Thursday, August 16, 2018

August 16th Entry: No 4K The Whole Time Till Now?!

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                   2018-07-17

August 16th Entry: No 4K The Whole Time Till Now?!

🔵This blog post may contain affiliate links

Let me get something extremely important out of the way: I have been filming in 4K (Ultra high-definition) since late August 2017. However, as you can tell from the title, it was not until after I uploaded Unboxing Staples Stationery, that I FINALLY realized that my "4K videos" were not being exported in 4K! How long? About a year's worth of filming.🤯😱💀😳🤕

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Therefore, this Turbo Facepalm will tell you how I feel after discovering this a few days ago. Want me to use words? I feel very disgusted, disappointed, stupid and cheated. I have wondered for some time why my 4K videos just weren't being given the option to be watched in 2160p on YouTube. I just kept thinking that it was because it takes a day or two for that option to appear. The truth? It's because Windows Movie Maker does not export videos in anything greater than 1920 X 1080 by default. This means that even if you import a 4K video into it, and then export it upon finishing it, it permanently downgrades that file into 1920 X 1080 or lower depending on what setting you had there in the first place. 😐 Again, I do not know why I did not try harder and dive deeper to find the solution to a problem that was actually stupidly easy to fix, but alas! At least I finally know now, so every video that was filmed in 4K (3840 X 2160) uploaded after the Sarasa Gel Ink 0.7mm Test, August 11, 2018, now has the option to be watched in 4K on YouTube.

So now this brings up several questions: When, where and how exactly did I fix this? It was on August 09, 2018, that I was getting very concerned about my 4K videos not appearing in 4K. I took to Google and discovered two videos on how to get 4K videos out of Windows Movie Maker: "how to make 4k videos in movie maker" and "How to output 4K 60fps on Windows Movie Maker for Free!" The latter is 10 minutes long, while the first one is a minute and half. I recommend that you only watch the first, and not bother with the other, because it shows you exactly what you need to do in under two minutes.🕒 And ultra importantly, do not set the frames per second beyond what the original video is! The same thing applies for things like resolution, bit rate and so forth. 

Now that I am finally doing the real deal, I've noticed that the real deal takes far longer to export and upload. 😒 But hey, at least I'm no longer idiotically uploading 1920 X 1080 thinking that it will hopefully turn into 3840 X 2160. Now before I finally proceed with talking about the latest uploads, I need to tell you the new configurations of my 4K videos: Audio format: 192kbps, 48 kHz, stereo. Frame rate: 30 FPS. Bit rate: 135,000 kbps. Width: 3840 pixels. Height: 2160 pixels. Now this is the part where I need your help: Is this a good configuration? Please let me know, as this is very important!

The Latest Videos
Did I also mention that the "real deal" is considerably larger? Gone are the 3GB -5GB days, as these videos routinely exceed 10GB! 🤯🤯🤯😱😱😱 Yeah, that was yet another telltale sign that something was off about them, but anyways! I've said enough about 4K this, 4K that, so let's just get on with the latest uploads!

This was a video of me opening a parcel and packet of Staples goods. I ordered a pack of Zebra Sarasa Gel Pens, Staples Erasers, a metre stick, pencil holder and UHU tac. Oh, and a Poly zip Envelope. Out of all of the products, I've been using the Sarasa Gel pens the most. I even have a lame dedicated video to them, where I tested their quality. Having shopped both online and in-store at Staples numerous times, I can really say that I am a fan of most of their merchandise. The products tend to hold up and do their job. Now I have not tested the Staples Erasers yet, because I do not write in led nearly as often as I used to. Therefore, I have no idea how well they remove graphite or coloured waxes.

Just a video of me writing, scribbling, and drawing with the Sarasa Gel Retractables. So what is the deal with these expensive pens? Are they any good? Or are you better off using a regular ol' BiC Pen? As you can witness in the video, I think they are great. What wasn't shown is they fact that if you press a little too hard, they don't send ink onto the paper. 🤨 That by no means makes them bad, but just gotta point out the little nits and picks, as I aim to keep it real with the products I use. Other than that, they write great, dry very fast, and are richly coloured. 🎨

In case you do not already know, yes, this does work with Apple products, but you must use the lightning adapter that came with them, or a third party one. I have only tested this for a few charges with a Nokia Lumia 1520, iPhone 6s Plus and BlackBerry Q10, so I do not know how well it will hold up over the next several months. Some people reported their Tzumis crapping out, while others have had no problem.😐 I hope it does not give me any problems, as I think it's a nice portable pack. I love the blue light indicator that lets you know how much power is left in the Tzumi. I do personally wish that this came in other colours like white or red, but black was the only one available at Costco. On Amazon, you can find other colours and variations of Tzumis.
This picture gives you a very good idea of how large this Tzumi is in comparison to a BlackBerry Q10 and iPhone 6s Plus.

