Friday, January 26, 2018

January 25th Entry: Impending Doom?

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                   2018-01-25

January 26th Entry: Impending Doom?

No, this title is not desperate clickbait. Those of you that are regulars already know that I don't do that type of garbage, unless it actually lives up to the hype. If you're only interested in reading about the "Doom", and all other things not so pertained to the uploads I'm about to discuss, head right over to the usual "What's Next & Other Ramblings" section. Otherwise, let us take the time right now to discuss the latest uploads! 😃🌊

Well, the video description sums up this video pretty well: check exclusive deals, open challenger league kit box, and go for a joke run with the BMW Hommage in the Research & Development course. There are other bits that take place as well, but that is the bulk of what the video was about. Now in regards to me not taking the BMW Hommmage event seriously, that's actually false. 😬 I've actually decided to go ahead and attempt to win this car. I don't know if I'll get it in time, and with the way it typically takes me a good 2-3 attempts to win a test, it seems like it might be mission impossible? Who knows, time will ultimately tell. Even if I don't make it, I could always attempt it again, when it's resurrected, but what if I become even busier by then? What if it takes a very long time to come back? What if the BMW Hommage becomes too irrelevant by then? Or perhaps the most dreaded fate would be: What it Gameloft drops support for Windows Phone by then?!😬😰😨😖 Mind you, they haven't said anything about this, but it could happen eventually, anytime this year? Hopefully not, but if they do, I hope they actually announce it in advance, unlike a certain other group, which just allegedly dropped support for Windows Phone in 2018 without saying a word! 🤦🏾‍♂️

So! Why exactly did I film this place and the others I'm going to discuss after this one? Because I felt like exploring Bowmanville's Scugog Street, and capturing some of the places there. Truthfully, this was actually something that I intended to get done since December 2017! Unfortunately, I couldn't do this because something would seemingly always come about. 😖😤😒 Well, I finally captured the places, but was very annoyed about those hindering circumstances. Oh well. 😓 Now inspirations and irritations aside, how did I find this place? Alright. Nothing spectacular about the architecture or anything, but it was good-looking place to photograph and film. Oh yes! I almost forgot to mention that for some reason, the strip between King Street & Scugog Street up to Scugog Street & Jackman Road, smelt very sour that day! 🤢🤮 Why? God knows! I don't know if there was a sewage leak, or if there were dogs that had urinated en masse that day, but wow! It was STAAAANKY!😷

And finally Blogger is functioning again, so I can type this! 🙄 Good grief, Google! Can you not do a better job at making your brands function? Or do did you just buy them for the sake of gobbling up additional data from people? Sometimes I really wonder. 😑 Anyways! Let's discuss Saint Stephen, since that's what you came here for. This area is large! I wasn't sure about whether it was going to be medium-sized or what, but wow! While the building itself wasn't freakishly huge, the property itself had other additional buildings on it, it seems. Whether they have anything to do with the school or not, is something I have no idea about. So let's also get the obvious out of the way while we're at it: this school looks very similar to the Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School. Surprising? Yes and no. Yes, because I've never seen it before. No, because they're both apart of the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board. 😵 I know, that is a mouthful to say! Well, all in all, it was an interesting place to visit, film, and photograph. As you can tell from the photos on this blog, the front was my favourite area. 😄

Can you believe that this man is what the town of Bowmanville is named after? For all the years I've known about this place, I never knew that. 😯 Wow. Now, let's discuss the school named after him! Is it any good? No, it was kind of boring to walk around and film. 😁 The hilly park close to it was kind of fun though. I should also mention that I originally had no intention to film this place, because I thought that it would have been too far from St. Stephen Catholic Secondary School. Turns out that it was not far, so I decided to go for it. Upon reaching the grounds, I contemplated on top of the hill whether or not, I really wanted to cover this place. Well, I was there so I was like, "Just get this place done" Lo and behold, it is here! Now, not trying to make the place sound like it was horrible or anything, because it wasn't. I was just indecisive about coverage. "How come you didn't get St. Elizabeth C.E.S.?" 😳 Um, well, because I just didn't go there. Next! 😜⬇
                          What's Next & Other Ramblings
If this title doesn't look perfectly aligned by the time I publish this, it's because it refused to move to the centre! Despite clicking on "centre" under the alignment tab, it just won't align for the bleeding life of it! 😡 AAAAAAAAGH!🤯😠😡 So annoying! Whoa, why am I bickering about Blogger's bugs here? Anyways! Let us now discuss the "Doom" and some other bits now.

Impending Doom?
If you've seen my Tweet or Instagram post about it, you'll probably have a very good idea about what I'm about to talk about: YouTube Partner Program 2018 changes! Yep, that's right! You know, 4,000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers by February 20, 2018, or be removed from it, until when you can meet that? Yeah! That's exactly what I'm talking about! And guess what? My channel is freakin' lightyears away from both! 🤯 Ok, hold up. That's being a little too dramatic right there, 😅 but seriously though; it's indeed "kilometres away" from both targets! Why are they doing this? Well, you can read the full article here. Complete non-sense! I've expressed my disgust against this on both of my social media accounts hyperlinked above, because this is indeed unfair to just cut small creators off, just because their number aren't big enough! 😠 This leads to a lot of questions: Will Google change their minds? Will my channel somehow make it in time? Will I quit YouTube entirely? Will I move to another platform? Will I continue despite the odds? Will I monetize through other methods? All answers will be revealed in the upcoming commentary video on this matter. 😐 Stay tuned for that, once it arrives.😶

The Fate of Subways Surfers
So yeah, as soon as the Cairo Tour that ran from late December 2017 - January 2018 finished, the Chicago event arrived and left Windows 10 Mobile users in the dust! Not a word has been mentioned from Kiloo to date, anywhere on the website, not on a blog, not their Twitter or something! If they have indeed abandoned Windows Phones for good, then they ought to just come out and clearly say so! They had done this with Windows Phone 8.1 and older, and made it clear and public why they ended support. They need to do the same for Windows Phone 10 users as well. It is wrong to have people pay for things in the application, and then go ahead and drop the platform without saying a word. Thankfully, I haven't dropped a dime on this game, even though I enjoyed it while it was supported. But seeing them drop the Window Phone platform without stating the cause, just makes me even happier that I didn't make any in-app purchases. What could the reason be? A bug? Low, unprofitable user base? A short break? Pure carelessness? Nobody at this point knows for sure. With evidence from this Tweet, there are others curious about the situation, too. With all this said, I will no longer play Subway Surfers on any of Microsoft's platforms, until when Kiloo starts to become more transparent about its updates towards the platform.

So you now know all the extra goodies behind the latest videos, why this blog has been titled so, and why I stopped playing Subway surfers. That's if, of course, you actually read the entire blog. The only thing I need to tell you at this point, is what's next. So, you know a commentary video is coming in the future, but what else? Two gaming videos. The rest is currently up in the air at this point. For now, I'll get this post tidied up, post it, and continue with day to day actions.

*This post contains affiliate links

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