Thursday, October 27, 2016

October 26, 2016 Uploads

ATA1201058                                                                                                                              10.26.16

October 26, 2016 Uploads

Alright, so for this entry, I'm going to be talking about the videos that are currently being uploaded to the YouTube servers as I write this: Asphalt 8: No Sun Bathers While Races Take Place!, Parrot Tower: Feathers to Heaven!, Flappy Wings: Poo And Grab Coins!, Who knocked off Jesus' Head?!?!, D'Hilier Park: Failed to Catch Trolls On Camera and Clown 2016 News Commentary. That's a lot to talk about, but before I get right into this, I should probably address the issues about my phone turning off and Screen Recorder failing to capture everything over extended periods.

Why Do You Complain Rage About Your Phone Shutting Off So Much?
Much of the time when the phone shuts off, it's due to the battery being at a low percentage, but the problem is that it's not even near zero when it does this, so I can only assume that it's obviously an old battery that can no longer hold it's charge properly, or accurately read the correct percentage. The battery has been abused heavily through extensive tasks for two years and ten months now, so to fix this issue, I should either A: stop gaming with it when it approaches a certain percentage. B: keep the phone charged or C: Just throw it out and use a newer battery. For now, I'll just keep a better eye on it and either swap it or charge it when I feel there is a risk for it shutting off. Now unfortunately, there are times when the battery isn't even the problem! As you heard me rage about in Asphalt 8: No Sun Bathers While Races Take Place!, the problem was triggered by simply firmly pressing the volume rocker... What? Normally a hard bounce or knock is what causes the device to sometimes shut off, but this case was something else... What can be done about this? I could send it in for repair if I wanted to, but the problem doesn't happen often enough to make it a serious issue. 98% of the time, a really hard knock or jamming is what causes this. This device is a BlackBerry 10 phone, Q10, Software Release:, OS Version:, and is almost three years old. I'm putting this information out there for any potential viewers that can offer more information and determine whether it's a software issue, age or all of the above.

Screen Recorder
I've never really delved into it, but the screen recorder that I like to use to record Android games and commentary videos goes by the generic name Screen Recorder. It is an application from Toysoft Development Incorporated. It is on Version and doesn't have any new updates available at the moment I checked (about now as I write this). So, if you've read my other entries, the reason I use it is because it does an excellent job at capturing both the video and sound for Android applications in HD, without the need for an external separate microphone. But the nagging problem is the fact that the audio occasional jumps, skips and distorts, and then there's also the issue where I can be recording for say 20 minutes, only to find that only 9 minutes of video ended up being recorded. Why? I don't know... What I do know is that if I let the screen dim out or lock, then it messes up the recording for somewhat obvious reasons, but what could be the other reasons as to why it often cuts off earlier than it should? Does it need an update? Does the phone's OS build have anything to do with it? Possibly, but who knows for sure. The other application that I use for moments where I feel that I can't be bothered taking a risk is called Headless ScreenCorder, from Burning Platform. What's cool about this recorder is that you can have it run in the background without opening it, hence the “headless” part of the name. All you need to do is give it the proper permissions and it will do the job with a double tap for volume up or down, depending on your configuration. What makes this application great for native coded applications, is that it allows the sounds to be heard while you're recording, unlike Screen Recorder, but unfortunately, it does not actually record the sound you hear, or even your voice for the matter! This is why an external microphone is needed, and ideally a really good one too, in order to get a video with sounds on native applications. Now yes, you can get sound by downgrading to 360p, but ATA1201058 is a channel of HD videos, not videos that look like they're from the 1990s. So as you can tell, both applications have their strengths and weaknesses, so I'll use one or the other depending on what I'm doing. I usually prefer ScreenCorder just because it's more stable, and safely captures longer videos, just as long as I don't let the screen lock or have some other event take place to terminate it. Ideally, my dream screen recorder would be an application that reliably records both Android and native BlackBerry 10 applications, in full HD with BOTH the application's audio/music and external audio (such as my voice), without the need to use an external microphone! Maybe it exists somewhere over the rainbow or in the woods, so I'll just have to search for it, or better yet, contact the developers. Wait, why haven't I done that yet? Toysoft is an active development team that still builds and maintains their apps, so why haven't I contacted them about my issues with Screen Recorder, instead of constantly being a drama queen about it? Burning Platform is also active, so I have no reason not to shoot them an e-mail in case I have an issue with Headless ScreenCorder.

