Tuesday, June 20, 2017

June 16-17 Uploads: Ajacian-Clarington Adventures

GuuzakaTube 06.19.17

June 16-17 Uploads: Ajacian-Clarington Adventures

Yeah, yeah, this was supposed to be up from last week, but I told you all what happened from yesterday, so you'll know what the excuse story is if you read that. Won't be boring you here about it, so let's discuss my adventures that took place during the June 10-11 weekend in Ajax, Whitby and Clarington, as well as that disgustingly-overdue commentary!

This. This is it! The commentary that I've been talking about since late April! Goodness gracious! What took me so darn long to get this done?! Why haven't I hired a professional whipper sooner?! I honestly thought that I'd never get it done, and even considered giving up on it, until one week in June, I decided to get serious with it and just got it done. I kept telling myself to just do it, get it done, get it finished! And surely, I got it done. Wow. Procrastination and tardiness is one hell of a lethal combination, but the determined, serious, fiery, passionate side of me overthrew it, and allowed me to finish it, as well as several other videos during the same week. You see, completion, targets, and deadlines are something that need to be taken very seriously when working on projects. This will allow you perform very well in a variety of fields and allow you to go further in life. You may think this seems trivial over something like a commentary video or what not, but it isn't. Remember, YouTube isn't something I do for free, and the fact they've changed some policies back in April 2017 means that small channels will need to work hard to get to that 10,000 channel view threshold to prove their legitimacy. It's really sad that such a thing had to happen, and I've even voiced my complaints through a video on this, but at the end of the day, you just have to continue working hard, regardless of whether you're a small, medium-sized or large channel. Now in regards to this commentary, it is a long video as you can see from the thumbnail, but it is worth the watch if you're a pickup truck enthusiast and if you're capable of tolerating my narration style! While this video isn't nowhere near as weird/wild/whacky/enigmatic/hyper/childish/controversial/entertaining as some of the others on this channel, it's still very “GuuzakaTubish” if ya know what I mean! If you don't, well... well... *mysterious laugh*

This name. What could be the meaning and origin of it? If you've seen the video, you'll know that it's about me walking down this road and pondering the meaning of it. It's a mostly a gravel road with nothing, but trees and bushes lining it, so walking down this road on a warm summer day, made the experience wonderfully peaceful and interesting. To the north of it, there are two paths leading out to Salem Road blocked off by boulders that prohibit vehicles, but allow pedestrians and cyclists to get around. So, was it supposed to be an alternate route that could be used to get to Salem? Did they have plans to originally put up houses or job sites, but scrapped it? Again, lots on unknowns for this hilariously named road!

What a long title! Anyways, walking around this massive building was a lot of fun. So many walls, corners, driveways, a massive track and many paths are what you will find in this area. I know, I'm making it sound like such an adventurous area, but seriously, if you've been here and explored it thoroughly, you'll agree with me. Interestingly, despite Spitty Road being filmed before this place, Clarke and Notre Dame was actually the first site I went to during my northeast Ajax exploration. I didn't feel like filming it at first due to you know, so I decided to check out Spitty Road and make up my mind after. I'm sure glad I got over it, and filmed this place because the building and its surroundings had a lot to cover. One random thing I must mention is the way the camera behaved when it was filming the track: it swayed as if someone shook it side to side! Has anyone else experienced such an issue, or is it just me? Thankfully, I may have discovered a potential fix, but that was found during the June 17-18 adventures, so you'll have to wait a little later this week to read on that! Ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

After filming Clarke and Notre Dame, I decided to film my walk to another school somewhat close by. Don't worry, there's a skipper slide as usual for the folks that prefer to just cut to the chase! It was a fun walk, and boy! The houses I saw in that area are so nice! Wow! I might have to buy one – kidding! I do not have plans to buy a house in northeast Ajax. Or do I? Or do I not? Truthfully, I plan to buy a house on a private island in the Pacific Ocean and – alright, alright! I'll stop. So, what was St Josephine Bakhita like? Wasn't terribly exciting, but it did have some highlights, namely the area under renovation (or construction?) and that rainbow basketball. The building's fresh appearance is also quite interesting, because I've been noticing a lot of Catholic elementary schools that look as though they've been very recently built, but why? Are more people turning into Roman Catholics, or are they just building these as an “alternative” to take the population pressure of the existing schools? If you want my honest opinion, I suspect it's the latter: to curb overpopulation in the existing schools. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right. What do you think?

