Saturday, August 27, 2016

August 26, 2016 Uploads

August 26, 2016 Uploads

In this entry, I'll be discussing the five videos uploaded on the 26th, which are Orange Fuzzy Caterpillar: Possibly Spilosoma Virginica, Some Bush Trail that Connects to Concession Road #3, Pac-Man: Sound Test With The Retro Arcade King!, Asphalt 8: Ruf, ruf! Can you hear me now?, and Run In Crowd: How Far Can You Run With Your Friends? 5 videos is quite a lot, so let's dive right into it!

Remember Trans-CanadaTrail: North of Regional Road 28? Yep, I came back to the same place that day for another trip! I found this fuzzy, little critter when I was close to the end of trail, so I squatted to film him, because I thought he'd make an interesting subject, since I haven't really filmed much animals on this channel. It may look cute and tempting to touch, but I often hear that these furry caterpillars may cause adverse reactions if you touch them, or worse, eat them! Ok, I don't think anybody would be stupid enough to do that, but you never know. I have seen images of people holding them, but I preferred to play it safe and avoided handling this little chap. Now for the big question: what species is this caterpillar? Spilosoma Virginica? Estigmene acrea? Or could it even be Acronicta aceris? Only a skilled entomologist would know for sure.

Ah, the video that was never supposed to see daylight, but ended with a second chance! For real though, the video had some heavy, unwanted rippling, horrendous shaking and constant exposure changing! Prime emphasis on the exposure changing! I don't think there's an exposure lock for the built-in camera, so I'll have to poke around to find a fix or maybe see if there are 3rd applications that can solve it. So in order to fix these, I've obviously applied anti-shake and changed the colours to improve the video. The results? Far from spectacular, but better off from what it used to be. So! What about the trail itself, you may ask? Well, it's really a shortcut to a dog park that you can use when walking north up Valley Farm Road, and is located to the left, or right in the case of the those coming from a southbound direction. It's not difficult to navigate, but due to the copious amounts of long grasses, bushes and trees, you're definitely going to want to make sure you have bug spray and water. That's of course if you're using it in late spring, summer and early autumn. Common sense, but it's worth a mention anyway. Oh, and final thing: even though it's a “shortcut” it's not super short per se, but not too long either, so just be weary of that.

Good ol' Pac-Man! He's a very famous, well recognized, classical arcade icon that almost everyone has played with before. In this gaming session, I decide to play a mobile version of the game to conduct my 1st sound test with a new application I purchased recently. The results? Fairly good until I found out that the video stopped recording after about three and a half minutes... Joy. I should also mention that it doesn't even actually record the video's audio along with the video itself for games which really sucks, and for other applications you have to downgrade to 360p to get get both sound and video saved. No thanks. Thankfully, I've discovered a workaround that sounds counterintuitive, but here goes: set the resolution to the highest you see, which will be 720X720 for the phones like the BlackBerry Q10 and Classic and likely 720X1280 for the slab phones like the Z10, Z30 etc. I'm not sure about the Passport, but I also hear that the 1440X1440 resolution is unavailable, which again is another caveat. So after choosing your resolution, you actually have to set the audio to disabled. Sounds odd doesn't it? Until when you realize you get the full audio blaring at you while you're recording! While this is happening, you make sure you have a microphone near by to capture the audio, which you can then later toss into your editing software to get the best of both worlds: Native application + Sounds! Is going through all of this worth it? Depends. I can imagine BlackBerry Passport users having an easier time with the multitasking and screen capturing due to the Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 Soc in their phones, which brings me to the next point – actually not yet..... I'll save what I was about to mention for the Asphalt 8 section since I didn't have that problem for this game. Ok, so this feels more like a review of Headless ScreenCorder rather than Pac-Man, but because the game cut off so early, I didn't get to feel the vibe for long enough. And to be honest, I think I'm somewhat glad it stopped because I did mention lots of random, weird things and frequently brought up soundwaves, so I won't complain too much, but should probably try Pac-Man again later at some point. Let's just say that this game is fun. Very fun! Next time around I'll try not to let the ghosts kill me so much!

