Monday, August 21, 2017

August 21st Entry

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                   2017-08-21

August 21st Entry

This is entry is late. 😖 It should have been done by the 18th at latest, but here I am getting it done now, when I should by editing this weekend's videos. Joy. Rather than rambling on about that or go into the details, let's just dive right into this and discuss the 5 videos that were uploaded between August 16-20. 

Should I just mention what it is at this point, or give it another day to let more people see the video? I mean, it currently has 6 views (LOL!🤣), but should I wait till after I post it to social media to let more people see it? Yeah, I think I will go with that. I seriously don't expect it to get to like 20 or something, but considering that the entry and social media postings for this video should have been done last week, it makes sense that I hold off until I do that. So what will I discuss for this segment? My experience and how it went with the vendor. I bought this device off of the famous eBay, when I saw the 32GB capacity listed at $168 CAD. I thought "Wow, that's a good price! I better hop on this before it disappears!" And surely I did, because the three items did disappear shortly. I obviously checked the seller's credentials before making the move, just to make sure that I wouldn't regret purchasing from a shoddy seller. They had a very high rating, and stated that they respond to questions quickly. So I decided to test the latter by asking them to confirm that this gadget is indeed 32GB, and free of digitizer problems. What do you know? They actually responded within 1 business day! 😃 All too often, you hear about eBay vendors who don't respond and leave their customers hanging, but these guys didn't. So I was told that it was indeed 32GB and was tested to guarantee functionality. Excellent! So I waited for it to come. I was still concerned about the quality of the used device and whether or not the capacity was really 32GB, as it's really rare to find this thing in 32GB, especially at a price like that. I ordered it on July 27, and it came August 11. Kind of long, considering that the shipping cost me $27.65. It was done through the Global Shipping Program which some Canadians have criticized in the past for being an expensive, circuitous way of shipping things to Canada. Expensive? Yes. Circuitous? I didn't find it overly circuitous in my opinion, but it would have been better for them to just send it directly to me with a faster more straightforward route. Or would that have resulted in import fees? Luckily, I didn't have to pay for that, so I'm thankful for that! Anyways, when it arrived, I was anxious and excited for it. I went ahead to clear a table to film myself unboxing the device. I wasn't pleased with how half of the video turned out, so I left that out after briefly showcasing the device, and made up for it with several quick photos in the video. After dealing with the video, I later went to look into the storage area and found out that it was not the 32GB variant that they listed, but was 16GB!😨 I then took the screenshot and sent the vendor a message asking them why this was so. Their response:

We are sorry for any inconvenience, Unfortunately one of our associates accidentally mixed one Nokia of 16GB with the 32GB lot, We had 3 units available for sale but one of the units was 16GB, please send it back for a Full refund, we will pay for return shipping cost.

Please, let us know if there is any other questions or if you need any assistance.

Ok, great to see that they responded quickly and were willing to give me a full refund, but all 3 were listed under 32GB, so how did they manage to mix 32 with 16? Considering that these phones were tested and have already been used before, they should have known what the internal capacities were. Or maybe it was just a genuine mistake? Who knows for sure. They were responsive and willing to refund, so I do not consider them to be a bad vendor. Even though the device had the wrong capacity, it was in really good condition and did not suffer from the touch issues that many have complained about. This means that it was truly well taken care of for a used device, and was tested well. So because of that, I asked them if I had the option to keep the phone and be refunded half of my money since the device only had half the capacity. They responded shortly saying that they could only refund $20 USD. I then had to decide if I wanted to go with that, or send it back altogether for a full refund. I suspect that many would have just sent it back altogether at this point, but for some reason, I just decided to take the partial compensation. I guess it's boils down to the fact that everything else about the device was fine, so I didn't want to bother with the circuitous return process unless I really had to. Oh, and then there's the fact that they had no more 32GB devices of the same kind to exchange for. Therefore, if I decided to return it and get my full $198 CAD back, I wouldn't have been able to find another 32GB device of its kind at that price, unless I wanted to shell out anywhere between $300 - $500! 😱 For a 4-year-old device, a price like that is not worth it! For most, seeing 16GB instead of the 32GB would be an absolute turnoff, and make them want to return and get their money back immediately, regardless of how well the device otherwise turned out to be. So tell me now: What would you have done in this particular situation?

