Friday, November 25, 2016

November 25, 2016 Uploads

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                               11.25.16

November 25, 2016 Uploads

Wow. I uploaded 4 videos to YouTube today, and I can't believe how unbelievably fast they hit the servers! Seriously, for four videos that totalled 65 minutes combined, I don't know how they hit became published in less than two hours! Crazy, but good! As I've noticed, it may very well be the fact that this batch doesn't include an outdoors video, which tends to bog down the speed for fairly obvious reasons. Anyway! Let's get on with the following: Testing Three Microphones, Flappy 2048: Flapping Into The Future!, Asphalt 8: RUF, RUF! Can You Hear Me Clearer Now?, and Retro Runners: Running Retro Style!

I said it in “Amazon Unboxing: Seagate Portable Storage & Blue Snowball Microphone” so now here is the entry for the test video. How did these microphones fare? Well, with the exception of the built-in microphone, Parrot and Blue Snowball did pretty damn well, and even though the built-in microphone was noticeably the worst of these three, the audio is still half-decent when turned up high enough and wearing headphones. Now, I mentioned that both the BlackBerry's microphone through the use of the Parrot application, and Blue's Snowball fared very well, so does this mean that the Snowball was a waste of $69 CAD? Certainly not! As clear as Parrot was, the Snowball still wins this contest for three reasons: one, the audio quality is better. Two, the microphone itself has more controls and is more flexible. Three, it did not distort the audio or make my voice skip! This alone can be a serious make it or break it point, especially when you consider how annoying or ridiculous it can sound! Thankfully, it did not happen too often, but it did happen about 3 times or so. As bad as the on-board audio is compared to these two, at least it does not suffer from this audio distorting or skipping issue thankfully. Blue Snowball> Parrot> On-board. Microphones aside, I must also mention that editing this video was so painful and laborious! Producing it wasn't too bad, but even though it was only just under 30 minutes, but yet it took closer to two hours to finish!!! Why?! Because there were so many trips, slips, goof-ups and butchered tongues in this video. This resulted in steep, time consuming editing. Even then, the segment with the English words was unfortunately extremely awkward… Draught is indeed pronounced as “draft” and colonel is indeed “kernel”, but I've been too oblivious for too long to realize that. Oh well. My English pronunciation just isn't as good as it should be for a so called native speaker, but it's not cringing awful either. Don't laugh at me. If you laugh at me, I'll laugh right back and make you turn red, then blue and finally back into the dust you once were! Ok, I had to quickly come back to this section to mention something important: leaving the parrot application running in the background, outside of it's frame to attempt to record audio will result in complete silence, or off-sync audio for commentary videos. Been there, done that, WON'T do it ever again!!!!

Yes! The first game I tested with my Blue Microphone just had to be a flappy spin-off, because why not? So what makes Flappy 2048 so “different” is that you play as a winged cube with a number that keeps multiplying by two, every time you fly into the matching cube, with the matching number in the pole. The problem? The numbers become exponentially big after a while, so reading them can become more challenging, adding to the fact that the poles will start to move once you reach a certain number! To play this game, it helps to be mathematically aware of multiples of two, and to have a fast pair of eyeballs! If you don't have either of these, then you'll have an extremely hard time with this game! Oh, and you also need to be capable of telling colours apart, because sometimes different numbers can have nearly identical colours, which can cause you to fly towards them if you don't read and flap to the correct cube fast enough! Yeah, yeah, I know most people will probably think I'm being silly or weird for mentioning such things, or think that I'm overcomplicating the sound of this game, but just try it for yourself and you'll see why I had to mention this.

For real though, can you hear my voice and the sound effects clearly and crisply this time? The answer to the question above should be yes to anyone with at least average hearing capabilities, but as mentioned in the description, it's best to turn up your volume or wear headphones to enjoy maximum quality. If you've never seen it yet, the idea of this video harkens back to the older video “Asphalt 8: Ruf, ruf! Can You Hear Me Now?” Only now, both the frame rates and audio quality have been improved! Yes, I've been only boasting about audio a lot, but I can't believe I forgot to mention the fact that the frame rates used to be TERRIBLE, until I figured out that it was the save location doing it, and NOT the processor! Oh, those days! Experimentation and progression can only get you so far, but sometimes you need to actually invest in things, in order to truly go further. Now for the session's gameplay. Quite a bit of focus on the RUF RT 12 S, since the title does mention RUF, but I also tried the Lykan in China for some big earnings and the Lamborghini Sesto Elemento before choosing the RUF in London. All segments went smoothly, though London did take a couple of attempts before getting a clean run in each race. I wish I could have successfully executed more barrel rolls in Barcelona, but as least I didn't wreck from attempting it. I believe I also mentioned how I wanted to do more tricks in China's Great Wall as well.