In this experimental episode of Asphalt 8, I play with my preferred Ruf car, the Ruf Rt 12 S, in Barcelona. The video tells you everything: choppy, choppy, lag, lag! Choppy, choppy, lag, lag! Seems like the combination of a high graphics, processor demanding game and screen recording with a new application, was too much for the ancient Snapdragon S4 Plus. I mean, it got the job done, but poorly... I don't know if it's mostly the application to blame, the processor or both, but something tells me that it's likely both, because even on other recording applications like Screen Recorder (I know, very generic name) you may have seen it happen in some of other videos like Asphalt 8: The Unfamiliar Roads, but it hasn't been as bad as it was with ScreenCorder. So with this said, this is why I believe that BlackBerry Passport owners may fare better with these type of tasks; for the reason I mentioned above in my Pac-Man ramble: their beastly Socket on Chip! Seriously, I often hear about how these guys keep bragging about how fast their phones are, and how they handle Android applications like champions, which can be just plain boastful to say, but there may very well be some truth to it. So will I shoot another episode with Asphalt 8 using ScreenCorder? YES. I have to get more results and compare different tracks before I can come to concrete conclusions. As for the gameplay itself, hasn't been my best run due to the constant pausing, but hey, at least I did a clean run in one attempt. Not 1000 like the way I often do!

This is a game where you race alongside other players in a new world each day. You tap to jump and tap again for a double-jump. Pretty self-explanatory if you've played this game or watched my video, where you'll also see it picking up the pace! This will require you to use faster reflexes and much more caution to avoid running into crates or dropping off the cliff like a grand loser! The game is cross-platform and apparently you actually get to race with people from iOS, Android and BlackBerry 10 in a session, unlike Asphalt 8 and other so called cross-platformers which is pretty awesome. Wait, where's Windows 10 Mobile?! Who knows. As simple as the basic premise may be, this game is actually a great time killer with a wonderful soundtrack. You can customize your person, but as you heard me complaining about, you have to cough up $0.99 CAD for one outfit or $2.99 for all! Not digging that. I don't why the developer couldn't just make you pay with in-game currency, or better yet just charge $0.99 CAD for the whole application with everything unlocked. I'd totally pay for it, but I know some cheapskates wouldn't and this is especially true on the Android platform where piracy can be very rampant. So what about Headless ScreenCorder's capabilities, you may ask? This is the 3rd game I've tested with it and have seen mixed results. The games loads and runs fine, but the audio stuttered rather frequently. While this is a bit of a nuisance, it's much better than the scenario with Asphalt 8 where it was both gameplay and audio. I've already went into detail about theories behind this, so I won't bore anyone with that here. Despite the varying results I've had with audio and gameplay during these sessions, I'll definitely be testing more native game applications with ScreenCorder, but will use Screen Recorder for the Android games, which does a phenomenal job at capturing both audio and footage simultaneously, without the need for using an external microphone to save audio that would have otherwise disappeared with ScreenCorder under high resolution recordings.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

August 12, 2016 Uploads


August 12, 2016 Uploads

Once again, I'm typing up the entries for my videos while they are being uploaded, so that a new week doesn't creep up on me and have me forced to finish last week's homework. Not a fun position to be in! Anyway, I should probably stop mentioning that, and head onwards with my videos uploaded on the date mentioned in the title: Highway Life, Asphalt 8: The Unfamiliar Roads, Flippy Bird 3D: Your Polygonal Protagonist and My African Knight.

In this video I went out to Regional Road #29 to film cars speeding by on the Highway of Heroes, or what most Ontarians just simply call the 401. I've been inspired to do it for over what may be a month or possibly two, so I finally got it done last weekend. Originally, I was actually thinking about filming from Whites Road or even Brock, but ended up choosing Liverpool because it had more scenery to it. Take note of the pedestrian bridge, the train station and high rise buildings. These are just a few of the interesting things to see at this particular interchange. As mentioned in the video, I filmed the first five minutes in 720p @30fps, while the last five minutes resumes to regular 1080p, which ended up looking better in my opinion. There were some honkings that also occurred, and it didn't really look as if anyone was doing something of disapproval on the road, so it had me curious as to whether or not some drivers were aware of someone filming from above or not. I highly doubt that's actually the case, but maybe they did notice, and perhaps wanted me to notice (or not notice!) them as well? Who knows for sure. You shouldn't have your eyes up towards the sky while driving, so let's just dismiss this non-sensical assumption and assume that they were honking at donkey drivers.

