Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Warning! Do Not Join Sovrn Commerce, Formerly VigLink!

Guuzaka                                                                                                          2019-12-11

Warning! Do Not Join Sovrn Commerce, Formerly VigLink!

👉🏾This blog post may contain affiliate links. When you click and purchase something from within these links, I may earn a small percentage of that sale. 💲 This is done at no extra expense to you. Guuzaka is not an official salesmen of these vendors. Therefore, any potential product problems and other technicalities must be dealt with through official staff of the online shop. 

I, hereby certify that this entry does not contain any false, modified, or dubious information, excepting the removal of confidential information such as my e-mail address. Everything being posted here is 100% true and transparent.

With that out of the way, watch the video in case you have not seen it yet, or simply want a refresher. Finished watching? Time for the screenshots as proof that I am not making things up.

I have no idea how legible this will appear on your device, but you get the idea. What I want to emphasize for this entry is the last part. This did not appear in the video because by the time the response came, I already finished creating the warning.

"We cannot disclose specifics as to why as it is part of our policy to keep certain information private to prevent further suspicious activity from occurring."

If for some reason the video itself did not convince you to avoid them, this line certainly will. The fact that they only release payments every 90-120 days probably turned some off before even hearing about this. Shocked? Disgusted? Appalled? Surprised? Not surprised? Jaws dropped on the floor? I understand your emotions, as that response is truly 100% bull dung. Was I asking for the keys to their headquarters? No. Was I asking them for the system administration password? No. Was I asking them for the CEO's bank account details? No. I could go on with questions that would have been truly inappropriate to ask for, but you get my point. All I had asked for is a proper, transparent reason why my account was disabled, and why I could not even get the slightest bit of a chance to fix it.

If Sovrn Commerce cannot trust its creators enough to give them specifics, and a second chance without resorting to permanent bans, you should not trust this autocratic company either. Can you imagine what life would be like if this were the way things operated? Let us take a look at three short scenarios.

The Grocery Store

Narrator: People are shopping like usual at Alexander's grocery store. The next day, 20 minutes before opening, officers show up.

Officer: Sir, I am afraid this grocery store is going to have to be permanently shut down.

Alexander: What? Why?!

Officer: Too many shady people congregate around here.

Alexander: This would be the first time I am being notified of this! Please allow me and my team to improve security.

Officer- No, your store is closed and the decision is final.

The Musician & The Instructor

Narrator: Ava has spent a week working on a musical piece. The piece is now complete, and she is ready to show it to her Instructor.

Ava: The piece is finally complete! Let me know what you think of it! [Gives him the papers]

Instructor: Thank you, I will go over it, and tell you if it makes it or not.

Ava: Great!

Narrator: The next day.

Instructor: [Gives the papers back to Ava]

Ava: Huh?

Instructor: Your compositional style is not suitable for our performers. As such, you will not be allowed to write for us anymore.

Ava: What?! You haven't even told me what's wrong with it!

Instructor: It is no good. [Walks away]

The YouTuber

Narrator: Gideon has been working hard on a video discussing a variety of issues in today's society. Today is the day, where he is finally ready to post it!

Gideon: Boy oh boy! I wonder how this will be received! [Uploads video]

Narrator: 4 hours later. After doing other errands, Gideon decides to take a look at the stats of his video.

Gideon: Dang! 4 hours and 14,000 views?! This is craaaaaaaaazy! 

Narrator: The next day. Gideon's video is demonetized. When he sees that his video is demonetized, he reports it as being wrongly demonetized.

YouTube: Certain subject matters are unsuitable for advertisers, especially when it involves, tragedy, sickness, guns, and so forth.

Gideon: What?! I never showcased graphics images of any of that! My video was done entirely from an educational standpoint! [Sends another response]

Narrator: YouTube does not respond, and leaves the video permanently demonetized.

What You Probably Think At This Point
  • "Wow, sorry you have been through all of this!" 😟
  • "Yikes! I am definitely going to stay 10,000 kilometres away from this network!" 😬
  • "Thank you for publishing this. This has been very insightful" 🤓
  • "I get what you are saying, but think this is overkill" 😐
  • "Seriously man? Man up!" 😑
  • "Oh my gosh! Get over it!" 🙄
  • "Damn son, you salty!" 😮
  • "Must you be so over the top all the time?" 🥱
To those of you that appreciate this, thank you. To those of you on the negative side, let me make this clear: this post is not a "salty whine and moan" rant. It is very serious. I intended to have the screenshots in the video, but did not get around to that. With this blog post, not only do you get to see the screenshots as proof, but the additional response, plus further, deeper explanations, life examples, and more. Warning, exposure videos, blog posts, Tweets and what not, are absolutely nothing new. 

The problem is that there are too many people that do exposed social media posts for the sake of views, and focus more on the sensational aspect of it, rather than accuracy and transparency. Those of you that are not new to my channel, or if you have at least seen the trailer, you will know that clickbaiting and lies are not part of my image. If you took the time to read all of this, thank you.

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