Tuesday, November 12, 2019

November 12th Entry: October 2019 Uploads

Guuzaka                                                                                                          2019-11-12

November 12th Entry: October 2019 Uploads

👉🏾This blog post may contain affiliate links. When you click and purchase something from within these links, I may earn a small percentage of that sale. 💲 This is done at no extra expense to you. Guuzaka is not an official salesmen of these vendors. Therefore, any potential product problems and other technicalities must be dealt with through official staff of the online shop. 

Looks like I'm on a role with getting the separate blog posts for the September and October 2019 uploads done today! 🐱‍🏍 What are you waiting for? Read, laugh, frown, watch, shop, and/or comment!

These are the following products I unboxed in this video:

So now that I have had a lot of time to use these extensively, I can tell you which one I like the most: the Sony On-Ear Headphones. Why? Because On-Ear Headphone feel so much better and more comfortable to work with than In-Ear Headphones. 🎧 In terms of audio quality, I have not noticed a major difference between these headphones. The Sony On-Ear Headphones obviously  beats the In-Ear Headphones, but not by a long margin. All of these headphones don't just "do the job"; they actually do it well. Are they studio-grade headphones? Of course not! 🤣😂 But they are not low-quality dung either, despite their price tags. Longevity? So far, so good, but time will tell at some point into 2020 and beyond! 🌠

Wow. As I write this entry, there is snow on the ground and it is below 0°C. 🥶 Makes me miss summer so bad! 😭 Oh well. Warm weather will return in 7 months. 😨 Um, hold on.... 7 months.... That's deep... that's long.... Oh, right! Canada is within the Arctic circle after all, so even the Southern regions take forever to get to 25°C+ weather. At least they can though, because there are parts of the country that cannot even see 12°C in July! 😱 Ever heard of Ellesmere Island? You know, the Canadian north pole? 🎅🏾 Yeah, that's who I'm talking about! 

Anyways! This was my first visit to this park. 🌳🌊🌞 The footage from the Nokia Lumia 1520 turned out gorgeous as expected.  I liked it so much, that I went back another weekend to collect stones from the coastal area. 🤓

The BlackBerry Passport version of this video focuses more on walking eastward along Rotary Park's coast. Because I did not bring long rubber boots that day, I did not go as far as I could. The BlackBerry Passport's camera does not win any photography rewards. However, there are some scenes of this video that turned out exceptionally good. 🌞Particularly the part where I stooped down to showcase a stream flowing out into the Lake, while water was flowing over the rocks. 😍 Wow, that was beautiful! And oddly enough, out of the three smartphones that I recorded with that day, as of November 12, 2019, the BlackBerry Passport's version has the most views. 🤨 Clearly, there can only be two things to explain this:

1) The BlackBerry 10 community enjoys seeing videos produced from a phone that many consider "obsolete" 

2) Perhaps viewers prefer higher frame rates over resolution? 🤔 I personally prefer 4K, but to each their own.

Who knows for sure, but keep watching the videos! 👍🏾 

You see, this is why shooting in 4K is my default choice whenever a smartphone is capable of doing so: the sheer amount of details it captures is amazing! 🔍 And when you use something that already has a good camera like an iPhone, it makes the video even better. 🍎 So, um, I guess I should talk about those butterflies, right?🦋😧 Honestly, I'm not sure if they're drowning, dying, or both. 😶 While sad, it was an interesting site to see them right on the coastline. Why they would even hang out on the beach in the first place, is something I still cannot figure out. ❓ If there were plants and flowers right in the middle of the sand, then that would explain it. There was not, so ------ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The following items were unboxed in this video:

Now I know exactly what you're thinking: 😲😱🤯! Right? Well, here are the simplified names: 
  • Tofun Electronics Accessories Bag 
  • Locking Krendr D-Rings
  • Geekria EJB61
  • 90 Pieces of PandaHall Elite Clasps
Ahh, soooooo much easier on the eyes, eh? 😎🌴🌊 So! Out of all of these things, which one have I used the most? The Geekria EJB61. 🎧 Why? Because I like to use my headphone jack! You know, the thing that most smartphone makers insisted on getting rid of, so they can force consumers into that wireless dung? 🤡 Yeah, that useful little hole. With the combination of a Gimars carabiner, you can attach it to all sorts of things: your jeans, backpack, purse, satchel, and many more. Some of things, it's obviously better off going inside them, but at least you know the option to hold it outside exists. 