Boy! Racing on 6 unfamiliar tracks in perfection sure ain't easy, but I got it done. In this episode I race in Iceland with a Lamborghini Sesto Elemento, Iceland Reverse with a Dodge Challenger SRT8, The London Eye with a Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4, French Guiana with Koenigsegg Agera R, French Guiana Reverse with the Ferrari LaFerrari, and finally Nevada Reverse with the Audi RS 4 Avant. Even though I mentioned it in the description and annotation already, I need to stress it like a repetitive robot once again: that car I called a “Lexus” is not a Lexus! It was an Infiniti FX50 (also known as the Infiniti QX70)! I don't know why I didn't use my eyes, but oh well. It's fun and important to race on tracks you don't race on very often, because it helps to sharpen your skills and even challenge your brain when you take on unfamiliar tracks. This was very apparent in Nevada Reverse and French Guiana... You of course didn't see it happen on camera, but the amount of painfully stupid mistakes I made was unreal! You'd think it'd be Iceland, because you hear me complaining about it the most, and I still do rank it to be harder, but those two got me in some very special, unexpected ways. After racing on them I no longer consider them to be hard, but it certainly reminded me of why it's important to play on variety of tracks more often, rather than only choosing the quickest, highest paying tracks most of the time. If only Season 8 offered at least one of each track, before offering repetitions, but it's too bad it doesn't.... After the month ends, I plan to max out my remaining Class S cars and maybe some Class C and B cars, so I can play on more tracks in a quicker, easier, more exciting fashion. To conclude the Asphalt 8 ramblings, I should rank the tracks from least to most difficult: Iceland Reverse (Class C Elimination), The London Eye (Class B Elimination), Nevada Reverse (Audi Vs Alfa Romeo), French Guiana (Koenigsegg Classic) French Guiana Reverse (Class A Classic) and Iceland (Lamborghini Classic Season 8).

Another Flappy Bird spin-off! Woohoo! Flippy Bird 3D offers an extremely close concept to Flappy Bird, but in 3D! So this means that you tap the screen and must avoid falling or hitting yourself on gates. As I thoroughly explained in the description and the video itself, this game offers amazing full qwerty support, so if you're rocking a BlackBerry Q5, Q10, Classic, Passport or Porsche Design 9'883, cough up and 99¢ and give it a shot! I believe that because the BlackBerry Priv is a qwerty phone, it should work on it too, but I can't say so with 100% certainty. This spin-off isn't hard in my opinion because the character doesn't drop super fast, nor do they rebound to ridiculous heights, so it shouldn’t be too hard to get past a few concrete gates. On top of that, you can also grab golden squares that will sometimes appear near the top of the screen to shrink your purple bird, and make passing even easier. It's only a temporary effect, so be careful and cautious! The inspirational story behind this game is pretty neat: the developer was inspired by the original flappy bird and wanted to create something for BlackBerry 10, since at the time there were no good, native flappy spin-offs, so he stepped in to fill that void! It's always nice to see a developer show some love to underappreciated platforms like BlackBerry 10 and Windows 10 Mobile. Speaking of platforms, this game is available on all four major platforms in their respective shops: BlackBerry World, Windows Store, Google Play and iTunes. Again, not too often you see something like that. Most of the time it's just Android and iOS, and occasionally Windows. You can checkout FileArchiveHaven's Flippy Bird 3D Sales Trends from March 2014 here.

My African Knight
With a name like that, you would likely assume that this is an adventurous role-playing game, but that was not the case.... All it was, was just a fancy game of tic-tac-toe with a beautiful beach backdrop and nice music – until I turned it into a dramatic, serious event with my narrations! No longer is it about peacefully playing tic-tac-toe at the beach in Africa, but I embarked on a perilous journey in order to save my African princess from the brutal King Polomashwashe in Lesotho! Going through those deserts, forests and such wasn't easy, but it had to be done! Each tic-tac-toe game you saw was actually a concealed, savage, brutal fight with my enemies! And boy, they were very skillful too! They unfortunately got me so many times, that it came down to the point where I eventually made a final, desperate, risky move that resulted in my downfall... you saw the sad, emotional, ending so I need not say more...

Who are we kidding?! When the camera stopped rolling I got right back up, and KO'ed that monster! I kept travelling through Africa while defeating many enemies and bothersome animals, until I eventually found King Polomashwashe and annihilated him! I then rescued my princess and we lived happily ever after! Hakuna matata! Now for some details about this game: it comes from developer HecaWorld unLIMITED and was actually a boardgame played in Africa. At that time, the developer said that it was often drawn on paper and played with friends and families as way to pass time. You place your seed on the board and move it accordingly when it's your turn. Read more about it here.