Fancy, cool name for a school, eh? Is this building equally as fancy as its name? No, but it's was still a nice place to walk around, film and photograph. Similarly to what I did back in southeast Courtice, I went from Clarke and Notre Dame, to Josephgine and then this, and filmed myself walking there. Thankfully, it was just a short path that I used to get there from Josephine, so there was no need for skip-to-xx.xx-to-xxx slides. LOL. I admittedly don't have a ton to say about this school, other than the fact that it seemed like a nice area, coupled with good weather and pretty plaques or gardens to further brighten the walkaround. What would Leonardo Da Vinci think of this school? Perhaps if he had his way with it, there would be a lot of drawings and murals added to it.

Maybe it's obvious. Maybe it isn't, but because I don't recall mentioning anywhere in the video nor its description, that this was the last video I filmed during my northeast Ajax adventures from Clarke, Notre Dame, Josephine Bakhita and Da Vinci. Why did I do this? Because sometimes after an adventure I end up filming a walk down a road to capture traffic and scenery. Videos such as Random Evening Morningside Stroll - DEER SURPRISE!!! and the 2nd segment of Norman G. Powers Public School are examples of this. Didn't get to capture any fancy exotics like Maseratis, Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Bentleys, Aston Martins, Porsches, McLarens, Jaguars and what not, but come on; it's just Salem Road. Not Monaco or Dubai or something. Still, there has been times where I've seen Lamborghinis, Teslas, McLarens, Porches and Maseratis about in Durham and Toronto, so ya never know! Speaking of cars, let's discuss the next video that takes place in Whitby below.

Ha haaaaaaa! Yes! I did it again. I went to a dealership the day after the northeast Ajacian adventure, filmed it, and turned the video into a wild, wild, crazy thing! Ah, and final result? Satisfaction and pure comedy. Due to time constraints, I didn't throw in as many edits as I'd like to, but I still like the video turned out. There are some parts where I believe that it went too long without a comedic edit, which may or may not cause people to disengage? Who knows. Nobody has ever complained about that to date, so just my speculation. Ok so comedic and bizarre elements aside, I think it's time that I answer the question that wasn't answered in the video: why did I film a dealership whose vehicles I'm not too interested in? That alone can almost be considered the answer: my lack of interest and familiarity with the cars kind of makes it more adventurous and interesting in a way, that it makes it feel sort of like discovering the brand, and getting to know it better by seeing the Korean vehicles in person. Also, while I'm the type of person that chiefly uploads things that I like, I should still try to film a variety of brands to draw a variety of people to these hilariously-edited dealership videos. Hope that clears things up significantly. So now that I've had the chance to look at the vehicles in person, what do I think of them? Well, some of them are really nice-looking, while I've found some to look squat, and ridiculously ugly! The 2017 Hyundai Tucson in red, and 2017 Hyundai Elantra in blue are gorgeous examples. Certainly wouldn't buy the Elantra though, as you all know that I prefer sport utility vehicles and pickup trucks! Preferably all-electric, too.

After filming the Hyundai dealership, I went to Clarington to take a walk along Highway #2. The purpose? To capture the scenery of that strip and hopefully some cool cars. The results? Well, I didn't get to start from Solina Road as I'd like to thanks to construction, so I had to opt for Rundle Road. While I did manage to capture lots of the surroundings including a random live chicken and a private wind mill, there weren't very many cool cars to be seen during my time filming. A whole lot of pick up trucks, sport utility vehicles, minivans and low-riders. I did see two Chevrolet Corvettes, but they weren't the cooler 2014 and newer models. Still sounded awesome though, and I did catch a Ford Mustang. There was also a blue SRT Dodge Charger, but that appeared after the camera stopped rolling. Go figure. Did I seriously expect to see Alfa Romeos and Jaguars or something? Not really, but would've been a great surprise! Realistically, I was expecting to see more muscle cars and sports sedans, but despite not seeing them, the walk and warm weather still made it a great tour. Not too pleased about how the video came out a little illusionary and wobbly, though. Thankfully, I have an idea I can experiment with to fix that for the next time!

Well this will be easy to fill out this time around, because I can tell you exactly what's planned! I plan to get this edited and posted tomorrow (that would be June 20!), work on the recent videos from the June 17-18 weekend, get them posted and blogged, as well as deal with other day-to-day things of course.

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