Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February 22, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube 02.22.17

February 22, 2017 Uploads

Five videos! Would have been six, but I'll explain that part a little later. Wow! Why so many videos?! Because there was a lot to see and capture during my recent trips in Toronto and Oshawa, so let's discuss the following: Saint John Paul II Catholic Secondary School: Walk around and commentary, Military Trail Public School: Walk around and commentary, College Park Seventh-day Adventist Church & Canadian Headquarters Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church: Blue Building, and Kingsway College Drive Off-road Forest Exploration. Mighty goodness! That's a lot of long titles going on there, and equal amounts of coverage and photos were taken. Let's dive into this going with the usual theme of chatting about the videos that were short first.

So remember from the last entry, February 16, 2017 Uploads, in the Rodda Boulevard part where I mentioned that there was supposed to be a plan A done that day, but then went with plan B, which ended up being Rodda? Well, this was it: this high school. Yeah. So why exactly didn't I shoot SJP that day? Because it looked like there was some “big(?)” event going on during that day, so the grounds weren't quiet and vacant as I'd like them to be. Be of course, I did not want to go home with nothing, so I decided to film a neighbourhood. This time, the grounds were vacant which allowed me to finally get this video done in peace and quiet! Ah, it was so satisfying! This high school had a lot of interesting corners, marks and attributes to it, that made it so great to film and photograph. I didn't film the track, because I didn't know where it was during filming, but by the time I went around to photograph the school, I realized that it was mostly covered in snow and slush! That's also where I figured out that it and it's neighbour, Military Trail Public School, have the Ellesmere Ravine behind them. Interesting! Speaking of Military Trail, I should go ahead and discuss it.

You know what's funny? Since I was approaching this area westbound, this means that I initially passed this school first, but yet I decided to film Saint John Paul first. Why? Because it was the one that had me itching more to film it. That's why. Ok, that's lame so let's get into some details here! As you've heard me remark in the video, I really enjoyed filming this school. I looked the looks of it, it's surroundings, and just many things about it. For that reason, I even went ahead and said that it was the most interesting elementary school I've filmed to date. Nice work, Military Trail, but there's more elementary schools to discover out there that may be better looking than you! So like the other video, there were also a fair bit of complaints about the excessive snow, slush and inappropriate shoes for the conditions, but I did appreciate the mild winter weather that day. “So what additional things happened behind the scenes, during, before or after?” you might be wondering. Well, Before doing this, I believe my phone shut off from the cold, but don't worry, I won't make this another one of those long elaborate complaints and analyzations about why my phone shuts off outdoors so much. What I should say, is that I've actually executed a solution in one of the more recent videos. Will elaborate more on that when I get to it. So, I guess there's nothing more I have to say about Military Trail Public School, so I shall proceed with the next heading.

According to Word, there are 94 characters in that mighty long title. Believable, isn't it? So this area I went to in Oshawa, appears to be the “Great Mighty Seventh-Day Adventist” strip. Seriously, you have a church in this area, two headquarter buildings, a college, a store, a distribution press, a greenhouse and many other buildings, all pertained to the Seventh-Day Adventist church. Wow. Impressive. As a result, I even nicknamed this expedition “The Great Oshawa Christian Quest” in the “Dead” Kingsway College video, but I'll talk about that specific entry a little later. So! The video I made covers both the College Park Church and one of the buildings for the headquarters. Why did I do this? Should probably be kind of obvious, especially if you're a YouTuber yourself, or if you just know me be now. I did not quite feel like putting down the camera after filming the church, and because the site was so close, I crossed the road to capture it. College Park Church was an interesting site, in that the building itself was fun to go around because of its hilly, busy surroundings. It's also pretty large, so that too was a plus. Because I couldn’t tell if the brown headquarters building was completely closed or not, I had to film it with caution to avoid looking unnecessarily creepy. I successfully captured and photographed it. Yes. I sound like such a bad man or a spy based on the way I'm talking here, giggity! Anyways, I loved all those provincial flags in front of it. It makes it look so proud and patriotic, but you know? There's more! Let's discuss the other part of the headquarters which happens to be much larger and bluer!

