Tuesday, October 2, 2018

October 2nd Entry: The Septemberian Batch!

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                   2018-10-01

October 2nd Entry: The Septemberian Batch!

🔵This blog post may contain affiliate links

I hope you guys are ready, because you know what? Today's blog entry is about to get as ridiculous as the price tag on the iPhone XS Max! 🍎🤪🤪🍎 Kidding! There's nothing shocking, revolutionary or sensational about any of these videos I'm about to discuss. Just a bunch of outdoor shoots, unboxings from Amazon and the like. Oh, and FINALLY some games! 🎮 Even though GuuzakaTube isn't a mass appeal channel by any stretch of the imagination, I am aware of the fact that the gaming pillar of it, is what has drawn some people to bother with this odd-as-hell channel in the first place! 🤣😂 So let's hope that you aren't burned from spending way too much money on an iPhone XS Max, and will have enough energy and sanity to read this blog entry. 😉

Finally! The video you have all been waiting for (not!)! 😆 I know you all must have lots of questions by now about how it went for me. Did it hurt? When did you try it? Did you successfully impress and attract the forest girls? 😝 Did you really film yourself waxing on RedTube? Well, first let me start by answering the latter two questions: No and NO! 🤣😂 So when did I wax? I believe sometime in early September, shortly after I got it. How much does it hurt? The pain is certainly not low, but not extraordinarily high either. If you follow the instructions on when, where and how to apply it, you can significantly reduce the amount of pain. Granted, it won't be no pleasant experience regardless, but certainly not a nightmare either.

Is it as messy as the reviewers say it is? YES OH YES! This wax is horrendously messy and difficult to remove from surfaces! 😵 So do not get this wax anywhere near materials like fabrics, textiles, and so forth. If it does get onto a hard surface, you'll need oil and a brush to remove it, before using soap and water to get rid of the slippery residue from the oil used to remove it. But if you're prepared and have the floor protected with material to catch any spills from it, you should be fine.

The final results? Did not go well for me for the following reasons:

1. I used it in a hot, humid room that made me sweat like a soldier trekking through the Sahara desert. 😰 As a result, it would stick to me many times, or even cause the waxing strips to stick to my skin. 😵

2. I did not bring oil into the room where I was using it.

3. The wax's viscosity becomes high rather quickly.

4. I ran out of hair removal wax without even finishing my legs. 💀

So all in all, a little more preparedness would have come a long way, but oh well. I had to shave off all the missed areas another time, to avoid looking like an uneven garden lawn.🤣 So! Would I ever use this product again? Not sure. Will probably just stick to razors for now.

These aren't your ordinary little dice that you're used to. These dice are BIG! But guess what? You have dice that are even bigger than 25mm, for those of you that aren't familiar with the dice world! 🤯 Yes, you have plastic dice that can go up to 50mm big. As such, these dice also have a big price tag. 😵 So! Why did I buy these dice in the first place? Is there anything they do, that regular dice do not? Here's my answer: personal preference. 😎 That's right. There's almost nothing they do that smaller dice can't, aside from look more impressive and are not as easy to lose. Well, actually, if you get creative they can be more useful when using them as tools, blocks, or for certain projects. 🤨 Yes, I know. Sounds weird because most people think dice are for one thing, and one thing only: games! Well, not so. Get creative and think outside of the box. Just don't get dangerous though, LOL! 😂🤣🎲

In this video I unboxed two fidget spinners: one was a blue, transparent, glow-in-the-dark version. The other was the namesake golden chrome. Nothing more I have to say, other than I had fun and was thrilled with spinning them! 🤩

It was such a delightful experience to discover that there were still holster cases out there being made for the Nokia Lumia 1520. So when I discovered this vendor on Amazon, I happily chose the two cases I liked the most. Wow, they look so good in-person! 😄 However, there's one big thing I did not mention on camera: the paint comes off when rubbed with a wet cloth. 😲 Yeah..... The reason being is that I did not know that at that time, until when I tried it. Now this might not be a dealbreaker for some people, but just bare that in mind, should you ever spill any essential oils or have rubbing alcohol come in contact with them. 😕 If the designs were made out of a higher quality paint, or even a different medium altogether, this wouldn't have been an issue. Sure, it would cause the price to shoot up, but I wouldn't mind paying a little more, if it means that I'll be able to wipe or get spills onto my case. Some of you might laugh, while others will be glad I mentioned this. 😦

So! Should you still buy a TurtleArmor case? Yes, because some protection is better than zero protection. And seeing as though it has become the norm for high-end flagships to tip the $1000 CAD mark, you need, not want, protection! It does not even have to be TurtleArmor, but can be anything proper of your choice. Samsung Galaxy Note 9 users and all you other glass folks have been warned.😐

Walking around in southwest Bowmanville led me to this place. The end because I have nothing else to say. *Troll face*
Ok, so when you see the pictures on my Instagram, you'll see that there were a number of things that caught my eye on this property. Some of which I didn't even notice, until when I stopped filming and went around to take pictures. On the day that I went here, it looked like there may have been a game of soccer in the field close to this school's property. Not a soccer fan, but something random worth mentioning. ⚽

Wow, Video #400! How insane is that?! 😎 But believe it or not, GuuzakaTube is still considered a "Micro Channel" despite the sheer number of videos. So what caused me to choose a Catholic Elementary School, again? I didn't. That's right; if you watched the video, you'll know that I didn't even think this video was the 400th until when I checked afterwards! 🤯 You see, the 100th and 200th videos were planned. The 300th and 400th, not so much, because I did not keep a close eye on the video numbers.

