Saturday, December 24, 2016

Jesus Unable To Give Peace?

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                                             12.24.16
Jesus Unable To Give Peace?

Yeah, yeah! Not the Godliest guys to begin with per se, but there's no denying that their saxophone music sounds so good!

Anyways, so why am I writing this? What triggered me to write this entry upon this Christmas Eve of 2016? Well, firstly, I wanted to actually type about my thoughts about this shortly after I watched the video “Moon Hooch: Between The Notes (Episode 17)” about a 1-3 weeks ago, but I never got around to it because I've been scrambling all over the place with various things. Now that I'm finally here, and feel like I have some time to properly reflect and type my honest opinion and facts about what was mentioned, I will do it. I have even transcribed the words from the video at the points where Wenzl McGowen talks about peace! Hilarious? Overkill? Much appreciated? Who knows. Depends on who you are and how you perceive it. I kind of wanted to flex some audio transcribing capabilities of mine anyway, so why not? Just a fair disclaimer that there's a possibility that it may not be 100%, but at the same time, I believe that it is no less than 99% accurate. This was a good exercise!

Transcribed Audio Segment On Wenzl's Peace Response
[1:36 - 2:01]
Jesus with his heart throbbing. Line in front. Bless him; bless the God of all creation that does great deeds everywhere, who has exalted our days from the womb, and has acted towards us in his mercy. He may grant us cheer for our hearts, bring us peace… all our days.

[2:04 – 2:41]
The thing is... you know, I like peace, but I think peace is something you have to work for. It's not something somebody else can give you, like a god. You know, like peace comes by freeing yourself from all dysfunctional mind patterns. Behaviour patterns, anxieties, rejections… all of that, letting go of that, having no self-image, just absorbing what you perceive. That's peace. That's something you can work a whole lifetime for. I think that's kind of why we're here in the first place, you know? Like, to acquire peace.

Alright, so a fairly interesting, thoughtful response I must say, but when I heard it, I felt some strong agreements and disagreements from within about what he said. It was mostly agreeable, but the “unknown”, disagreeable parts were what triggered me to write this in the first place, because why not? It's been a while since – or wait! Have I even ever done a response like this on the blog? Don't think so! Anyways, so yes, I agree that peace is something that is created when we choose to do good. Starting from within with good thoughts, a good mindset, a good heart, thus leading to good actions. When you even look at the dictionary, a physical edition of Webster's New Explorer in this case, it's definitions are spot on with what he said: a state of calm and quiet; freedom from disturbing thoughts and emotions; a state of concord. Ok? Seemingly pretty darn obvious for most, yet there's not enough of it in this world…

So! What did I disagree with? The part where he thinks that Jesus is unable to give peace. Surely he can, but why isn't he giving us peace? You see, we had it in the first place, but have chosen to rebel. Why? Because we we're given choices. Surely, everything from the beginning could have just been set straight permanently and eternally to be peaceful and good, but then it would've lost the true meaning of love and freedom. As strange, weird, unfair or drastic as it may sound, it's reality. The force of evil comes from Satan, while the force of goodliness comes from God. Some, many will not accept that, but the reason how peace and the existence of good is even possible in the first place, even in such wicked times, is because God exists. God grants us, and makes it possible for peace to exist, but does not force us to behave or think a certain way; that's up for us to choose. This post can potentially turn into a very deep, complex entry, but I'll leave it at here for now, and just say that I'm glad I finally got around to doing this. It really made me think and ponder about peace, yet reminded me of why it exists in the first place, and the importance of remaining committed to following Christ. Happy Christmas Eve and God bless.

Fun fact: most hardcore or long-time followers of Moon Hooch may already now this, but apparently Wenzl McGowen is a Spaniard, by nationality at least. That explains his accent. I've been curious about it for quite some time, but just figured this out today. McGowen is an Irish/Scottish surname, which does not guarantee that his father is Celtic, but still interesting information anyway. If his mother is Spanish, then that does at least guarantee that he is actually part Spaniard. He looks it in my opinion, and his appearance even reminds me of a Spaniard guy I once knew in Grade 11.

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