Wednesday, February 1, 2017

January 31, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube                                                       01.31.17
January 31, 2017 Uploads

A batch of new videos on the very last day of the month, first month of the 2017 New Year. How's it been going for me? Quite great! I've been pleased with the increasing views on some of my videos, and now that I've gotten my hands on the mobile Instagram application a few weeks ago, I've been able to use it to further advertise my videos and get them out there for greater exposure. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and I guess Snapchat, are the 4 major pillars that most hugely successful channels have, though some may be missing one, or the other, or a couple here and there. And course, some will have additional sites such as Tumblr, Deviant Art, Pinterest, Flickr, their own website, and many others. In my case, I don't use Facebook or Snapchat, but instead use a Twitter, Instagram and Blogger combination, which is slightly odd, but hey, it's what I like! I use my YouTube Twitter account to perform the namesake function of tweeting mainly about my videos, as well as other opinionated things here and there. Instagram, I use largely for the same purpose, but focus more on pictures and quotes. The fact that it doesn't have a word limit, makes it great for hashtags and extensive texts. Not sure where Blogger stands in the popularity rank, but I use it because I have a vast, imaginative mind, and because I like to type and can sometimes go into such lengthy details about things, making it an ideal platform to use. Then there's the fact that like YouTube, it is also a Google product, so this makes things more integrated with services like signing in and such. Alright, now for the videos I've recently done: Barron Trump [Discussion and Commentary], Saint Margaret's Public School, Saint Margaret's Parkette and Random Evening Morningside Stroll - DEER SURPRISE!!! Let's discuss it!

Boy oh boy! Since the conception of the idea, to the very finishing of this video, I had so much fun and giggles with this video! The wild, radical, narration speaks volumes about that! I don't care how corny, lame, and cheesy it came off, but making this video was just so wild and enjoyable! Well, audio editing and syncing, not so much, but even then, that wasn't all that bad either, since I've discovered better and quicker tricks to make the process less of a headache. So! What inspired me to make this silly, yet actually sad video? Truth is, there were two factors. The first is the video I did on the musician Leo Pellegrino. When I saw the ever increasing views and profits coming out of that quirky video, I was like “Wow! I definitely gotta do another 'Discussion & Commentary' video at some point” Seriously, the video has even performed better than my Alfa Romeo Stelvio which to date, still has more views than it, but probably won't for much longer if the Leo video continues at it's current slow, but steady growth rate. So after getting the positive motivation from that, I began to see a lot of news and buzz about another Trump, who wasn't Donald, not Melania, not Ivanka or the others, but a 10-year old one named Barron! I read the articles, ideas exploded and then boom! The idea of discussing Barron came quickly and I strived to hop on it and create it as fast as I can to keep it fresh and relevant. Of course, I kept the quality and corn factor high as well. I know that I say it was the autism allegations in the video itself that made me want to do this, but the real reason before discovering that was what I've mentioned here about the successful Leo video. Another thing that wasn't easy, was getting the improv during the ending slide right, but after many attempts, it worked it. I am overall very satisfied with this video, but because I've typed this before the video was released to YouTube, I have yet to see how well it will perform, but I'm feeling optimistic about it.

Heh heh, truth be told, “West Hill Park Exploration” would have honestly been a far more truthful title to the video, since most of the video actually takes place in it, but alas! Saint Margaret's Public School is the highlight (pun intended) of the video with its orange roof. Despite taking place in such a big city, both the park and school were quiet. Really quiet. I mean it was the weekend and all, but wow. It was honestly a good thing though, because it made the exploration feel more wondrous and peaceful, by having the grounds all to myself. I really like that. It gives me more breathing space and less nervousness. The portables conjoined to the building is interesting, because it's my first time seeing something like this. We've all seen schools with many portables, but how often is it do you see them conjoined to the main building? The answer to that is likely rarely or very rarely, since they are called “portables” after all. They are designed in mind to be used as temporary-ish buildings to accommodate a school population that exceeds the original building's design capacity. In the case of the school, it looks like they decided that the school's population has been large and sustainable enough to extend them into the school. Pretty interesting. You know what else is interesting? West Hill Park. It has several playgrounds around the place, and I even attempted to go down the slide in the earlier part of the video, which resulted largely in failure because I kept knocking my sunglasses or some part of me. The reason? It wasn't designed for adults. Enough said. You know what? I probably should've went on the swing just for fun and giggles! Or not? That would've been too lame.... Anyway, south east of West Hill lies another site: Saint Margaret's Parkette! Time to discuss that!

Oh, ho ho ho ho ho hoooooooo! So the first thing you see is the billboard for Saint Margaret's Anglican Church, which happens to be the first place that I explore within what they dub a “parkette”. After wandering around the vicinity of the church, I ..................... wandered into the graveyard, arr, or does it sound better and less scary to say cemetery? Either way, it means the same thing. If you can recall from the video I covered for Maranatha Church in Bowmanville, I wanted to do that, but got cold feet over uncertain legality concerns, but this time, I just went ahead with it and exercised caution, discretion, courtesy and just common sense really. I have never walked and filmed a graveyard at the same time, so this would be my very first time doing it. It was quite an interesting, different, yet unnerving experience.... No, it's not because of “spirits” or the dead coming to attack me or nonsense like that, but was just concerned about running into troubles. Thankfully, nothing happened, but who knows. Maybe something could've happened if I went at another time during actual service. Maybe I'm being paranoid about it, but it was a nice tour. That's what I can tell you for certain. I've been to graveyards that were a bit more scenic than this, but St Margaret's Cemetery was still nice to visit.

After visiting West Hill Park, Saint Margaret's Public School, its Anglican church grounds, its graveyard and the open space of the park itself, I decided to film a video of me walking on Morningside in the evening. Unfortunately, this video, as well as the video of the Parkette, don't look as sharp or stable as I'd like them to be. The reason? Well, the reason behind the instability is pretty darn obvious, but for the poorish resolution, I believe that it would've been fixed if I had set it to night mode for the graveyard, and night mode + HDR for the stroll video. I didn't think that it was dark enough for it, but if there was anything to learn from a cruddy video I filmed last year, “Night Test After Heavy Rain and Thunder” is that you'll get better results by using night mode + HDR in a city setting AND by keeping the camera still! If you have a camera without OIS and you don't keep it still, it seriously hurts the resolution quality. The problem is exacerbated in low light scenarios, so that's something to keep in mind, regardless of how good your camera is. Quality and sharpness disappointments aside, it was a nice walk and the deer really caught me by surprise! Oftentimes when I see these deer warning signs, I've hardly, if ever, seen any deer so this happens to be one area where you'll actually see the real deal. I'm no expert, but they happened to look like white-tailed deer.

Your mom. Giggity, kekkity, giggity, kekkity, giggity! Classical and immature, isn't it? Man, ever since I've done that video, I can tell ya that it left me feeling so young and immature! Ah, the good ol' rowdy, carefree days! Gone they are, but hey. Not that I'm an ancient man be any means (voice probably gives it away?), but anyways! Haven't done any gaming videos last week, as my focus was heavily geared towards getting that Barron video done quickly, as well as planning for my outdoors videos. Still, with a little better time management, that should have been possible, but as I said from last time, they're very fun to make, but they are not a priority. So! Where will I go next? What will I play? Who will I expose next?! Stay tuned to find out! 

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