Not meeting my deadlines complaint
I think I'll go back to typing after the videos are uploaded, so that way I can link everything straight away, but in order to make this happen without straying into a new week with last week's old work, I must try to have things done by Wednesday or maybe Thursday at latest. This means that I'll need to record the videos, edit them, upload them, annotate and card them accordingly, discuss them and then post it on social media within a more timely fashion. I already explained here that nobody's pushing, forcing or holding a gun to my head, but I believe that if it weren't for constant personal procrastination and chronic slacking, that I'd be in a much better position with my personal deadlines. Of course, I don't have to upload videos every week, but when I do, I'd like to follow a better schedule. Despite what you see in my outdoor videos, I actually value quality greatly, hence why I'd rather complete the process a little late and have things done in the best quality I can, than to rush it and do things half-baked. Ideally I'm going to aim to do it all: Quality, consistency and timeliness. All I need to do is believe in myself. It isn't even just about videos. Being consistent, timely and hard working extends to a lot of things in life.

Monday, August 8, 2016

August 07, 2016 Uploads

August 07, 2016 Uploads

In this entry, I'll be discussing the four videos that are currently being uploaded at the time of this writing: Trans-Canada Trail: North of Regional Road 28, Asphalt 8: Five Fantastic Fly-throughs! (Normal Version), Asphalt 8: Five Fantastic Fly-throughs! (Spiceaphone Version) and ChromaSphere: An LOL of a Demonstration! Yep, that's right; for a change I'm typing up the entries before the videos are officially posted on YouTube. The reason behind this is that these videos were supposed to be uploaded between the 1st and 5th of August, but because I slacked off heavily and didn't end up typing, nor uploading anything within that time frame, I've decided to do both today, so that way I won't feel so clustered and loaded coming the following week. No, nobody is forcing me or hounding me to upload X amount of videos by a certain time, but I don't feel proud about chronic slacking, procrastination and deadline skipping, so that's why I felt like I had to do this. Now on with the videos!

Ohhhh, at last! I finally trekked this place and got it filmed! I don't think I mentioned this yet, but I originally intended to actually come to this part of the trail before filming the strip directly north of the strip south of Highway #2, but decided against it due to schedule conflict. Besides, it kind of made more sense to start from the south and make my way north, rather than to jump from the south one week, fly north and then fly back to the centre. Not a big deal, but whatever. So what was the trail itself like? Well, getting here was quite an adventure itself! Lots of gravel sidewalks, construction areas and all uneven grass patches can make it a challenge to walk as of August 2016, depending on where you're coming from. Unlike the strips to the south the were minutes away from one another, this one is located at Regional Road 28 (should probably just say Rossland) to the north and is close to Riverside to the south. So wait a sec... Didn't the central part terminate at Riverside? Yes it did. It sounds like it's close, but if you take a look at the map, you'll see that it's not that far, until when you realize that there are no safe crosswalks at the Riverside and Rossland intersection, so unless you're feeling brave or stupid, you'll have to trek out to Church and Rossland.... from Riverside.... which is going to feel like forever. This strip is by far the easiest to trek of the three, as it's entirely paved with asphalt and is surrounded with a beautiful field, with a lot of wild flowers, which you can see plenty of in the video. And let's not forget to mention the transmission towers! So, does this make the northern strip the most boring of three? Not in my opinion. Sure, it doesn't offer any challenges or any “wow factors”, but it's pleasantly scenic and great for cyclists who don't feel like damaging their tires, and long enough to give you a good walk, but it's not so long that it'll leave you completely exhausted. Unless you're out of shape of course. Oh, another thing: you can also access it from the intersection north of Church and Hurst, but I probably wouldn't recommend it accessing if from there, unless you live on Hurst Drive due to the undeveloped nature of that portion. Well, Riverside and Rossland is currently “undeveloped” too, but at least it's being worked on and will be fixed soon.