Talk About Your Recent Uploads Already!
Alright, so that has been far longer than I anticipated – WOW! Can't believe I ended up with such a long wall of text, but let me just get one final thing out of the way: BlackBerry 10 phones aren't garbage. I don't want anyone thinking that they are based on the way I've been talking, so let me just say that if you were thinking of buying a BlackBerry 10 device in 2016: do it. Do not let my drama and rants about certain subjects turn you off from these fabulous work horses. Buy new, replace batteries when needed, and practice general proper device maintenance and you'll be fine. The BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition is a solid choice for physical QWERTY users, while I'd recommend the BlackBerry Z30 for slab users. Now on with the videos!!!

This title is based on my radical assumptions as to why there are no people on the beaches of Asphalt 8's Barcelone track – Perverts! Ok, so in all seriousness, it's actually because they'd get run over, since these cars can enter the beaches to do things that would be oh, so illegal! The results of this? Lots of blood and gore that would send this game's rated T to rated M or R!!! So perverts and beach nonsense aside, half of these segments for this episode takes place in French Guiana. Why this place? Because I wanted to do a Class C run, and found the French Guiana course for the Lotus Exige S in season 6 to be a great warm up. After that, I decided to do the reversed portion yet again with the Lamborghini Sesto Elemento And Ferrari Berlinetta. Did I finally play like a boss? No, I went down the wrong path at one of the parts, but that aside, it was a little better than last time I think. China is where things got interesting: during my 2nd lap while going up the road to the big ramps area, I knocked out a big red bus! How?! That would have normally resulted in a serious wreck, but for some reason, my Lykan Hypersport thrashed it! I found it to be crazy, but also relieving that I didn't get a wreck. Wow, just wow. A clean run and brash KO!

In this cute themed game, or as the Japanese would say, “Kawaii” you must build the highest tower possible, without making it collapse. Because they are parrots, you must be aware that they will sometimes fly by pretty fast before you plop them down. I guess I can say that a little hand-eye coordination helps here. A very simple game, but if you like cute themed games, parrots, and if you're bored, then this game will be a great choice for you to try. It's also worth noting that the wild form cockatiels, probably became glitchy after tampering with the resolution too frequently. Of course, being the oblivious hurr durr I can be at times, I didn't take note of it until I watched the video again and saw that the wild form cockatiels were fine in the beginning. Oh well. Didn't affect the gameplay in any negative way, and in fact caused me to criticize the cockatiels for hiding something potentially very inappropriate!

Oh, ho, ho, hoooooooooo! Another flappy spin-off from me! This time, I played Flappy Wings, which I'd honestly consider the closet, highest quality spin-off of Flappy Bird that is original enough to make it worth it to download, but at the same time, so close that it feels just like the original title from Gears. In Flappy Wings, yo do the same thing that you do in the other titles: flap, dodge the bars, avoid falling and collect coins or whatever goodies the spin-off has in place. In Flappy Wings, you also get to use your coins to purchase accessories for your bird to further customize it. Neat. If it wasn't obvious from the commentary and even edits, this is one of my favourite Flappy games. I like the looks of the bird better, graphics, gameplay, shop, the fact that it tweets and many other attributes about it over the other relatively ugly bird. That's not to say that I don't like the original, but we all have our preferences and reasons, so I can say that Flappy Wings is better in my opinion, but there's also another that's pretty damn good: Flappy ????????? nope, that's not the title, so what is it?! I'll play it in the near future. Look out for it, and in the meantime, keep flapping – um, something, ah never mind!

