Thursday, August 30, 2018

August 30th Entry: Fidget Spinners

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                   2018-07-17

August 30th Entry: Fidget Spinners

🔵This blog post may contain affiliate links

OH NO! 😨 HALP ME GUYZ! 😱 I caught the fidget spinner virus! 🤒 No seriously, these things are mad addictive! 😛🤪😍 I can now see why fidget spinners were so iconic in 2017, and are still talked about in 2018. It's because they're so damn fun!🎉 They come in so many different colours, looks, sizes -- um, alright! 😅 I should save the rest of it for the headings on fidget spinners below, so let's address some other things now. But yeah, if you read the last entry, you'll know that I was not kidding about the unboxings and fidget spinner videos that were incoming. Aside from toys, there are some outdoor videos and the usual Noise Session. On a side note, it is quite sad to see summer coming to an end soon. 😭 The weather has been plenty warm, so I hope that September will be warm like it was last year.

Wooty! In this video I sure unpacked a lot of goods from one box! What exactly? I unboxed the following: 
How is each of these holding up? For the spatulas and toolkit, I have not used them yet, so I cannot tell you. The Birugear held the Seagate Hard Drive just fine, and it feels reasonably sturdy. I've only used the Anker PowerLine once, but it did fine based on that use. I should use it more often to see how it holds up. At first, I was under the impression that the Neewer Pop Filter was useless. That was until I placed it in front of it correctly, and heard the difference. 😅 I have used the Anker PowerPort 4 multiple times on my smartphones, and it works well. It charges appropriately fast, and has not fell out of the wall... yet? Hopefully not ever.😐 So based on what you can see here, so far everything is working as they should. I hope that they will continue to work well for a very long time. Well, except for the spatulas since those are disposable. 

Lyme Disease, West Nile virus, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and others. You do not want any of those, so you should not go unprotected in the wilderness. You must find a repellent that works best for you, and consult a physician if you have any concerns. For me, my choice is obviously the repellent you can see in the heading above for a number of reasons: It works, it smells nice, won't harm your gear and is natural, unlike DEET. Is it perfect though? Absolutely not. You could be allergic to it, which is why it's always important to do a patch test. Some people also detest the smell, so that's another thing you have to take into consideration before buying this repellent. Other than that, I recommend you give it a shot.

So let me tell you the precise story of my first fidget spinner. Believe it or not, the video does not tell you the story at all. "Huh?! So why is it titled 'My First Fidget Spinner', then?" You must ask. Good question! Because it is indeed my first fidget spinner, but the story of how and why I got into fidget spinners, was not mentioned. So here we go! It started on a Sunday, when I went to a Canadian Tire to buy some Sylvania Daylight 65 light bulbs. It was close to closing, so I had to be quick. When I was cashing out, the cashier said the usual "Anything else?" I then asked where they kept the spinners. They were confused at first, so I clarified and said fidget spinners. They pointed and explained where they were, which happened to be very close to the cash register in this location. I wanted one, but because there was someone behind me, and it was really close to closing, I told them to forget about getting one for me. They asked if I was sure I wanted to leave without. I then said that they could get me one blue, red or green one for now, so they did. Lo and behold, the day I went home with just one, prompted me to go back the next day and buy MOOOOAAARRRRR! 🤪🤪🤪 This leads us to the next heading: More Fidget Spinners

There are some things in life where one is enough, such as a spouse. If you you're reading this blog post with multiple wives or husbands, then......... 😶 On the opposite end of the pole, there are some things where one is absolutely not enough: Fidget spinners! 😝 Once you see how much fun it is to spin multiple fidget spinners, you will entirely understand. Especially if they have different abilities. For example: some specialize in lighting up, some glow in the dark, some have incredible endurance and the list is endless. Seriously, there are a lot of funky fidget spinners out there, some I have still yet to even discover.🔍❓

This is an example of one of many exotic fidget spinners that exist out there.The Naladoo Rubiks Cube Fidget Spinner is exactly what the name suggests, making it really cool. Unfortunately, this fidget spinner does not spin for very long. It spins for about 45 seconds on average, which is indeed less than stellar. Thankfully, I did not buy it for that purpose, as it is a novelty fidget spinner that focuses more on being a Rubik's Cube. Even then, it does not do that too well either, because it's not even a cube as you can tell from both the photo and video. I did have some concerns about it cracking, so has it cracked yet? No. Despite all the times the pieces would fly off from when I dropped it, or even getting knocked by a high-performance fidget spinner, it did not actually break. Because I'm not a Rubik's Cube master, I have not completely messed it up yet, and then attempted to solve it. All in all, I like it and will be definitely keeping it, despite what the video and my writings may suggest. It looks awesome!

I felt like going to Toronto that day, so I went there and decided to film some parts of Ellesmere Road, Morningside Avenue and Kingston Road. I did this in a west, south and then east fashion along a planned route. The two main purposes of this were to get a summer video on it, and to sightsee potentially cool cars. Unfortunately, nothing exciting appeared. Not that this strip is known for exotics, so I did not expect that. Still would have been cool anyway to see at least one Maserati, Lamborghini or something. The original video did have some commentary, but it was really bland with too many long gaps between the commentary. Therefore, I decided to remove it and fit it with music. 😁🎶 Ok, and let us get one final thing out of the way: "What To Do When You Don't Want To Be filmed ⚠Extremely serious video⚠" If you have not seen that video, and are wondering what connection it has with this one, you should watch it. Lots of important messages were made in it.

I knew that if I were going to be in West Hill, that I might as well cover the school in the area. I did not do the High School, because that was already covered in the past. With it being a small school, that was mostly fenced, walking around it was not very exciting. And on top of it, it had lots of construction caging on one of the sides, so yay. 😒 Does it mean that I hated my experience with the school? No. May have been boring, but it was fun photographing it. The pictures turned out better than the video itself. 

Episode 12 of the musical madness! 🔵🔴🔘 Boy oh boy, what is up with me and toys lately? 🤔 Am I turning back into a child?! LOL of course not! 😜 They add much spice and variety that have been missing in the videos over the years. And not just the videos, but also my life. 😉 It is good to keep some parts of your childhood in your adulthood. They're obviously not going to take over the channel, and they certainly aren't going to be featured in every video, so do not fear if you were worried about that! Anyways, let's discuss this session! Well, nothing special. I had wanted to play the complete version of Harry Belafonte's Day-O (The Banana Boat Song), but there were no good free versions available. I am not against buying the sheet music for it, but just wanted to see if there were free versions first. There was not, and due to time constraints that day, I just resorted to playing other things. Well, what more can I say? The use of marbles is definitely a unique addition for this episode. 

It's been over a month since I've last uploaded a game of the sort. 😬😳😱😰 Upon quitting Asphalt 8, that made plenty of space and time to record other games, yet I have not done that. But then again, as I've said long ago, as much as I enjoy recording games, they're not exactly the biggest priority for me. That said, "Smartphone Games" is labelled on the channel banner loud and proud, and is also mentioned in the cringey Channel Trailer. Therefore, I should try a little harder to include more of them.

Ok, so what is next? A similar theme to this week's uploads: outdoor video(s), more unboxings, a noise session and a gaming video this time! 😅🎮 Alright, now it's time for you to fess up and be brutally honest: are you an adult that loves fidget spinners? Did you like the topics and places I've discussed in this blog post? Drop a comment in the comments section.

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