It's refreshing to record something different, so that's why I went with this over Run In Crowd when I was contemplating on choosing both, or one or the other. Because I didn't end up doing it that day, you can expect to see a video on it hopefully next week, but anyway! This entry is about Retro Runners, so let's discuss it, but before we do, I need to mention the issue with how I forgot that those things are called hurdles! Actually, did I have to bring that up? Like anybody cared or noticed anyway, so let's just not bother with that! With Retro Runners, you must run through various tracks in various levels, jump or dodge obstacles and stay hydrated! Sounds fun? You bet it is! You even get to earn points to unlock various characters, all of which look like retro, colourful polygons! The graphics, frame rates and gameplay were very smooth too, so this made the gaming experience with this app even better. In this segment, I only played with Turbo Jones and Alex Windrunner, so if ever decide to do another episode in the future, I will buy some girls and boys unlock some more characters. Oh, and one more thing: this game is available on Android and iOS as well, but I'm not too sure about Windows 10 Mobile.

So now that I have my hands on a “studio quality” professional, Blue microphone, I hope to do a lot more controversial (kidding! Partially….?) commentary videos and gaming videos in the future, alongside the usual outdoor videos. Let's just hope the Snowball has a long lifespan! 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

November 17, 2016 Uploads

GuuzakaTube                                                11.17.16

November 17, 2016 Uploads

It is the 17th of the November. What's special about this day? I don't know. Maybe it's your birthday, wedding, party day or something? Anyways! It's time to talk about the following recent uploads: Oshawa Central Collegiate Institute [Exterior Walkaround], Asphalt 8: Farting On Donald Trump and Amazon Unboxing: Seagate Portable Storage & Blue Snowball Microphone. Let's get to it!

So when I went to Oshawa, I decided that this place would be the subject for my video there. The sun was setting, as you can tell from the video, so I had to be a little quick in order to prevent the quality from faltering from the lack of light. Aside from shakiness (and excessive sniffles in the beginning) I'm satisfied with how the video turned out, and the fact that I was able to film for a little over 10 minutes. The presence of a trail, a creek, train tracks in the distant, abandoned looking gardens, and its many curves and corners makes this place interesting to walk around. At the same time, some of these attributes also made it feel a little eerie, and the fact that it was getting dark, helped to push that feeling even further. Still, Oshawa Central Collegiate Institute was an interesting place to film. The timing was also different from the usual glaring daylight shootouts. Maybe you'll like that, maybe you won't.

Laugh out loud! This title is indeed trolling at its finest! But why, you might wondering. Who, what, when, where, how and why was I inspired to make such a ridiculously, goofy, daring video with such a title? Well, y'all probably know that I'm not that fond of Donald Trump, if you've seen a few of my tweets and one of my recent entries, but you know what? He's the official president of the United of America, and he's going to be in that position until 2020-2024. Worse, there's nothing you can do about it, so you'll just have to pray for the best, move out (one of the more extreme options) or just poke some fun at him. Interestingly, I do not even live in the United States, but unfortunately(?) their economy is heavily tied to ours, so if he damages the economy too badly, then Canada and Mexico will feel some (or a lot!) of the pain. But anyway! There's been so much hilarious jokes, memes and running gags about this guy, and I was itching to join in on the fun, so I mixed the idea of mistreating Donald Trump with Asphalt 8, and boom: Asphalt 8: Farting On Donald Trump was born. Because this was such an American situation, I went with an American theme and raced with the Chevrolet Corvette, Chevrolet Camaro, Dodge Challenger, Dodge Viper and Ford Mustang. Would've loved to include the Ford GT, but it's too bad the grossly outdated BlackBerry 10 version of the game doesn't have it. Oh well. With the exception of the Mustang race, which I mentioned did take several attempts, racing and recording was the easy part, but finding high quality relieved sighs and fart audio clips took a little work. And then there was audio syncing; my favourite thing – NOT! Despite my great detest for it, the audio synced up well, though next time I could probably work on not leaving so many awkward pauses in my narration! Ah, creating this video was so satisfying! It had me laughing frequently throughout the creation of it! I don't think Donald Trump will ever see it?

