Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 12, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube 2017-04-13

April 12, 2017 Uploads

You know? I think that calling this entry the Stevenson-Thornton Rossland Catholic Buildings Trip, probably would have been a much cooler sounder title, but alas! I went for the usual upload date theme. I was glad it was sunny that day, as it allowed for some beautiful photography and videos! Let's discuss them.

The first building I filmed that day. Now, as you'll know from the entry and video and did for the schools south of Stevenson and Rossland, is that I did contemplate on getting Paul Dwyer that day, but decided it against for various reasons related to battery life and weather. This time around, it worked well in my favour, as it was much sunnier and a little warmer. And because I didn't waste time or energy from filming earlier things, it allowed me to explore other buildings along the Stevenson-Thornton Rossland strip. How was Paul Dwyer particularly? Quite interesting. I enjoyed the front area and some of the paintings at the sides. The fields happened to be occupied for some event I have no idea about, so I wasn't able to freely wander about and capture them. Well, there was actually no hard rule in place, but I'm sure y'all know my stance on this by now so I ain't gonna bore ya. All in all, it felt like a fairly large place to walk around, but nothing super large or exciting. Definitely wasn't boring either, so don't be under that impression when I say that it wasn't terribly exciting. Hilariously (or sadly?) when I Googled this school, there were some people or sites saying that this school was pretty bad. The current Google reviews and what not, now paint a more positive impression, but you want to know what's my verdict? No idea! Why? Because I know nothing about this place! Ke ke ke ke ke ke! Now let's discuss the building I found further west of this place.

Even though I planned it before I going there, I actually almost forgot about its existence, until I passed it and remembered that I was supposed to film this place! Wow! That's how “random” it is! Well, random to many, but the staff that actually work there. Because of the fact that it's a building that most won't bat an eye on, that's what made it interesting to film. It's fairly small, so walking around it did not take very long. And because it's small, there wasn't very much to see and do, thus rendering me without having much to say about it, aside from some of the pretty marques I saw on it. Unlike the video of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where I put a slide advising people not to listen to the ending composition, I did not do this for this video, but because it suffered from the same problem, I'll discuss the issue and some possible solutions here. You see, both the outro and intro for this particular synth creates a buzzy, rattling sound when recorded too loudly. In fact, a lot of the synths on the old keyboard suffer from that problem, so you might be wondering: why record it so loudly in the first place? Because the music will sound weak and muffled if I don't. At the same time, recording too loudly also causes problems, so what's the solution? Refrain from using certain electronic voices? No. A possible, untested solution for this problem is to record the music with my Blue Snowball. “What?! No wonder your audio sounds so bad, you dummy! What were you recording your music with for your past several videos?!” you must be wondering. An application from my smartphone. I know. It's just that it's so much quicker and easier to just mount the phone on the keyboard and record, and also makes it more flexible to move it around to various rooms, which is why I recorded it like this in the first place. Problem is, it's proven to sacrifice audio quality for most voices. Oh, and not only that, but the application sometimes records a random static or pop sound, that you don't know is there until you listen to it. Joy..... So you know what? As much as I like the flexibility, ease and speed of putting everything away after, I don't think it's worth the tradeoff for quality. As I've mentioned back in November 2016 I believe, during the brand change, quality was something that I wanted to strive to continually improve. I ought to live up to my word and take the compositions as serious as the videos themselves. I know most of this entry under the Durham Catholic District School Board Building hasn't been about the building itself, but I had to come clean about the outro music, and make my intentions clear, that I've acknowledged this issue myself, first, without having another commenter, troll or what not, tell me about how distorted or weird the loud synth music sounds. I've also highlighted a possible solution and how I plan to execute it for potentially better music quality.

