Thursday, August 4, 2016

Late July 2016 Uploads

In this entry, I'll be discussing the four videos that were uploaded between July 27 – July 29: Pokémon Go Ramblings, Trans-Canada Trail: North/Central Strip, Forest Brook Community Church and Creepy Flappy Bird. It feels so sad and weird to not have Asphalt 8 included in this entry, but I just wasn't able to get it edited and uploaded in time for this, so I'll have to do without it for this round. ):

Well, the title is very self-explanatory: all I do is just browse and talk about the game, while going through some images and commenting on some news. I had no interest to play this game at all, and still don't, but because the game was constantly making headlines all over the internet, and even made it's way to Canadian shores, I kind of felt like I had to do a video on it and toss my opinions in. Of course, the video doesn't involve me playing it, so I made damn sure that I put the word “ramblings” in the title in order not to mislead people! My channel does revolve around filming the outdoors and mobile games, so this game in theory would have been a great recipe for this channel, but nope! As I mentioned in the video, I find the game to be rather lame, dangerous and just not something I'm up for. I'd rather just explore places normally without hunting for Pokémon! You can't even hunt them for real, and will never be able to, but this is as close as it gets, so I guess that does explain the hype. Or is it as close as it gets? Could game designers and engineers actually come up with a simulator that's even closer than this? Who knows. Only time will tell. Here's a fun fact: according to a Gizmodo article that was published today (August 1, 2016 at the time of this writing) Pokémon Go on Wikipedia has more endnotes than the Bible – Wow! 113 vs 191. Why couldn't it be the other way around?! Oh well. Tuberculosis, masturbation, space invaders and the standalone word Pokémon, were other titles that also had a lot of end notes, but not as much Pokémon Go! I'm not sure how long the hype will last for this game, but some predict that it's a fad that will die “soon”. How soon? Who knows. Maybe Niantic might just do something insane just to keep it afloat.

Ah, part #2 of the Ajacian Trans-Canada trail adventures! The continuation of this trail is located north of the southern portion on Highway #2. I've mentioned this in the video description, but apparently this is not final portion of the trail, nor is it the furthest north, hence why I had to change the name to north-central to make it more accurate. So where is this “far north” strip that I speak of? I'll tell ya later this week or early next week, though I'm sure that some Ajacians will probably already know. Part #3 has been filmed last weekend, but needs to be edited and uploaded. Anyways! That's enough about part #3. The northcentral strip as you can observe from the length of the video, was much longer than the southern portion, and was full of gravel and buzzing bugs on certain portions, so carrying lots of water and bug spray is a good idea! A must actually. I also had to be careful about not being lead out of the trail system, so I reviewed the map a few times before filming to make sure that I didn't end up accidentally exiting. It worked for the most part, but you can see me having doubts sometimes, because the place is just so expansive! The trail itself is very easy to trek and doesn't have any crazy slopes, rocky edges or anything like that. It also isn't “dazzling” per se, but does have a few plaques that I filmed up close, and a lot of bridges. I wasn't expecting so many crossings, but I appreciate it because swimming or hopping over Duffin Creek isn't something I wanted to do! Not even on a hot day like the way it was! I successfully completed the trail, made it to the end of the road, and saw what looked like a continuation at Riverside Drive, so I crossed and continued... and then I had doubts... I didn't know if it was a property I might have ventured onto or something else, but I decided to stop filming there. Now that I have looked it up, it may have been something in regards to the Riverside Golf Club. I had no idea at that time, so I continued south of the road, which lead me to another place that I thought I wouldn't end up filming: Forest Brook Community Church!

When I saw this I place I stopped and asked myself: “Am I going to keep going, or am I going to film this place?” The video's presence on YouTube is the clear answer. Despite the grueling hot weather and reduced water levels in my container, I went for it! I was expecting it to just be a typical exterior walk around, until suddenly I found some stairs! Being the curious explorer I am, I descended the stairs and found an alien on the wall!!! *GASP!* Who would've thought?! Aliens coming together with humans to worship God?! Wow! It's too bad I couldn't get inside to see the congregation of aliens and humans, but alas! It was quite the encounter! I went back upstairs, finished the exploration, and then finally call it quits when I ended up at the beautiful front end of the church.

See? I told you I was going to play more spin-offs of this game! This time though, a very, very, very, creepy spin-off of Flappy Bird! It's so creepy that a warning is given in the description not to proceed, unless you really think you can handle it! Are you a momma cuddling wuss, or a screamy, flighty chick? Then don't watch it! Alas, I can expect many to click and perilously risk their lives anyway! You'll be riding on the back of clumsy, cryptic bird flying haphazardly through some frightening gates, through an equally frightening yard, with a continuous contrabass overtone howling, objects creaking and heavy footsteps dropping! Let me warn you once again: watch out. Ok? Just watch out. I unfortunately can't tell you what's going to to happen, but you were the one the decided to enter that dangerous zone at your own risk, so I cannot tell you everything......... You'll just have to see some things for yourself, but try to come back alive so I can hear your story.
Fun fact: I produced the soundtrack through experimentation, and decided to accompany it with a creepy video that lead to the creation of this video.

Ha haaaaaaaaa! I just had to find a way to squeeze Asphalt 8 into this! So, what's up for Asphalt 8 this week? A video with several tracks to showcase a special (in my opinion) thing! The clips have been recorded, but only need to be edited and uploaded, which I'm hoping to get done sometime this week. Here's a peek below.

This video belongs to CATMANTOO. I normally wouldn't really comment on a cat video, simply because there's way too many of them on YouTube, to the point that's honestly overkill, but this one appeared in the Hotmail news this week, so I checked it out. It's a skateboarding cat! A highly entertaining, hilarious video, but I kept wondering to myself: how much camera trick and editing did this involve? Is it fake? This is so fake! But when I reached the end, it mentioned that it took many months of training, so I guess this means that it's not fake? Who knows. One thing's certain is that it's adorable, hilarious and entertaining, regardless of whether it's actually fake or not.

And that wraps up this entry. I got a couple videos to edit and upload, and if you read the rambling above, you'll know exactly what's coming: Trans-Canada Trail #3, an Asphalt 8 video, ####### and possibly ‎¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥!

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