Friday, August 3, 2018

August 3rd Entry: The GarageBand Batch

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                   2018-07-17

August 3rd Entry: The GarageBand Batch

🔵This blog post may contain affiliate links

Most haven't watched or noticed yet. For the few that have, you'll notice that the introductory music for most of the videos uploaded in this July 31st - August 1st batch sound noticeably more electronic. Well, not that the others haven't, because they too were composed on an electronic instrument: Casio keyboard. The newer ones likely have similar instruments to GarageBand, but could anyone really tell what it was composed from? Or would hardcore enthusiasts be able to tell? 🤔 Doubt it, given the number of programs and keyboards that exist, which share many common voices such as orchestral strings, woodwinds, brass and many more. 

Know because I've only been using GarageBand for about 7-10 days, I certainly do not know all the functions, ways and best practices for it. Because of this, the compositions were played and simply recorded with a nearby microphone: BlackBerry Q10 or Brushed Aluminum Blue Snowball. 😅😅😅😳😳😳 I know, I know, many of you would probably love to whack me right now for not only doing that, but openly admitting to this practice. I'm aware of things like Audiobus 3 and what not. Though I have not downloaded such applications yet, I have bought a desktop application that allows me to extract audio from mediums. 👉🏾👉🏾This should allow me to produce clean, studioesque music without background noises!👈🏾👈🏾 No more hearing my fingers pounding on the glass, noisy computer fan, airflow sounds, loud outdoor V8s being floored -- no more! 🤣😂😄

Now let us discuss the 8 new videos recently uploaded, shall we?

Probably not a video you wanted to see, but it should come as no surprise if you saw both the blog entry and Instagram post on this subject. This video was when I was racing with the McLaren X2 in French Guiana during the time of its Championship. I did not bother trying to win it, because I don't do pay-to-win nor was I certain about how difficult it would be to win. Nothing like spending so much time and energy on a time-limited event, only to find that you don't even end up winning the car. 🙄😑😡 Nope, there's better things to spend energy and time on, rather than virtual cars. No wonder Asphalt 8 has so many hackers: because it's a screw you to Gameloft's obnoxious pay-to-win model and blatantly ignoring player suggestions to make the game better. Mind you, I am by no means encouraging hacking, as it was one of the major things that plagued this game. However, it is the reason why some people hacked: because they couldn't be bothered with soulsucking credit farming. Yes, that is lazy and unfair for everyone, but it was prevalent nevertheless. 

Another thing to note was the lack of sound after the first race. I am not sure why Screen Recorder did not record the internal audio. 😠 All I can say is that Apple seriously needs to get it fixed, rather than making their products increasingly unattractive! removing the headphone jacks, large notches, computers that are too thin to function properly under heavy usage, the list goes on. It looks like we'll be seeing cats tap dancing, and narwhals shopping at Staples, before we see an iPhone released with a headphone jack, expandable memory, mechanical home button, and large removable battery.⚰⚰⚰

And my final video on Asphalt 8. As I mentioned in the video, I did not make the final video special, because I quit rather abruptly and suddenly. Surely, I could have recorded some of my Research & Development races I have done with the Mazda RX-8 Special Edition. But, I did not end up doing nor considering that at the time. So instead, I went with whatever video clips I had remaining in my iPhone 6s Plus. Well, R.I.P. to my Asphalt 8 days. 2014 - 2018. It was fun racing on the various tracks, with real-world licensed cars, but for the reasons covered in the last entry, it made this time-consuming game horrible and no longer worthy to be in my life. ⚰ This leads to a much anticipated question: will I play Asphalt 9? 💬🕒 For now, let's just say that you will see other games on the channel. This should be much more refreshing and different for a change. Before, it was mostly Asphalt 8 videos that used to dominate my Windows 10 Mobile Gaming and iOS Gaming playlists.

If you've been following all of my entries or sometimes, but rarely, the comments, then you'll know that I have not exactly been immune to accusations now and then. Thankfully, it's nothing common, nor has it resulted in legal punishment. But still, because it's happened, and when I saw this headline "Who's taking photos of women's behinds in Oshawa? Durham police want to know" I knew I had to quickly make a video on this matter. Yes, I know I am nowhere even remotely as popular as people like Felix, Jenna or Ryan or instance. But at the same time, I am not as unpopular as I was during the ATA1201058 era. The channels views and presence is slowly, but continually growing. Therefore, I must guard my image and shoot down any threats to it when I can.