After doing the church and the brown headquarters site, this one was next! Boy oh boy, does it look impressive and proud! Big, blue, lots of glass, and it's ever so shiny. This site is clearly the flagship headquarter for the Seventh-Day Adventist church, but as for the other smaller, brown building, I honestly have no idea what purpose it serves. One thing's certain, is that my purpose for this trip was to film and photograph the great, blue, holy building. It went great! The weather wasn't warm, but it wasn't super cold either, and there was plenty of sunshine. After this shooting this video, the next great and unfortunate segment took place. Read on below to get the scoop.

The Dead Video of The Great College Park Drive & Clarence Bisential Drive Exploration
In this video, I initially slated to film just Kingsway College, but after seeing how “small” it was, it was quickly covered. I did not feel like dropping the camera, so I wandered around the area. It was then, that I soon discovered that there were TONS to see! So many paths, bushes, unfamiliar territory and roads! I wandered over to a burnt looking auditorium, went up the road to some rustic, ancient-looking building that looked as though it had been around from the early 1900s, walked through lots of snow, many paths, ended up seeing the Beuna Vista Hall, an exercising complex, the Adventist Book Centre, and what else? Not sure if I'm missing anything else, but you can tell that I definitely saw a lot, and wandered into some very interesting areas. This was indeed an interesting, historical, modern, wild area all in one. When I finally returned to a more familiar part of Kingsway College Drive, I was getting very close to ending the video, but wanted to end it in the same area where I filmed Snow, pellets and Wind from last year. Shortly after arriving in front of the wooded area, a message shows up stating “Could not record video” What?! What exactly was that supposed to mean?! Did I seriously just lose almost 40 minutes of footage?! I quickly looked into my videos folder to find it, but it was not there. I looked into file manager and the file was there, but it could not be played… I was very disappointed. A 35 minute video, and the system for some reason couldn't catch it? What gives? Was it the memory card to blame? The formatting? The operating system? Who knows! Because the file exists, it's not truly lost, but because it cannot be played due to a “missing codec” caused from MP4 corruption, it has classifies as “dead” in my books. There are expensive tools out there that claim they can fix MP4 files, but aside from those, what are my other options? I hate to have one of these conversations about this again, but this time, a 35 minute video is pretty serious business. Admittedly, I haven't spent much time looking into other alternatives this year, after the 1st original dead West Hill Video, because I thought “It was only the temperature that this caused this incidence, so I won't see temperature related problems again if I make the proper precautions” True. For this trip I finally got around to tethering the phone with a portable pack and – viola! No shut-offs and big, red, empty battery icons showed up! Unfortunately, I just had to be struck with something else, as soon as I find a solution for one problem. Great. Perhaps I should just update the device, or format the card, and see if that helps for this weird size problem. Due to the disappointment, I went ahead and filmed Kingsway College Drive Off-road Forest Exploration, to make up for this loss.

So as you know by now, this is a make up video done after discovering that the Kingsway tour video's MP4 has gone corrupt. Here, I talk about the situation and the reasons why I made this very video. I went down into the forested part and walked around. Not a ton of exciting things to do or see down here, but it was still kind of fun to trek through the woods of Kingsway.

It feels like I've this said too many times, but I seriously need to do proper research on this MP4 issue. I know there's a reliable, free solution out there, but where is it? Does it really exist? Or is it going to have to come at a cost? Who knows. I've posted a picture from the tour on my Instagram page, where I asked about how you can fix broken MP4 files. To date, no replies, but one like. Didn't really expect to see any advice, you never know until you try… MP4 problems aside, I really liked how the videos came out. In comparison to the blurry Rodda video, these videos have came out so much sharper and crisper, all thanks to the HDR setting. Wow. Who knew it could make that much of a difference? Stability has not been the best, but it certainly wasn't the worse either, as I've really tried to concentrate on the camera still while moving. What's in store for the next batch of uploads? Hard to say for certainty, because I've been saying for a while that I've been wanting to do some commentaries and gaming videos for a while, yet haven't gotten around to it. I'll just say that I'd ideally like to get one of each category done for the next batch of uploads: one outdoor, one commentary, and one gaming. 

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