The sole product unboxed in this video is a small box that contains 10 Gimars carabiners. Not a ton more to say about that, other than I use these more than I use the locking carabiners. That may change, though. ✴

Harmonic singing, Pagani Huayra BC, and multiplayer. That is this video in a nutshell. 🏔🎶🎮 But the question is Why?! Who would ever sing like this while playing a racing game?! 🤯 Really, who else? Is this not the channel where "all sorts of things" happen? Yes, yes it is. 🕶🌳🌲📱🎶🎮🍁

I am torn between whether or not this should get an entry entirely on its own. 🤔 Yes, I think it wholly deserves to be a separate topic. The nature of it is very serious. Having it jumbled within a this blog entry of other topics, would be too distracting for a matter like this. Stay tuned for that post. 😐⚠ 

Since the King Of The Fall Update has come upon us, there are some things that have changed, others that have not. Asphalt 9: Legends is not as pay-to-win as it was, ever since they improved the garage system. It now allows us to get epic import parts for many past Unleashed vehicles. And their blueprints, too. 🏁 Still, there are many nagging issues such as knockdowns in multiplayer, unhealthy multiplayer league requirements in the World Series, the inability to choose the epic import parts at the end of the season, multiplayer latency and/or hacking, inability to choose between 60 FPS and 30  FPS -- ok, pretty much everything I mentioned in the video is still relevant. 😕 Not good! I appreciate the frequent car hunts, and ease of getting past unleashed vehicles, but even this is still not good enough, especially when you look at how bad the unfixed problems are. Will Gameloft change? 🤔 Time will tell, but it is certainly possible. 

Let's get this out of the way: the D-ring carabiner is not very useful, due to its small opening. So what I did, was I took two pliers: one to hold, one to open, and took off the tiny ring. I fitted it with a larger D-ring from my PandaHall Elite set, then put a Gimars D-ring carabiner onto it. 😎👑👍🏾 Totally worth the upgrade. Now, attaching my Geekria EJB6906 onto things is WAAAYYYY easier! ✅ As for the Geekria case itself, I love it. It looks and feel great. If you are wondering why I have two, I'll tell you:

1) One is used to hold my Audio Technica SonicFuel In-Ear Headphones that I use for outside of the house.

2) The other is used for the indoors, where it holds my Skullcandy Ink'd+ In-Ear Sound Isolating Headphones

So now you know. 

This picture was taken before fitting a larger D-Ring onto them. I have not taken a picture of the upgrade yet, but should probably do so at some point.

My oh my! 🤯 Another noise session with throat singing?! YES! 🏔🎵🌳🌲🌊 This time, even more of it! 👀 "Is every episode going to have it?" No, but prepared for the unexpected! 👾 Fun fact: most of the rocks in that video came from the coastlines of Ajax, Whitby, and possibly Oshawa. 🤓 Why do you care to know that? BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOU DO! 🤪 Stop freakin' lying so much just to look cool, when it's making you look dumber than Dummer LeDumDum! 🤣😂😆😝

So as I mentioned in the previous entry, I wanted to get the entry for the September-October 2019 uploads done first. I initially had plans to have everything under one blog post. 🤯 Thankfully, I quickly scrapped that idea. 😌 It's not good to have too many videos and topics jumbled into one entry. It's chaotic. 😵 As for the November uploads, I'll likely begin editing them later this week, or early next week. You can expect to see them close to the end of the month. There are two more posts I need to cover for this week: the warning post and "Link Link". While you know what to expect for the warning post, you do not know what "Link Link" is all about. It sounds like it suggests that Nintendo character, but nope! Nothing to do with him at all! 🤣😂 Stay tuned to find out soon! In fact, since the latter three entries are overdue, I'll put all the links to them in a single Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr post, as opposed to giving them a separate post each. 

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