Friday, February 17, 2017

February 16, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube                                                                                    02.17.17

February 16, 2017 Uploads

Only one video this week?! Not good! Not very good at all! I will explain later why this is not good for several reasons, but let's just first get on with discussing the solo upload for this week, Rodda Boulevard Tour.

Yep, another video from Toronto's West Hill area. When will I do another area? When will I do another video in Durham Region, or even Markham or something?! Who knows. That's all I can tell you. Just wait, watch, observe and you'll see. I haven't done very many videos on me filming and walking down residential areas, so it feels nice to have another one on the channel. I've done Bobmar Road and Esterbrook Drive (and its vicinity) in the past, but truth is, I often don't have enough bravery to shoot residential videos. “What? Why?!” You must be wondering. It's because it often feels weird and a little invasive, and then there's the fact that people will often be out and about. I usually try to avoid filming people where possible to respect their privacy. I know you can always blur faces or simply edit them out, but I admittedly don't bother with those options, unless specifically requested to do so. You can also point the camera down, which is what I do sometimes, but then there has also been times where I couldn't bother with doing that either. So what's the verdict here? Am I going to fret over people or what? Nah! Truth is, as long as you make it obvious enough that you're just doing a casual video of you filming your walk, or vlogging or what not, most people could care less. It's when you start stalking them, photographing them, or “putting them in the spotlight” is when it becomes a serious invasion of privacy, but who does that? Wait, some rude people do unfortunately, and they have ended up the news…. Not the type of attention you want! Thankfully, I have never ended up that situation, and I'm confident enough to that I almost certainly won't. Alright! That's enough awkward rambling about people on camera, so let's actually discuss Rodda Boulevard itself and the video about it. This road has a bit of a weird stretch, but the area I covered was the townhouse portion with numerous gates. There wasn't a ton of exciting things to see, though wandering down the gate pathways was quite fun. As you'll know from the complaints from the dubbed audio in the first segment, the ridiculously heavy breathing and other annoying sound effects, drove me to removing the original audio for the first 3 ½ minutes…. Similar situation to Heather Heights from last week….. Oh well. Whatever. Oh yes! I have an additional fact to share with about this trip: this trip was a plan B resort. “What?! So what was plan A?!” you must be wondering. Well, can't tell ya! When I shoot it, I'll be sure to let you know that it was the original video that I was supposed shoot on the day I filmed Rodda Boulevard.

Another week of no gaming videos, no commentaries, and only one outdoors video to beat. ARGH! WHY?! Why must I be such a chronic, slack, procrastinator?! I need to get it together and spit out more videos! Mind you, I'm not talking quantity over quality here, as quality is still extremely important to me, hence some of things I've mentioned and done in my videos, but seriously! I need to make more videos! This is not only bad for my personal goals, but apparently, I've been reminded that the smaller output has also caused my revenue to dip! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Ok that's really dramatic and I'm making it sound as if I lost a million or something, but for real though: I'm not impressed with declines like that. You know, generally speaking, the more you work, the more money you get. The same is true for YouTube, in that the more quality, interesting videos you make, the more money you make. Now I'm obviously not purely chasing this for the money, as we all know (or should know!) that YouTube is not a “get rich quick” scheme, but it's still a nice, fun, creative way to earn a little cash on the side. The sad part about this is that I already knew about the fact that more videos means more money, yet I've started slacking off quite a bit. Not good! I know better than that, so I ought to stop with the tardiness, and just get my damn act together! And when I say that, I'm also referring to other things as well… Alright, now that I'm finished lecturing myself like a madman, it's time to walk the walk, and not just talk the talk; Let's go!

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