Friday, August 4, 2017

August 4th Entry

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                          2017-08-04

August 4th Entry

Can't believe these videos uploaded so fast! I was thinking that they'd take into the early afternoon to be finished, but nope! They were done in under 2 hours. Excellent! This allows me to hyperlink them as soon as I talk about them. It's been a very hot week for us in Southern Ontario and other areas as well. And for many of us, also very busy too. Now let's discuss these 5 recent uploads and what I plan to do next! 📝🎶

When it came onto selecting a category for this special 200th video, I was indecisive between entertainment, music and comedy. I initially thought about doing music, but then I thought that it didn't have enough music to justify that, so I thought about entertainment. Surely, the title and purpose of the video is indeed to entertain, but then I thought about it: the video does not show me playing, listening and reacting to my own playing and what not. Because of that, it did not feel like a true, quality video of enteraintment. Therefore, I decided to go with comedy! Why not? The video is revolved around a hilarious meme of someone badly playing My Heart Will Go On, so I thought that it would be great. I then felt that it wasn't truly funny enough, so I just finally resorted to classify it under music, since that is the fundamental theme of the video: playing My Heart Will Go On. Quite a roller coaster that was! So now that I'm finished discussing some uninteresting things, let's discuss some more interesting things like why the recorder? Of all the instruments that it could've been done with, why was the recorder used? Particularly the soprano recorder? This is usually an instrument that is very well hated by people because they view them as cheap, illegitimate, annoying children's toys. And then there's fact that they're also so high pitched and played badly by them. Well, that might actually be the answer right there: because the instrument is seen as a joke itself, even though it clearly isn't it. Believe it or not, the recorder is no more or less of a real instrument than what a saxophone, clarinet, transverse flute and viola is. The reason why they're associated with children is because they're small enough to make it them easy to hold, affordable for schools to buy cheaply in bulk, and easy to get started on. Obviously, these are super cheap, plastic, Chinese soprano models, but if you take a look at the other voices of the family made with high quality wood and ABS materials, you'll quickly see that these are not actually for the faint of heart. Anyways! That's enough rambling about how legitimate recorders are, so let's get back to the Titanic. So yeah, due to the nature of the instrument and how easy it is to play badly, we can assume that a novice may have been trying to play the song, but had a hard time with intonation. Thus, the Internet loved it for some reason and now it's a meme. Not exactly the freshest or most lively meme, but you'll see it now and then. Another theory is that it could have been a professional doing this on purpose. Who knows for sure. I never looked into it, but maybe you have and know the full story behind it. If you've never heard this song on a tenor recorder, you'll definitely want to give my video a listen or maybe even try it on yours! Alto recorderists are out of luck, since the lowest note they can produce is a sad F4. Ouch. No disrespect intended, as the alto recorder has much more repertoire than the tenor recorder, but still. Glad I don't play an alto recorder. Truth is, the only recorder I play at the moment is the tenor, but would love to get a great bass recorder (the one that does down to C3) in the future.

Still really annoyed about how I lost the walking segment of this video! Why in the universe did the video come out corrupted? Only God knows... all I can say is that I'm super glad that I decided to make the actual walk around of the school a separate segment. Had I not do that, I could've lost the entire video! 😱 While I've documented endless quirks and tick-offs with my BlackBerry's camera in entries of the past, this is one problem that I've never seen before. Why didn't the video save, or give me some sort of warning that it wasn't going to save like normal? Well, it did save, but the file refused to be transferred to my computer with the constant "you require permission from unix root user to make changes to this file!" What the actual hell?! 😡 Again, an issue I've never had while trying to transfer videos! I would have liked to transfer this to my folder where I keep dead videos that I hopefully plan to resurrect in the future, but nope! I eventual gave up and just deleted the stupid, stubborn, iron-headed file. Gosh, so annoyed that I had to waste time bothering with it, only to end up deleting it. Anyways, that's enough ranting over a dumb walking segment that I would've just told people to skip anyway, so let's answer the following question: how did I find College Hill Public School? Walking around it was an ok experience, save for the part where I had to jump the fence. The building is nothing special to look at, but I do like their gardens and pine tree rows.🌼🌲

You play as Sonic, jump, destroy enemies, grab goods and boosters, and try to make it to the top where a parachute awaits you. You can also flick up some animals near this area, but being oblivious dumdum I was while playing this, I didn't take note of that until I started editing the video. Go figure. 😓 I did manage to make enough progress to unlock Miles, but not a ton else. Still, this a vibrant, fast-paced, fun game to play. I'd of course recommend playing it on an Android device to get fullest experience and features of it. Oh, it'll also work on your iPhone 7 and older models too. Don't think it's available for Windows Mobile though. But will that really make HP Elite X3 and Lumia 950 owners sad? Probably? Probably not...

Boy oh boy! ScreenCorder sure gave me hell with recording this game! I don't know if it's because the phone was just having performance problems, or if it was because it absolutely hated metal music! I mean, I hate metal too, but the game itself is good so why the difficulty? It took three attempts to get a proper 10 minute+ segment recorded, which was really annoying, but at least it worked on the third attempt. Fun fact: that 3-minute segment with the brown-haired topless character is actually the first 3 minutes and forty-five seconds of the 2nd attempt that managed to be saved. I was originally going to use it first and have the 3rd segment follow after, but decided against to avoid having people listen to the same commentary twice. If you like simple pixel games that involve attacking things, you'll like this one. Here, you attack what looks like penguins to clear them off of the screen. If you're lucky, you'll see a flaming sign of the horns hand that you can tap to annihilate rows of them present on the screen. I just referred to this as the "rocker hand" since I had no idea what it really was until I researched it before typing that sentence! 😅 Shows you how much I know about metal gestures: almost nothing.
Sign of the Horns in action.

More accurately, Flappy Macaw, since those are the only types of parrots you can play as in this game. Does that make it a bad game? Well, only if you really hate macaws, but most people that love parrots, or even birds in general, don't hate them. So what's so special about this particular Flappy spin-off? Not a ton. You can play as four macaws: a green winged macaw/scarlet macaw, military macaw, blue and gold macaw, and a hilarious, fictitious purple macaw that I shunned!😂🤣 What's nice about this game is the customization options. You can adjust brightness, the presence of shadows and even buy things to customize your bird and what not. So this is actually pretty good for a Flappy game. A lot of them don't have any of these features, such as Twerky Turkey I played not too long ago. These features coupled with the good graphics, make this a spin-off that's worthy to play. And yes, I cannot end this segment without mentioning about corpses ---------- they pile up! 😨🤣 That's right. If you play too badly without restarting, you'll be reminded of this with all the dead macaws between the bricks or pipes! Some people might find this morbid, but I found it freakin' hilarious! OH MY GOSH MAN! LOL! I didn't really express it that much on camera, but you can tell from the way I treated the birds after I got bored.

Aw, man! What a hot, busy week it's been. Well, the heat is good. Coming September it won't be as warm, so you should enjoy the warm weather while you can. Unfortunately for me, I don't know why my respiratory tract has been feeling sore and weird for much of the week, but thankfully it's doing a lot better today. Really glad that I've been able to create a variety of videos this week, with three being games, one from the outdoors and one being a blend of commentating and musical performance. As for what I plan to for this Friday, I don't have anything exciting planned for today, but I sure am excited for what should be coming next week! 🌠 What exactly could it be?! Well, you'll just have stay tuned to find out! For now, let's get this entry proofread and carry on with other daily things.

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