Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February 22, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube 02.22.17

February 22, 2017 Uploads

Five videos! Would have been six, but I'll explain that part a little later. Wow! Why so many videos?! Because there was a lot to see and capture during my recent trips in Toronto and Oshawa, so let's discuss the following: Saint John Paul II Catholic Secondary School: Walk around and commentary, Military Trail Public School: Walk around and commentary, College Park Seventh-day Adventist Church & Canadian Headquarters Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church: Blue Building, and Kingsway College Drive Off-road Forest Exploration. Mighty goodness! That's a lot of long titles going on there, and equal amounts of coverage and photos were taken. Let's dive into this going with the usual theme of chatting about the videos that were short first.

So remember from the last entry, February 16, 2017 Uploads, in the Rodda Boulevard part where I mentioned that there was supposed to be a plan A done that day, but then went with plan B, which ended up being Rodda? Well, this was it: this high school. Yeah. So why exactly didn't I shoot SJP that day? Because it looked like there was some “big(?)” event going on during that day, so the grounds weren't quiet and vacant as I'd like them to be. Be of course, I did not want to go home with nothing, so I decided to film a neighbourhood. This time, the grounds were vacant which allowed me to finally get this video done in peace and quiet! Ah, it was so satisfying! This high school had a lot of interesting corners, marks and attributes to it, that made it so great to film and photograph. I didn't film the track, because I didn't know where it was during filming, but by the time I went around to photograph the school, I realized that it was mostly covered in snow and slush! That's also where I figured out that it and it's neighbour, Military Trail Public School, have the Ellesmere Ravine behind them. Interesting! Speaking of Military Trail, I should go ahead and discuss it.

You know what's funny? Since I was approaching this area westbound, this means that I initially passed this school first, but yet I decided to film Saint John Paul first. Why? Because it was the one that had me itching more to film it. That's why. Ok, that's lame so let's get into some details here! As you've heard me remark in the video, I really enjoyed filming this school. I looked the looks of it, it's surroundings, and just many things about it. For that reason, I even went ahead and said that it was the most interesting elementary school I've filmed to date. Nice work, Military Trail, but there's more elementary schools to discover out there that may be better looking than you! So like the other video, there were also a fair bit of complaints about the excessive snow, slush and inappropriate shoes for the conditions, but I did appreciate the mild winter weather that day. “So what additional things happened behind the scenes, during, before or after?” you might be wondering. Well, Before doing this, I believe my phone shut off from the cold, but don't worry, I won't make this another one of those long elaborate complaints and analyzations about why my phone shuts off outdoors so much. What I should say, is that I've actually executed a solution in one of the more recent videos. Will elaborate more on that when I get to it. So, I guess there's nothing more I have to say about Military Trail Public School, so I shall proceed with the next heading.

According to Word, there are 94 characters in that mighty long title. Believable, isn't it? So this area I went to in Oshawa, appears to be the “Great Mighty Seventh-Day Adventist” strip. Seriously, you have a church in this area, two headquarter buildings, a college, a store, a distribution press, a greenhouse and many other buildings, all pertained to the Seventh-Day Adventist church. Wow. Impressive. As a result, I even nicknamed this expedition “The Great Oshawa Christian Quest” in the “Dead” Kingsway College video, but I'll talk about that specific entry a little later. So! The video I made covers both the College Park Church and one of the buildings for the headquarters. Why did I do this? Should probably be kind of obvious, especially if you're a YouTuber yourself, or if you just know me be now. I did not quite feel like putting down the camera after filming the church, and because the site was so close, I crossed the road to capture it. College Park Church was an interesting site, in that the building itself was fun to go around because of its hilly, busy surroundings. It's also pretty large, so that too was a plus. Because I couldn’t tell if the brown headquarters building was completely closed or not, I had to film it with caution to avoid looking unnecessarily creepy. I successfully captured and photographed it. Yes. I sound like such a bad man or a spy based on the way I'm talking here, giggity! Anyways, I loved all those provincial flags in front of it. It makes it look so proud and patriotic, but you know? There's more! Let's discuss the other part of the headquarters which happens to be much larger and bluer!

