Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wednesday, March 15, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                   3/15/17

Wednesday, March 15, 2017 Uploads

Ah, another boring entry where I ramble about my latest videos and complain about things. Ok, who are we kidding?! I am thrilled to finally get that commentary video done after having it in the making for two weeks! So without further rambling here, I will proceed to chatting about Samsung Galaxy Note 7 & Note 8: Commentary and Discussion and Morningside Park: 2017 Winter Visit. Let's go, go, goooooooo!

Ok so you must be wondering “What is so exciting and special about this lengthy Note 7 video of yours?” Well, if you've been reading the past couple of entries, you'll know that I've been complaining about how I've been wanting to get in front of the microphone to chat and make a commentary video. Of course, my reasons were always things like how I couldn't get around to it, how I've been so slack and tardy, etc., etc., you get the idea. When “construction” of this video first started, I was hoping to get it done within the week. It didn't happen, so I became concerned about when I would finish it. If you read the description, you'll know when the construction started and when it finished. Two weeks. Would it have jeopardized the quality if I did finish it within a week? The answer to that question is surprisingly no. As mentioned numerous times, consistency and excessive procrastination were the driving reasons behind the slow down. Anyways! It's here and I'm glad it is. I put some good time into it and I personally love how everything turned out. Well, with the exception of one thing: the outro song! What exactly is that song? For the very few that have heard the original fromRandom Evening Morningside Stroll - DEER SURPRISE!!!” it is a remix of this acoustic song. The song I used before going with this final version was also a remix, but with a different feel to it for lack of a better word. For some reason, I just didn't like it, so I resorted to using the same notes, but on a different instrument (synth). Ok, so now that this is out of the way, you may be wondering what inspired me to make this video in the first place. The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was a smartphone that received critical reception, so when it burned down to cinders (pun intended) and had everyone talking about it, I decided that the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 would be a great subject to add to my list of future subjects to discuss. Mind you, I do not necessarily chase subjects that everyone is talking about, but because I love smartphones, this one proved to be an attractive topic hence why I even decided to put extra labour into it by drawing up the slides. “So how well do you expect the video to perform?” may be another question you'd probably ask me, and believe it or not, I actually asked myself the very same thing. The answer? Not sure… I did expect it to perform a little better than some of my other commentaries, but won't keep my hopes up too high. That said, part of me is saying that this video could even exceed some of the others, since it's about a smartphone that was so popular, and is still talked about sometimes even though it's 2017. The hilarious(?)/crazy(?)/interesting(?)/cute(?)/wild(?)/informative(?) slides might also make it more appealing and different from other related videos on YouTube. We'll see. Oh yes! I should also mention that I've never actually got to get a hands-on with this phone, because it was pulled from the shelves by the time I went out to see it.

It was very cold. It made my annoying nose run a lot. That's all I have to say for this entry ------------- KIDDING! Ha ha haaaaaaa! Alright, so as you'll learn from watching this video, this place surprisingly turned out to be more nostalgic than I thought, once I actually arrived in the area with the green themed playground. At first, I had no idea that I've been to this ground, until I saw that and remembered that I went here back in Grade 9. Or was it Grade 10? No, it was Grade 9. Ah, the sweet Grade 9 days…. I initially expected the trail I took to be short, but I soon discovered that there were lots to be seen, hence the nearly 30-minute video length. Visit this place. It's interesting. Probably not during a very cold day, but even then, that didn't stop other people aside from myself, from exploring it. Oh and did you know that this video was a “place holder”? Now you know! There was another place that I had originally wanted film that day, but chose this place instead, in hopes that the weather will be a little better when the time comes to film another outdoors video!

Well, I won't be complaining about how I haven't been able to get a commentary video done this week, because I did it – YES! I also got a long outdoor video done, so I'm glad and disappointed about that. Why the disappointment? Because many parts of it were so damn shaky! Ugh! And as explained last week, attempting to stabilize it would have resulted in reduced sharpness and would have created some awful “illusions”! My recent Farrow Avenue (Newcastle) video is an example of a video that suffered pretty badly from reduced quality, while Valley Farm Forest Ravine: Following The Path Straight to Grand Valley is an example that suffers from not one, but BOTH! Ouch! Anyways, so what's next? Any gaming videos this week? Likely not, but an outdoors video is almost guaranteed for next week. As for commentaries, I'll cautiously say that I'd like to get another one done for next week. “What's your next crazy commentary video going to be about this time?” you'll probably ask. Should I even drop a hint, or should I keep it a secret? Fine, it's going to be about a person – kidding! Though I do have plans to do one a person somewhat soon, the upcoming commentary won't be on a person. Stay tuned to find out what I'll chat about next!

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