Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January 31st Entry: First Nearly Finished Month of 2018

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                   2018-01-31

January 31st Entry: First Nearly Finished Month of 2018

Probably should have just gone with "Last Day of the First Month of 2018" but oh well. This one should do just fine, and I'm 99% certain that nobody's going to say anything about it, so we're good! 😅 While we're on the topic of this, how exactly has the 1st month been? Variable. 😐 "Is that supposed to be a good thing or bad thing?" Well, didn't get to put out as many commentary videos as I'd like; the whole upcoming YouTube Partner Program 2018 changes, and the random arctic snaps coming and going, are some of the things I really didn't like about this month. What's been good? The milder outdoor days, some of the interesting places I've visited, and other things here and there. Now let us discuss the two Asphalt 8 videos I've just uploaded to the channel. 🚦🏳🏴🚩

Too bad the actual video does not have any of the action you see in the images above, but fear not. That's what the video below this one is for. So what exactly does happen in this video? I look at some exclusive deals, discuss the BMW 3.0 CSL Hommage, discuss Class A Season Tracks and mastery rewards, and max out two Class A cars. Exciting? Likely not, but this was necessary, as I further prepare to max out and take home the BMW Hommage later this week! 🤯😱 Hopefully... 😬

This one! This is the video where lots of racing took place. I took the Renault Trezor for a few races in French Guiana, the Dodge Viper in a couple places, as well as the Chevrolet Corvette. Oh, and let's not forget the Lamborghini Gallardo in Dubai! It's really quite ridiculous, how you have to use free Class A upgrades to avoid spending thousands of tokens on a car, that they should have just made credits-only like everything else. Thankfully, it's only the BMW Hommage and Mosler Super GT that are like this. Greedloft wants you to fork out money on tokens for a fake arcade racing game really badly! Thankfully, people with sense, skills and patience, know better not to ever give into Gameloft's token greed! Seriously, the game is very fun and all, hence why I play it so much. But if there's one thing that could seriously go, is the push for in-app purchases. They can do better than that. Anyways! Though the setup is a bit of a pain, it was great to be able to record some Asphalt 8 videos that involve racing. Now for the burning question: will I be able to win the BMW 3.0 CSL Hommage and Renault Trezor? The answer is a cryptic one... likely yes, and probably not?! 😵😱😳🤯😭😖😓 It is extremely weird how at one point, test #31 Venice Flawless to be exact, I seriously contemplating on quitting and making do with winning only the Renault Treazor. Now, I'm feeling like I'm going to get the BMW and not the Renault! Why? Because of ----------------------- *drum roll* VENICE! Yep, Venice. Beautiful, beautiful, STRESSFUL-AS-HELL Venice! 👿👿😠😠😡😡 The problem? The impossible time attack on one them! Most people that I've seen pass this test, only passed merely by milliseconds! Let me emphasize this once more: MILLISECONDS! That's how bad it is! ☠ The reason being is that this Championship did not offer nearly as much time as some of the other ones did to complete bonus goals. Therefore, getting electric engines, which the Championship already did not give enough of, becomes are very difficult task. Pro'ing the car with an insufficient amount of electric engines? Impossible. So because these electric engines are very hard to come by, Gameloft, of course, proudly offers a kiss-my-butt exclusive deal that will give you tokens, engines and a bunch of other goods, for I believe $13 CAD? No thanks. 😑 I'd rather lose the Championship than to spend real money on pixels. If you're playing this addicting, yet frustrating game, and ever get the urge and desperation to fork out your money for tokens, DON'T DO IT! Repeat after me: "I WILL NOT SPEND MONEY ON TOKENS!" 🤣

Wow, I sure got heated about Gameloft's token greed tactics up there! 👾 Now for here, I don't really think I have a ton I want to say here. Perhaps I should discuss what happened to the commentary videos that should have been on the channel this week? Truthfully, I haven't even started them yet, because I already had these two videos that needed to be edited. I could have just held them until the commentary(ies) were finished, but then that would have meant no uploads or blog posts this week. Therefore, I decided to just go with the plan of editing and uploading these gaming videos instead. But like I mentioned in last week's post, I seriously need to get that commentary video on the YouTube Partner Program 2018 changes done. I know, I know. It's very likely not going to make YouTube change their minds about their treatment towards smaller channels, but I really need to talk about it. That aside, what other things do I have planned? Well, likely an outdoors video, and possibly a gaming video revolved on the Renault Trezor and BMW Hommage - IF I win those cars! 😬 Better say a prayer for that! 😆🤣😜 

Weekly Roundup From January 22, 2018
The websites and promotions recommended from my network during that week. The promotions for some of them may not be there anymore, as I've posted this a little late, but it doesn't hurt to check them out.

* This blog post contains affiliate links

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