So perhaps this brings up a question: what will I do for the 500th video? 🤔 Only God knows at the moment. 🤣 For now, we can discuss this Holy Family. Well, the school was fenced off at one of the parts, so I could not even do a full walk around of it. Oh well. At least it was a nice sunny day at that time. ☀

Remember "Exploring An Unfinished Neighbourhood Close to Boyne Public School" from last year? Now I've done one in Bowmanville. It's such an interesting experience when exploring these areas that are under construction. You get to see the pipes, dirt, foundation, surprise Jeeps (LOL!), and many more. I'm still not 100% sure if this area is for commercial or residential units. If you know something I don't, you're welcome to comment on it. 🤗 Oh yes! I should share something that wasn't mentioned in the video: it was not planned. After finishing Ross Tilley and Holy Family, I planned to just leave Bowmanville after that. But as I was heading up Green Road, I saw what may have looked an area under construction. I then crossed the road to check it out. Lo and behold, it led to the creation of this video! 😁

The 13th iteration of the musical madness! 🤣🎲🎲 And probably also one of the worst and most awkward... 😳😓😖 Would've have seriously helped to practice some of those trickier pieces off camera, but nope! I just threw myself onto them and surrendered early while playing! 🤣😂 Perhaps you're wondering why there were so many toys in this episode. The answer? Because I just felt like using putting them in it. 😁 I know, that's not a satisfying answer, but it's the truth. The dice and fidget spinners were spun, so they weren't just there for decoration. You know? As much as I would like to get my hands on a Selmer Series II Bass Saxophone - Silver Plated, that... will... not... happen... for now... Why? Because they cost $33,692.89! Oh, oh, wait! And if we toss Ontarian sales tax onto it, that brings it to a kingly 👑$38,072.97👑! Excuse me for a moment: 😵😱😳🤪🤯😬😰😩😨😧😢😭😦😤😖🙁☹
Yeah, so, where were we again? I forget... NEXT!

Notin' like discussin' nooz in da farm, eh? 🤣🤣🤣 Except that it did not take place on a farm. LOL? Windfield is a residential neighbourhood located in Oshawa, north of Simcoe and Conlin. I decided to go explore it one day. Because I knew ahead of time that it would probably be long, I discussed some news stories while walking to make it less painful to watch. So yeah, two "Under Construction" videos in one batch. Not something that happens very often, but when it does, it's cool. Well, I guess for some. Some people probably find videos like this ultra boring, and if you do, you stink of poo! 😝💩💩💩😜

I told ya man! I told ya! I was going to record some smartphone games! And I picked a good one too, Nyan Cat: Lost in Space! Now while some might find the "nya nya nya nya" lyrics annoying, or the game too cutesy and girly, it is actually very entertaining and interesting to play. If you love arcade or platformers, like cats, enjoys worlds and themes, then you'll naturally love this game. I sure did, even though I'm a birds and reptiles guy. There's lots to unlock and earn in this game, so give it a shot if you haven't already. It's available on both Android and iOS. Ditto for BlackBerry 10 and Windows Phone, but come on: did you really expect them to have it? 😭🤣😂 Be warned that some say it can be very addictive! 😺🌈🙀

Alright so I should probably answer the following question: why did I play this game? Because it looked like a solid, properly made alternative to Subway Surfers. Is it? Well, it's well made yes, but the two aren't the same, nor do they exactly have the same premise. They're both endless runners. They're both 3D. Similarities, more or less, probably end there. And to tell the truth, that's quite good because at least you now know that it's not a blatant knockoff. 

Let's get another discussed: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). How is it that SYBO and Pelite Productions both come out of Denmark and Finland respectively, yet they don't give the users control over what they have to give to them? 🤔 This does not make a lot of sense. I'll keep the data rant short and just say this: give users control over things like personalized advertising, and which I.D.'s they have to hand over, in order to play the game. People should not have to give up information like this, in order to play applications that are just games. There are better ways to monetize your "free-to-plays". Too bad most people don't seem to care enough about this issue. 😒

Privacy ranting aside, the game is smooth and has great graphics. Though the game's company is small, and the game is 2018 launch, it would have been great to at least have two characters to choose from. Not that this girl is an ugly eyesore, she's but not the coolest either. I know, subjective and mean! 😝😜 Who am I kidding? She's a good character. I did not mention this with the Nyan Cat entry above, so I'll mention it now: 1080p with 60 frames per seconds is sooooo smooth! 😍 When the day comes that smartphones can game at 3840p X 2160p 60FPS then that will be AMAAAAAAAAAAAZING! 🤩 Ok, I could have just said 4K@60FPS, but I'm sure y'all know very well what I meant there. I'll definitely be sure to take advantage of my iPhone's gaming frame rates from here on.

Thanksgiving. That's what's next. Oh, sorry did you mean which videos are next? Well, in that case, likely some outdoor videos, more games and possibly  a commentary? We'll see. What did you think of the Septemberian batch uploaded between September 29 - 30, 2018? This blog post? Drop a comment to let me know. 

Oh yes! And just before I forget, I should mention that from video #400 and up, I have changed the audio for my iPhone and Windows Phone videos. I realized that these two devices have different outputs and settings for their media output, so I thought that adjusting them to what they naturally output, would improve the sound on my videos. Do you notice the difference? Not sure? This is very important, so let me know if you do.

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