For real though, who did it?! Nobody knows yet, but as I suggested in the video, that church should seriously consider setting up surveillance cameras and lights that light up whenever a passerby walks past the area. I've seen plenty of houses that have motion sensitive lights, so that could probably be the more feasible, affordable option of the two, if the budget is an issue. As funny as the video title sounds, it's really a very sad, pathetic issue that has taken place several times at the Sainte Anne des Pins Catholic church in downtown Sudbury, but this time when it happened, the head was nowhere to be found. They didn't want to leave an empty hole in the statue, so they decided to put on an ugly, terracotta temporary head to fill the void. The problem, as we've seen, is that the contrast is too ridiculous and the fact that it's just ugly! It's so hilarious, that it turned into an internet joke that has spawned lots of memes and hilarious captions! As a results of all the internet noise, the head was soon removed and then a so called anonymous woman decided return the head on a Friday night, and told the church that the person who took it, was suffering from personal problems. Hmmmmm, interesting? Very questionable... I'm going to be honest and say that the way the media was hiding the person, and the fact that Lajeunesse was asked not to divulge anything further about the situation or her identity at this time, has me to believe that it was very likely the woman herself that took it. Now, I'm not saying that it was definitely her, as I do not have enough details to sufficiently judge her, but from what I gathered, I have a right to think that it's quite likely her. That aside, Lajeunesse himself was so glad to have it returned, that he said he almost cried. Very emotional and touching indeed. In an effort to raise money for security measures, “we will be calling for funds from parishioners,” Lajeunesse said. About time! I was talking about the same thing on my video, so I'm glad to hear that they're actually doing it. The only way to stop this recurring problem is to set up security cameras and warning signs. Now, before I conclude this entry for “Who knocked off Jesus' Head?!?!” I'd also like to just say that religion has NOT made the world a worse place. I've read those ridiculous comments from that article, so I'd like to remind people once again, that it's people's decision to do bad is what caused the world to become such a savage place. So before you criticize religious people as being problematic, take a good look in the mirror and realize what you're actually doing. Done.

Ok, before I actually discuss the details of this trip, let me just first say that I'm not impressed by the less than stellar quality of action mode on video recording mode. Honestly, I probably would been better off just doing regular 1080p or even 760p@30fps. Now that I've mentioned this, I think I'll actually do a comparison next time to see which high frame rates mode fares better: 760p@30fps or 1080p with action mode set. For the trip at D'Hilier, I would've been better off sticking with the original plan of entering the place from Nettle Court, but the temptation of entering it sooner lead me to using an entrance from another road. The results? I eventually found my way out to Nettles, U-turned and filmed again, once I got to the intersection past the first bridge from the McQuay. Speaking of bridges, it was the 2nd bridge crossing that inspired me to give this video the title it has, but unfortunately, I did not film myself crossing the bridge, nor did I even bother to film the trolls in the distance, which you can say would lead to a less than stellar video, but at least it saved me the possible embarrassment of getting trolled and screaming! I did spin around to get a very quick glimpse to show what happened behind me, and as you can probably hear, there were some voices discussing the scare. Wow! Talk about classical trolls under a bridge! This scare reminded me of the 2016 Clown dilemma currently taking place, which lead me to creating the following video later that evening: Clown 2016 News Commentary. But before I get to that one, I'll conclude by saying that this was nice trip, but be careful when exploring forests or going over bridges at this time of the year, especially since 2016 in particular has a Clown problem in the U.S, Canada and other countries. Clowns aside (pun intended), there are obviously other dangers that are more likely to take place, so just practice basic safety and common sense.

Yes, there's been so many clown sightings in North America, particularly the United States and Canada, so after being reminded of that during an event in D'Hilier Park, I decided that I definitely wanted to do a commentary video on this. Oddly enough, I'm must declare that I'm not 100% sure if those trolls were dressed as clowns or not, but I'll admit that I didn't want to get too close. Oh, clowns! This video is just basically me talking and rambling about clowns and reading over some recent headlines that have taken place. As most of us are aware, these aren't good. In fact, a good number of them are rather sad, cruel, wicked, annoying and just plain unnecessary. The only news article I read from that video that didn't fall under those negative categories was where I commented on Ronald Mcdonald keeping a low profile, which I guess is sad for him, but fortunately reminds people that there are still good clowns around. With it being that time of the year where the weather is getting colder, and the dark, dumb Halloween season is in place, it's no wonder so many people with nothing better to do, have decided to become clowns and go around frightening people to harmful levels and even killing them. Sounds funny for a show, but not reality. Got that? What is funny on screen, isn't always funny in reality, but unfortunately, some people don't get that. Well, actually, some know, but still want to do crazy things anyway just because they can. Of the 6 videos I talked about here, this one certainly has the longest screen time, though the other one about the Jesus statue comes pretty close at 18 minutes. Commentary videos can get very intense and lengthy sometimes, which is why it's paramount to have a reliable recorder when doing them from your phone. Speaking of intense, this video has been also rated as 16+ due to the mature subject matter and commentary on a sexual article. Was this really necessary? Yeah, I think it's fair to give people a little warning, but some would criticize and say that it's overkill, but who cares. Now at the end of the commentary video, I stated that I didn't really like this video; it's true. I didn't. In fact, I was thinking as to whether or not I really wanted to seriously upload this, but why? What bothered me so much about it? I stated that it wasn't the subject of clowns, so what? Well, I don't know. I guess it's a complicated mix of emotions I can't really explain right now.

