Friday, July 22, 2016

July 19-20 Video commentaries

July 19-20 Video commentaries

For this Mid-latish July entry, I'll be going into lengthy commentaries on the four videos titled below.

So in this video we have an Aussie couple with a Dodge Journey that they've had for a couple of years. The problem? It's been painfully unreliable, which is unfortunately not surprising given that this is a product from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. The unreliability of their Dodge Journey has been so bad, that they've had to try so many times to try and get Fiat Chrysler Australia to fix the car, but never received the proper help that they've needed. They often had to resort to fixing it out of their own expenses. Eventually, they got so frustrated that it led to the video you see in the link above: tank demolition! They didn't want to trade it in or sell it, because they feared that it would become another owner's problem, so they resorted to abusing the car a bit before finally letting a military tank run over the garbage. Wow! They really had it with that Dodge and wanted to bring public awareness to Australia, that the country urgently needs to introduce Lemon Law protections to avoid the dilemma that many Australians go through when they purchase unreliable cars. It was entertaining watching a vehicle being crushed, but based on the nightmarish experiences the couple went through, it's also pretty sad. Now just in case a Fiat Chrysler fan reading this wants to come on and tell me or the couple off, don't. All cars can have problems, but some brands have been proven to be worse than others based on countless amounts of studies and owners reports. Fiat Chrysler, unfortunately fairs pretty badly. Not all owners have gone through hell with them, but many have. I personally like the Ram 1500, Dodge Durango and Maserati Levante from their line up, but I do hope that they work hard to improve their reliability and quality record.

I've been reading about commenters picking at Justin's “ums” for quite a while now, but now there's actually a video about this? Wow. Just Wow… While it's obvious that hes does say “um” and “uh” a lot, it's a bit awkward to point it out to this level, but nonetheless, this video was absolutely hilarious! The fact that they were not only counting, but also adding um faces each and every time he would say uh or um. He clocked in at 50 ums in under a minute and a half during this short segment. Humour and jokes aside, he was actually answering an important question in regards to the disastrous fire that plagued Fort McMurray. The asker wanted to know what the federals were going to about the situation, and he did the right thing by answering it seriously and stating what he did, but due to the intended nature of this particular video, it was borderline impossible to keep a straight face while watching this video! Seriously, who can keep their lips still to this? I left a comment saying “Hey, at least he speaks two languages!” and received the following response someone: “This IS NOT an example of speaking the English language." LOL! Wonder how he would've sounded in French or Mandarin??

Due to the graphic, sensitive nature of this video, it could be pulled down from YouTube any minute now. Viewer discretion is advised. As you can see in the video, a woman decides one day to charge at her boyfriend in a nice, red Ford Mustang because she found out that he had the human immunodeficiency virus, better known as simply HIV. Now, I can understand her being extremely upset, angry, frustrated, used, disappointment and beyond, but this was certainly not the right way to go about things! We are often taught that two wrongs doesn't make a right, and that definitely applies here. It can be very hard and embarrassing to mention to someone that you have HIV, because you'll naturally be afraid of rejection and scandalous gossip, but clearly, hiding it has proven to be a lose-lose situation for both of them: the man got ran over and broke some bones, while the woman was charged and jailed. It's been said a thousand times, but needs to be said again: communication and honesty! It can sometimes be difficult to practice these things, but it's important in order to try and keep a healthy relationship. In this case, I think it's actually a legal issue that potential sex partners are required to know whether you have the disease or not, as are your health care providers. This is a very deep, complex situation that could very well turn into a post well exceeding a thousand words, but I'll just say that if this man felt that the woman is a scandalizer who would hurt him by word of mouth and ruin many things for him, then she may not have been worth it. It's hard, risky and complicated, but if possible, let your partners know as soon as possible if you feel they can handle it. If not, speak to your health care providers and trusted experts; they're there for a reason.

Ah, now for some a little cheerier. So what makes this performance of Vivaldi's Winter so special, that I had to talk about it? The lead solo is a recorder! Yes, that's right. Those things that most people often see as cheap elementary toys, even though they're not! This man's speed, accuracy, articulation and just everything about the way he was playing was just incredible! I'll be honest: due to the recorder's small range of two octaves (and a third, fourth or even fifth depending on the model and your level of virtuosity), I didn't really think it was possible to do this, but he pulled it off like the musical champion he is! One thing I did notice, is that he did swap recorders a couple times throughout the piece, likely to get around the range issue, or probably just to show off his mad skills, or maybe just because some voices handled certain passages better? Who knows. The man is just good! That's what I know for sure. So who is he? I looked him up and apparently his name is Dan Laurin. “Dan Laurin is an award-winning Swedish recorder player” Those are the very words from his wiki page and it's spot on! I haven't really listened to his other performances, but judging from this one, we can certainly say that he's good.

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