Friday, November 1, 2019

November 1st Entry: Guuzaka 2019 - 2020 Is Here

Guuzaka                                                                                                          2019-11-01

November 1st Entry: Guuzaka 2019 - 2020 Is Here

🔵This blog post may contain affiliate links

Did you see that Tweet yesterday? 😲 Oh, I'm sure you did! Have you seen much of the changes yet? 👀 No, you almost certainly have not! Were you expecting this to happen? I highly doubt it! 🤯 The last time time such a major change took place on the channel was when it transitioned from ATA1201058 to GuuzakaTube back in 2016. That change brought numerous differences beyond just simply a name change. It brought true brand identity, quality, and oh so many more! 🌠 For this entry, I'll be exploring the differences with GuuzakaTube and Guuzaka.

Category & Style
As the new channel intro mentions, the Guuzakan style of videos has not changed. You may breathe a sigh of relief. 😌 If you're not relieved, then you are clearly on the wrong channel. 😐 The exit is this way. You still here? 🤨 Good! 😎 Let's move onto the next point!

Cosmetics & Logo
This. This is where the bulk of the changes took place for the 3rd year of Guuzaka. Gone are the Deal With It Sunglasses! For the coming new decade, it was time to come up with something more original, so I went ahead and created something else. You will see the new logo, and name across all of my social media anchors. 👁‍🗨 Including this very blog I am typing this entry on. Oh, I think that brings us to the next point. 📝

Blog Changes
This too, is another major, major, major change! ⛰ For the last 9 years (wow, time flies! ✈) the blog had the following URL:

A quick click on that link will show you that it is broken because it moved, right? Well, yes! I changed the URL, username, avatar and the blog name. The blog has long moved away from just solely being about my YouTube uploads. The ATA brand, as you already read in the first paragraph, has been obsolete for 3 years now. Therefore, this clean up was necessary for the coming new decade. It is high time that the blog properly reflects what it truly is, the brand behind it, and the 2019 changes. 

The new URL is properly reflecting the new name given to it today: The Words Of Guuzaka. 🗨📝 HTTPS will be greatly appreciated by anyone who cares about security. 🔑

Watermark & Slightly More Advanced Edits
All videos published from this day and onward until an unspecified point, will feature the new watermark. As you may or may not have noticed, ever since Windows Movie Maker started being too problematic with publishing lengthy 4K videos, I have since used ShotCut. As a result, this allowed me to toss images, corrections, adjust video audio so that it does not overpower voice-overs, and more, on top of my videos. This is thanks to the use of multiple tracks. Something I would have never been able to experience the benefits of, had I stubbornly stuck with the outdated Windows Movie Maker. 😵

How Are You Feeling?
2020 will be here in 61 days. A brand new decade. Just the thought of that is sure to bring an assortment of emotions. Now these changes: how do you feel about the more pronounced identity of Guuzaka? Indifferent? Love the new logo? Hate the new logo? Missed the ATA traces for some reason? Comment and share your thoughts on the coming new era! 😎🌌🪐🌠

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