Mind you, I am not talking about this because I only care about myself, but also because I do live in the Regional Municipality of Durham. I truly do feel weirded out and disgusted by people doing freakish things like this. As noted a couple times in the video, it can send a bad reputation to content producers in Durham Region. Thankfully, it does not happen often enough to make people worry. But because Oshawa, and the Oshawa Centre are two notable things in Durham Region, it could have caused things to turn really ugly. It did not, and I have not really seen any follow-ups to the story. Likely because the man deactivated the perverted Tumblr page to avoid being caught and easily investigated.😑

Dunbarton Spartan. 🛡🗡 See what I did there? Obviously! It's the school's mascot! 🤣😂 So what's special about this school? Well, it's very large, so there was a lot to cover while filming and photographing. The building itself isn't vibrant nor does it sport some exquisite architecture, but it's just a regular high school, so I was not expecting that. But wait... if I was not expecting that, then why would I bring it up? 😶 Anyways! As you can see from further into the video, there were a lot of parked cars on one side of the building. This caused me to wonder if there was some event going on inside the building, but there wasn't. It sounded like a little music gathering, but I honestly don't know for sure. I was just glad it wasn't anything that would have gotten in the way of me walking around to film the high school like a nerd! 🤓 And because the track was vacant of people, it allowed me to film it entirely. 😎🎯 Yes! All in all, I enjoyed the visit and found this place and it's surroundings to be interesting.

Wow, 10 episodes now! 😄🎶 The series has really evolved quite a bit, going from dull "Audio only" videos to videos of the camera directed at interesting things. By things, this has ranged from stationery, candles, food and more. This episode featured shells. In terms of video content, it was the same thing: making lots of music noise on the tenor recorder! 🎵😝🎵 In addition to the noise, there were also percussive noises done in this episode. Glass banging, as well and finger drumming on the instrument's body.

Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation. Would it have been cooler to film in that area, or is this school cooler? Either way, none of those two have any connections with each other. So! What's the deal with this school? Why did I film it? Well, I felt like doing some schools in Oshawa. I was hanging around this area, so I figured that I'd cover the schools there. Due to the hilarious conditions of the school's sign, I was having comedic doubts about what the building was supposed to be! 🤣😂 And then there were a lot of cars pulling into the driveway which had me further ponder what was going on? 🤨 Did they turn the building into some gathering centre or something? Nope! I shortly figured out that it was just being used for NASC parking. That event likely had something to do with sports. More on that in the "Athabasca Street Walk" section of this blog. 

I read somewhere that the schools on Oshawa's Athabasca Street have closed down. I do not know if that is true for all of them or not. What I can say is that Saint John XXIII at least looks like it's in much better shape than its secular counterpart further north of it. While Athabasca Street Public School had more interesting surroundings, Saint John XXIII was a nicer-looking building. Not that I'm here to review the school's for their aesthetics, but it's just something I point out rather often for the sake of it. Who am I kidding? Of course aesthetics matter, because I am filming and photographing the places after all. 😆😋 Because the building was small, there wasn't a ton to see while walking around it. And because of the NASC happening that day, it became a temporary parking lot to accommodate parking. It only had one lone car at the time of the filming. 😂🤣

After filming the two schools, I wanted film part of the street and capture some of the NASC scenery. Man, it's a shame that I just had to idiotically walk with a container of Juicy Fruit in my hoodie pocket. 😒😲😖 But don't worry, it's only the Athabaskan videos that are effected by the gum rattling sound. 😉😥 Thankfully, it won't happen again. Now about the NASC: it usually has something to do with sports, but this gathering looked like it was just a fun gathering. It took place in MacKenzie Park. I would say more, but my knowledge on this event is too limited to provide more details.

What's next? Well, I can tell you -- unboxing videos! Not only unboxings, but also some outdoor content. And with Asphalt 8 out of the way, you can definitely expect to see a wider variety of games in the gaming playlists. There is no specific time frame for when these videos will be uploaded, but you can definitely expect to see a variety of merchandise this month. No new instruments for the Casual Instrumental Noise Sessions, sadly. ☹ Not that anyone cared anyway? Ok, I don't think I have anything more I want to say at this point, so I shall now get this proofread and posted to social media. 🌠
Do you compose songs with GarageBand? What is you favourite soundfont? Comment and discuss it below!

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