Wednesday, October 25, 2017

October 25th Entry: Halton Highlights

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                   2017-10-23

October 25th Entry: Halton Highlights

Remember that region that I was talking about from last time? The place I've never filmed a video in yet? It's called the Regional Municipality of Halton. It can be rather nerdy and weird to say the full name frequently, so you can thankfully just call it Halton Region, similarly to Durham Region. You already knew that, so I wasted your time just by typing these sentences! 🤣 Anyways! Halton is not the only place where I've filmed videos for this upload batch, so keep reading to learn more about my trips for the latest videos on the channel.

Do you remember Diagnosing The Racketing Sound Outdoors in Whitby & Oshawa? Yes, you likely do, because a few of you enjoyed both the Instagram picture linking to it,  and the direct video on the channel itself. In that video, it served two purposes: #1 Figure out which part of the phone was making that sound. #2 Find the coast along Thickson Road South. The latter wasn't accomplished, which resulted in me trekking through some winding trail that lead me out to some coastlines that bordered Whitby and Oshawa. 😵😅 Yeah, you can definitely say that event was both crazy and fun. After discovering that I seemingly couldn't find the coast from Waterfront Trail Open Space, I decided to wander down Thickson Road South towards Crystal Beach Boulevard. There, I asked a gentleman walking his dog how to find the coasts around here. After the conversation was finished, I learned that you had to access it from Brock Street South. Next weekend, I determinedly went there and found it! The beautiful Whitby coastlines along Whitby Lions Promenade and Rotary Sunrise Lake Parks. So nice! 🌊 It was so fun to capture all that scenery and explore these places that I've never been to before. And not to mention, this video was also free from that annoying galloping sound! YESSSSSSSSSSS! 😎 However, it wasn't all fun and roses... After the 11:17 mark in the video, you can hear me making lots of complaints about how the original 2nd segment failed to save. This is why you randomly see me at the table in that area, when you originally would have been able to watch me walk there, see a playground, some building, a wedding and more! Yeah, now you know why I was complaining so much after that took place. 😖 You probably couldn't hear my words too clearly because of the dominating waves, but if you came here to read and learn more about my videos like how I tell you to do in the call-to-action, you now know what that was about. All in all, despite the lost segment, it was still fun. What wasn't saved, was still seen with my eyes, and remains in my memory, which allowed me write about it here. 😄🌊

What's this?! Another video on my channel that's far less than 10 minutes long?! WOW! 😱 What a rarity to find on GuuzakaTube! Well, I'm sure y'all know well by now that most of these video aren't naturally 10 minutes long, rather it's the outros and ending clips that extend them to this duration. For a video that was only a raw 30 seconds, I felt that it would have been to silly to do that with it, and the other more recent one before it, so I did not do that. As for the video itself, I decided to do this simply because I felt like doing another video in Whitby, during that same day I went to Whitby Lions Promenade. It would have been so cool to catch this thing in 4K, but it's too bad that all that 4K footage ate up the Lumia's storage like mad. Thankfully, because I wasn't walking, the BlackBerry Q10 didn't actually do a bad job at filming it.

Ok, so the title of this blog is "Halton Highlights", but yet I'm only beginning to talk about a place from Halton now? What gives? Because the Whitbian places were filmed a day before the Miltonian places. That's why. So! Let's discuss them! I can see that Boyne and Jean Vanier have already gathered a very small amount of views, which means that they might end up being one of those school videos on my channel that will perform well. I can only imagine this to get even better once I post the links to them on social media, but anyways! We're not here to discuss views, but the adventure itself. How was it? Well, aside from having to walk around the high school twice, with a Lumia in one hand and a BlackBerry in the other out of fear for another loss, the exploration was great. Because Halton is a place I've never filmed in before, it made the adventures feel so much fresher. That's not to say the places I film in Toronto and Durham Region are stale, but because most of my videos happen to come from those two regions, a lot of the places are familiar to me. Still, there are many places I haven't been to in those regions, so there remains lots to be captured! If you're familiar with Jean Vanier's surroundings, you'll know that there's a shopping plaza across from it and another school further up the street: Boyne Public School!

Boing Public School. I know. That's not the name, but it sure does sound like it! 🤓 Boyne is the 2nd place that I've filmed in Milton, after finishing Jean Vanier. How does it compare? Which of the two were more interesting? Well, Boyne had that unfinished neighbourhood really close to it that was super cool to do, which I'll talk about after this entry. But then Jean Vanier has a shopping plaza in front of it, as well as a sports building close it. Not sure who's better, but then again, comparing a high school to an elementary school is like comparing Gala Apples to Granny Smith? Similar, but will have a different flavour. Wait, what? What kind of comparison was that?! Alright, let's just go ahead and talk about the unfinished neighbourhood now, since I clearly don't have much to say about Boyne aside from poking fun at the name and how new it looked. 😅

