Wednesday, March 29, 2017

March 28, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube 03.28.17

March 28, 2017 Uploads

Can you believe that we're already a quarter way through 2017? I know. Time surely flies! And the fact that the clock jumped an hour ahead for many of us three weeks ago, has likely added to that fast feeling. The weather has also finally gotten a little better for those of us in southern Ontario, but is by no means warm yet! Anyways! Let's discuss those three places I just uploaded.

Robert Samuel McLaughlin Collegiate and Vocational Institute. According to word, that's 7 words and 60 characters. Wow, definitely quite a mouthful alright! So, did you know that I sort of almost ended up not filming this school, nor the neighbouring places I filmed around it? Yeah! Want to know why? Because of the rain! That day, it was raining quite a bit, but not terribly heavily. I was thinking, “Guess I won't be going out today” Until when I looked at the hourly forecast, I noticed that the rain was scheduled to stop in the early afternoon. Now as we all know (or should know!) is the fact that sometimes these weather forecasts can be so unpredictable, but this time, this one held true to its forecast and stopped raining. When I saw that the rain had seized and that it wasn't scheduled to come back, I went out to visit the Stevenson & Rossland area in Oshawa to film this place, and neighbouring Adelaide. “How did you like RS?” You might ask. Well, from the commentary that I made on the video, you can tell that I found it to be a big, hilly place. It was also pretty cloudy, which made the video look a little duller than it should. This and the combination of my voice may(?) have made it sound like I wasn't too thrilled, but I found it to be an alright place to film. The centre hill area was pretty chill. You've seen it in the video, so you know what's next: Adelaide! And still, I haven't bothered researching the two yet. I know. How lazy and slack of me!

This school! It seems to be a relatively small school, judging from the amount of time it took to walk around it. It could be one those places where it's larger than it looks on the inside. Who knows. All I know is that it was a bit of a pain to navigate, thanks to a fence on one of the sides. While annoying for me, it's honestly there for the safety of the kids, because you don't want kids falling and breaking some part of them on the concrete, so it was necessary. Well, I guess they could have solved that steep area by turning it into a slope, or even better, stairs! Why didn't they do that? I don't know... I'm not the architecture or engineer here, but it doesn't take the knowledge of either of those two titles to realize that stairs would have worked out better for that spot. Even though it sounds like I'm making a big deal here, I honestly don't care as much as I sound like do. The place was somewhat small and it doesn't take long to get from one point to another. So! What did I think of this school? I'll be honest: not very interesting. Not horrendously boring either, but Newcastle Public School and Military Trail were much more interesting than this.

Whew! I honestly don't have much to say about this place! It was not a terribly exciting place to walk around and discuss, and like Adelaide, was annoying to navigate. Ouch! You're thinking that I must have hated this place, but truth is, I don't. Why did I film it? Because I passed it on my way when I was heading up to Stevenson and Rossland to film RS and Adelaide McLaughlin, so I decided to come back to it when I was finished with those two. I was honestly kind of nervous about how my irritating, old smartphone would do something dumb like reboot and or shutoff, and surely it did. Thankfully, it did this before I actually started filming the school, and stopped with the foolishness after holding down the power button and volume rocker for 10 seconds (soft reset). After that, there were no more troubles for the day. It helped that it wasn't terribly cold either, because if it were, no amount of resetting would have saved it. Anyway! While Woodcrest wasn't terribly fun, it had a nice chill area.

Didn't expect to come home with three outdoor videos that day, but I did and was surprised about the results. So what's next for my channel? Like usual, you can expect to see an outdoor video or two, next week. I'll also get started on a commentary video this week, so I can publish it next week along with the outdoor adventures. Gaming? So far, no issues, but I do not plan to record a gaming session for next week. Now about those outros and intros: if you've seen the latest videos, you'll undeniably notice the new intros. If you happen to be in the interesting criteria of being a viewer who has been watching for a while, and has a longer than average attention span, you'll notice that the outros have gone from annotated CTAs, plain narrative Call-to-Actions, CTAs with fipple flute drones or songs, to now synthesized keyboard instruments. Ah, quite the metamorphosis, eh? Why am I bringing this up? Because it has proven to be ridiculous amounts of fun! Seriously. March 14, 2017 was the day I decided to fit some batteries into an ancient (10-15 years old???), but functional keyboard and – boy oh boy! The day I did that, was the day I got creative with these variable intros and outros. The ending of the long-chat Samsung Galaxy Note 7 commentary video, was where I first experimented with this and loved the results! And now it is time to stop chatting here and get some other things done!

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