Thursday, October 13, 2016

October 12, 2016 Uploads

October 12, 2016 Uploads

Alright, so for this entry I'll be discussing Sanic MLG Dash: C'mon! Step It Up And Run With Sanic!, Pinball Pro: Playing Like A Pro This Time, Should We Rename British Columbia?, TunnelX: Dancing To The Original Soundtrack and Super Mario Advance: Mobile Nostalgic Demo And Test Run. Let's sweep the fallen leaves and get right into this!

Sanic MLG Dash: C'mon! Step It Up And Run With Sanic!
It's been a while since I uploaded a game, and I felt like taking a risk with Screen Recorder, so I decided to step it up and run the crazy, unoriginal hedgehog, Sanic! Some people people will instantly recognize that funny title from the hundreds of spoof videos about this unoriginal character, and his distorted music associated with going ludicrously fast! Some people might be like “It's Sonic! Not Sanic!” Well, I tell ya, the two have actually become quite distinct characters, despite Sanic's knock-off looks. Anyway, so what's the game like? How did it go with rogue Screen Recorder? If you've seen the video, you'll very well know that I found this game to be highly enjoyable due to the fact that the terrain actually changes to different worlds when you run far enough. This is wonderful because it keeps you more interested as opposed to seeing the same monotone boring scenarios you might see in other endless running games. “Waking” Sanic up wasn't exactly fun, but it's something that I'd almost always have to do every time I crashed. Still, just a simple swipe across the screen is all it took, so it's not the biggest deal in the world. Now unfortunately, Screen Recorder did cut off footage after about 9 minutes of recording time... Bugger boo! Thankfully, I didn't record for much longer after that time, nor did anything super special happen, so I was able to continue again afterwards. During that sudden cutoff, I dowsed you guys in some sudden, humongous MLG screen time to make you happy/angry/frustrated/annoyed/scared/excited/entertained/dizzy/festive/9000! After the Great MLG blast, I got to continue the game normally, but out of caution, I decided to stop recording after about 9 minutes to do a “video check” and make sure that it was capturing everything. Thankfully it did, but I would have never known that without checking. Wish this application could be 100% reliable, but alas! It isn't.

Pinball Pro: Playing Like A Pro This Time
My 2nd gameplay video of this game. As the title will tell you, I actually used the flaps this time! This allowed me to play better and longer for more quality YouTube entertainment! Alright, so whether you consider me a quality gamer or not, is highly controversial and subjective, so let's just talk about the rounds this time around. Like the last time, I visited all the scenes to demonstrate my skills and improved gameplay. So aside from playing a little better, nothing's too special about the 2nd gameplay video, aside from me including commentary in this one, as opposed to the silence in the last one. Big difference right there actually, oh and this one is also roughly three times longer, ringing in at around sixteen minutes, compared to five and a half from the last time. I wish I paid more attention to the lucky wheel skulls earlier, but I was too oblivious for the first couple of minutes realize that you get docked for collecting three skulls!

Should We Rename British Columbia?
No, the name is fine the way it is, but as mentioned in the video, Lawrence Paul Yuxwelptun believes that it's an archaic, ugly, racist, colonial name that needs to disappear as soon as possible! He believes that the province should ideally have a name that reflects the original inhabitants of British Columbia, which would be the aboriginals of course, but he will also settle with another modern name that doesn’t have anything to do with Britain or colonial history. For those of you who have studied Canadian history, you would be able to have a better understanding from both sides, but I still don't think the name is that bad. Yes, Canada in it's older days was a horrible, racist, nasty place to live, but it's no longer like that for that most part, so I don't think people should let the “British” part of British Columbia get to them too much. British Columbia is a very recognizable province for both tourists and local Canadians alike, known for its mountains, rainforest, deserts, animals and the scenery of the Pacific ocean. A name change may cause it to lose familiarity for a period, but we must importantly consider that most of the people living in British Columbia don't want the name to be changed, simply because they don't have a problem with it. Could this man be a vocal minority? Be definition, yes, he is. That said, even if British Columbia did actually decide to change the name of the province to something of aboriginal origin, it needs to sound cool and be easy pronounce. Haida Gwaii islands, is an example of a good word of native origin that worked for the former Queen Charlotte Islands. Many settlements in Canada have names of aboriginal origin, especially in Nunavut, Yukon and the NorthWest Territories, where they form a majority in those regions.

TunnelX: Dancing To The Original Soundtrack
Remember the last wild TunnelX video where we danced to Too Many Zooz wild 2016 spring album? Quite a wild day that was! This time around the video is twice as long, no longer has additional music, and has my commentary in it, as most of my newer videos do. Does this mean that video is officially worse?! Nope, better in my opinion, but unless you prefer shorter videos and hate the sound of my voice, then you'd probably prefer the other video, but otherwise there's nothing to hate about a longer more exciting adventure through this electrical tunnel of gates! Speaking of those gates, why couldn't I get past #38? Why?! My highscore is 43, so at one point I've obviously been through it, but how? What was my secret? What did I do to slide past the tricky gate? I wouldn't know, because I wasn't filming the session at that time, so I'll just have to figure it out entirely through trial and error. Joy. Also, what happened to Funkoi Limited's website? It now brings me to some website that says, “Just another wordpress blog,” and it doesn't look like it even has anything to do with Funkoi anymore. Yikes! Did they change the name? Moved the site? Or did they....... become defunct? Hopefully not the latter, as that would be a little sad, but at least we have their games to enjoy still, IF that's the case.

Super Mario Advance: Mobile Nostalgic Demo And Test Run
Out of all the games I've played recently for my YouTube channel, this one is hands down the game I had most fun with. Surprising isn't it? Super Mario Advance 2001 was originally a game for the Gameboy Advance, but considering that it's 2016 and that I have likely thrown out my Gamboy Advance long time, I've come to discover some time ago that you can find Roms and Emulators for your smartphone! Wow! So here I am now discussing my time with this game on a BlackBerry 10 GameBoy Advance emulator. I was actually going to play Asphalt 8 originally, but as you know from the video, I decided to test a game from my emulator to see how well it would run: splendid! It didn't run any worse or better than it would if I were playing normally without a screen recorder running in the background. I managed to get to level 3, in world 1, during the 30ish minutes of gameplay. Unfortunately, I didn't clear the level and as much as wanted to continue, I had somewhere to go that Friday evening, so I sadly/madly discontinued. So, looking at the title you might be wondering, “Will you do another episode?” and “Will you turn this into a walkthrough?” The answer to the first question is yes, I'll likely do another episode, but because this isn't actually a “true” hardcore dedicated gaming channel, the likelihood of me doing a walkthrough is rather slim.

Oh yes, now that we're on the topic of walkthroughs, it's time for me to actually discuss that a little further. You see, I'm sure by now that for anyone who has actually read my entries or stumbled across my channel, you can obviously tell that I do gaming videos. What isn't clear, is the fact that you hardly see me do more than 2, or maybe 3+ videos of a single particular mobile game. This is because I mainly play games to demo them, test them with a new screen recording application, or for some other purposeful cause. Asphalt 8 is an obvious exception because it's one of my favourites, but that said, if people do make enough requests to do more episodes of a particular game, I MAY listen if I feel like it, just as long as they don't expect to see a walkthrough. ATA1201058 is not the type of channel for that. This place is primarily a weird mixture of the outdoors, mobile games, commentaries videos and sometimes other things.

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