Saturday, March 11, 2017

March 09, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube 3.11.17

March 09, 2017 Uploads

Alright, so this entry is “late” as it should have been done by the 10th at latest. Why wasn't it done? Heh, heh, heh... Tardiness, procrastination, slackness, and the list goes on. For a while, I've done a great job at typing the entry while the videos were uploading, with there even being the odd occasion where I'd type the entry before even uploading. Let's get back to that! While I'd really rather not type this right now, I hate the feeling of doing last week's “homework” in a new week, so I'm getting this done today so I focus clearer for next week. Now, let's discuss the following: Nighttime Traffic on Highway of Heroes @ Thickson Road, Newcastle Public School, and Farrow Avenue (Newcastle).

Remember the Highway Life video? Yeah, that video was done last summer in 2016. I wanted to get another highway video done, this time at night! The purpose of the video was to do a comparison between 1080p and 720p @ 60 frames per second, but I unfortunately didn't get around to doing that in this video, so you'll just have to make do with the 1080p only. Either way, the video turned out “noisy” or rather grainy and blurry in other words, so nobody's likely going to want to watch it. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't bother watching the whole 12 minutes! Or would you? Maybe if you were really bored? Anyways, I believe I used Night Mode + HDR + 1080p for this video. As already mentioned, it looks like the 8MP BlackBerry camera did not cope well with the darkness, fast moving subjects, and all those lights. Still, it has not, and will not stop me from shooting the occasional night video. The fact that Daylight saving time 2017 in Ontario will begin at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 12, means that nighttime will arrive much later. That may likely put me off, since I don't like to leave the house at late hours, but still won't completely stop me from filming night videos. I've tried to look into what kind of sensor it is, but unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a clear source for what the BlackBerry Q10 or Z10 uses. What is it?! Is it an ISOCELL? A Sony Exmor? Carl Zeiss? Wish I knew! Oh well... Maybe I'll find out someday. If I don't, not a big deal because I'm not going to be using this camera forever, that's for sure.

Ah, Newcastle. Have I ever been to this place? No, can't recall ever coming here, though of course, it's possible that I may have been there when I was much younger. If I haven't, then great! It was truly an all-new adventure! Either way, one thing's certain is that it was my first time filming in Newcastle, as you will learn from watching the video. The title and entry makes it clear as daylight that I chose to visit Newcastle Public School for my first video out here, but why? Why did I choose Newcastle Public School as the first subject to film? Well, Newcastle is a small town with not a ton to see or do within the urban area, and because I've been filming schools quite a lot lately, I figured that I'd check out one of their schools and make it my first video of this town. And so I did. Unfortunately, it just had to be biting cold that day, which took away some of my joy, but whatever. It was a really cool place to wander around, and had a lot to see. In fact, I'd even say that it was more interesting than Military Trail Public School, thanks to all the parks, fields and those xylophones! I would have loved to have spent more time hammering out tunes on those xlyophones, but the combination of a running nose, and biting cold weather, made it difficult to film and look down for extended periods of time. Gosh winter! Are you going to end soon?! Even today, as I write this entry, it was freakin' -12°C! During the March 6-10 period, it was comparatively mild, until Friday settled in, and then the weekend decided to go even lower! Wow! This is not what March is supposed to feel like in this part of the country! Come on! Warm up! Alright, onto discussing the next place I filmed in Newcastle. Because the entry is late, no photos have been uploaded to Instagram during the March 6-10 period, but they'll come after I proofread this, upload it, and then Tweet the videos along with it.

The 2nd video I filmed in Newcastle. So, as you can tell from the title and what not, you obviously know that I filmed a road that goes by the name Farrow, but why exactly did I decide to film such a random, rustic road? When I was looking at the map of Newcastle for a location(s) to film, I saw a few potential spots that would be ideal to film. This was one of them, since it wasn't too hard to find, and the fact that it was going to be random, quiet and rustic, made it more appealing for a secondary video from Newcastle to go with the idea of doing a school, then a road video. I was going to talk about the audio, but there's no point since there's an “ATA1201058-like” excuses slide to give you the scoop. Instead, I'll go into more details about the abrupt ending. There's an explanation for that too, but it served as an important reminder to myself to stop filming once you've recorded around 25 minutes worth of videos, when the temperatures are very cold. By that, I'm talking like maybe -8°C and lower. Before, it used to be hard to get close to 30 minutes of footage outdoors in biting temperatures, until I discovered that attaching a portable charger prolongs it. Brilliant! Right? Unfortunately, as I've learned that day and today, is that the phone still shuts off after a certain point, even with the charger attached! What?! WHY?! I don't know if it's something phones are supposed to do, regardless of whether there's a charger attached or not. Maybe it was the type of power bank? Maybe it was the phone? Maybe Canada is just too damn cold! Who knows! The only way to find out for sure is to test various types of smartphones, with various types of powerbanks on days of around -8°C, but heh. That will surely require a lot of $$$$$$$. Cash aside, I'd love to see how the iPhone 7 Plus, Nokia Lumia 950 XL, BlackBerry Passport, LG V20 and Google Pixel XL fare outdoors, with and without power banks. Oh ho ho ho ho hooooooooooo! Anyways, I've complained about shut offs for long enough, so now I'll complain about the video's sharpness: why did it have to turn out so bad, all because I enabled stabilization in the editing software? You see, based on what I've seen in a fair bit of my 2016 videos, that is the very reason why I haven't bothered to stabilize my videos within Movie Maker: it degrades the quality a little too much! Sometimes it'd degrade it so badly, that I'd go back, turn it off, and republish a video before settling on a goodcopy. Yeah, I know. I'm sure 4K videos probably wouldn't suffer that – ok! This has gone from being about Farrow Avenue to Avenue of Complaints, so I'll just continue with this below. Aside from the finger biting cold and shut offs, Farrow Avenue was a nice, quiet road to wander down and film. I would have done more additional coverage on it, had the camera not die after 13 minutes. Thankfully, it happened when I was almost near the end.

Alright, so as I was fussing about from above, I believed that it is only 1080p or lower videos, that suffer most from the WM stabilization, obviously because the resolution is simply lower. The shakier and lower the resolution, the more your video suffers. That said, most phones that do have 4K, also have their own, proper, built-in OIS, so they wouldn't even need stabilization support from any video editing software. There are some phones out there with 4K and no optical image stabilization, but probably not very many. So! The outdoor videos have been coming, so where's the commentary video I've been talking about for like the past two or three entries? Still in the works... Sigh... I've got the audio and what not, done for it, so I can safely say that it should be on the channel the coming week. Not Monday, but likely Tuesday-Thursday. I've also filmed an outdoor video, so that will be uploaded along with it, but my priority will be finishing the commentary first, before I start editing it. Gaming videos? Meh, as you'll know from reading more recent entries, they're not a priority, but that doesn't mean that I've stopped. Maybe when I can become more consistent and organized with other things, then they'll come, but there's certainly no rush here. 

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