Monday, September 18, 2017

September 15 Entry: Dryden Boulevard Adventure!

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                   2017-09-15

September 15 Entry: Dryden Boulevard Adventure!

So! What kind of bad or good things have you been up to this week? This week has been pleasantly warm, and it looks like the warmth is set to continue into the weekend. Are you happy about that? Because I know I sure am! 🌞 It won't just be warm, but very sunny too, so that's an extra plus. This week has been very big with Apple unveiling 3 iPhones, and the media and tech world exploding with coverage and content. I'll discuss more of this and that Texan creature in the "What's Next & Other Ramblings" section. Let us now proceed to discussing the latest videos on the channel. 🌿🍀🍃

Father Leo is here to serve you your dinner. Sorry, that was awfully lame. 😐 Anyways! In the video, especially in the beginning, I made a lot of commentary on how weird it was to see the school on Dryden Boulevard as opposed to Fallingbrook Street. Turns out that there's nothing weird about that as I later learned. The school is properly located on that street, and not the nearby Fallingbrook. I was under that impression from looking at the map wrong. So did I like this place? Quite a lot. I really like how the area was designed very neat and pretty. The building itself was also a lot of fun to walk around and photograph, and sports a vibrant red track. I did not get to explore the latter, because it was of course occupied. Hardly ever do these high school tracks seem to be vacant. The reason for this is obviously because of the warm the weather that people are trying to take advantage of before the cold comes. Oh boy. Would rather not think about that. ☹❄

Much of the same things I liked about Father Leo are shared with this place: the area. However, with this building being a much smaller place because it's an elementary school, it didn't have as much to film and photograph. That said, I enjoyed my brief time with it. Oh yes, and Saint Bernard is one of those Roman Catholic schools with a secular counterpart, as you can tell from the presence of it on the map or videos. Keep reading below if you're interested in learning more about it.

Could Brooklin be really falling down? Has it fallen down? Oh no! What can or are we going to do about this?! Nothing. Why? Because such a thing never happened. I know, I know, I already made this cheesy-as-hell joke in the call-to-action, but it was just too tempting to not make it again! 😜 Except that it's not even funny to begin with.... 😰 Anyways! Though the video is titled Fallingbrook, it's obvious that part of it involves Kelloryn Park. Too bad I didn't know the name at the time, so I couldn't mention it on camera, but literally nobody cares, so we're good! Or do you? So! How was this school? Small and average, though I enjoyed taking perspective shots of some of things, and liked the fields that surround it.

Gosh, I really don't like how the video's exposure looks, but oh well. It's not the worse thing ever, but still. I can imagine that being very off-putting for some, and understandably so. Anyways! Let's discuss the school and presence of all those cars. You see, there was a soccer game going on in Forest Heights Park. Who Versus who? I have no idea, but would have been interesting if it happened to be a match between the Saint Matthew kids and Ormiston kids. Either way, I wasn't there to watch it, but instead wanted to just film Saint Matthew and then Ormiston. Saint Matthew was an alright place to explore, and is it just me, or do some parts and colours of it remind you of Father Leo?
Ok, maybe not!

Ormiston Public School
Ormiston! The last and final destination I visited during my Dryden Boulevard Adventure. I did consider exploring Glen Dhu Public School before coming to the Forest Heights Park area, but didn't due to time constraints. There was also the fact that it lies south of Fallingbrook street, so I'd have to go out of the way and navigate back up to get to the Forest Heights Park schools. No thanks! As you can tell from my commentary, my time with this school was short because I really wanted to avoid the mad rush with all the parents and kids trying to leave afterwards. It was around 5:30 PM, I believe when I started filming Ormiston, and speculated that the game would end at 6:00. Don't actually know when exactly it ended, but I got it done in time to beat the rush, so I can present this video to you, my fabulous unknown audience. 😜😐 Ormiston is a small school, and was relatively boring to explore. 😸

There were supposed to be some dealership videos up this week from last weekend, but did not get around to editing them. Really should have tried to get them done, but alas! Poor time management... 😖 Anyways, so let's go over what's next before I dive into the discussion about the Texan discovery and 2017 iPhones. For next week, there won't just be outdoor videos, but also gaming videos and an unboxing video. Yay? Nay? Well, either way, they're coming so you can rejoice and be glad, or be sad and disappear off into a dark, nasty corner!😸 

Weird Texan Wash-up
Alright now let's talk about that Aplatophis chauliodus! Don't know what that is? Well, it's that weird creature found on a beach in Texas City, Texas this morning. You can read more about that here, but let me warn you that it's not the prettiest thing to look at it. In fact, some might find this ocean wash-up eel to be quite disturbing. Your call. I think it's really creepy and ugly, but yet ever so fascinating! And must say that it's interesting how Texas has a namesake city, like how New York has New York City. Is there an Ontario City located in Ontario? *Googles Ontario City, Ontario* Nope! All I get are literal results of cities in Ontario: Toronto, Niagara Falls, Belleville, Woodstock, Kingston, Waterloo, you name it. Quebec on the other hand does have a namesake city, and it's very famous and well known.