After doing the church and the brown headquarters site, this one was next! Boy oh boy, does it look impressive and proud! Big, blue, lots of glass, and it's ever so shiny. This site is clearly the flagship headquarter for the Seventh-Day Adventist church, but as for the other smaller, brown building, I honestly have no idea what purpose it serves. One thing's certain, is that my purpose for this trip was to film and photograph the great, blue, holy building. It went great! The weather wasn't warm, but it wasn't super cold either, and there was plenty of sunshine. After this shooting this video, the next great and unfortunate segment took place. Read on below to get the scoop.

The Dead Video of The Great College Park Drive & Clarence Bisential Drive Exploration
In this video, I initially slated to film just Kingsway College, but after seeing how “small” it was, it was quickly covered. I did not feel like dropping the camera, so I wandered around the area. It was then, that I soon discovered that there were TONS to see! So many paths, bushes, unfamiliar territory and roads! I wandered over to a burnt looking auditorium, went up the road to some rustic, ancient-looking building that looked as though it had been around from the early 1900s, walked through lots of snow, many paths, ended up seeing the Beuna Vista Hall, an exercising complex, the Adventist Book Centre, and what else? Not sure if I'm missing anything else, but you can tell that I definitely saw a lot, and wandered into some very interesting areas. This was indeed an interesting, historical, modern, wild area all in one. When I finally returned to a more familiar part of Kingsway College Drive, I was getting very close to ending the video, but wanted to end it in the same area where I filmed Snow, pellets and Wind from last year. Shortly after arriving in front of the wooded area, a message shows up stating “Could not record video” What?! What exactly was that supposed to mean?! Did I seriously just lose almost 40 minutes of footage?! I quickly looked into my videos folder to find it, but it was not there. I looked into file manager and the file was there, but it could not be played… I was very disappointed. A 35 minute video, and the system for some reason couldn't catch it? What gives? Was it the memory card to blame? The formatting? The operating system? Who knows! Because the file exists, it's not truly lost, but because it cannot be played due to a “missing codec” caused from MP4 corruption, it has classifies as “dead” in my books. There are expensive tools out there that claim they can fix MP4 files, but aside from those, what are my other options? I hate to have one of these conversations about this again, but this time, a 35 minute video is pretty serious business. Admittedly, I haven't spent much time looking into other alternatives this year, after the 1st original dead West Hill Video, because I thought “It was only the temperature that this caused this incidence, so I won't see temperature related problems again if I make the proper precautions” True. For this trip I finally got around to tethering the phone with a portable pack and – viola! No shut-offs and big, red, empty battery icons showed up! Unfortunately, I just had to be struck with something else, as soon as I find a solution for one problem. Great. Perhaps I should just update the device, or format the card, and see if that helps for this weird size problem. Due to the disappointment, I went ahead and filmed Kingsway College Drive Off-road Forest Exploration, to make up for this loss.

So as you know by now, this is a make up video done after discovering that the Kingsway tour video's MP4 has gone corrupt. Here, I talk about the situation and the reasons why I made this very video. I went down into the forested part and walked around. Not a ton of exciting things to do or see down here, but it was still kind of fun to trek through the woods of Kingsway.

It feels like I've this said too many times, but I seriously need to do proper research on this MP4 issue. I know there's a reliable, free solution out there, but where is it? Does it really exist? Or is it going to have to come at a cost? Who knows. I've posted a picture from the tour on my Instagram page, where I asked about how you can fix broken MP4 files. To date, no replies, but one like. Didn't really expect to see any advice, you never know until you try… MP4 problems aside, I really liked how the videos came out. In comparison to the blurry Rodda video, these videos have came out so much sharper and crisper, all thanks to the HDR setting. Wow. Who knew it could make that much of a difference? Stability has not been the best, but it certainly wasn't the worse either, as I've really tried to concentrate on the camera still while moving. What's in store for the next batch of uploads? Hard to say for certainty, because I've been saying for a while that I've been wanting to do some commentaries and gaming videos for a while, yet haven't gotten around to it. I'll just say that I'd ideally like to get one of each category done for the next batch of uploads: one outdoor, one commentary, and one gaming. 

