Saturday, November 5, 2016

November 1st and 2nd 2016 uploads

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                                                             11.04.16

November 1st and 2nd 2016 uploads

For this entry I'm discussing Rouge Beach - Rouge River National Park, Rouge River National Park: 11 Minutes of Waves and the triumphant, unexpected(?), bold Name Change! Let's dive into this.

Rouge Beach - Rouge River National Park
You want to know what inspired me to go to the lake that day? Two things: the first was Twitter. While I was posting the tweets to my videos from last time, I looked around to see some of the other things happening or trending tweets. When I saw “Lake Ontario” hovering around somewhere, I thought “Hey, that will actually be a great idea for my next shoot out!” And then there's the fact that I also wanted to do something a little different, so I decided that Lake Ontario was definitely the place I wanted to visit that weekend. There are many coastlines and ports to choose, but I decided to go for Rouge River National Park. What surprised me that day, was how warm it was at 19°C, but yet I dressed like it was 10°C. Go figure. It was the 29th of October and I didn't feel like I could trust that so called temperature reading, so I just played it “safe”, but it resulted in me making complaints about how sweaty I became from moving around extensively. Still, I didn't dress down because it got much cooler later, so my gear served its purpose. Now that's enough lame rambling about the temperature, so let's talk more about Rouge Beach itself! I've never been to this place before, or maybe I have when I was way younger, but couldn't remember. Either way, it felt like a great, new, fresh experience for me and boy was it scenic! The sand, the grey-blue waters, rocks, bridges, tracks and hills of trees changing colours made everything so picturesque, despite the cloudy skies. There were a fair number of visitors, but not particularly a lot, because after all, it wasn't the warmest day ever, nor was this Jamaica, Cuba, Portugal, Thailand or something, so I wouldn't have expected there to be much people at this time of the year. Had I gone further west, I could have also checked out Chesterton Shores, but my main purpose of that trip was just to explore a relatively small portion of the area, and climb the rocks. Mission accomplished! Another random thing that you probably already know about, is the nuclear plant. Due to this coast's extreme proximity to Pickering's arch shaped coastline, you can see the nuclear plant from the vast distance ahead when you walk towards the eastern stretch of this beach. Some will probably find that a little unnerving, some cool, and some will be indifferent and probably not even notice or care until I mentioned it. And of course, international readers/viewers wold probably have no idea unless they've actually heard of these cities and are familiar with the area. I saw a silver Porsche 911 and a red Lamborghini Murciélago drive by at some point before I got here. Awesome.

Rouge River National Park: 11 Minutes of Waves
So after filming and taking full resolution photos, I decided to put the 1080p on action scene versus 720p@30fps to the test and determine which yields better results. The first five and a half minutes I believe were shot on 1080p + Action scene, while the latter half was done with 720p@30fps + beach mode. Which is better? I don't know. They honestly look pretty damn near identical, so it's either they're equal, more testing with high motion subjects will need to be done, or I'll have to wait until I hear from people with their opinions on this matter. Another thing you'll notice is the La Finale ATA1201058. Whoa! Does that mean I quit and stopped making videos? Nope! It just meant that it was the end of the ATA1201058 branded videos. Finishing up by making the last video a chilling scene by the waves seemed like a great way to end the ATA era. This now leads me to my next sub-heading: Name Change!

Name Change
From ATA1201058 to now GuuzakaTube! Wasn't easy really coming up with a new name, nor was it easy putting together a detailed video on the reasoning behind it. Now, because the video itself already explains nearly everything, there's no point in typing it up here again. Instead, what I'll do here is cover the things that weren't mentioned, and one thing that seriously comes to mind is a question I'd anticipate: Why did you feel the need to make such a “grand” video on this subject, for a channel that has extremely low traffic? Well, part of the answer has already been mentioned in the video itself, and that's the fact the ATA1201058 nameplate was nearly 7 years old, before I finally axed it. Within those seven years, it wasn't until “recently” that I started firing up videos on this channel, but it's also important to mention that way before then, I've left hundreds, perhaps thousands of comments and interactions all over the place. Some people may have become familiar with at least the first few symbols of the name, so for people to suddenly see something so drastically different, they may wonder who on earth that is, or why I changed my name in the first place. Even if nobody actually cares (which is 99% likely to be the case I must be honest), the real driving reason behind it was mostly for personal reasons. I wanted to make the channel a better and more recognizable place. If I'm truly serious about my videos and claim to be striving for a better channel of quality, it was important that I finally took a serious look at the cryptic name I had, and did away with it. As I mentioned in the video, it was a video I watched that mentioned the importance of having a good, strong name, but it's also important to choose something you personally like as well, and GuuzakaTube happened to fit the bill really well for me.

My Instagram

Yeah, yeah! I know it's still looking very blank and underdeveloped to date, so I'll try and get it polished either hopefully Sunday or Monday.

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