Friday, December 9, 2016

December 08, 2016 Uploads

GuuzakaTube 12.07.16

December 08, 2016 Uploads

For quite some time now, I've been typing up my entries while my videos were in the process of being uploaded to YouTube. This time, I'm typing this entry a day earlier, or I should say partially... I've got six videos to talk about this week, and these are Maranatha Christian Reformed Church, Walking Down Lamb's Road, Caristrap Street Capture Fail, PewDiePie To Delete Channel at 50,000,000 Subscribers? [Commentary], Australian Day Prep Quiz and Asphalt 8: 100th Video On The Channel. 23 days left till a new year begins. Not sure what that has to do with my videos, but anyways! Let's discuss these videos.

So, as you can tell from the video, this video wasn't actually planned, but when I passed by this place and saw it looking “nice and empty”, I decided to go back to it and film it before doing Lambs Road. The last church that I filmed “recently” also took place in Bowmanville on Lambs Road, but I didn't realize how close in proximity these two churches were, and the fact that this 2nd recent church video ended up being shot in Bowmanville as well. Cool and coincidental! I didn't take very long to cover the perimeters of the church, but knowing me, I didn't want to end the video too soon, so I resorted to wandering around the area surrounding the church. Mainly its larger than expected parking lot and an area facing the cemetery. Speaking of that, I've made numerous comments about it in the video, stating about my uncertainty of going there, legalities, etc. To this day, I still haven't really looked into, but at best, I remember someone saying that there's no “hard rules” in regards to the matter and that you just have to use your common sense, or ask the supervisor of the area if you are very uncertain. Now I know y'all aren't stupid, but by common sense in this situation, it's avoiding areas that clearly say prohibited entry or no trespassing, refraining from vandalism and property damage, ray, ray, ray! It's too obvious so I'll stop here and move onto the next entry – actually no, I need to say a couple more things such as the appearance of a standing man in the grass! I don't know if my camera's ratio was large enough to get him in on the screen, but because I found it so unexpected and eerie, I steered away from the idea of trying to capture him. Not that I like to film people to begin with anyways! LOL! After finishing with Maranatha, I moved onto the next area I wanted to cover in Bowmanville: Lambs Road!

I don't think I mentioned it from the last time so I'll ask you now: did you know that the day I filmed the Bowmanville Adventist Church was actually supposed to be the day when I was supposed to film Lambs Road? Now you know! But wait, why is that so? Because a military macaw told me not go down there at that time – Kidding?! Anyways! So this title is really self-explanatory, as all I truly did was just film while walking down Lambs Road. What kind of interesting things did I see? Not much as you can tell from the video, though the strip south of Lambs at Baseline is kind of cool because of the houses and the remote loop at the end that terminates in front of a barrier to stop you from walking onto the 401 Highway of Heroes. The phone also shut off after filming for around 14 minutes, which was such a tick off, but I'm glad that it happened when I got to the end of the road, as opposed to it happening halfway or something. Still, I would've preferred for it to not happen at all, but alas! The old man doesn't want work in the cold for too long. What a piece of frustrating garbage! Sigh....... Despite that, I still proceeded to Caristrap, though judging from the title and video, you will very likely be able to predict how things went over there.

I was only able to film this place for about a minute and a half. The reason? You already know: it's because old man BlackBerry felt that he's been out in the cold for long enough, so he did not want to do anymore filming, or he'd give me a middle finger, threaten me with his “Turning off device” message and then fire his red laser! Wow! What a stubborn uncooperative old fart! Now I know I'm not the only one with this issue of having their phone shut off from the cold, as I've heard complaints from other people using iPhones saying that they do that sort of thing all the time, but why? I'm almost certain that I read somewhere on how these phones are supposed to remain operational in at least -10 °C! No? Or was that just my eyes fooling me with such a wishful, lusty number? But seriously though, they should honestly be able to remain functional in extreme temperatures, because not everyone lives in places with “normal” weather year round. I know that most of those “Active”, “Sports” or “Military” phones like the Samsung Galaxy S7 Active or Kyocera DuraForce XD for example, claim that they can operate in extreme temperatures, but main stream phones should be able to, too! After all, mainstream phones are in the hands of more people, so smartphone makers need to get their act together with that, and stop making such stupidly thin, unibody, non-removable battery phones! Now I know my BlackBerry that I'm using doesn't fit those 3 descriptions that I just mentioned, but it's still pretty thin! A thicker body would've allowed for a bigger better and a little more weather resistance! Wow, crazy how this has gone from being about Caristrap to a rant about how phones should be more weatherproof. On a final note, the video files on BlackBerry 10 devices seem to save if the phone shuts off from the cold and displays the “Turning off device” message, but if it make a static-like click sound and abruptly proceeds to a black screen, then nothing is saved. Joy.