Yes, this is my 1st unboxing video on the channel, so my camera setup and angle may not have been the best, but I think it turned out alright. At last! There's a reason why those words are the 1st thing you see in the video's description: it's because a microphone has been long overdue! Seriously, look at all those cringey gaming videos I made in the past! Actually, for that very reason, don't look. Spare your ears the misery of the atrocious audio quality in many of them, and take my word for it. The audio in many of my gaming and some of my commentaries has been utterly disgraceful! The only way I could change that is if I were to invest in a good microphone, so I did. Hello, Blue Snowball. I also wanted needed a USB device with enough storage so I could safely back up all of my files onto one device, unlike in the past where I'd often have to back things up onto several USB sticks. No more. I'll now hopefully be able to save a copy of my all things in one location. Now obviously I do not plan to keep all of my eggs in one basket, as that would be stupid, but it's great to know that I finally have something that can hold nearly two terabytes worth of space. A huge step up from my 32GB Sony USB stick! As you can tell from the writing and the video, I still have yet to actually try these devices, so I can't tell you how well they perform, but I'll get on that soon. With Amazon doing a so called “Early” Black Friday sales period, I was able to buy the Seagate Portable Drive for $109.00 CAD + Free shipping and the Blue Snowball for $69.00 CAD + Free Shipping. Unfortunately, the HST costs drove the total cost of these two to $204 CAD! Lovely. Still, these two particularly have thousands of good reviews, and I'm excited to have them, so I hope they won't disappoint!

The Lost Video........

Did you know? That there was supposed to be four videos uploaded today? Actually, make that five. And did you also know, that those videos were supposed to be filmed before all those other ones? Well, now you know. Technically speaking, the 1st video that was originally supposed to be filmed, wasn't “lost” hence why the subheading reads “The Lost Video” as opposed to “The Lost Videos”. So, what happened? The 1st video, the one that wasn't lost, took place at a time that wasn't deemed appropriate enough to film, so I didn't even roll the camera out. The 2nd video... oh, the 2nd. Well, the phone unfortunately wouldn't stop restarting itself every time I tried to fire up the camera. Extremely frustrating! Worse, the few minutes of video that I did manage to capture went to waste, because the freakin' file wouldn't even open! Wow! Absolutely unacceptable! Battery swaps did not fix the problem, so that day I just felt like not bothering with filming, but I continued anyway. I went to a different location. By then, the phone decided not to randomly reboot itself. While I was aware of my device rebooting irritatingly out of the blue, I have never had such alarmingly bad luck with this thing while filming outdoors. Never. There was one other time where it did shut off, but it was also -7°C making that somewhat predictable. Even then, it lasted a good while before that happened. The day when I was filming the lost video was +7°C, so there's no reason for it to just throw such a violent, excessive, temper tantrum! None! Part of me is telling me to go back and attempt to film that place again, but then another part of me is very scared about me going back up there, only to suffer the same ominous dilemma. I've tried to look into the problem, but don't know if it'll do it again, so I'll just have to be extra cautious and perform different steps. Definitely need to get a new camera/smartphone soon, because I'm getting tired of this ancient junk's erratic foolishness. Sick of it!


Friday, November 11, 2016

2016 US Election Results: Donald Trump Unfortunately Won......

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                                 11.10.16

2016 US Election Results: Donald Trump Unfortunately Won......

I said it on my Twitter and have no problem saying it again: Donald Trump's victory speaks volumes about the number of pent-up, sexist, bitter, racist, anti-immigrant people out there. Seriously, we've all heard the nasty, disrespectful, ridiculous things that have come out of the man's mouth, who doesn't even care or think about what he has said, but yet people voted for this? Sad. Very sad. The amount of headlines and outcries from the results of his victory is unbelievably high, but at the end of the day, I must say that at least he wasn't forced on them. THEY, the Americans, voted for this motor mouth, so that's going to be something they'll have to deal with, but unfortunately, this too, will also affect Canadians (and Mexicans) as well. Obviously, the impact won't be as direct, but if this man messes up as much as he did with his nonsensical ramblings, then we'll unfortunately feel some of the damage. How much damage? I don't know..... Time will tell. Maybe he won't be as bad as he sounds. Maybe he will? May God be with us in these uncertain times…

Oh and by the way, if you were thinking about coming out all against with a bunch of personal attacks and keyboard tactics, I'll tell you something: Don't bother wasting your time. I'll deal with you accordingly, so just move on and spend your time doing something much more valuable and worthy to society. This is my personal opinion on this matter, so if you disagree, oh well. Hit the back button or stay away from all things pertained to GuuzakaTube if you must.