In this episode of Asphalt 8, I tackle the Great Wall with a Lykan HyperSport, Tokyo with the Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione, Venice with the Pagani Huayra, the Alps with the Bugatti Veyron and Barcelona with the RUF RT 12 S. It was originally supposed to be 6 tracks, so I originally named the video Asphalt 8: Half a Dozen Tours, until I realized it was only 5... Why? Playing the Venice track successfully with no wrecks was soooooooooooooooooo time consuming, that by the time I got it right, there wasn't any time left during the day to film a 6th track. Excuses? Maybe, but there are many other things that had to be done, so I couldn't afford to fork out too much time to a game. Now that that's aside, there was originally supposed to be only one video entirely dedicated to special effects, but I figured that it makes sense to also do a normal one, so the idea of that has lead to two videos: a normal version with narrations and a jazzed up version titled Spiceaphone, completely under special effects with about 4 or 5 of Moon Hooch's excitable saxophone dance songs. The songs used are the following not necessarily in order: Alien Invasion, Red Sky, That's What They Say and The Thought. I wanted to cover as many tracks as I could within the day to see how they look under the threshold special effect. Anyone watching my videos can easily tell how much I love to employ special effects in nearly all of my videos, whether they be gaming or the vast outdoors. This turned out to be awesome! I think Venice is my favourite track under this effect, but certainly not to play on! Ironic. The hardest track that nearly made me want to quit and rage down the street, made me the happiest after tossing the special effect in. Crazy! This just goes to show that sometimes when you really feel like quitting, and feel as though you'll just never succeed, don't. Keep going and remind yourself that there's a reward at the end of the road. In this case, awesome footage and over 4,000 Asphalt 8 credits.

ChromaSphere is a complete 3D action and arcade game with puzzle elements made for the BlackBerry PlayBook and BlackBerry 10 devices. Using the accelerometer and gyro, steer the sphere to the end of the level within the bronze, silver and gold times to win medals. Let me repeat that for myself: steer the sphere to the end of the level within the bronze, silver and gold times to win medals!!! Gosh, this is why you really need to read things in order to succeed and go far! Reading would've done wonders for me, but I didn't remotely consider it at the time, so I went ahead and made a horse of myself while demonstrating the game. Not good! But you know what? It was still lots of good fun! Along a list of other games, I may consider redoing it with better gameplay footage, but won't make any promises. The game has amazing graphics, loads and runs smoothly on BlackBerry 10 devices and is overall a highly entertaining game, so if you own a BlackBerry device give it a shot! I think it's also available on Android and maybe iOS and Windows Mobile 10, but I'm not 100% certain.
Edit: It is available on all mobile platforms, except Windows 10 Mobile it seems. Kind of odd.

This video belongs to Joseph Criniti, and man is it odd/interesting! The sight of a Lamborghini is generally rare in most places, but to see one towing goats is twice as odd! I actually saw and heard a black Lamborghini last week, but it certainly wasn't towing goats, or anything for the matter! Most people buy these cars pretty much to show off their wealth and status, as well all know how impractical they are, but this guy wanted to do more his? Some say that it may have just been fashion statement, but one commenter interestingly (and likely jokingly) states: “When your Range Rover has a flat battery and you gotta take the goats to the vet" Hilarious! So if you're rich and your luxurious SUV or truck fails, just use a high performance car with enough horsepower and towing capabilities to get the job done! Lamborghini Urus, could that be you? Or what about you, Ferrari GTC4 Lusso

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Late July 2016 Uploads

In this entry, I'll be discussing the four videos that were uploaded between July 27 – July 29: Pokémon Go Ramblings, Trans-Canada Trail: North/Central Strip, Forest Brook Community Church and Creepy Flappy Bird. It feels so sad and weird to not have Asphalt 8 included in this entry, but I just wasn't able to get it edited and uploaded in time for this, so I'll have to do without it for this round. ):

Well, the title is very self-explanatory: all I do is just browse and talk about the game, while going through some images and commenting on some news. I had no interest to play this game at all, and still don't, but because the game was constantly making headlines all over the internet, and even made it's way to Canadian shores, I kind of felt like I had to do a video on it and toss my opinions in. Of course, the video doesn't involve me playing it, so I made damn sure that I put the word “ramblings” in the title in order not to mislead people! My channel does revolve around filming the outdoors and mobile games, so this game in theory would have been a great recipe for this channel, but nope! As I mentioned in the video, I find the game to be rather lame, dangerous and just not something I'm up for. I'd rather just explore places normally without hunting for Pokémon! You can't even hunt them for real, and will never be able to, but this is as close as it gets, so I guess that does explain the hype. Or is it as close as it gets? Could game designers and engineers actually come up with a simulator that's even closer than this? Who knows. Only time will tell. Here's a fun fact: according to a Gizmodo article that was published today (August 1, 2016 at the time of this writing) Pokémon Go on Wikipedia has more endnotes than the Bible – Wow! 113 vs 191. Why couldn't it be the other way around?! Oh well. Tuberculosis, masturbation, space invaders and the standalone word Pokémon, were other titles that also had a lot of end notes, but not as much Pokémon Go! I'm not sure how long the hype will last for this game, but some predict that it's a fad that will die “soon”. How soon? Who knows. Maybe Niantic might just do something insane just to keep it afloat.