Pew! Pew! Pew! PWARSHT! What?! Yeah, I know, but we kind of saw this one coming, didn't we? How depressed, annoyed, angry and pent-up with bitter emotions he's been? Subscriber or not, you hear quite a bit about this man, because he holds the title to being the most subscribed on YouTube. How? I honestly don't know because I don't follow this guy, but even when I do watch a video of his on a rare occasion, he honestly just seems like most other highly subscribed comedians. The article says it largely due to the Bro Amy, what ever that's supposed to be, and I guess the rest of it has to do with his looks? Who knows. Lots of possibilities, but I'm not really here to discuss all of that. Admittedly, I still haven't checked sources to confirm whether or not he's still doing this, so if anyone reads this and wonders why it's written the way that it is, that's why. So how serious could he be about this? Well, he said he is dead serious in a video that he wanted to axe his PewDiePie channel at protest to the unfair changes in algorithms that supposedly lowered view counts, subscribers and cost per impressions, but is this really true? I've heard others complain about it on Twitter, but YouTube of course claims that they've done a thorough investigation, and that there are no truths to the complaints people have complained about. Well of course! As I say in the video, it's hard to believe whether it's actually true that they haven't done anything to hurt YouTubers income, but at the same time, I believe that it may also very well be the fact that these YouTubers probably just need to accept reality, which is the fact that people are likely just naturally unsubscribing from them. For these reasons, I've just made my conclusion about it likely being a blend of both: some changes to algorithms and natural view/subscriber loss. Another interesting note is how it's been said that he's also very tired of his PewDiePie persona and would like to start new. Rebranding himself maybe? Well, I've rebranded my channel for my own reasons as discussed in this video, so he has personal reasons behind his move as well. That's all I'm going to say about this Swedish man for now, and it'll be interesting to see if he actually does this at 50,000,000 or not. A lot of people will say “strong” things these days and not actually do anything. Look at the elections for instance: so many people swore that they were going to leave America if Trump won, and when he did, they realized that it was too much of hassle to leave their beloved country, so they just had to grudgingly accept it. Well, maybe some people did actually leave, so I should just specify and say that no celebrities have actually left to date, though I didn't check so I could be wrong. Who cares though! Whether they left or not doesn't interest me, because it's not like they're buying a house for me, nor would I want them to, lest they try to control me through – Ok! Just what am I going on about?! Done.

12.12.16 Edit: A little late, but the troll of course didn't end up deleting his channel. He deletes another random channel I (and probably many others) never heard about.

Fun Probably Obvious Fact: PewDiePie and I both started our channels in 2010. April 29 and January 4 respectively. 

Ohhhh, good ol' land of Oz! Some day, I'd really like to explore you! I've been wanting to explore this great country (as well as many others) for quite some time now. The reason? Oh, I've got so many reasons, so let's just say that it has to do with the wildlife, variable, but warms landscapes, and all the awesome cities they have down there. Palm cockatoos, Leadbeater's cockatoos, Gang gang cockatoos, budgerigars, cockatiels, carpet pythons, black headed pythons, kangaroos, kookaburras, wombats, koalas, blue tongued skinks – WHOA! This entry is supposed to be about a quiz and here I am fantasizing about all the wildlife that lives down there! Wow! Anyways, so last week I have expressed about how I wanted to redo those terribly synced quizzes on Canada and the USA so badly, but I ultimately decided that I'd just do another quiz on another country: Australia! How well did I perform on this test? Poorly! LOL! There were too many questions asking about the dates of when certain events happened, and historical people, so that caused me to get a 4 out of 15!!! That's 27% out of 100%!!! Whew! Thank goodness that wasn't a school test, or that would've been an abysmal grade! Nonetheless, it was fun doing it and I'm proud to have a quiz video on the channel with properly synced audio to show that I'm capable of doing far better!