Apple 2017
Apple time! 🍎🍏📱📱🍏🍎 As 98% of the planet probably knows, the 2017 iPhones were unveiled this Tuesday, on September 12. As I said earlier, there's been a ton of articles, YouTube videos and media coverage on this. Seriously, there has been a lot! And it's obviously because the iPhone is one of the most well-know and loved (and hated! LOL) phones on Earth. The iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X. No, I'm not going to call it the iPhone 10 as some YouTubers have called it, because X sounds more fitting for this weird-looking smartphone. Seriously, I think it looks really weird with the camera and earpiece sitting on the screen. You know who else has done this? The Essential Phone! Or should I say the smartphone lacking many Essentials such as a headphone jack, card slot, water resistance and many more! Anyways! As such, Apple came out to tout a lot of things during this event, which has caused a lot of people to remind Apple where a lot of these things first came from such as the gestures on the iPhone X for instance. Oh, Apple. When will you ever stop acting like you're the first to do everything? Don't you know that people will call you out for it? Or do you really think you're consumers are dumb enough to listen to everything you say, and take it to heart? I hope not... Now some people have been also criticizing Apple for making the iPhone 8s just an iPhone 7 with a glass back. Is that really true? People said the same thing about the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 being a Samsung Galaxy S8+ with a stylus, so what about Apple? In short, no. The iPhone 8 does have a newer A11 chip, 4K recording @60 Frames Per Second and supports wireless charging. Are these enough to make it worth it? Well, I'd like to know if the regular iPhone 8s will be getting a 512GB variant first. 256GB is a lot, don't get me wrong. But if they could give the regular iPhone 8 and 8 Plus 512GB as well, then that would certainly sweeten the deal! And make it extremely expensive too. 😐 But hey, the new iPhones have been officially revealed, so they'll hit stores soon, while the iPhone X will arrive in November, so you'll soon see plenty of these in the wild. Now, let me answer a question that's probably obvious if you know me by now: which iPhone 8 would I buy? The iPhone 8 Plus. Why? Because it doesn't look weird like the iPhone X, and offers reasonable screen estate. I do wish they could have made it 15-16cm. Oh well. 14cm is decent, but would've liked it to be a little larger. That said, if someone were giving me a 512GB iPhone X for free with no strings attached, I'd take it, take it, take it!  🍎🤑🍏

PewDiePie Says *igger During Livestream
I know, I know, there's already been enough articles and YouTube videos on this, but you know what? I want to have my say too! I really wish I could just spell the word as it is here, but the last thing I want is to have Google think I'm using it abusively and then delete my entire blog! 😬 So I'll just have to resort to asterisks to play it safe... Now let's begin. The ever so famous YouTuber was playing a game called PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Things were getting very irritating for him, as he was dropping a lot of F-bombs until he finally just said "What a f***ing *igger!" 😬😨😱😰😵 Yep, that's right; he really said it. Did he mean it? Is he racist? Did he apologize? Why would he say that in the first place? Well, a lot of questions, so here's what I got to say: No, he should have never said that in the 1st place regardless of how angry he got. A lot of gamers have gotten very angry and never resorted to using racial slurs. By saying *igger without immediately reacting with shock and disgust to what he said, and then apologizing on the spot, implies that this may have been a word he's used before off camera casually. Now listen, he's issued an apology as most of us know, which is good. He owned up to his mistake. But did he really apologize because he was sincerely sorry, or because he was forced? That is something that is entirely up for debate. Much like Donald Trump's delayed response to the violent incident in Charlottesville back in August this year: did Donald finally respond because he was pressured to, or because he genuinely cares about improving America's on-going racial problems? Who knows for sure. I am not a close follower of PewDiePie, as I only watch his videos on rare occasion, when there is a major event, or something that is truly worthy of my interest like his "About A Copyright Strike". That video definitely sparked my interest, because as YouTubers, Copyright strikes are the last thing you want to go through and deal with. In the video, he had Campo Santo's Sean Vanaman tell him to stop monetizing their videos, simply because they were sick of the "garbage" he makes, and that they couldn't stand having a millionaire make money off their games with his "poor content". Now whether you like Felix Kjellberg or not, this was wrong! Period! The website clearly says that people were allowed to monetize their games, so to selectively tell someone that they cannot make money off their games, without first changing the policy for everybody is wrong! On my channel, I too, upload games, but I specialize in mobile games. This is concerning considering that abusing Copyright and the DCMA could lead to lots of issues for those who like to upload games on their channels. Some companies make it clear that you cannot monetize their games, others don't mind it, while others just leave it in the grey area. Game companies and developers, do not abuse your rights. The more welcoming you are to letting YouTubers monetize your games, the more exposure and success you get. Done.

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