According to the word counter, this entry is pushing 3000 words, making it the longest blog entry I've ever done to date, so I guess I should wrap it up soon. There's just been so much I wanted to talk about that I haven't really mentioned before, so I felt that it was time to just talk about those things, and spill my thoughts all over this entry. Finished.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

October 18, 2016 Uploads

ATA1201058                                                                                                                           10.19.16
October 18, 2016 Uploads

It is now a little more than halfway through October. Wow! Feels like the month has been running through its days rather fast, compared to September which for some reason felt a little slower, but I don't why. Anyway! It's time to discuss the following videos that were uploaded yesterday: Asphalt 8: Lamborghini Urus Bathes In China, Kiwi Wonder: My 1st Nightmare!!!, Yoshi's Story: Be Surprised! and Bowmanville Adventist Church: Touring The Exterior.

It's obvious enough, but the title is revolved around the unfortunate incident, where I was racing with my Lamboghini Urus and tried to pull off a flatspin and land on top of the temple, but ended up coming off! It was a little disappointing and annoying, but it did end up inspiring me to give the video a funny title, so I made light of this unfortunate event and turned it into something a little more hilarious and positive. What bugged me more than that was the inability to sync up the audio for this race. It wasn't terrible per se, but certainly not good. My gameplay itself also wasn't good, and I even ended up down the wrong tunnel at one of the parts to make the segment even more facepalm worthy! Sheesh! During the next race I went to Monaco Reverse Elimination with the Class A cars, and chose the Ferrari LaFerrari just because it's so awesome! The audio was nicely synced, but I probably could have spent less time hitting walls, and more time driving like a Ferrarian boss! Still, at least I manged to come first, wreck a few computer players and avoid getting wrecked. The last race I chose for this episode was the track in Season 8, in Barcelona Reverse with the Mercedes-Benz Silver Lightning. Now as you can recall, I was determined to pick this race because I wanted to accomplish a certain goal, but what was that goal?! Well, you'll just have to go back to my old, crappy video from 8 months ago, titled: Asphalt 8 gameplay 1 to see it: a wreck! I wanted to complete this track without wrecks, and successfully pulled it off! YES! But now that I mention it, how much have I improved in terms of both gameplay and video production of this game? Truth is, looking at that older video and my most recent one, there's certainly not a stark contrast between the two. The newer video has a bigger, flashier logo, narration, original audio and no wrecks on screen, so yes, I have improved in certain areas, but there's still room for improvement, especially in regards to audio quality and racing.

You heard my roaring rant in the video, so you should very well know what my first nightmare was all about, but if for some reason, you read the blog posts before the videos, then it's basically me talking about how angry I got when my phone shut off with about 15% of battery life in it! What the hell?! Why?! And to make things worse, the video did not save. Period. Not even up to the point where it cut off to make things even more insulting and rage inducing. Oh well. Time was running out, so I quickly just resorted to doing another segment. Ranting, negativity and phone irritations aside, I must say that this game was well put together. Artwork and graphics were smooth and neat, animations well done, it was colourful, it was fun to play, it was cutesy, and it was simply putFunkoi! These guys really know how to make a good BlackBerry 10 game! Some of the titles are also available on Android as well, but I'm not sure about iOS or Windows 10 Mobile. Kiwis are flightless birds, so when Kiwi Wonder sees birds flying, it makes him very sad. So sad, that he ends up crying himself to sleep. Sounds depressing? He ends up dreaming a dream where he can fly, and it's up to you to make sure that he keeps dreaming about flying, without it getting interrupted by constantly crashing into enemies and falling! Thankfully, I think I did a decent job at keeping his dreams sweet, and this is further proved by the fact that I managed to unlock a new track. Speaking of that, how many tracks are supposed to be there anyway? I've played the game for about 20 minutes, so I wasn't able to quite discover everything, and then me playing the game for the first time doesn't help either. Anyways, this game was great!