Ah, this was a large, beautiful place to explore. I enjoyed walking around the building, its fields, and the track. While there was nothing that remarkably stood out, it was a pleasant experience here. As you will see from the photos below, it looks like a large church, save for the absence of steeples, which not every church has anyways. I particularly love the photo of the sun shining down on the cross from the clouds. So powerful and majestic! 🌞

That long Seneca name sure gave me some awkward pronunciation troubles! 🤣😳 Ok, this place was absolutely great! There was so much to film and photograph, and I loved the heavily inspired nature theme it has. So many trees, colourful markings, bird feeders, and spacious surroundings! I have no idea how good the school's interior, students and teachers are, but I can say that its exterior and surroundings are well done. This place was not one of those boring, bland, meager-budget schools, which made it refreshing visit. Both Saint Mary and Gandatsetiagon were awesome, with Gandatsetiagon being the more colourful of the two. Though in close proximity of one another, Gandatsetiagon obviously isn't a feeder school for Saint Mary

Pine Ridge Secondary School

How cool is it that this school has the giant Valley Farm Ravine behind it, Beverley Morgan Park directly southeast of it, Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Renewal Centre north of it, Nu West Ravine further west, and a convenience plaza further south of it at Bushmill Street & Liverpool Road? Yeah, there aren't many schools that can boast such a boast such an eclectic mix of nearby places. They likely exist, but so far, Pine Ridge is the only place I've visited like this. As you can tell from the presence of the videos on the channel and in-video commentary, I have filmed and photographed a lot of things in the Liverpool Road & Halsey Lane area. The reason is because I have actually attempted to capture this school twice, but did not due to "undesirable conditions". So when the day came that I finally got the chance, I just went camera crazy and filmed the school, filmed the flag, and filmed the forest behind it. Some of the other visitors and cars driving by must have thought that I was so weird and crazy with all the photography and filming I was doing there. 😝😝😝 Seriously. 📸🤪📸 Thank goodness the convenience plaza wasn't too far away! It was a very hot day, I ran out of water quickly, and was extraordinarily thirsty by the time I was done with this place. 🌡💧😰💧🌡Wow, what an adventurous day that was! 🌲🌳

Pine Ridge Secondary School - Rippling Canada Flag

If you think it's weird that I filmed the Canadian flag just fluttering in the wind, then I've got news for you: I've done this before. That's right, I've done it before. Where exactly, you ask? Jean-Paul II Catholic Elementary School. The only difference is that it was actually included into the video, unlike this one where I did not end up using it for the call-to-action segment. Speaking of call-to-action segments, did you know that the current call-to-action used in Pine Ridge Secondary School Forest was intended to be used for Pine Ridge Secondary School? Yeah, interesting eh? I was not sure if I was going to end up filming the school's track, so I filmed this as a potential placeholder. The flag video was also a potential candidate, but found the track much more interesting to use for a call-to-action. I did not know what exactly to do with the video, so I just decided to upload it as a standalone video. 🍁😉🍁

Probably should have just called it what it is: Valley Farm Ravine. The problem? I'm still not absolutely 100% sure if that area of the forest correctly falls within its boundaries. Therefore, I just went with calling it the "Pine Ridge Forest". With its numerous winding paths, twists, turns, countless mosquitoes and general unfamiliarity, I can clearly tell you that this forest is no place to games. ⚠ In fact, parts of it can feel rather spooky. Mind you, I'm not saying that this is some haunted labyrinth or something, but that caution must obviously be exercised. The unfamiliarity is on my behalf of only ever visiting the place twice, with the 2nd visit taking place years apart from the first. I have no idea how often this forest is visited, but judging from the presence of garbage and fire pits here and there, I know that people have been in there. Have you? 🤨 Comment on either the video itself or this blog post to share your experience with this mazey forest. 🌲🌳🌿 Oh yeah, and don't let the bugs bite! 💉 Arm yourself with something!