The 3rd building I filmed that day. Upon reaching the grounds, I decided to walk around the building to check for “things” before filming it. I did have intentions to start filming from the front again, but couldn't bother and didn't want to potentially look silly, even though no one was probably watching. Or were they? Were you watching me? I hope not... then again, considering that this church is directly north of a neighbouring area called Thornton Place, which I believe may be a retirement community or maybe a condo or something, it's possible that there may have been curious onlookers watching from their windows.... how creepy... Anyways! It was a tall, pretty building to walk around, and the particular shot of the steeple and sunshine was simply stunning! The outward church organ song I made at the end of the video? Not stunning, but since I've already explained everything under the DCDSB's entry, I get to spare the details here.

The 4th and final building I filmed that day. The building was a little larger than I anticipated it to be, and so were the surrounding fields, which allowed for extra wandering and chatting that many would find to be oh-so-cleverly-boring! Thankfully, I put a warning slide at the 3:21 mark to make it easier for people to decide if they want to continue watching the “joyful” tour around the fields. I find it hilarious that both The Salvation Army Oshawa Church and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were both clearly closed that day, but both also happened to have a lonely minivan parked somewhere on the property? Coincidence? What could be the purpose of those lonely minivans that day? Were they abandoned? Does somebody secretly sleep in those churches to watch over them? Were they additional spying tools?! Who knows! Lot's of crazy things can be assumed about those minivans, but in all likeliness, it's probably just – I don't know actually... I was going to say that it was probably just a temporary visitor visiting another site in the area, but why would they choose to park at a church, as opposed to directly parking on the premise that they're visiting? Again, who knows for sure, so let's just conclude this entry by saying that the Salvation Army crown was a cool subject for photography, though it's main purpose is to represent King Jesus, and not just sit there as a fabulous work of art.

So it's that time of the year again: Good Friday and Easter weekend! I don't have anything special planned for Easter itself, but depending on how it goes with the weather, I did plan to get a number of outdoor videos done, since I'll be able to take “advantage”. How many? We'll have to see. I'd rather underpromise and overdeliver, than to overpromise and underdeliver. That commentary though... haven't done anywhere as much as I'd like to for it this week. I had intentions to get it done by Thursday and type this entry up on Friday instead, but when I clearly saw how far it was from completion, I knew that it would've been a great idea to just upload the videos I filmed from last weekend, and post them and this blog on social media, before the newer videos come. I know, I know. As I told myself from an admonishment that I'd anticipate from you guys in last week's April 06, 2017 Uploads, “If you really wanted to get late commentaries done in a timely manner, you'd halt production of your outdoor videos till your commentary is done, and get your schedule together!” Yet, I refuse to do just that. My excuse reason? “True, but an efficient schedule would allow both to happen, so let's aim for that!” Alright, so let's be honest and real here: have I actually been doing that? No. Why? Because I've been slack as hell. There, I said it, and now need to proceed with the proper corrective course of actions to ensure that this does not happen next or week – better yet, ever again! Ok, that's a bit of a stretch, but seriously, this tardiness needs to be burned with FIRE!!!! Wait, did I write an explanation to an anticipated question about what's so special or important about these commentary videos, and why I keep talking and beating myself up over them? No, I don't think I have, but let's just keep it simple and say that they're good for the channel, and keep up with the theme of gaming, commentaries, and the outdoors. At the very moment I typed this sentence, I decided to take a look at my page without hitting the load more bar, to see the categories of videos: 21 outdoor videos, 8 games and just 1 commentary out of the 30 most recent displayed. WOW! That's clearly quite imbalanced, wouldn't you say? The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 & Note 8: Commentary and Discussion dating back to 4 weeks ago, was the last time I've done a good, proper, complete commentary video. For the games, I've already mentioned many times that they're not a huge priority, but that doesn’t mean that I'm going to drastically halt production of them either. What do I want? I want to get one commentary done a week, alongside the numerous outdoor videos that I do, and if possible, a game or two tossed in. It may sound like a pressurizing, burdening task I'm putting on myself, but rest assured, it isn't. Efficiency and consistency is key. Not just saying that in regards to YouTube, but also for things pertained to life in general.

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