November 11, 2016 Uploads

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                                 11.10.16

November 11, 2016 Uploads

So! For this entry that just so happens to take place one day before Remembrance Day, I'm going to be discussing my latest videos, which happens to be the risky Train Tracks, Asphalt 8: Dry, Dry Desert and Fruitfall: Help Russian Woman Catch The Goods! There is another thing that I'm also going to reiterate that'll cause many to either strongly disagree or agree, but I don't care. Anyways, let's go!
EDIT: I've decided to make it a standalone post. Check it out here, if you dare.

There are several warnings in the video itself, a warning in the description, and now a warning here?! At this point you must be like, “If this was so damn dangerous, why did you do this yourself and not expect the brave and curious to try it for themselves?” Three words: To cover my backside. Ok, that was four, but you know what? It's nice to warn people about something even when it's obviously dangerous, just so that can't say that they've never been warned, or decide to blame you for something you told them not to do. That's my reasoning behind this. Now for the video: you see me walking up the road with the pole in the distance down and the red lights on, because you can obviously see and hear the train crossing the intersection. After the coast was cleared, I ventured onto the eastbound side. When I realized that the tracks were on a high bridge that had no safe sides or fleeing points, I quickly turned back and decided to follow the tracks heading westbound. Not only was this path “safer” but it had more to see, and it didn't feel so nightmarish and nervewracking. I have to say, it was a nice, pleasant, scenic, different experience to be doing something like this for the first time. It's not that I've never been on train tracks before, but I've never actually walked on them extensively while filming and actually enjoying the path. Now, I certainly don't want to make this sound like this is something you try, (you shouldn't) but if you ask most people that have followed tracks for an extensive amount of time, they'll tell you that it's a fun, scenic or even relaxing experience. When it was time to turn around and head back east, I heard something. I heard some bells and a distant engine. Not taking even the slightest chances, I immediately went off the track and hid myself into the woods alongside the track. This allowed me to film the train from within the bushes, and safely return to the road where I needed to be after it passed. I'm glad I came back alive, but I wasn't pleased about losing my sunglasses. Oh well. I'd rather lose a nice pair of glasses any day, over surrendering my life to Thomas The Violent Engine!

Ah, the dry, dry, dry desert. So sandy. So hot. So sunny. So vast. What I thought would just be one or two segments in the desert, ended up being an entire episode, because why not? I don't know what it was, but after playing one desert track at the time, I entered desert mode and decided to go further into the desert with my fleet of vehicles. And the music, oh the music! It was phenomenal! I was contemplating between whether or not I wanted to compile a soundtrack of desert music, or narrate with a voice-over, but as you can hear, I chose to compile a soundtrack of songs from some talented artists/groups, and I'm really glad I went that route! If you like Ancient Egyptian, Indian, or Middle Eastern Desert music, you'll enjoy the crazy journey with the cars in this episode. Speaking of crazy, my goodness! That 2nd Cadillac race with the XTS was hilariously rough! Who knew Cadillacs could get so angry and violent in the desert?! They clearly weren't enjoying the soothing desert experience!

Alright, so let's be honest here and talk about the obvious controversial thing that's going on in this title: is that girl that's catching the fruits really Russian? Ukrainian maybe? Belarusian? None of the above? Does it even matter? Probably not? To me, it doesn't matter and I hope it doesn't matter to you either. If it does, you're racist. Anyways! Fruitfall is a very simple game to play and kill a few, or several minutes when you're bored. You move the woman left or right to catch the fruits you see raining from the sky. For every 100 points you accumulate, you get about 10 seconds I believe, so try not to let any fruits fall. However, if it isn't obvious, your priorities should be the faster falling fruits since they will give you more points to reach the 100 mark a lot sooner, and spare you a game over from running out of time. Catch as many fruits as fast as you can, and good luck!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

November 1st and 2nd 2016 uploads

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                                                             11.04.16

November 1st and 2nd 2016 uploads

For this entry I'm discussing Rouge Beach - Rouge River National Park, Rouge River National Park: 11 Minutes of Waves and the triumphant, unexpected(?), bold Name Change! Let's dive into this.