Quite surprising I chose to play this game, isn't it? Not really. I did a test with my BlackBerry 10 Gameboy Advance emulator, so it was only a matter of time before I tested the Nintendo 64 emulator. I don't have much titles on it, so I decided to go with Yoshi's Story to keep the test fun, easy and uncomplicated. The game ran well and syncing up the audio also went well. Speaking of audio, the audio in the video sounds a little muffled, but surprisingly good in my opinion. Could still be better of course, but I liked how it turned out for this video. I kind of wanted to do a story mode run, but because I wasn't sure about how well the game would function, I steered clear of the idea. I can tell you, some of the places can experience some pretty bad frame rates! Will I do another episode with story mode? Who knows. For this episode, I decided to go for a run in Page #1's surprise course. Ah, such a fun, nostalgic, Yoshi experience!

In this video I explore Bowmanville's quiet, mysterious, Seventh Day Adventist church. For real though, the intersection its located at doesn't have a lot to see around it, and is pretty rural in nature. I was also surprised to see that it did not have anyone present at the time, given that it was a Saturday. Then again, it was also around 3-4 PM, so I guess it's because they left long time. Splendid! So with that out of the way, I proceeded to walking around and filming the church. Closer towards the back, you can see that I discovered a shed full of some unknown things, but presumably garbage. It didn't take me very long to cover the perimeter, but yet I still did not feel like putting the camera down. Why?! Because I felt that I had to cover some more things within the area, so I started wondering away from the property going eastbound along the grass, behind the trees, wild flowers and gravel. It didn't take very long before I decided to stop, talk about uninteresting things, and turn back. So what happened next? I decided to finally call it quits in front of some cube filled with a mysterious blue-grey liquid. What was it? I have no idea, but I'm sure the pastor of that church probably knows! Considering (and coincidentally?) that this church is located on a road called Lambs Road, they could have went with the name Lambs Seventh Day Adventist Church, which would be fitting in a way, considering that the lamb often represents innocence and harmlessness in Christianity, but it seems like they decided to go for a name that represents the community. Not suggesting that they change the name, as it's fine the way it is, but it's just a random thought that came up while I was reading over this entry.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

October 12, 2016 Uploads

October 12, 2016 Uploads

Alright, so for this entry I'll be discussing Sanic MLG Dash: C'mon! Step It Up And Run With Sanic!, Pinball Pro: Playing Like A Pro This Time, Should We Rename British Columbia?, TunnelX: Dancing To The Original Soundtrack and Super Mario Advance: Mobile Nostalgic Demo And Test Run. Let's sweep the fallen leaves and get right into this!

Sanic MLG Dash: C'mon! Step It Up And Run With Sanic!
It's been a while since I uploaded a game, and I felt like taking a risk with Screen Recorder, so I decided to step it up and run the crazy, unoriginal hedgehog, Sanic! Some people people will instantly recognize that funny title from the hundreds of spoof videos about this unoriginal character, and his distorted music associated with going ludicrously fast! Some people might be like “It's Sonic! Not Sanic!” Well, I tell ya, the two have actually become quite distinct characters, despite Sanic's knock-off looks. Anyway, so what's the game like? How did it go with rogue Screen Recorder? If you've seen the video, you'll very well know that I found this game to be highly enjoyable due to the fact that the terrain actually changes to different worlds when you run far enough. This is wonderful because it keeps you more interested as opposed to seeing the same monotone boring scenarios you might see in other endless running games. “Waking” Sanic up wasn't exactly fun, but it's something that I'd almost always have to do every time I crashed. Still, just a simple swipe across the screen is all it took, so it's not the biggest deal in the world. Now unfortunately, Screen Recorder did cut off footage after about 9 minutes of recording time... Bugger boo! Thankfully, I didn't record for much longer after that time, nor did anything super special happen, so I was able to continue again afterwards. During that sudden cutoff, I dowsed you guys in some sudden, humongous MLG screen time to make you happy/angry/frustrated/annoyed/scared/excited/entertained/dizzy/festive/9000! After the Great MLG blast, I got to continue the game normally, but out of caution, I decided to stop recording after about 9 minutes to do a “video check” and make sure that it was capturing everything. Thankfully it did, but I would have never known that without checking. Wish this application could be 100% reliable, but alas! It isn't.

