Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Final Day of Year 2017

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                   2017-12-31

The Final Day of Year 2017

Spring 2017 (Whitby)

Summer 2017 (Whitby)

Autumn 2017 (Milton)

Winter 2017 (Bowmanville)

Alright, so this is it: the final day of 2017! 😮 Wow, not sure if it felt like it went by fast or not, but I certainly wouldn't say that it was slow. While 2017 hasn't personally been exciting for me, I can say that it had its ups and downs. I've been comparing the events of my life between these two years (2016 & 17) to see which year was overall better. The results? Well, 2017 is seemingly a marginal improvement. If I must be honest, I think the number of annoyances and other bits that took place, have me to believe that 2016 was honestly the better year for me. But then again, 2016 was also rather disorganized and I remember openly calling it a flop in front of people.... 😨😬 Yeah.... for those reasons, I think I'll actually consider 2017 as truly the improvement of 2016, despite that it had a bit more stressful events that took place. 😅 I know. I'm being rather vague about things here, but I'm just not the one for going into details about these things.🔒

So that was my personal life, but what about YouTube? How have things been in 2017? Well, it seems like YouTube was a pretty bad year for most YouTubers with this whole Adpocalypse thing, fake drama, real drama, complete demonetization for people who had less than 10,000 channel views, and what else? I'm sure there's probably plenty more, but those are the core things I can think of from the top of my head. Luckily for me, I have not gotten myself involved into any drama of the sort, nor have I ever gotten any strikes! 😎🏆 Then again, my channel is also an low-traffic place, so that may have something to - actually, nope! You have some low-traffic and mid-traffic channels that have gotten themselves into unbelievable amounts of drama, so never mind about that being an effective measure of staying safe! 😰 Now, it certainly wasn't all roses, rainbows, sunshine and singing canaries for me, as you will know from "Why Your YouTube Channel Might Be Losing So Much Money (April 2017)" I don't know why YouTube had to make this brutal move, but they did it anyways. This made it very demotivating to continue YouTube, but I was determined to keep going. 7 months later, November time arrives and I met the quota, so my earnings were restored. Still, I wish they hadn't done that in the first place, and hope to God that they don't come up with some other shenanigans in 2018! 😑

This aside, 2017 would also be the first full year of the GuuzakaTube era, after succeeding the longstanding ATA1201058 back in 2016. Has quality and diversity lived up to my expecations with the personal brand transition? Well, it's certainly gotten much better, but there is room for improvement. 😉 I love how I've been to so many different places this year, and have done a lot of mobile gaming, commentary, and even a few music and animation videos this year. Definitely pride myself on that for making much videos to reflect the channel's theme, while also trying other categories. Speaking of categories, I wonder if I should categorize the outdoor videos as "People & Blogs" as opposed to the usual "Travel & Events" like how I normally do. You've seen my videos, so I'd really appreciate feedback on which category you think represents them more accurately.

Should I mention Instagram, DeviantArt, Tumblr, Twitter and Blogger? Why not? I'll just go with a brief rundown with how each went in 2017. For Instagram, it was painful when I got shadowbanned sometime back in May. Though long resolved, and haven't been shadowbanned since, it still sucks how the company just won't update their Windows application and make it functional! Argh! 😡😠 Oh well, 6Tag fills the void for now... For DeviantArt, I'm not terribly active there because I'm not the greatest (nor am I the worst) artist around. I initially created Tumblr as a placeholder after getting shadowbanned from Instagram. I thought that I would have abandoned it after getting my Instagram back, but I ended up liking the user interface a lot, so I'm still using it to this day. Twitter, like much of my other social media anchors, I mainly use to advertise my uploads, but do use it for other purposes as well. Blogger, hey, I'm using it right now! 😄 I use it for uploads, affiliate marketing and other times when I feel like discussing something - like 2017 New Year's Eve! Now, there are other anchors I have on the channel, but because I have not used them in 2017, it would be pointless to mention them. Maybe we'll see them come to use in 2018?

Alright web surfers! This has been it for the final blog post of 2017! Thank you for reading and watching my objectionable entries! 🤣 Have a safe, blessed, prosperous 2018 New Year! 🎉🎊🌠

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