanical button from the older iPhones, so it's again a shame that they replaced it with a taptic engine. Worse, the iPhone 8 is rumoured to remove a physical home circle altogether! Let's just hope they'll make up for that by making a phone that exceeds 6” (15.24cm) and by tossing in a headphone jack and microSD card slot. Wait, the iPhone 8 is rumoured to not have a headphone jack either! Anyway, let's not turn this into an iPhone 8 rumour discussion, and let's just focus on my short time with the speedy iPhone 7 Plus. Yes, this thing launches and exits applications smoothly and quickly. I didn't perform any scientific time comparisons, but trust me, you know what I'm talking about if you've used or owned an iPhone 7 – they're fast! With the display being 1920 x 1080 unlike the flagship Androids with 2K resolution, it was still super good, but if you have sharp eyes like mine, you'll notice the better vibrancy on its 2K equipped rivals. Now let's end this with a serious question: Should you buy the iPhone 7 Plus right now (May & June 2017), or wait for the new iPhone coming in September this year? If you own a 128GB iPhone 6 or 6S, then no! Don't bother wasting your money and time. Yes, you can sell or trade it, but do you really want to go through that hassle when the 2017 iPhone is coming in just under 4 months? If you're coming from the iPhone 5 or older, and need a new smartphone right now, that will be good for 2-4 years (maybe longer), then it makes sense because you'll notice the speed of the newer chip easier, will get IP 67 water resistance, and the option for 256GB of storage, as well as an option for a red, limited edition, iPhone 7 Plus (PRODUCT) RED.

Google Pixel XL
My time spent with this smartphone was very brief, but was enough for me to say a few things about it. Yes, it's got big bezels, but so what? Why does everyone bicker about that so much? I did not find them to be as stupidly large as some people dramatically made them out to be. Though if I did have to make a complaint about the lower bezel, I'd say, “Why couldn’t they use that space for more screen estate, or put capacitive buttons down there?” Oh well. A Google Pixel 2 is coming later this year, so hopefully they'll learn from the feedback and reviews many smartphone-oriented people have posted on YouTube and other tech sites. As you may or may not know, Google and Nexus phones are famous for their pure, unskinned versions of Android, meaning that they get updated quickly and directly from Google, unlike the other guys who have to be at their manufacturer's and carrier's mercy. You can see that this phone has latest security patch for the month from the picture above, which is what makes these phones great for those who value speed, simplicity and security. Well, I unfortunately don't have much else to say about it, other than the fact this phone was “secretly” made by HTC. Did you know that? Now you know! So out of all these phones, which would I take home? The Samsung Galaxy S8+. Obvious, wasn't it? When's the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 coming?

Yeah, I know, yet another lengthy blog post. What gives? Why have these entries been so lengthy lately? Well, I guess it's safe to say that the days of where they used to solely be about my videos uploads, and other videos on YouTube are over. Of course, it's still predominantly about YouTube as the blog is titled All about YouTube after all, but these days, I've been more vocal about other things as well, yet while still managing to make it pertained to my Channel or YouTube somehow. I feel that this also makes the blog more natural and attractive to viewers, and less robotic. Speaking of channel and uploads, I don't know if it's just me, but I find Microsoft Edge to be a terrible, terrible, terrible browser for uploading videos! First, you can't drag your files. You need to manually upload them. Second, the videos takes painstakingly long to upload through it, and often have a tendency to delay, lag or increase the length of the upload time. I don't know if this is supposed to be normal, but the delays and time reset got so bad, that after Maxwell Heights Secondary School uploaded after 4-6 hours when it would've taken 90 minutes through Chrome, I cancelled the other two videos and uploaded them through Google Chrome. Why wasn't I using trusty, reliable, speedy Google Chrome in the first place? Because of that darn Windows credential theft recently discovered in the browser! Ugh! I don't know if there's an official fix yet, but I didn't feel like taking any chances, so I've been forced to used Microsoft Edge or Opera for the past couple of days. Learn more about it here, here and here to get a better idea. Sure, you can change the download configuration to prompt where where files should be downloaded instead of automatically downloading, which I have since changed. You can also exercise common sense and avoid sketchy, enticing links, but I just decided to largely abandon my favourite browser for the time being. Microsoft Edge's idiosyncrasies will really make you want to scream and jump off an edge sometimes! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Wow, that unnecessarily dramatic! Anyways, I actually want to try and record two gaming videos, but don't if that will get to happen, so I'll see how that goes. There won't be any commentaries this week either. I've been slacking too heavily in regards to gaming and commentary videos, which also happen to be an important theme of my flagship channel, GuuzakaTube, so in order to forcefully get myself to drop the massive tardiness, I've hired a professional whipper who will start work on June 1st! Finally! No more delaying and dragging commentaries on for weeks! No more “gaming videos aren't a priority!” excuses. Wow, so for June you'll finally get to see the mix of outdoors, gaming and commentaries you've been wanting to see, but couldn't due to intense slothfulness! Your wishes and desires are finally about to – I'm kidding! You all knew that, and you all know how lame and cheesy I can be, so it's nothing surprising. On a more serious note, I do actually want to improve the diversity on my channel, so I'll work towards that. I guess I'll also use Tumblr as a placeholder until I can get my Instagram restored to proper functionality. Who knows. Maybe I might end up enjoying it more anyway, since it's also about blogging, and I believe that hyperlinks actually work too. And you don't forcefully have to use a smartphone just to get pictures onto the website!

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