Thursday, August 10, 2017

August 10 Entry: West Lynde & Mazda Quests!

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                  2017-08-10

August 10 Entry: West Lynde & Mazda Quests!

Sure sounds like quite the adventure eh? Well yeah, exploring those places was a lot of fun, but what wasn't fun, were the difficulties I had with uploading these flipping videos! Henry Street High School, Saint Marguerite d'Youville Catholic School, and West Lynde Public School all uploaded fine. The latter three, Central Park (Whitby), Hopkins Street and Whitby Mazda (Immaturity) did not! They kept getting stuck in the upload buffer and just wouldn't progress for the life of it! 🔥😡🔥 I had to cancel and try again a few times yesterday, but no avail. Today, I just had to resort to uploading them one by one, and that seemed to have done the trick.🙄 Thing is, it should not and is not supposed to be that way! There's been times where I've uploaded as many as 10 or 8 videos worth several gigabytes of space, and there wasn't an issue! Why this time? Anyways, not going to ramble more about this because the videos are all uploaded now, so let's just go ahead and discuss them.

So all 6 of these recent uploads take place in Whitby. This was the first place I visited. How did I find it? Unexpectedly interesting. I kind of thought that it would have been one of those generic, stale-looking buildings for some reason, but when I actually arrived there, boy was I wrong! There were two giant, Canada-themed, wooden chairs in front of the school, and a Henry Hawks chair not too far from them. Never quite seen anything like this on a school's property to date. And while the building itself isn't overly fancy, posh or fresh-looking, it's large size, hills, many corners, and the giant back field made Henry Street a very interesting place to film and photograph. And the good weather was another bonus. 🌞

After exploring Henry Street, the next school I went to film was Marguerite. I should have learned to pronounce this name before saying it on camera, but oh well, I didn't. Turns out that it was supposed to be pronounced as "Mar-guh-reet" which is pretty close to Margaret, but still; I can imagine calling someone named Marguerite, Maragaret, will result in them giving you a frown, or maybe they'll politely correct you. Maybe they wouldn't care at all? Who knows! Let's just discuss this school itself and what I thought of it. It's a fairly small place, but was ok to explore. It falls short, especially when compared to West Lynde right next to it. It just doesn't have as much to see as its secular counterpart. That said, photography was pretty good, but would have been worse if it were winter!

This school. The front area of it was very interesting to explore, and had many nice things here and there to photograph. Not only that, but the back of it had a playground and a cryptic text on the wall that read "Ice in my veins"! Let me quickly look that up now to see what the meaning of this could be. *Looks up meaning of that phrase* Ahhhh, so that's what it means! Should have been obvious given that it was written close to the basketball hoops. So basically, it's a phrase used in sports when someone kicks it up a notch to crush the enemy and win the game. Who would have thought?! Then again, I am not into sports at all, so go figure. 😅 West Lynde looks quite small from the outside, but it was plenty of fun to explore.

This place was right in front of Margaret Marguerite and West Lynde, so I decided to go ahead and explore it. Was it interesting? No. Kind of boring actually. It's not awful, but don't expect it to be anything like the Central Park of New York City. Then again, I've never been to the Central Park of New York City, so how can I truly compare the two? Well, if anyone had to take a look at photos from the two places, and then be asked which of the two's more interesting, they're going to say New York City's Central Park. If you say Whitby, you're either abnormal or extremely biased! 🤣 Well, here's some photos of the place below.
Looks terribly exciting doesn't it? Not! 😆

A low quality, wobbly video of me walking down Hopkins Street. 😖 Sheesh, why did the video have to turn out so like that? I mean the shakiness is one thing, but why the less than stellar resolution? Is it because I left HDR off in a sunny environment with lots of cars or something? I don't know, but thank goodness this wasn't meant to be a "serious" video. I still would have much appreciated the full 1080p sharpness, but it's too bad it decided to come out looking more like 480p or something. Or am I just being overly fussy about the sharpness? Who knows. The video greets you with a warning slide and "triumphant" synth music to let you know what to expect. Video quality aside, it was a nice, warm, sunny day, and it was fun to visit an area I haven't explored in quite a while. Truth be told, the video isn't entirely Hopkins, as part of it does cover Consumers until when I reach the Mazda dealership and terminate the video there. Speaking of it, let's go right ahead and discuss that! 

I'll fess up and admit that these are screencaps of the video, hence why they look so grainy. Let me show you a picture from Consumers to show you the contrast in quality.
See? Much sharper!

Oh, at last! It feels like it's been forever since I've done one of these ridiculously goofy dealership videos! The last video like this was Ontario Hyundai Whitby [Immaturity] uploaded on June 17, 2017, so it's only been almost two months. Wait, 2 months?! No wonder it feels like forever! Anyways, so let's go ahead and discuss this place: how did I find it? Quite alright. Mazda isn't a brand that I'm too into, so I wasn't overly excited. That's why I couldn't recite the names of the cars because I only know the Mazda Miata. Still, like what I said from Hyundai at the time, the fact that I don't know them is what actually makes this tour mysterious: wandering among unfamiliar cars. And when I had to look up the names to make the poll question, I was just like "Whoa! I don't know any of these!" Most of their cars seem to be pretty small in nature. There are some medium-sized cars, but nothing full-sized. Toyota, Nissan, Honda and I think Mitsubishi offer full-sized vehicles, and they're Japanese, so I'm not sure why Mazda doesn't. Could we see a full-sized electric pickup truck from them in the future? Doubt it! Anyways, this was a fun car dealership to tour, despite being a bit smaller than some of the others I've visited. 

Still waiting on that thing to come! Apparently, I'm told that it's supposed to arrive tomorrow, so I'll be on the lookout for that! 👀 With the 6 recent videos on the channel being outdoor videos, you can certainly say that I got a lot of exercise, sunshine and fresh air that weekend. Next month will bring in autumn for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, so you have to enjoy the warmth while you can. That's if you live in a cold country of course. For those of you with dry and wet seasons, I don't know what to really say about that! 😅 Don't really have anything else I want to say, so I'll conclude this entry. Guess I can tell you to leave a comment telling me which of the videos you liked most out of this batch, or what you thought of this entry in general.

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