Tuesday, December 4, 2018

December 4th Entry: The Novemberian Crowd

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                   2018-12-04

December 4th Entry: The Novemberian Crowd

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Who is this Novemberian crowd that I speak of? 🤨 Come on, could it be any more obvious? It is none other than the 13 videos that were uploaded between November 29-30. 😬😱 Yeah, I did not think that I was going to end up uploading that much videos either. I overfilmed and ended up with more than anticipated. 🤪 Alright, so let us dive into them now! 🌊🎄 

I have been here before. Exactly two years and 5 days ago, from the time it was filmed from the second visit. Confused? The first visit was originally filmed October 22, 2016. The second trip was filmed October 27, 2018. But of course, while I was filming the second time, I had no idea when exactly I did the first, until now. LOL. Has anything significant changed here since then? No. What is different is that I explored some forest trail at one of the parts. I also discovered another area that gave me access to the beautiful Lynde Creek. It was that same spot that led to my inspiration for the nature videos I filmed on the BlackBerry Q10, Nokia Lumia 1520 and iPhone 6s Plus. Read their headings below to learn more about them.

It's safe to say that it's been a good while since I've recorded a video entirely on the BlackBerry Q10. Ever since I acquired the Nokia Lumia 1520, the BlackBerry Q10 has largely just been a backup camera. And then when I acquired an iPhone 6s Plus earlier this year, it made the BlackBerry Q10 even more of a rarely used video camera. I have used the BlackBerry Q10 quite a bit for Instagram photos though. But even then, not nearly as much as I used to. The reasons for this are obvious: lack of optical image stabilization, no 4K video recording, and the tiny screen is just no fun to use. ☹ But nevertheless, I felt compelled to use it during my time in front of the Lynde Creek. How did it fare? Honestly, it is truly garbage in comparison to the glorious 4K of the Nokia Lumia 1520 and iPhone 6s Plus. The only area it did beat one of them, is in the audio department. 😬 More on that in the entry written for the iPhone 6s Plus. If you've already seen the pinned comment on the video, then you'll already know why. 😶 I wonder how this video would look if it were filmed with a BlackBerry Passport?🤔

I'm not going to bore you or waste your time with this one, so let's head straight to the burning question: are the Glider Gloves warm enough for a Canadian winter? Hell no! Well, unless your winters frequently stay above 8°C, then maybe. The only part of Canada where winters are that mild would be southern Vancouver island, and the southwestern coast of British Columbia. Even then, those areas rain a lot, and I don't think the Glider Gloves are waterproof. Also, let us not forget that even though most smartphones are water-resistant these days, not all of them are. Does this mean that the Glider Gloves are bad and useless? No, they're not, but do not use them extensively for temperatures below 5°C. I can tell you from experience that your hands will get uncomfortably cold in the fingers if you do. 🥶🥶🥶

"⚠If you have watched the Lynde Creek version shot with the iPhone 6s Plus, you will notice that the audio is distorted. This is very likely because iPhone's produce MOV files in mono audio. With Windows Movie Maker, you are forced to export them as MP4 files in a stereo format, which I believe causes audio distortion. If you know what settings to use on Windows Movie Maker to prevent this from happening, please let me know. If Windows Movie Maker should not be used for MOV files, list any good, inexpensive movie editors available on Windows 10. The Nokia Lumia 1520 version of these videos came out fine.⚠"

That is the warning you will see in the descriptions of these videos. Thanks to these videos, it is now crystal clear that my videos I produced with the iPhone 6s Plus really did have audio distortion that was not present until when they were processed through Windows Movie Maker. 😒 Before, I thought that maybe it was just me, but nope! It is 100% proven now. It's rather unfortunate that it has to be like this, because aside from the audio, the videos are otherwise gorgeous. The solution for now? If you'd really rather watch the iPhone 6s Plus versions for whatever reason, you can watch the videos muted, or watch them without headphones with the volume turned low. Quite interesting that the humble, lowly BlackBerry Q10 is more compatible with Windows software than it is. One would think that Apple with its mass appeal products would make the phones capable of producing videos in MP4 and in stereo, but nope! Over the months spent with this smartphone, I can really see why so many Android users poke at Apple's iOS for being such a "prison of an OS"; because it really is. 😬 Thank God I'm not the type of person that only "worships" one operating system! 🤣😂 If the Razer Phone 2, Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium and Red Hydrogen weren't so expensive, I would have bought one of them by now. 😢

With the exception of low light scenarios, the camera of the Nokia Lumia 1520 really doesn't disappoint. For a flagship that was released back in 2013, that is no longer being updated, the camera and performance remains stellar to this day. Now I know what you close observers are going to say, "Isn't this also the camera that you frequently complain about cutting off videos and not saving them?" Yes, you're right, it is. But do you know why it does that? Well, from asking around, I finally discovered that it was a glitch with the Microsoft camera app. Wow! 🤯 Surprising, eh? So what is the solution? Use another camera app! 😎 I did not discover the problem and solution at the time of filming this. But thankfully, the app did decide to save the entire video. 😪

I absolutely loved the way the photos and videos came out with the iPhone 6s Plus for this video. In fact, I loved them so much that I actually took one of the 3840 X 2160 photographs and made it my desktop background. 🌞 Even with the distorted audio problem, the sheer beauty of the moving clouds and colours are nothing to casually shake off.

