Friday, November 11, 2016

November 11, 2016 Uploads

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                                 11.10.16

November 11, 2016 Uploads

So! For this entry that just so happens to take place one day before Remembrance Day, I'm going to be discussing my latest videos, which happens to be the risky Train Tracks, Asphalt 8: Dry, Dry Desert and Fruitfall: Help Russian Woman Catch The Goods! There is another thing that I'm also going to reiterate that'll cause many to either strongly disagree or agree, but I don't care. Anyways, let's go!
EDIT: I've decided to make it a standalone post. Check it out here, if you dare.

There are several warnings in the video itself, a warning in the description, and now a warning here?! At this point you must be like, “If this was so damn dangerous, why did you do this yourself and not expect the brave and curious to try it for themselves?” Three words: To cover my backside. Ok, that was four, but you know what? It's nice to warn people about something even when it's obviously dangerous, just so that can't say that they've never been warned, or decide to blame you for something you told them not to do. That's my reasoning behind this. Now for the video: you see me walking up the road with the pole in the distance down and the red lights on, because you can obviously see and hear the train crossing the intersection. After the coast was cleared, I ventured onto the eastbound side. When I realized that the tracks were on a high bridge that had no safe sides or fleeing points, I quickly turned back and decided to follow the tracks heading westbound. Not only was this path “safer” but it had more to see, and it didn't feel so nightmarish and nervewracking. I have to say, it was a nice, pleasant, scenic, different experience to be doing something like this for the first time. It's not that I've never been on train tracks before, but I've never actually walked on them extensively while filming and actually enjoying the path. Now, I certainly don't want to make this sound like this is something you try, (you shouldn't) but if you ask most people that have followed tracks for an extensive amount of time, they'll tell you that it's a fun, scenic or even relaxing experience. When it was time to turn around and head back east, I heard something. I heard some bells and a distant engine. Not taking even the slightest chances, I immediately went off the track and hid myself into the woods alongside the track. This allowed me to film the train from within the bushes, and safely return to the road where I needed to be after it passed. I'm glad I came back alive, but I wasn't pleased about losing my sunglasses. Oh well. I'd rather lose a nice pair of glasses any day, over surrendering my life to Thomas The Violent Engine!

Ah, the dry, dry, dry desert. So sandy. So hot. So sunny. So vast. What I thought would just be one or two segments in the desert, ended up being an entire episode, because why not? I don't know what it was, but after playing one desert track at the time, I entered desert mode and decided to go further into the desert with my fleet of vehicles. And the music, oh the music! It was phenomenal! I was contemplating between whether or not I wanted to compile a soundtrack of desert music, or narrate with a voice-over, but as you can hear, I chose to compile a soundtrack of songs from some talented artists/groups, and I'm really glad I went that route! If you like Ancient Egyptian, Indian, or Middle Eastern Desert music, you'll enjoy the crazy journey with the cars in this episode. Speaking of crazy, my goodness! That 2nd Cadillac race with the XTS was hilariously rough! Who knew Cadillacs could get so angry and violent in the desert?! They clearly weren't enjoying the soothing desert experience!

Alright, so let's be honest here and talk about the obvious controversial thing that's going on in this title: is that girl that's catching the fruits really Russian? Ukrainian maybe? Belarusian? None of the above? Does it even matter? Probably not? To me, it doesn't matter and I hope it doesn't matter to you either. If it does, you're racist. Anyways! Fruitfall is a very simple game to play and kill a few, or several minutes when you're bored. You move the woman left or right to catch the fruits you see raining from the sky. For every 100 points you accumulate, you get about 10 seconds I believe, so try not to let any fruits fall. However, if it isn't obvious, your priorities should be the faster falling fruits since they will give you more points to reach the 100 mark a lot sooner, and spare you a game over from running out of time. Catch as many fruits as fast as you can, and good luck!

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