Thursday, June 22, 2017

June 22 Uploads: Clarington Central and Oshawa Plastic Bag Rain Test

GuuzakaTube 06.22.17

June 22 Uploads: Clarington Central and Oshawa Plastic Bag Rain Test

Ah, it is now the 2nd day of summer for those of us in the northern hemisphere. How's the weather been for you? For me, it has been quite rainy this week, but the temperatures have been above 20°C, so I'm happy about that. Anyways! So remember how I said that I was going to get this entry up soon from the entry a few days ago? Turns out that I have successfully been able to keep my word! So now let us discuss the three videos that have been filmed in Bowmanville and Oshawa recently.

Oh, the sky, the sky, the sky! When I was here, it had me quite anxious about when it was going to rain, and how heavy it would come down. Earlier in the day, the weather was fine and beautiful, until when the afternoon kicked in and then a thunder advisory appeared for the Greater Toronto Area. Great. Despite the warning, I still proceeded with the adventure anyway. My impressions of this high school? For some reason, the front kind of reminds me of Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School. Would you agree or disagree with me on this? Take a close look at the front entrances of both of these schools, and perhaps you'll begin to notice the resemblance. Intentional? Unintentional? Who knows. All I can say is that this was a nice area to explore. The school is situated in a rather interesting location: to the north and east of it is just grassland that looks like it may be developed at a future date. To the south of it across the road you'll find a Home Depot, and the west has its massive racetrack. Speaking of that, the massive track was completely vacant with not a soul to be seen, so I was able to conduct a camera test. Read more on that below.

If you've watched all of the J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate & Notre Dame Catholic SecondarySchool video, you'll know that there was a segment in the video where the camera acted really weird when it was on the track. The reason? I suspect that it had a hard time tracking the white, winding lines against the black track. The fact that it swerved from side to side, almost confirms this. So when I had the opportunity to visit another track that was completely vacant, I took the opportunity to tweak some settings to see what could be done. For this test, I kept it on Automatic Scene, dropped the resolution from 1080p to 720p@60fps (I would have chosen 1080p@60fps if it were available!) and proceeded. The results? I did not notice that swaying movement, but the combination of cloudiness, shakiness, and decreased resolution caused the video to turn out not as sharp as I'd like it to be. Was by no means dull or grainy, but could have been sharper and better. Overall, it turns out that higher frame rates while filming seems like it's the fix for such a problem. The only way I'll know for sure is if I test this out with another smartphone, or maybe YOU (yes you!) can also conduct a similar experiment on a vacant dark track with white lines to mark the lanes, and then share your results on social media or even YouTube if you decide to make a video about it like how I've done.

For real though: do not let that beautiful thumbnail of the sunset, clouds and green fields trick you into thinking this experiment produced wonderful results. It did not. That said, the thumbnail isn't fake at all, as you will see that in the video, but the problem is that much of the video is seriously wobbly, low-res and has rain constantly beating down on the plastic bag which the microphone emphasized. As I say at the end of the video during the call-to-action, this video serves as a reminder and record for myself that I've successfully conducted this experiment in public. Record, experiment and public. Those are the keywords I told you during that segment. Though the Bowmanville racetrack video is also a successful, public experiment, it is likely far more enjoyable to watch than this video will ever be! Not that it's interesting by any means, but is far more bearable. For the future, I'd like to test this with a smartphone that is capable of shooting in 4K, and again with one that's not only capable of shooting in 4K, but is also water-resistant, so that way I can have it outside of a bag to see how the rain will affect the footage while it beats down on the smartphone's body.

I forgot to mention this above, but did you know that I was supposed film another place or two while I was in Bowmanville? Thanks to the rain and thunder that came after the track video, I was forced to go home! Now that aside, Canada Day is coming soon and it's going to be the nation's 150th birthday! It seems like there's going to be lots of exciting events happening that day, so I will try to see if I can get a special video done for that. That aside, for the month of July, I may plan to focus more so on commentaries and mobile games for that month. As long-time readers or anybody who simply looks at my channel will know is that I predominantly specialize in the outdoors, commentaries and gaming. Unfortunately, the latter hasn't be seeing much action. As a result, I can imagine that most people taking a look at my most recent videos would assume that it's a channel about schools, walks and hilariously-edited dealerships. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but you know, a little more variety from other my other areas is needed, especially if I plan to get to 10,000+ channel views as quickly as possible. So now that you know what I'm up to in regards to YouTube business, I shall get this edited, posted, and then carry out other day-to-day matters.

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