Friday, February 17, 2017

February 16, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube                                                                                    02.17.17

February 16, 2017 Uploads

Only one video this week?! Not good! Not very good at all! I will explain later why this is not good for several reasons, but let's just first get on with discussing the solo upload for this week, Rodda Boulevard Tour.

Yep, another video from Toronto's West Hill area. When will I do another area? When will I do another video in Durham Region, or even Markham or something?! Who knows. That's all I can tell you. Just wait, watch, observe and you'll see. I haven't done very many videos on me filming and walking down residential areas, so it feels nice to have another one on the channel. I've done Bobmar Road and Esterbrook Drive (and its vicinity) in the past, but truth is, I often don't have enough bravery to shoot residential videos. “What? Why?!” You must be wondering. It's because it often feels weird and a little invasive, and then there's the fact that people will often be out and about. I usually try to avoid filming people where possible to respect their privacy. I know you can always blur faces or simply edit them out, but I admittedly don't bother with those options, unless specifically requested to do so. You can also point the camera down, which is what I do sometimes, but then there has also been times where I couldn't bother with doing that either. So what's the verdict here? Am I going to fret over people or what? Nah! Truth is, as long as you make it obvious enough that you're just doing a casual video of you filming your walk, or vlogging or what not, most people could care less. It's when you start stalking them, photographing them, or “putting them in the spotlight” is when it becomes a serious invasion of privacy, but who does that? Wait, some rude people do unfortunately, and they have ended up the news…. Not the type of attention you want! Thankfully, I have never ended up that situation, and I'm confident enough to that I almost certainly won't. Alright! That's enough awkward rambling about people on camera, so let's actually discuss Rodda Boulevard itself and the video about it. This road has a bit of a weird stretch, but the area I covered was the townhouse portion with numerous gates. There wasn't a ton of exciting things to see, though wandering down the gate pathways was quite fun. As you'll know from the complaints from the dubbed audio in the first segment, the ridiculously heavy breathing and other annoying sound effects, drove me to removing the original audio for the first 3 ½ minutes…. Similar situation to Heather Heights from last week….. Oh well. Whatever. Oh yes! I have an additional fact to share with about this trip: this trip was a plan B resort. “What?! So what was plan A?!” you must be wondering. Well, can't tell ya! When I shoot it, I'll be sure to let you know that it was the original video that I was supposed shoot on the day I filmed Rodda Boulevard.

Another week of no gaming videos, no commentaries, and only one outdoors video to beat. ARGH! WHY?! Why must I be such a chronic, slack, procrastinator?! I need to get it together and spit out more videos! Mind you, I'm not talking quantity over quality here, as quality is still extremely important to me, hence some of things I've mentioned and done in my videos, but seriously! I need to make more videos! This is not only bad for my personal goals, but apparently, I've been reminded that the smaller output has also caused my revenue to dip! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Ok that's really dramatic and I'm making it sound as if I lost a million or something, but for real though: I'm not impressed with declines like that. You know, generally speaking, the more you work, the more money you get. The same is true for YouTube, in that the more quality, interesting videos you make, the more money you make. Now I'm obviously not purely chasing this for the money, as we all know (or should know!) that YouTube is not a “get rich quick” scheme, but it's still a nice, fun, creative way to earn a little cash on the side. The sad part about this is that I already knew about the fact that more videos means more money, yet I've started slacking off quite a bit. Not good! I know better than that, so I ought to stop with the tardiness, and just get my damn act together! And when I say that, I'm also referring to other things as well… Alright, now that I'm finished lecturing myself like a madman, it's time to walk the walk, and not just talk the talk; Let's go!