Rouge Beach - Rouge River National Park
You want to know what inspired me to go to the lake that day? Two things: the first was Twitter. While I was posting the tweets to my videos from last time, I looked around to see some of the other things happening or trending tweets. When I saw “Lake Ontario” hovering around somewhere, I thought “Hey, that will actually be a great idea for my next shoot out!” And then there's the fact that I also wanted to do something a little different, so I decided that Lake Ontario was definitely the place I wanted to visit that weekend. There are many coastlines and ports to choose, but I decided to go for Rouge River National Park. What surprised me that day, was how warm it was at 19°C, but yet I dressed like it was 10°C. Go figure. It was the 29th of October and I didn't feel like I could trust that so called temperature reading, so I just played it “safe”, but it resulted in me making complaints about how sweaty I became from moving around extensively. Still, I didn't dress down because it got much cooler later, so my gear served its purpose. Now that's enough lame rambling about the temperature, so let's talk more about Rouge Beach itself! I've never been to this place before, or maybe I have when I was way younger, but couldn't remember. Either way, it felt like a great, new, fresh experience for me and boy was it scenic! The sand, the grey-blue waters, rocks, bridges, tracks and hills of trees changing colours made everything so picturesque, despite the cloudy skies. There were a fair number of visitors, but not particularly a lot, because after all, it wasn't the warmest day ever, nor was this Jamaica, Cuba, Portugal, Thailand or something, so I wouldn't have expected there to be much people at this time of the year. Had I gone further west, I could have also checked out Chesterton Shores, but my main purpose of that trip was just to explore a relatively small portion of the area, and climb the rocks. Mission accomplished! Another random thing that you probably already know about, is the nuclear plant. Due to this coast's extreme proximity to Pickering's arch shaped coastline, you can see the nuclear plant from the vast distance ahead when you walk towards the eastern stretch of this beach. Some will probably find that a little unnerving, some cool, and some will be indifferent and probably not even notice or care until I mentioned it. And of course, international readers/viewers wold probably have no idea unless they've actually heard of these cities and are familiar with the area. I saw a silver Porsche 911 and a red Lamborghini Murciélago drive by at some point before I got here. Awesome.

Rouge River National Park: 11 Minutes of Waves
So after filming and taking full resolution photos, I decided to put the 1080p on action scene versus 720p@30fps to the test and determine which yields better results. The first five and a half minutes I believe were shot on 1080p + Action scene, while the latter half was done with 720p@30fps + beach mode. Which is better? I don't know. They honestly look pretty damn near identical, so it's either they're equal, more testing with high motion subjects will need to be done, or I'll have to wait until I hear from people with their opinions on this matter. Another thing you'll notice is the La Finale ATA1201058. Whoa! Does that mean I quit and stopped making videos? Nope! It just meant that it was the end of the ATA1201058 branded videos. Finishing up by making the last video a chilling scene by the waves seemed like a great way to end the ATA era. This now leads me to my next sub-heading: Name Change!

Name Change
From ATA1201058 to now GuuzakaTube! Wasn't easy really coming up with a new name, nor was it easy putting together a detailed video on the reasoning behind it. Now, because the video itself already explains nearly everything, there's no point in typing it up here again. Instead, what I'll do here is cover the things that weren't mentioned, and one thing that seriously comes to mind is a question I'd anticipate: Why did you feel the need to make such a “grand” video on this subject, for a channel that has extremely low traffic? Well, part of the answer has already been mentioned in the video itself, and that's the fact the ATA1201058 nameplate was nearly 7 years old, before I finally axed it. Within those seven years, it wasn't until “recently” that I started firing up videos on this channel, but it's also important to mention that way before then, I've left hundreds, perhaps thousands of comments and interactions all over the place. Some people may have become familiar with at least the first few symbols of the name, so for people to suddenly see something so drastically different, they may wonder who on earth that is, or why I changed my name in the first place. Even if nobody actually cares (which is 99% likely to be the case I must be honest), the real driving reason behind it was mostly for personal reasons. I wanted to make the channel a better and more recognizable place. If I'm truly serious about my videos and claim to be striving for a better channel of quality, it was important that I finally took a serious look at the cryptic name I had, and did away with it. As I mentioned in the video, it was a video I watched that mentioned the importance of having a good, strong name, but it's also important to choose something you personally like as well, and GuuzakaTube happened to fit the bill really well for me.

My Instagram

Yeah, yeah! I know it's still looking very blank and underdeveloped to date, so I'll try and get it polished either hopefully Sunday or Monday.