Pinball Pro: Playing Like A Pro This Time
My 2nd gameplay video of this game. As the title will tell you, I actually used the flaps this time! This allowed me to play better and longer for more quality YouTube entertainment! Alright, so whether you consider me a quality gamer or not, is highly controversial and subjective, so let's just talk about the rounds this time around. Like the last time, I visited all the scenes to demonstrate my skills and improved gameplay. So aside from playing a little better, nothing's too special about the 2nd gameplay video, aside from me including commentary in this one, as opposed to the silence in the last one. Big difference right there actually, oh and this one is also roughly three times longer, ringing in at around sixteen minutes, compared to five and a half from the last time. I wish I paid more attention to the lucky wheel skulls earlier, but I was too oblivious for the first couple of minutes realize that you get docked for collecting three skulls!

Should We Rename British Columbia?
No, the name is fine the way it is, but as mentioned in the video, Lawrence Paul Yuxwelptun believes that it's an archaic, ugly, racist, colonial name that needs to disappear as soon as possible! He believes that the province should ideally have a name that reflects the original inhabitants of British Columbia, which would be the aboriginals of course, but he will also settle with another modern name that doesn’t have anything to do with Britain or colonial history. For those of you who have studied Canadian history, you would be able to have a better understanding from both sides, but I still don't think the name is that bad. Yes, Canada in it's older days was a horrible, racist, nasty place to live, but it's no longer like that for that most part, so I don't think people should let the “British” part of British Columbia get to them too much. British Columbia is a very recognizable province for both tourists and local Canadians alike, known for its mountains, rainforest, deserts, animals and the scenery of the Pacific ocean. A name change may cause it to lose familiarity for a period, but we must importantly consider that most of the people living in British Columbia don't want the name to be changed, simply because they don't have a problem with it. Could this man be a vocal minority? Be definition, yes, he is. That said, even if British Columbia did actually decide to change the name of the province to something of aboriginal origin, it needs to sound cool and be easy pronounce. Haida Gwaii islands, is an example of a good word of native origin that worked for the former Queen Charlotte Islands. Many settlements in Canada have names of aboriginal origin, especially in Nunavut, Yukon and the NorthWest Territories, where they form a majority in those regions.

TunnelX: Dancing To The Original Soundtrack
Remember the last wild TunnelX video where we danced to Too Many Zooz wild 2016 spring album? Quite a wild day that was! This time around the video is twice as long, no longer has additional music, and has my commentary in it, as most of my newer videos do. Does this mean that video is officially worse?! Nope, better in my opinion, but unless you prefer shorter videos and hate the sound of my voice, then you'd probably prefer the other video, but otherwise there's nothing to hate about a longer more exciting adventure through this electrical tunnel of gates! Speaking of those gates, why couldn't I get past #38? Why?! My highscore is 43, so at one point I've obviously been through it, but how? What was my secret? What did I do to slide past the tricky gate? I wouldn't know, because I wasn't filming the session at that time, so I'll just have to figure it out entirely through trial and error. Joy. Also, what happened to Funkoi Limited's website? It now brings me to some website that says, “Just another wordpress blog,” and it doesn't look like it even has anything to do with Funkoi anymore. Yikes! Did they change the name? Moved the site? Or did they....... become defunct? Hopefully not the latter, as that would be a little sad, but at least we have their games to enjoy still, IF that's the case.