Friday, February 10, 2017

February 10, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube 02.10.17
February 10, 2017 Uploads

Four days before Valentine's Day. Yay? Nay? Who cares? Should we care? Wait, why am I mentioning this? Whatever. The weather has been annoying where I am lately with these biting cold days, and then there was a day with freezing rain that left the sidewalks full of slippery ice! Much of it has been salted by now, but now it's snowing quite plentifully. Oh, Canada! God keep our land safe! Anyways, let's discuss the following videos: Henry Hudson Senior Public School - Walk around, Heather Heights Junior Public School - Walk around, and Ellesmere Evening Walk And Random Detour. Let's start chatting!

I don't know what to talk about. I'm sorry, but I have to be real and honest here. Kind of makes you wonder why bother even doing an entry then? Well, because I can think about what I should discuss, and then transfer it from my brain to the keyboard as my fingers dance gracefully across the board. A heavy snow shovelling truck just passed my house as I type this – alright let's get serious here! So, this school was covered rather quickly, and I because I didn't bother wandering down the street or out into some fields or something, I decided to just toss a whole heap of pictures into the video to give it more “meat”. How was the exploration? Pretty boring to be honest. That's why I honestly had to think about what I'm going to discuss here, because there really wasn't much I have to say about this boring walk around. And to add insult to injury, it was a nippy -7°C which made my finger tips uncomfortably cold. So cold, that I had to let my hands warm up before wandering across Heather Heights Park to film the namesake school, Heather Heights. Would've helped to wear warmer gloves, but they don't feel as flexible as my lighter leather gloves.

Despite being a supposedly smaller building, this school was more interesting to film than its middle school counterpart, Henry Hudson. There was just more interesting things to point out, film and photograph, making the walk around a lot more fun. What wasn't fun, was the decision to axe the original audio and dub it with studio commentary. As I explained in the video, I felt it was the right thing to do. I personally found the constant weird whistle, hissing, and rubber sounds annoying, thus I had to choose between chatting or copyright-free music. There's been a few cases where I just left the video silent altogether, and some I where I went with music. It was late, didn't feel like searching up songs, so I just went with chatting since it was the quickest, easiest thing to do. Went well. And to answer a question that came in the video, the school is located on Slan Avenue. Now we know. Let's talk about that Ellesmere walk now.

So after successfully filming and photographing Henry Hudson and Heather Heights (kind of sounds like they could be a couple, eh?) I went for a stroll on Ellesmere. No deer to be seen this time, but as the title states, I made a random right turn off into the woods. Who was with me? What happened? When? Where did this happen? And most importantly, why the hecklersnappers did I did this?! Well, because I felt like it. Seriously, I wanted to “spice it up” a bit, so I decided to go over the divider and entered the forest which happened to be a part of Morningside Park. So what did I discover in there? Nothing super special. Just got to satisfy my curiousity and walked through some woods, which is something I haven't done since mid-January. While getting in there wasn't overly challenging, getting out was due to the risk of sliding back down the slope into the woods again! The entry that I took had a lot of frost-dried plants that helped with traction, but coming back up for some reason was a challenge. Actually, the real challenge was finding the exit..... When I u-turned I thought I would've returned back to the same spot, only to realize that I ended up coming out onto Morningside instead of Ellesmere! Mamma mia! What a wild, silly trip! Got out safely, and went home that day with 3 outdoors videos for YouTube. Score! I know how much y'all love the outdoor photographs on Instagram, so you'll be pleased to know that you'll have lots to see soon. Not so much from this particular video, but plenty from the other two.

