Friday, February 10, 2017

February 10, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube 02.10.17
February 10, 2017 Uploads

Four days before Valentine's Day. Yay? Nay? Who cares? Should we care? Wait, why am I mentioning this? Whatever. The weather has been annoying where I am lately with these biting cold days, and then there was a day with freezing rain that left the sidewalks full of slippery ice! Much of it has been salted by now, but now it's snowing quite plentifully. Oh, Canada! God keep our land safe! Anyways, let's discuss the following videos: Henry Hudson Senior Public School - Walk around, Heather Heights Junior Public School - Walk around, and Ellesmere Evening Walk And Random Detour. Let's start chatting!

I don't know what to talk about. I'm sorry, but I have to be real and honest here. Kind of makes you wonder why bother even doing an entry then? Well, because I can think about what I should discuss, and then transfer it from my brain to the keyboard as my fingers dance gracefully across the board. A heavy snow shovelling truck just passed my house as I type this – alright let's get serious here! So, this school was covered rather quickly, and I because I didn't bother wandering down the street or out into some fields or something, I decided to just toss a whole heap of pictures into the video to give it more “meat”. How was the exploration? Pretty boring to be honest. That's why I honestly had to think about what I'm going to discuss here, because there really wasn't much I have to say about this boring walk around. And to add insult to injury, it was a nippy -7°C which made my finger tips uncomfortably cold. So cold, that I had to let my hands warm up before wandering across Heather Heights Park to film the namesake school, Heather Heights. Would've helped to wear warmer gloves, but they don't feel as flexible as my lighter leather gloves.

Despite being a supposedly smaller building, this school was more interesting to film than its middle school counterpart, Henry Hudson. There was just more interesting things to point out, film and photograph, making the walk around a lot more fun. What wasn't fun, was the decision to axe the original audio and dub it with studio commentary. As I explained in the video, I felt it was the right thing to do. I personally found the constant weird whistle, hissing, and rubber sounds annoying, thus I had to choose between chatting or copyright-free music. There's been a few cases where I just left the video silent altogether, and some I where I went with music. It was late, didn't feel like searching up songs, so I just went with chatting since it was the quickest, easiest thing to do. Went well. And to answer a question that came in the video, the school is located on Slan Avenue. Now we know. Let's talk about that Ellesmere walk now.

So after successfully filming and photographing Henry Hudson and Heather Heights (kind of sounds like they could be a couple, eh?) I went for a stroll on Ellesmere. No deer to be seen this time, but as the title states, I made a random right turn off into the woods. Who was with me? What happened? When? Where did this happen? And most importantly, why the hecklersnappers did I did this?! Well, because I felt like it. Seriously, I wanted to “spice it up” a bit, so I decided to go over the divider and entered the forest which happened to be a part of Morningside Park. So what did I discover in there? Nothing super special. Just got to satisfy my curiousity and walked through some woods, which is something I haven't done since mid-January. While getting in there wasn't overly challenging, getting out was due to the risk of sliding back down the slope into the woods again! The entry that I took had a lot of frost-dried plants that helped with traction, but coming back up for some reason was a challenge. Actually, the real challenge was finding the exit..... When I u-turned I thought I would've returned back to the same spot, only to realize that I ended up coming out onto Morningside instead of Ellesmere! Mamma mia! What a wild, silly trip! Got out safely, and went home that day with 3 outdoors videos for YouTube. Score! I know how much y'all love the outdoor photographs on Instagram, so you'll be pleased to know that you'll have lots to see soon. Not so much from this particular video, but plenty from the other two.

I am not pleased with myself this week for such poor time management and procrastination. Believe it or not, I had intentions to get two commentary videos done, and perhaps a gaming video. Did that happen? Nope! Instead I ended up editing these outdoors videos yesterday, when they were supposed to be finished on Monday! And now here I am typing this entry here on Friday, which is fine, but there would've been 5, maybe even 6 videos to talk about, if I wasn't so slack and unorganized this week! Argh! Better luck next week, though the 2nd topic I wanted to do will be irrelevant by then, but I can always do something else... Need to get it together and be organized, hard working, focused, and consistent.

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