Think you know a lot? Think you know a little? The link to this quiz can be found in the video description, and hopefully you won't suffer from the same problem I had with one of the questions throwing me back to the beginning! It may have just been a mobile browsing issue, but I haven't tested it on my desktop to confirm that. Don't let this discourage you, but just saying this as a potential warning. How well did I do? Fairly well for the most part, but with this being multiple choice as opposed to fill-in-the-blanks, how much you truly know can't be executed. What do I mean? Somebody can guess the whole quiz and get everything right, when they didn't actually know a darn thing. It's the same issue a professor of mine argued back when I was in high school. He said that multiple choice is just guessing, and doesn't truly show how much you know, unless you genuinely knew the answer. Pure truth. I'm not saying that we should go ahead and abolish multiple choice on everything, but just saying: it's either you know your stuff for real or you don't. There's only so much paper or online tests can do to measure your knowledge. Applying what you know in the real world is where others will see your intelligence.📚

Alright, so what was it that really drove me to make a commentary video about this? I'll tell you: it was a conversation I had with my father about Jamaica. That's what it was. And of course, one of the things that I couldn't help, but mention is the crime rate down there. I later decided to Google "Jamaican Crime Rate" or something along the lines of that. Next thing you know, I see a recent article from the famous Jamaica Gleaner discussing this very thing. "How interesting and coincidental I thought" I took a look at it, found it very interesting, and decided that I had to do a commentary on this matter. You see, Jamaica isn't a horrible place to live or visit, but it does have some nagging issues that need to resolved if it wishes to become on par with places like say Canada. May sound like a bit of a stretch, but it can happen if the bad Jamaicans would just lay off the violence and bad-mindedness, and when the government starts to do more to noticeably improve country. Of course, there's more to this complex situation, but those are two things that I'm sure any Jamaican person would agree with, right? 🏝

What's this? Another game with a pink cube? Yes, yes it is. This time it's Cubix! The game involves a pink cube sliding through four levels, while you must avoid hitting certain shapes or falling, till you make it to the end. The music is loud, and the game is flashy. In fact, the game even warns people that suffer from photosensitive epilepsy to refrain from playing it. Nice. Not something you see too often. What I don't like about this game is how you have to pay for pack #2 for more levels. That would have been fine if only pack #3 and #4 were there too, but they aren't, and I feel as though they will never come because the developer, like many others, probably left the BlackBerry 10 platform a thousand years ago. 😒 It's fine to have a level that lets people test the game, but don't ask them to pay for an incomplete game. Not worth it, if you ask me. Still, you can enjoy the 1st pack with its four levels, but just don't be dumb or desperate enough to buy pack #2, until this developer can confirm whether or not they have intentions to release #3 and #4.

Yes, I've played another Flappy spin-off. Not just any random spin-off, but one involving the ever so adorable (or annoying?) Nyan Cat! Yes you can argue that there's too many cat memes on the Internet, and that me playing this game only adds to the problem, but so what? There's a reason why cats are so popular, and that's because they're so commonly kept and their facial expressions for an animal creates so much amusement to us humans. I guess you can say the same for dogs, which also have their fair bit of Internet presence. This Flappy variant is a very colourful, vibrant game that allows you to play as the namesake Nyan Cat or his arch nemesis, Tac Nyan. Wait, is the Nyan Cat supposed to be a boy or girl? I never looked into it, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯!  The version I played was and the reason I'm mentioning this is because I made speculations about the newer versions probably having more features. I've never actually looked into that, so I can't confirm that, unless I watch videos of the alleged newer updates or look it up in Google Play. So aside from playing as memetic Internet cats, what else makes this game so good? The backgrounds! Check them about below. These are screenshots from my session with this game.

So because this entry is late, much of my focus for this week will be revolved around getting back on track. Not just for YouTube and Blogger, but for other things as well. Once I'm finished dealing with last week's work, you'll see three outdoor videos this week. No games or commentaries unfortunately(?), but you might see those categories next week, as well as some unboxing videos once some goods arrive. Now this is where things are going to get rather random, but do you like tea? 🍵 Not something I usually drink unless I'm under the weather, but I've been drinking it lately. Particularly, Celestial Organics Ginger & Turmeric Herbal Tea and Traditional Medicinals Organic Nettle Leaf Tea. The ginger and turmeric tea has a very powerful, rich, kind of spicy, earthy taste thanks to the fusion of the ginger, cinnamon and turmeric going on there. It doesn't taste bad, so you don't have to sweeten it with honey, unless you want to or can't stand the potency of these ingredients. I was kind of concerned about trying the nettle tea, thanks to all the reviews and warnings saying that it might taste like grass clippings, but guess what? It doesn't. However, that's not to say that it tastes great, but what I'm saying is that sometimes you really have to try something for yourself to know what it tastes like, rather than trusting the tongues of others. To me, nettle tastes like mint without the mintyness if that makes sense. In other words, it tastes like leaf. Not bitter leaf, but an herbal sort of leaf. "So will I like it or what?" You might ask. The answer? I don't know. If you're used to nicer flavours like mint, ginger, raspberry or vanilla or something, then no. You're going to end up sweetening it. Anyways, let's get this post up and get going!

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