Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Post-Canada Day 2017 Entry

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                       07/04/17

Post-Canada Day 2017 Entry

How ironic that I end up typing the Canada Day entry on American Independence Day! Well, the Canada 150 weekend is over, and both of the videos are now finally up, so it's time to discuss them and tell you about how Canada 150 went.

So as I tell you in the video itself, this was one of the “big” things I wanted to do for Canada 150, and that completing this was rather time consuming, but worth it! Another thing to point out that you wouldn't know is the fact that I said animating the frames was a breeze. It wasn't. Well, it certainly seemed like that at first. All I had to do was select all the frames, and set them to the same duration and presto! It worked at first, until when the computer kept given me various stupid/aggravating/annoying/pestilent/big-headed/infuriating/ridiculous/cheesy errors and excuses as to why the video just wouldn't publish to the desktop! One of these errors was error 0x887A0005, and some foolishness about the files going corrupt or how the graphics card needed to be updated. I was then concerned about whether it would be possible to create such a video, so I tried various things and tried to adjust the durations, but no avail. Eventually, I just had to resort to publishing 200 frames at a time. This meant that I had to create 12 parts... Goodness flipping gracious! It didn't take long, but seriously?! This computer is a Core i7, quad-core tool and it couldn't do the job properly?! Or was it Movie Maker to blame? Both maybe? Who knows! I was just glad that it finally freakin' worked! There's no way I'd let a project that took me a few days of 2300 pixels go to waste to easily! I determinedly fought for a solution and won the battle! Victory in time for Canada 150! I'll have the drawing uploaded to DeviantArt shortly.

This was the grand video of Canada 150: the fireworks! While it was a very lively, colourful event to watch, I'll be honest enough to say that it felt much like every other Canada Day fireworks. What do I mean by that? I was sort of expecting to see more colourful shots and even a 150 illuminate in the sky, but that didn't happen. At least not at the coastline I went to. Don't think such a thing happened anywhere else in Canada, but I could be wrong as I didn't watch the firework shows from other cities, save for a brief one from Ottawa. Despite my high-ish expectations, I wasn't disappointed so don't be under the impression that I was. My real disappointment was with all the other videos that I filmed to and around the site. That's right: there was supposed to be more Canada 150 videos on the channel, but because they turned out so darn awful, I was like, “You know what? Don't even bother editing these and putting them anywhere near internet!” So I followed my own warning and put them away as archives that I might not even really watch. Yeah, that's how bad they turned out. “Can I know what exactly was so bad about them?” you may ask. Lots of things: the sharpness/quality was substandard, the unsteadiness was absurdly bad, the audio was very annoying in some segments, and yeah, I think you get the idea by now. It's a bummer indeed, but at least you can watch the unique pixel video or the colourful fireworks video for your Canada 150 fix. Oh yeah, and speaking of fireworks video, I really hope that I won't get a copyright notice for the music in the background – Yep, I did! Great! Should I remove it so I can monetize the video or what? Sigh... A difficult decision. As much as I'd like to have the video monetized, it's going to cause a segment of the video to be completely silent and awkward. It may just be one song, but there are other songs in the background with Labels, so it would only be a matter of time before a notification comes up for them, so to play it safe and prevent the video from having awkward silences, I'll just have to grudgingly leave it in. Next time, I guess I'll just have to watch from a part of the coast away from the obnoxious speakers, which honestly kind of destroyed the beauty of the event. My 2015 and 2016 Canada Day videos were fortunate to be spared from this nonsense. Not to mention that I also had a better view and was much closer to the Lake. Oh well, better luck next time!

So I guess that does it for the Canada 150 hype! Well, guess not as hyped as it ought to be, and I made it sound more disappointing than I ought to in the last parts of the entry above. As I say, I would've been much happier if the other videos were suitable for publishing, and if I had gotten a better view away from the darn copyrighted music! For such reasons, it wouldn't have been a bad idea to focus more so on photography. Don't worry though, I was still able to take some great pictures, some of which I'll share to Instagram once I'm done with this blog post. So going forward from this Canada Day business, you may be wondering what's next? If you've been reading the previous entries, you'll know that I plan to focus mostly on commentaries and hopefully gaming videos for July, so that's exactly what I plan to do next! Oh yeah, speaking of games, if you actually bother to look at my Tweets as I instruct you to do during my call-to-actions, you'll see a Tweet about how I finished listening to Yooka-Laylee's entire soundtrack. Why this game? Not entirely sure, but I guess while I was browsing the internet and saw it come about somewhere, I remembered that this game is the spiritual successor to the much loved Banjo-Kazooie series. I also heard that it had the same composers, so this definitely inspired me to give it a listen. WOW! I definitely was not disappointed! The Banjo-Kazooie vibes is very strong within the soundtrack, and that's a good thing! I hear that some of the songs are also supposed to resemble the Donkey Kong games, but because I've never played them when I was younger, I would have never known without researching that and reading some of the YouTube comments on such videos. Now because I stopped playing video games years ago (my specialty is mobile games!) do not expect me to play these games. Not that you wanted to anyway, but you know? Anyways! That does it for this entry, so let's get it published!

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