Ah, part #2 of the Ajacian Trans-Canada trail adventures! The continuation of this trail is located north of the southern portion on Highway #2. I've mentioned this in the video description, but apparently this is not final portion of the trail, nor is it the furthest north, hence why I had to change the name to north-central to make it more accurate. So where is this “far north” strip that I speak of? I'll tell ya later this week or early next week, though I'm sure that some Ajacians will probably already know. Part #3 has been filmed last weekend, but needs to be edited and uploaded. Anyways! That's enough about part #3. The northcentral strip as you can observe from the length of the video, was much longer than the southern portion, and was full of gravel and buzzing bugs on certain portions, so carrying lots of water and bug spray is a good idea! A must actually. I also had to be careful about not being lead out of the trail system, so I reviewed the map a few times before filming to make sure that I didn't end up accidentally exiting. It worked for the most part, but you can see me having doubts sometimes, because the place is just so expansive! The trail itself is very easy to trek and doesn't have any crazy slopes, rocky edges or anything like that. It also isn't “dazzling” per se, but does have a few plaques that I filmed up close, and a lot of bridges. I wasn't expecting so many crossings, but I appreciate it because swimming or hopping over Duffin Creek isn't something I wanted to do! Not even on a hot day like the way it was! I successfully completed the trail, made it to the end of the road, and saw what looked like a continuation at Riverside Drive, so I crossed and continued... and then I had doubts... I didn't know if it was a property I might have ventured onto or something else, but I decided to stop filming there. Now that I have looked it up, it may have been something in regards to the Riverside Golf Club. I had no idea at that time, so I continued south of the road, which lead me to another place that I thought I wouldn't end up filming: Forest Brook Community Church!

When I saw this I place I stopped and asked myself: “Am I going to keep going, or am I going to film this place?” The video's presence on YouTube is the clear answer. Despite the grueling hot weather and reduced water levels in my container, I went for it! I was expecting it to just be a typical exterior walk around, until suddenly I found some stairs! Being the curious explorer I am, I descended the stairs and found an alien on the wall!!! *GASP!* Who would've thought?! Aliens coming together with humans to worship God?! Wow! It's too bad I couldn't get inside to see the congregation of aliens and humans, but alas! It was quite the encounter! I went back upstairs, finished the exploration, and then finally call it quits when I ended up at the beautiful front end of the church.

See? I told you I was going to play more spin-offs of this game! This time though, a very, very, very, creepy spin-off of Flappy Bird! It's so creepy that a warning is given in the description not to proceed, unless you really think you can handle it! Are you a momma cuddling wuss, or a screamy, flighty chick? Then don't watch it! Alas, I can expect many to click and perilously risk their lives anyway! You'll be riding on the back of clumsy, cryptic bird flying haphazardly through some frightening gates, through an equally frightening yard, with a continuous contrabass overtone howling, objects creaking and heavy footsteps dropping! Let me warn you once again: watch out. Ok? Just watch out. I unfortunately can't tell you what's going to to happen, but you were the one the decided to enter that dangerous zone at your own risk, so I cannot tell you everything......... You'll just have to see some things for yourself, but try to come back alive so I can hear your story.
Fun fact: I produced the soundtrack through experimentation, and decided to accompany it with a creepy video that lead to the creation of this video.

Ha haaaaaaaaa! I just had to find a way to squeeze Asphalt 8 into this! So, what's up for Asphalt 8 this week? A video with several tracks to showcase a special (in my opinion) thing! The clips have been recorded, but only need to be edited and uploaded, which I'm hoping to get done sometime this week. Here's a peek below.

This video belongs to CATMANTOO. I normally wouldn't really comment on a cat video, simply because there's way too many of them on YouTube, to the point that's honestly overkill, but this one appeared in the Hotmail news this week, so I checked it out. It's a skateboarding cat! A highly entertaining, hilarious video, but I kept wondering to myself: how much camera trick and editing did this involve? Is it fake? This is so fake! But when I reached the end, it mentioned that it took many months of training, so I guess this means that it's not fake? Who knows. One thing's certain is that it's adorable, hilarious and entertaining, regardless of whether it's actually fake or not.

And that wraps up this entry. I got a couple videos to edit and upload, and if you read the rambling above, you'll know exactly what's coming: Trans-Canada Trail #3, an Asphalt 8 video, ####### and possibly ‎¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥!