Friday, July 21, 2017

July 21st Entry

GuuzakaTube                                                                               07/21/17

July 21st Entry
EDIT: Something is seriously wrong with Blogger's layout. I don't know why the text is
displaying this... All I did was copy it from a word file and pasted it here, so I don't know
why the text was all over the place and still looks really strange. If you know of a fix for
this please let me know! Otherwise, I guess I'm going to have to start typing these entries
directly onto Blogger for now on.
I missed an entry last week. Darn it! Well, not going to let this week slide
by without one, so let's discuss why that happened. During the July 8-9 
weekend, no videos were filmed. The last time I uploaded an entry this 
month was on the 4th were I discussed Canada 150 Fireworks On Lake 
Ontario and Canada 150 Pixel Drawing. Whoa! That was 17 days ago! 
What's going on here?! Wait, we're getting there in just a sec. Between 
July 10 – 14 I only uploaded one video, which was a gaming video 
(finally!) and then the following weekend, I filmed two places outdoors.
Remember now, for July I made it clear that I wanted to try and focus 
more so on commentaries and gaming this month. I still wanted to 
shoot the occasional outdoor video as well, just because they're so fun to
do. For the past couple of weeks, it been rather slow and inconsistent 
with YouTube related things, so that's just that. Rather than bore you 
about everything behind the slow down and excuses logical reasons, 
let's just proceed to talking about my recent uploads shall we?
A game that I've never uploaded to the channel before, so this should be
a nice addition. Well it should, but with it being silent, I can imagine that
it likely won't be too successful. There are some people that like silent
games, but who's playing and searching for Bricktastic, let alone a silent
version? I play what I like, but believe that this video will have
questionable performance. Thankfully, I did promise to do another
episode with the original sounds, so keep reading to find out how soon
you'll see it! As for the quality of the gameplay itself, it's got good,
smooth graphics, but it's relatively boring. Sorry. It's a good time waster
if you love brick smashing games though.

What pretty gardens! Seriously, among the list of many things as to why
places are better to explore during the warmer months, one reason is
because of aesthetics. And of course, I can't go without mentioning how
you don't have to worry about your phone's increased risk of dying or
rebooting from subarctic weather! And your nose runs less, unless you
suffer badly from allergies throughout the season. Ah, summer really is
the best season of the year. It's just so fun, warm and beautiful – oh
right! Saint Thomas! So aside from the well presented entrance, this
building was unexpectedly interesting to walk around. It had a lot of
interesting corners, fields and nearby sites that made it a fun place to
film and photograph. And of course, like several of the other schools
I've done in the past, I filmed myself walking there. Did you watch that
part? Of course not! Even I advised you not to watch that part with the
usual skipper slide.

Oh my, what a name! It's entirely in French! Do I have a problem with
that? Absolutely! No, I'm kidding. Did you think I was serious? Anyways!
I think this is the first French school that I've filmed, so seeing the title
and the fleur-de-lis, which I ignorantly just assumed was a green Québec
flag, was definitely something different from the usual. I should film
more French schools and see if they have anything in common.
Remember that the videos themselves will not be in French. I know
that's quite obvious, and possibly disappointing to some, but I do not
speak French, and have no interest in learning it. No disrespect intended.
I'm just being transparent with you guys. Anyways, like its English
counterpart, Saint Thomas, this building was also very interesting to
explore. In fact, it was actually the more interesting of the two, thanks to
all the colourful images on the walls, the colourful play amenities, and
the presentable front which even had lively bird houses. The latter was
confirmed when I approached it and started talking. Did he not like the
sound of my voice? Or did he think I was a predator? I would say it's all
of the above! Oh yes, and Knights of Columbus lies right next to this
This is not a video, but rather a drawing. I could've turned it into a video
where I showcased the drawing process, but I did not. The reason being
that it's just a print version of the original Canada 150 Cool Maple Leaf
that I did as a Canada 150 teaser for anticipated hype. After seeing that
the other 1920 X 1080 prints had much of the drawing chopped off, I
wanted to at least have one print-worthy piece on my DeviantArt gallery,
so I created this with a 6000 X 6000 resolution. Turned out great, and I
did not find any weird cutoffs on the print. Obviously not the best or
finest drawing around, but it was still fun experimenting with the
recommended DeviantArt print resolutions. And don't worry, my gallery
will contain a better variety in the future, and won't just be a place of
Canadian icons. I say this just in case anybody was worried about that.
If you've read this far, good for you! It was worth the read because I'll
now tell you the exciting news in store for next week: a commentary
video and gaming videos. Yes, I bolded the S on purpose to emphasize
the fact that there will be 4 videos uploaded pertaining to games. See? I
told you that I would not forget my word, despite the slow down and
tardy excuses. What's even better is the fact that I already got these
recorded, so the only thing I need to do is just get them polished, and
they'll be good to go! Well, the commentary video will need a bit more
work than just a polishing, but because the audio was already recorded,
dealing with it should not take too long. It's obvious that one of the
videos is Bricktastic with sound, but what are the others? Stay tuned for
next week to find out! “When can we expect to see these videos?” You
may ask. If I must be 100% honest, I don't have an exact date. It all
depends on how smoothly things go. I'd say that you'll see them on the
channel between Tuesday to Thursday (July 25-27) hopefully.

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