Boy oh boy! There is a ton I have to say for this final entry that deals with the 100th video, so prepare your eyes and mind for a long story. So yesterday (December 07, half of this blog has been typed today, 08) shortly after I finished editing and processing this video, it saved to the desktop and I took a break. It was the 6th and final video of the batch for this week, so I was glad to get it done. Unfortunately, by the time I came back upstairs my computer's screen was black and unresponsive, but I could hear the fans and components revving quite loud. I tried tapping the screen repeatedly, but it did not wake up. I tried tapping various keys on the keyboard, but still, no avail. I thought “Alright, probably one of those annoying forced updates from Microsoft?” So I left it alone for some time and went on a walk. When I came back, I checked on it and it was still doing the same exasperating foolishness. I then decided to do other things such as some housekeeping to pass some more time. After a shower, I came back to it, only to find that it was still completely unresponsive and making lots of noise. At this point, I was exceedingly annoyed with it, so I finally decided to just press the power button a few times, and then long press it to shut it off. I was little worried that I probably would've bricked it, but at the same time, I felt that I had to intervene, because there was absolutely no sign of responsiveness and I did not want it to overheat and damage internal components. When I turned it back on, it started up like normal. I thought “Great, it didn't give in” until when I got to the desktop. There was nothing to be seen except a single recycling bin! I thought “Oh shoot, this isn't looking good!” So I probed around to see what was wrong. I was able to pull up the menu and look at other files. It seemed like everything that wasn't on the desktop was fine, until when I touched the recycling bin and saw “XXXX user drive is corrupted and unreadable” I then froze in great fear and worry. Dear God, it was at that moment where I knew I messed up. A lot of things ran through my mind: “What did I do wrong?” “I shouldn't have done that!” “Why now?!” “Oh, God why?!” “Why didn't I back up my files, first day after I bought that Seagate Portable Drive?” I then just resorted to restarting my computer. Thankfully, everything missing from the desktop came backWHEW! That was a freakin' close call! I must've gotten really lucky or something, because that truly could've just been the end of it, but thank God it wasn't! The files were arranged messily on the desktop, but I didn't care that much, as I was just glad to see that everything was supposedly fine, with the exception of two files: Asphalt 8: 100th Video On The Channel and a folder where I kept a slew of sound files and images from my videos I was making this week. While I wasn't pleased about that, I was glad that those two were the only files that had gone corrupt. After probing around various areas of my computer to look for damage, I later backed up all of my files onto the Seagate USB 3.0 2TB Backup Plus Portable Drive and then shortly a USB for extra protection. The speed of both of these devices had me seriously amazed, especially the Seagate! Seriously, how did it manage to copy nearly 100GB of files? It wasn't even the “fast version” and it managed to do that while I was watching an HD YouTube video! Wow, what a speedy beast! I really hope it holds up well over the long term, because I love its performance, size and looks. Now due to the series of events that took place yesterday, I wasn't able to get this entry up on the 7th, because I had to still type up the stuff for the later videos, and worse, I had to put the 100th video together again, or so I thought! It turns out that the system file scan wasn't 100% useless! This morning when I booted the computer up, it did another scan and it fixed the folder with the sound files! YES! Would've been even better if it could've just fixed the video itself, but alas! Guess I can't have it all... Thankfully, because I didn't delete the raw original videos from my phone, all I had to do was transfer a copy again (actually did this as one of the first things upon booting), clipped the loads and unwanted bits, and perfectly re-synced the audio. Everything went well, until when I heard some screechy, horrific, sci-fi noises during the first 45 seconds of the Iceland race in Season 1 with the Tesla and Audi! Whoa, what could've borked here?! No idea, so I just silenced it out before rewatching the whole video and publishing it to my computer. My oh my! Yesterday and today has truly been a series of hectic, worrisome, down right annoying events, but I am now pleased to say that everything is in order and that the videos are now on the internet. Now I know this entry had nothing to do with the gameplay video itself, but you know what? Truth is, everyone can tell what the video is about by simply watching it. This place was truly intended to be more of a “behind the scenes” or an additional unmentioned details sort of thing. This not only makes it more interesting for me, but probably for anyone else who actually reads this, rather than to just simply reiterate what was already openly seen on the videos. Should probably try to do a better job at keeping it like that.

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