This video was totally unplanned. Before I went to Milton that weekend, I had initially only planned to just do two things: film two places and celebrate Thanksgiving. It wasn't until when I was finished filming Boyne, and started going around to take the pictures for it, when I discovered this place. I tell you, sometimes there are things I never notice until when I go around for 2nd time to take pictures. Correction, oftentimes actually. So what is the purpose of this place? Well if you aren't familiar with Milton's growth situation already, this town in the fastest growing place in Canada. As a result, a lot of homes and schools have been springing up to accommodate the growth. No, for the elementary schools, they're facing a lot of overcrowding issues because they're not building them to be large enough, or maybe there's simply not enough elementary schools for the neighbourhoods of Milton. As I've also learned recently, Farmstead Drive is proposed to run from Britannia Road to Louis Saint Laurent Avenue, and that this neighbourhood is apart of the development for the Boyne area. Not sure if that's really the proper name for the neighbourhood or not, but it's within the "square" of Bronte, Saint Louis Laurent, Britannia and Regional Road #25. Now enough of that, and let's discuss the video itself. We can see a few other people wandering around in this place, likely here to do the same thing as I: check out the place. But of course, I was the only one filming and dual photographing (two phones snapping at once!😜) after I was done with the video. Issues about the sound and whether the resolution was high enough or not, were already addressed in the video, so I'm not going to bore anyone about that. While it was a bummer scrapping the original audio, it was admittedly fun creating those songs.  Kind of random, but a lot of these schools, especially in Durham are "JK–8 public schools" but I often refer to them as "elementary schools" because in Clarington, Toronto and several others, that's usually what they call schools for younger students. Is that really correct though? Or should I start calling them what they really are? 🤔 Growing up, I've been familiar with the grades JK-6 for elementary schools, 7-8 for middles schools, and 9-12 for high schools. Some regions and schools clearly blur the lines between the grades.

And now for a gaming video. This Subway Surfers recording makes it the 3rd gameplay video of this game on my channel. Watch the 1st here, and the 2nd here, if you feel like it. Unlike the 2nd video, where the filming angle caused it to only be viewable from smartphones, you can watch this one from all devices comfortably. The only issue I have with this particular video are the colours; they don't look too good... It just looks weird... I suspect it was the use of HDR mode under poor room lighting, so I plan to do another recording in future with bright sunlight and no HDR. Ideally, it would have been great if the Windows Phone operating system had screen recording applications, but nope! It's the only major smartphone operating system without a single screen recording application, while all the others have several. Recording and colour complaints aside, I really should take the time to discuss this wild Mexican Halloween track! While I dislike Halloween because I think it's lame, I can admit that this track's vibrant theme and occasional creepy Mexican music, makes it a lot of fun to run on. And yeah, considering that the guard is replaced with Frankenstein and a skeleton dog, you're definitely going to want to run alright! 😨

Enjoyed the entries for these places? I hope so. So what's next? Well, if you read the Subway Surfers part, you already know that I will do a recording of it soon. So, 2 gaming videos, a gaming/commentary video, and a nighttime outdoors video. Exciting? Not exciting? That depends on what you like. Now do you ever take the time to read the description in a video? It's safe to say that it seems like 98% of people do not! 😰 Can you count how many times you've seen people asking questions that were addressed in the description? Neither can I. 🤣 In my video descriptions, you find the following things: the video description of course, a link to this blog, My official Twitter account, my official Instagram account, my official Tumblr account, and my official Photobucket and DeviantArt accounts. Gee, I sure did use the word official a lot, but you know what? It's important to emphasize my authenticity here. Not that anybody's impersonating me at the moment, which would be just plain stupid, considering that my profiles are extremely low-traffic and would make them look beyond desperate and sickly. Not that targeting high-profile people is any better, but we all know what I'm getting at. "🎥 Originally filmed/recorded on XXX" has also been in my description for some time, but as of the 23rd this month, I've now included a "🎬📱filmed on a XXX" and "🎮 Played on a  XXX" to my video description formats. Why am I mentioning this? So you can know what lives in my video descriptions and be more motivated to read. 😁

ProShot and ProShot Classic

I shoot tons of videos and photos, so it was only a matter of time before I finally decided to give this highly rated application a shot. I purchased Proshot Classic for Windows Phone yesterday, but have not tested it outdoors yet. Instead, I've taken some indoor photos with some of the filters and effects. So far, I'm quite liking it. The problem? There's no video recording option, despite that clearly being listed on the site under all three of the sections for Android, iOS and Windows Phone! 😰 You would naturally think they're the ones at fault right? Turns out, I was the one at fault for clearly not reading! Proshot and ProShot Classic are two very similar, but different applications! Luckily, the developer has a Twitter and Instagram page, so I decided to message him on Twitter to see if he would respond. Guess what? He responded within 1 hour. 😱 I was honestly thinking that he probably wouldn't respond until a day, two, or never later, but surely I was wrong! He explained to me that when ProShot Classic was under development, Microsoft did not allow third party apps to record video, so the feature wasn't included. ProShot for Windows 10 does include this feature however. So I followed the link, received Proshot on my desktop, and then was able to get it on my Nokia Lumia 1520. Sweet! I opened it up to see if the feature was there, and surely it was! However, while the video recording option is there, the 4K option and OIS are both greyed out. I'm thinking it's one of two things: #1 pay to unlock more features. But then again, considering that the application already initially costs money, why would you have to pay more money to unlock features? Surely, that would turn people off and cause it to have more negative reviews. #2 Maybe it's only available on newer Windows Phones like the Lumia 950 and HP Elite X3. Once again, I do not think this would make any sense, considering that the Lumia 1520 has the hardware and processor capabilities for recording in 4K with OIS. Ok, I'm honestly not too sure about the 4K and OIS together, but I know for sure that it has OIS on 1080p and lower guaranteed. I will look into the application further, and maybe send the developer another message about this. Video recording issues aside, I can tell you that I plan to field test this application in the future, so look out for them on my Instagram page and this blog.

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