"Why are people still using DSLR cameras?" That is the question I literally asked out loud as I was searching through my photos to upload this one. Seriously though. The flagships then were really good, and the flagships now are in a whole other league. Some smartphones can now even do 4K@60FPS! 🤩 Such devices did not come until later 2017, and a handful have arrived in 2018. The colours in this video do not look as vibrant and punchy as the iPhone 6s Plus, but they do also look more lifelike? Comment on that and let me know what you think. 

Stylish, eh? No? Well, that would depend on who you ask. Canada Goose pom toques don't look extravagant by any means, nor do they need to. You know why? Because they do two things really well:

1. Cover your entire big head
2. Keep you warm in frigid temperatures.

While you can safely say that the price is too damn high for the Canada Goose Pom Toque, they're also actually worth it. How much do they cost? Depending on which "Season/Version" you're buying, Canada Goose Pom Toques can run you anywhere from $60 CAD to $150 CAD! 😵😱🤯😬😳 Buy hey, that's better than the $1000+ you spent on that iPhone XS Max and Samsung Galaxy Note 9 you're probably reading this blog post from! 😜

I have had adequate time with these sunglasses, so I can safely say that they are really good. Better and clearer than a lot of the other "casual" sunglasses I've worn. Have I worn them while fishing, cycling or anything like that? No, because I'm not a sports person. But I have worn them on walks outdoors, and they offer excellent coverage while providing true-to-life clarity.

Yep, lots of outdoors and unboxings in this batch! So, what do I have to say about Valley Farm Public School? Interesting! Because this school is located on a farm down in the valley! 😃🍈🍉🍏🍐🍎🍑🍅🍓🍒🍄🌽🥒🥑🍄🥦🥔🥕🌰


Ok! We obviously know that none of that is true. It is just your average Pickeringian, suburban, regular ol' elementary school. While the school itself isn't terribly interesting, Major Oaks Park was pretty cool. Who am I kidding? I've visited that park numerous times in the summer, so I can say that I love it! 🌞 Especially that forested area. 🌳🌳🌳

Such a lovely photograph, isn't it? Well, you'll see the full set tomorrow on my Instagram. While the photo is beautiful, the music produced within this episode is anything, but that! 💀💀💀 Well.....Well, that actually depends on who you are. Some might describe this episode as "eerily beautiful" while others would probably click away as soon as the harmonics drop. If you have not seen this wild-as-an-animal episode yet, then watch it! 🤪👾🎶

For this heading, I'm not even going to bother with the obvious: I played Flappy Nyan in this video -- DUH! You can see that! Instead, I will focus on what you don't know. That is, the fact that the original video was supposed to be 18 minutes long (21 including the outro song)! 😲 Yeah, really. So! What happened? Before I had the sense to ask a sensible community of experts for help, I resorted to my own shenanigans. I decided to hit the Microsoft home button whenever I wanted to terminate a video, to see if it would save all of it. This worked for a few test videos, but still cut off much of another test music video. 🙄 But despite that, I thought that it would have been a good idea to see what would happen with an 18 minute gaming video -- NOTHING! Like, literally nothing saved when I tried that. 


So now you know why this video looks as though I had been recently playing it off camera; because I was. 😐 Thankfully, the temperamental Microsoft camera decided to save everything entirely, the second time around when I pressed the normal button. So yeah, now you have the full scoop behind this video! 🐱🌈

Ohhhhhh, boy! Flappy Adventure! 😃 Unfortunately, this game is not as cool as the title would suggest. The graphics are great, and the gameplay is smooth, but it's not terribly interesting. It's also too difficult at level 5 or so, which hilariously caused me to rage quit! 🤣😂 One thing I should mention is that this is my first video destined for YouTube, that was not filmed with my Nokia's Microsoft camera, but with an alternate application. Not a fan of the 4GB at a time limit, but it's INFINITELY better than the wild, unpredictable, horrible, stressful, messy, pooey Microsoft camera! 😝😝😝 LOL! Seriously though, if Microsoft wasn't in such a hurry to kill off its own children just to sleep in bed with Android and iOS, the apps would be so much better. 😏

What's next? Christmas music, unboxings, likely gaming, commentary and possibly an outdoors video. So yeah, it's quite a bummer about the whole audio on iPhones thing. I'm also really glad to find a working 4K camera alternative for my Nokia Lumia 1520. It should be noted that until I can come up with a resolution for the audio thing, the Nokia Lumia 1520 will once again become my primary shooter. Well, let's be honest here shall we? I was already biased towards it anyways, so that may or may not come as a surprise. Perhaps you may have thought I preferred the iPhone 6s Plus for its applications and better software support. Yeah, you're right, I do love it for that. But I really do not like how "castrated" it is without applications. And if you don't own something like a Mac or another gadget with Apple software, you cannot "use it to its fullest potential". 😑 Did you like this entry? Are you excited about what could come next? Comment down below and let me know! 🎄🎶  

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