Just a video of the Pickering City Hall clock going off. Too bad I didn't even capture it on time, so NEXT! 

I would love to tell you what it feels like, but unfortunately, the extra non-woven epilating strips I've ordered have not arrived yet. Because of this, I have not started a real proper waxing yet. I did do a test patch above my left ankle to find out if I'd have an allergic reaction. Thankfully, I did not. Because I am a tall, slim man with a lot of surface area, I am certain that 10 strips will not be enough to wax my body. People smaller than me have frequently complained in the reviews about there being too few non-woven epilating strips to even get their legs done! 😬 Wow.... Perhaps they ought to make a bigger package to include more, if it's really that disappointing. Well, until they arrive, no waxing for me. And though it's already mentioned in the instructions, and you probably already know this, I must stress that if you have any skin or circulatory complications, speak to your doctor before waxing. Prevention is better than cure. 🏥

I seriously cannot believe that I nearly forgot to upload this vibrant episode, like wow! Of all the times to remember it, it's when I'm nearing the completion of this blog post! Hilarious and pathetic at the same time. 🤣😂🤦🏾‍♂️ So as you can see in the photo below the text, the star of this episode is the Sunbeam Color Changing LED Power Failure/Night Light. Too bad my playing noise associated with the video made it lamer than it ought to be! 😅 Still, it was really cool to film this thing while playing.

Ah, shoot! I have not uploaded a Casual Instrumental Noise Session in this batch! Oh no! How could I do that?! Gotta be sure to include one for the next batch of uploads! Wait a sec, I did record one, but forgot to upload it! 🤦🏾‍♂️  I'm gonna deal with that before I publish this blog post! Now time for some brief political talk. 🍁🦅

As we know, Saudi Arabia and Canada have not been on good terms lately. It's all because Canada had officials that commented on its concern for the treatment of some of its human rights activists, like Samara Badawi. Where did I put that Turbo Facepalm file again? 

Obviously, this is just the situation in a nutshell. There are more details to it, but either way, it is sad. Saudi Arabia, no disrespect to any Saudis potentially reading this, truly does not have a good human rights record. It is terrible. Truth. 😐

Here’s how the provinces are planning to regulate marijuana. Justin Weedeau has been insisting for a long time, that marijuana needs to be federally regulated to reduce the complications associated with its illegal status. Truth is, underage people are still going to consume the plant or buy it from the blackmarket for cheaper prices regardless of legal status. So it's really just going to create more potheads than what we already have. And did I mention that it could cause travelling complications with the USA

"U.S. immigration lawyers are already warning Canadians that they could be denied entry to the U.S. — or barred from the United States for life — if they admit to smoking cannabis to a border agent. The drug is still a prohibited substance under U.S. federal law, despite legalization in some U.S. states."

More information on Canadian and American marijuana matters provided in the links above.

And finally, let's talk about Donald's mouth. Yes, I know, I know. You hear enough about it on the headlines, so I will not bore you with lengthy details. But you know what? For somebody who is supposed to be the president of "The most powerful country in the world" he really ought to work on a more professional image. 😬 Calling people dogs, lowlifes, and countless more is highly unprofessional, embarrassing, and unnecessary. He needs to work on his image and stop being such a temperamental old man. He's trying too hard to be polarizing and politically incorrect. It is not doing him, or the image of the United States any favour by carrying on like this.

OK! So now that the "Rambling" part of this section is done, let's discuss what's next: more unboxings and fidget spinners! Yes oh Yes! 😝 Very likely an outdoors video will be included too. Should probably also try to record a game, seeing as though I have not recorded one in a while. Alright, so it has been quite a discovery with my videos not exporting in 4K, but I'm glad it has been caught now, as apposed to 10 years! 💀 Would have preferred to find out much sooner, but oh well. I strongly believe that in 10 years from now, 1080p will be considered antiquated! 🦕🦖 720p and lower? They will make it illegal to sell devices with such resolutions ---------- kidding! Probably................... Has there ever been anything facepalm's worthy that you've been doing for longtime, and then when you finally realized you were shocked? Comment, like and share!

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