I am not pleased with myself this week for such poor time management and procrastination. Believe it or not, I had intentions to get two commentary videos done, and perhaps a gaming video. Did that happen? Nope! Instead I ended up editing these outdoors videos yesterday, when they were supposed to be finished on Monday! And now here I am typing this entry here on Friday, which is fine, but there would've been 5, maybe even 6 videos to talk about, if I wasn't so slack and unorganized this week! Argh! Better luck next week, though the 2nd topic I wanted to do will be irrelevant by then, but I can always do something else... Need to get it together and be organized, hard working, focused, and consistent.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

January 31, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube                                                       01.31.17
January 31, 2017 Uploads

A batch of new videos on the very last day of the month, first month of the 2017 New Year. How's it been going for me? Quite great! I've been pleased with the increasing views on some of my videos, and now that I've gotten my hands on the mobile Instagram application a few weeks ago, I've been able to use it to further advertise my videos and get them out there for greater exposure. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and I guess Snapchat, are the 4 major pillars that most hugely successful channels have, though some may be missing one, or the other, or a couple here and there. And course, some will have additional sites such as Tumblr, Deviant Art, Pinterest, Flickr, their own website, and many others. In my case, I don't use Facebook or Snapchat, but instead use a Twitter, Instagram and Blogger combination, which is slightly odd, but hey, it's what I like! I use my YouTube Twitter account to perform the namesake function of tweeting mainly about my videos, as well as other opinionated things here and there. Instagram, I use largely for the same purpose, but focus more on pictures and quotes. The fact that it doesn't have a word limit, makes it great for hashtags and extensive texts. Not sure where Blogger stands in the popularity rank, but I use it because I have a vast, imaginative mind, and because I like to type and can sometimes go into such lengthy details about things, making it an ideal platform to use. Then there's the fact that like YouTube, it is also a Google product, so this makes things more integrated with services like signing in and such. Alright, now for the videos I've recently done: Barron Trump [Discussion and Commentary], Saint Margaret's Public School, Saint Margaret's Parkette and Random Evening Morningside Stroll - DEER SURPRISE!!! Let's discuss it!

Boy oh boy! Since the conception of the idea, to the very finishing of this video, I had so much fun and giggles with this video! The wild, radical, narration speaks volumes about that! I don't care how corny, lame, and cheesy it came off, but making this video was just so wild and enjoyable! Well, audio editing and syncing, not so much, but even then, that wasn't all that bad either, since I've discovered better and quicker tricks to make the process less of a headache. So! What inspired me to make this silly, yet actually sad video? Truth is, there were two factors. The first is the video I did on the musician Leo Pellegrino. When I saw the ever increasing views and profits coming out of that quirky video, I was like “Wow! I definitely gotta do another 'Discussion & Commentary' video at some point” Seriously, the video has even performed better than my Alfa Romeo Stelvio which to date, still has more views than it, but probably won't for much longer if the Leo video continues at it's current slow, but steady growth rate. So after getting the positive motivation from that, I began to see a lot of news and buzz about another Trump, who wasn't Donald, not Melania, not Ivanka or the others, but a 10-year old one named Barron! I read the articles, ideas exploded and then boom! The idea of discussing Barron came quickly and I strived to hop on it and create it as fast as I can to keep it fresh and relevant. Of course, I kept the quality and corn factor high as well. I know that I say it was the autism allegations in the video itself that made me want to do this, but the real reason before discovering that was what I've mentioned here about the successful Leo video. Another thing that wasn't easy, was getting the improv during the ending slide right, but after many attempts, it worked it. I am overall very satisfied with this video, but because I've typed this before the video was released to YouTube, I have yet to see how well it will perform, but I'm feeling optimistic about it.

