Friday, April 7, 2017

April 06, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube 04/07/17

April 06, 2017 Uploads

April showers bring May flowers? For those of us in Southern Ontario, we've been particularly seeing a lot of rain lately, so could April really be living up to the phrase? Or will it soon turn into a drought? Let's hope that it'll just be “normal” as in not too dry, nor ridiculously wet! Anyways, let's discuss the 4 recent videos I shot between Whitby and Oshawa below!

While I've seen Raccoons many times before, I don't think I can ever recall catching one in a downtown, urban environment. I caught this sly, green eye-glowing raccoon when I was in downtown Oshawa that night. It was actually trying to reach into some garbage bin of the sort, but I wasn't able to catch that part on camera. I really wish I did! I should have pulled out my camera when I was 4 meters away from the animal, so that I could catch it during the act before it fled into the tree! Now I'm sure y'all obviously know this, but the reason why its eyes were actually glowing green, was because I had the camera light on while I was filming. I wanted to attempt filming it with the light off, but when hardly anything was showing, I had no choice but to put it on. Wow! Quite the funny, unexpected event this was! You know what else was unusual? The fact that this video was only 61 seconds long… Yeah, you know when last I uploaded such a short video? Roughly 53 videos ago, when I uploaded Caristrap Street Capture Fail, which according to YouTube was three months ago from the time that I write this entry. Even then, the only reason why that video was so short, was because the phone's battery and internals were too cold to keep going after already filming 2 other videos in Bowmanville that day. Had it not been for that, the video would've been over 10 minutes to include a proper exploration of Caristrap Street. Even though the reason behind the 10 minute scheme is probably really obvious by now, I'll discuss it in more details after talking about the three schools below.

Oh my goodness! I have not realized that I spelt “Institute” as “Institue”! Oh no! Not good! Good thing many people didn't notice yet! Anyways, typos aside, it's time discuss Anderson's affairs with Sinclair ----------- KIDDING! Though as you'll know from reading the video description, I did have intentions to film Anderson a week after doing Sinclair, but went to the Stevenson & Rossland area instead of immediately tackling Anderson. Why? Because of a change of plans. But now it's here! So how did I find this place? Well, my experience was frustrating at first, because the darn phone rebooted about 31 seconds after filming, so I attempted to perform soft resets, and when those didn't work, I pulled the battery? Can't remember if I actually did that or not, but I do remember impatiently waiting for Old Man BlackBerry to wake up and get running. Not fun! Anyway, this school was a large, fairly interesting place to walk around. When I saw the Home of The Raiders sign and some cars in the parking lot, it caused me to ponder about a certain wing of the building. Turns out, that the “Raiders” were nothing more than just the school's sport team. That's it. It wasn't a separate building dedicated to something more, as I cluelessly thought. But as I often say, 99% of the schools that I film, I know squat about, so laugh out loud as you please!

It was close to Anderson, so I “had to” film it. Still curious about what the CE stands for, and wasn't successful when trying to Google it. Oh well. I left a poll in the I-Circle with a list of suggestions that are probably all wrong, but if you do happen to know his full name, leave a comment here or on the video in the hyperlink above. Why do I care about that? Because it feels satisfying to know the full name of a place that you are about film, so you can mention it on camera like a nerd, like how I did with Robert Samuel McLaughlin Collegiate and Vocational Institute. Yes, I know. I can be unnecessarily excessive sometimes, but whatch'ya gonna do?! Poo? Change your surname to Roo? Anyways, I found this school to be average, bending more so towards the boring side. Sorry, but it wasn't terribly interesting, though those random tires were definitely a questionable thing worth mentioning.

Because Theresa also happened to be within the Anderson & Crawforth area, I filmed it too. Not a terribly exciting place either, but chasing the geese was a lot of fun! I did something similar up at Hebron, and was delighted to see geese show up here, too! Another thing that was particularly funny were the No Gulfing signs. Why? I've never seen such a sign before, so I was amused and very curious about the reasons behind the presence of these signs. Could there have been an issue in the past? If so, why Teresa? It's not like the fields are big enough for such a sport anyway, so it seems kind of random and silly to choose such a lot to play golf in. Oh, and there's also the risk of the damaging the school itself, as well as knocking your golf balls out into the Midway Nissan dealership or either Dundas or Crawforth. Simply put: playing golf on school property just doesn't make any sense. Those rocks near the front were nice and colourful, but was it a little memorial? Or was it just a colourful work of art? Who knows.

With the weather in Southern Ontario finally getting noticeably warmer, filming more places in-depth should get even easier, since the risk of devices shutting off from the biting cold decreases, and the absence of snow, slush, and other cold related annoyances will also go away. Of course, I'm also seeing these tick related and pollen articles popping up already, warning people about the drawbacks of spring coming so soon, but whatever! I'm just freakin' glad to feel some warmer weather man! We'll blow the pollen away and destroy the Lyme disease-injecting ticks! Well, don't actually destroy ticks you see biting you. There are many guides about this online, so I won't go into details, aside from telling you that you're supposed to pull them off gently with tweezers and then disinfect the area when the tick is removed. So! I mentioned something about 10 minute videos on YouTube earlier, and you're wondering what's special about 10 minute videos? Well, most familiar with YouTube will already know, but if you don't, 10 minute videos earn you more money, because you get to place an unlimited number of ads in the insertion mark. Now as you can imagine, a lot of people had concerns about video quality going downhill out of fear that it'll cause people to ramble unnecessarily, fill their videos with blank spaces, or that 10 minutes is simply too long. Some of these concerns are legitimate and understandable, but let's not forget the fact that it's possible for a 2 minute video to perform far better than a 10 minute video. Of course, an equally awesome 10 minute video will generate more revenue for a YouTube partner than their 2 minute video. That's just the way it goes. There's a lot more I could say about the issues, complications and positives with this 10 minute thing, but it would make this entry too long for something that's better suited as a separate topic, or even a commentary video. Speaking of that, I was supposed to be working on automotive commentary video, but still haven't got much done on it. I know. I've been doing so many other things. Will it be on the channel by next week? I honestly don't know. Because it's nowhere near complete, it probably wouldn't end up on the channel till either the 14th, 15th or 17th, all of which are guessed dates. Now I know what you might be thinking: “If you truly wanted to get it done in a timely manner, you'd stop filming and editing other videos that keep slowing down 'late' commentaries” True, but an efficient schedule would allow both to happen, so let's aim for that! As for gaming videos, none for next week. For now, just enjoy the 8 games from the Great Sunday Marathon back in March, if you need to have your BlackBerry 10 gaming fix.

Because a good number of the videos on GuuzakaTube focus on the outdoors, commentary and gaming, it has actually benefited my channel in terms of coverage. For the outdoors, I'll confess that I sometimes wander out into fields or nearby roads, chat under a tree or something, or compose longer outros to meet threshold. That aside, it's taught me to cover and explore places and their surroundings more thoroughly. The same can be said for the other categories. For commentaries, it has taught me to better research and understand the things I want to talk about, to make the discussions more entertaining/educational/stupid/bizarre/crazy/insert emotion not mentioned here! For games, it's a no-brainer: more gameplay coverage to showcase the game and levels better! DUH! So for channels that specialize in categories that can benefit from this, it's not a big deal if you know what you're doing. For people like independent animators, it's unfavourable, because you should know that good animations take a very long time to make. Making a quality, 10-minute animation by yourself or a small group of people regularly is impossible. For channels that don't benefit from this, all I can say is one thing: make sure that you make videos that are super good to make up for it! Well, I guess that applies for everyone really, but them especially!

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