Monday, January 22, 2018

January 22nd Entry

2018-01-19                                                                                                   GuuzakaTube

January 22nd Entry
Yes! I love how these three videos I'm about to discuss, each represents the channel's major theme of games, commentaries and outdoor things. Too bad I didn't get to upload this post alongside them from the weekday period of 15-19, hence the date difference in the original writing and title. So this aside, what's been happening lately? Well, quite a bit. 😬😐 I'll discuss them in "What's Next & Other Ramblings" like usual, so let's just dive into the details on these videos!

These videos are fun to sit back and watch, but boy! I sure do hate syncing up the audio with the slides! Not sure if I hate editing the audio more or syncing it, but anyways! This is not an "I hate Editing" post. You're here to read the additional details about this video, so I'll feed you with that information. Let us start with what has inspired me to make this video: the suggested/wanted cars polls in the Gameloft forums. While I have yet to directly post my wanted cars list there, it was enough to inspire making this unique list of mine. Whether or not this video will have an impact or not, it was fun coming up with the list of vehicles I really wanted to see. Ok, so let's be honest here: this video likely won't have a big impact due to the obscurity of the channel, but it certainly won't hurt to get it out there! 😅😬 Anyways, I recorded two attempts with this video: the 1st where the microphone was 30cm away, and the 2nd where the microphone was probably only 10cm away. I liked the stronger and louder audio of the 2nd attempt, so I of course went with that. The problem? I still haven't gotten a pop filter for the Snowball. Therefore, there were a few times here there, where the audio distorted a little, but it wasn't too bad thankfully.😓 Aside from this and a few of the slides having awkward scaling, I love how the video turned out. "Can you tell us about that annoying/lame/wonderful/interesting background music you had playing throughout?" Uhhh, well, since you didn't actually ask, I do not have to answer! 😜

For real though: why was I so darn headstrong about getting this place covered? There was a part of my conscience telling me to just chill that day, but I couldn't chill!❄🌴 I was determined to go outdoors and do something, despite the risk of having my electronics fail to capture anything. Thankfully, there were no frostbites, injuries or anything, but both of my smartphones did shut off. I was concerned about them not saving their videos after the shut offs, but they surprisingly saved them. Of course, I wouldn't have known until I looked into them when I got home, but was worried that the BlackBerry Q10, particularly would have just been like "PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Can't save this!" Really glad it did not do that!😅 The Lumia did alright, but was hoping that it would have held up the whole time. So cold and smartphone business aside, how did I find the place? I found it to be really interesting, actually. It's just too bad that the bone-chilling cold, just happened to take place that weekend. I could have simply just gone another day, but determinedly chose that weekend, and got it done anyway. This area really did have a lot to see around it, with the fields, the building itself looking presentable, and other grounds that I didn't manage to cover on camera.

The 2nd gameplay video of the 2018 Cairo run. This time, I finally got Princess Jasmine unlocked, and made her the focus of this episode! 👸 Would have been interesting to have that Emirati prince also run in this episode, but it's too bad that he costs nearly 1,000,000 coins to unlock! 🤯 Yeah, so he's not going to be unlocked anytime soon. Or ever??? Why do I say that? Because Subway Surfers has now brought on the Chicago 2018 Tour, which I also believe is all-new, and yet I don't see it when I launch the application? 🤨🤔 Have they pulled the plug for Windows 10 Mobile? 😬 I know this was done to Windows 8.1 and older, but since they've relaunched the game for Windows Mobile as a Universal Windows Platform application, I would hope that this would allow for much longer support. Due to this suspicion, I will no longer be playing Subway Surfers, unless I see that they are actually supporting Windows 10 Mobile. ☠

Yeah, so it's been 22 days into 2018 so far. Quite a bit has already happened in the headlines all over the world. And of course, this would definitely include YouTube! 🤒 Sheesh, where do I start? What should I discuss? How long should I make this part? So many questions, so little answers, but here we go! 

Whether you've been trying to avoid it or not, we're all aware of that Paul Logan controversy. The reason I suddenly mention this is because after it took place, there's been a storm of reactions all over the Internet! He has apologized from long time, and looked very sincere and sorry about it. Was he actually sorry? Or is he just doing this to desperately cover his butt? Either way, YouTube has announced that they will be taking more measures to make sure so-called "inappropriate" content doesn't have monetary advertisements playing on them. 🙄 Fantastic! Just what we needed, eh? YouTube making it even harder for people to get money off it. Did they not already so something like this last year, all thanks to people uploading racist, hateful, disgusting, abhorrent content? Why, yes! Yes they did. I even remember doing a commentary on this too. Thankfully, 98% of my videos haven't been demonetized, and I would like it to stay that way. Others, haven't been as lucky, while some get away with even more than I do. Let's keep things fair, and not try to make everyone suffer all because of those that can't stop being so vulgar!😠

The weather! For those of us in Southern Ontario and surrounding areas, temperatures have been such a roller coaster for the past 22 days! You'd have some weekends where it'd sink down to a bone-chilling -20°C, and then you'd have days at like +6°C. 😵 Talk about aggressive inconsistency!

Donald Trump! I know, I know. You must be tired of hearing about this man, but I've got to discuss him! So as we likely all know by now, during a meeting in which involved immigration talks, that I believe took place on the 11th, the President grew frustrated and then called certain Latin American, Haiti and all of Africa 💩hole countries! 😵😠😡😳😱🤯😬😰😩😭 Some claim that he did not say this, while others say that he did, and that he also said it repeatedly! What's the real story here? Well, there is honestly no 100% certainty, but he very likely did. He is desperately trying to cover it up, after being heavily criticized by the media and other nations about what he said. What we know for certain, is that Donald has on many occasions made derogatory remarks about other countries, particularly Latin American and African countries many times. Whether you support this man or not, these are solid facts, that have been recorded. Funnily, when he was asked if he was a racist at a later point, he didn't answer and tried to make his way quickly out of the room. During another day, he of course went on to later claim, "I am not racist! I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed!" 😐 I have an extremely hard time believing that. He even tried to defend his "tough language" which only just adds more evidence to the belief that he did say 💩hole. Mister Trump, actions speak louder than words. If you want people to believe that you're truly not an inflammatory person, you've got to watch what you say! For instance, one cannot say that they love cats and then proceed to routinely kicking them. Actions and words ought to be aligned with one another.

Let's discuss the cars shown in January 2018. At both the International Consumer Electronics Show and Detroit shows, there were a lot of cool cars seen. The ones that have my interest most are of course the electric cars like the Faraday Future FF91. There was also the Byton, which is a Chinese all-electric crossover concept car. Not sure if it'll ever end up on North American shores, but it does look quite cool. The Lexus LF-1 Limitless is a crossover, that may or may not end up being all-electric. I really hope that they make it an all-electric car. It's high time we see a pure electric car come from Toyota's luxury brand, Lexus.

So! That does it for this entry, and now I am out! Be sure to check out last week's videos in case you missed them!
The Emoji Movie: Commentary & Discussion
Asphalt 8 January 04 2018; Opening So Many Boxes, Maxing and Buying!,
Subway Surfers Cairo January 2018

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