Heh heh, truth be told, “West Hill Park Exploration” would have honestly been a far more truthful title to the video, since most of the video actually takes place in it, but alas! Saint Margaret's Public School is the highlight (pun intended) of the video with its orange roof. Despite taking place in such a big city, both the park and school were quiet. Really quiet. I mean it was the weekend and all, but wow. It was honestly a good thing though, because it made the exploration feel more wondrous and peaceful, by having the grounds all to myself. I really like that. It gives me more breathing space and less nervousness. The portables conjoined to the building is interesting, because it's my first time seeing something like this. We've all seen schools with many portables, but how often is it do you see them conjoined to the main building? The answer to that is likely rarely or very rarely, since they are called “portables” after all. They are designed in mind to be used as temporary-ish buildings to accommodate a school population that exceeds the original building's design capacity. In the case of the school, it looks like they decided that the school's population has been large and sustainable enough to extend them into the school. Pretty interesting. You know what else is interesting? West Hill Park. It has several playgrounds around the place, and I even attempted to go down the slide in the earlier part of the video, which resulted largely in failure because I kept knocking my sunglasses or some part of me. The reason? It wasn't designed for adults. Enough said. You know what? I probably should've went on the swing just for fun and giggles! Or not? That would've been too lame.... Anyway, south east of West Hill lies another site: Saint Margaret's Parkette! Time to discuss that!

Oh, ho ho ho ho ho hoooooooo! So the first thing you see is the billboard for Saint Margaret's Anglican Church, which happens to be the first place that I explore within what they dub a “parkette”. After wandering around the vicinity of the church, I ..................... wandered into the graveyard, arr, or does it sound better and less scary to say cemetery? Either way, it means the same thing. If you can recall from the video I covered for Maranatha Church in Bowmanville, I wanted to do that, but got cold feet over uncertain legality concerns, but this time, I just went ahead with it and exercised caution, discretion, courtesy and just common sense really. I have never walked and filmed a graveyard at the same time, so this would be my very first time doing it. It was quite an interesting, different, yet unnerving experience.... No, it's not because of “spirits” or the dead coming to attack me or nonsense like that, but was just concerned about running into troubles. Thankfully, nothing happened, but who knows. Maybe something could've happened if I went at another time during actual service. Maybe I'm being paranoid about it, but it was a nice tour. That's what I can tell you for certain. I've been to graveyards that were a bit more scenic than this, but St Margaret's Cemetery was still nice to visit.

After visiting West Hill Park, Saint Margaret's Public School, its Anglican church grounds, its graveyard and the open space of the park itself, I decided to film a video of me walking on Morningside in the evening. Unfortunately, this video, as well as the video of the Parkette, don't look as sharp or stable as I'd like them to be. The reason? Well, the reason behind the instability is pretty darn obvious, but for the poorish resolution, I believe that it would've been fixed if I had set it to night mode for the graveyard, and night mode + HDR for the stroll video. I didn't think that it was dark enough for it, but if there was anything to learn from a cruddy video I filmed last year, “Night Test After Heavy Rain and Thunder” is that you'll get better results by using night mode + HDR in a city setting AND by keeping the camera still! If you have a camera without OIS and you don't keep it still, it seriously hurts the resolution quality. The problem is exacerbated in low light scenarios, so that's something to keep in mind, regardless of how good your camera is. Quality and sharpness disappointments aside, it was a nice walk and the deer really caught me by surprise! Oftentimes when I see these deer warning signs, I've hardly, if ever, seen any deer so this happens to be one area where you'll actually see the real deal. I'm no expert, but they happened to look like white-tailed deer.

Your mom. Giggity, kekkity, giggity, kekkity, giggity! Classical and immature, isn't it? Man, ever since I've done that video, I can tell ya that it left me feeling so young and immature! Ah, the good ol' rowdy, carefree days! Gone they are, but hey. Not that I'm an ancient man be any means (voice probably gives it away?), but anyways! Haven't done any gaming videos last week, as my focus was heavily geared towards getting that Barron video done quickly, as well as planning for my outdoors videos. Still, with a little better time management, that should have been possible, but as I said from last time, they're very fun to make, but they are not a priority. So! Where will I go next? What will I play? Who will I expose next?! Stay tuned to find out!