Super Mario Advance: Mobile Nostalgic Demo And Test Run
Out of all the games I've played recently for my YouTube channel, this one is hands down the game I had most fun with. Surprising isn't it? Super Mario Advance 2001 was originally a game for the Gameboy Advance, but considering that it's 2016 and that I have likely thrown out my Gamboy Advance long time, I've come to discover some time ago that you can find Roms and Emulators for your smartphone! Wow! So here I am now discussing my time with this game on a BlackBerry 10 GameBoy Advance emulator. I was actually going to play Asphalt 8 originally, but as you know from the video, I decided to test a game from my emulator to see how well it would run: splendid! It didn't run any worse or better than it would if I were playing normally without a screen recorder running in the background. I managed to get to level 3, in world 1, during the 30ish minutes of gameplay. Unfortunately, I didn't clear the level and as much as wanted to continue, I had somewhere to go that Friday evening, so I sadly/madly discontinued. So, looking at the title you might be wondering, “Will you do another episode?” and “Will you turn this into a walkthrough?” The answer to the first question is yes, I'll likely do another episode, but because this isn't actually a “true” hardcore dedicated gaming channel, the likelihood of me doing a walkthrough is rather slim.

Oh yes, now that we're on the topic of walkthroughs, it's time for me to actually discuss that a little further. You see, I'm sure by now that for anyone who has actually read my entries or stumbled across my channel, you can obviously tell that I do gaming videos. What isn't clear, is the fact that you hardly see me do more than 2, or maybe 3+ videos of a single particular mobile game. This is because I mainly play games to demo them, test them with a new screen recording application, or for some other purposeful cause. Asphalt 8 is an obvious exception because it's one of my favourites, but that said, if people do make enough requests to do more episodes of a particular game, I MAY listen if I feel like it, just as long as they don't expect to see a walkthrough. ATA1201058 is not the type of channel for that. This place is primarily a weird mixture of the outdoors, mobile games, commentaries videos and sometimes other things.

Monday, October 3, 2016

September 30, 2016 Uploads

September 30, 2016 Uploads

For this late entry, I'll be discussing the videos that I uploaded 3 days ago: Touring Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate Institute [Exterior], Charlottetown Park & School, Pickeringian Chrysler Dealership [Jokesler] and Pickeringian Ford and Lincoln [Immaturity]. Let's get to it!

I wanted to film another high school and add my commentary this time, so I chose Oliver Mowat. Why this place? Because I was walking around the Port Union area, so it made sense to check it out while I was there. As you can tell from the video, I wasn't overly enthusiastic about it because the building's looks and grounds did not have anything special going for them. I don't know what this school is about or what the theme is, but I can tell you that according to the Google reviews, it's a bummy, miserable place to be. Then again, a lot of schools tend to have bad reviews even when they're actually decent, so it's hard to tell if the complaints are legit or not, so I can't comment on how good or bad Olive Mowat really is. Only an honest person seeing the video would be able to tell you the real story. Despite the relatively boring appearance it was still an alright place visit, and because it had two parks behind it, this gave me an opportunity to shoot another video in the area: Charlottetown! No, not the city in Prince Edward Island.

After leaving the Oliver Mowat grounds, I headed over to the park across the street behind it. There were lots of kids and people playing around, but I also saw another park a little further up, and that's where I discovered that it was Charlottetown. Prior filming the video, I walked around the entrance of it briefly to decide if really wanted to film it or not. I then went back to the sign, gave it a few more minutes to make the decision, and then I rolled the camera! The tall hill with trees on it was one of the reasons why I decided to go ahead and do this, because I wanted to see what was behind that hill and get a better view of the area. I made my way up the hill, looked around and didn't see much exciting things, so I eventually went down to the area near the public school. I wasn't sure if I wanted to actually film that place, but at the same time I didn't want to put the camera down just yet. I also didn't want to go back to the park that didn't have much to really see or do either. Before you know it, I started wondering around the public school, which I predicted would have been Charlotte Public School (was actually Charlottetown), and continued with the commentary. Small school, small perimeter, so it didn't take very long for me to walk around it, but it gave me more things to talk about and film. The painting was quite nice and you can see it in the video thumbnail. After I was done with the school, I made way back to Charlottetown park, went on the hill and concluded the video in front of an apple tree. Mind you, even though you hear me ramble about how uninteresting the area is, it's not actually a bad place to visit. The openness and hills can make it fun for you, your family, your friends and pets. After all, there's a reason why it had visitors aside from myself. Oh, and one more random thing: I got to see a 2015 Maserati Ghibli that day, and then shortly a 2016 Tesla Model S. Quite the eye treat.

As the silly name suggests, I visited the Chrysler Pickering dealership to film Rams, Jeeps, Chryslers, Dodges and random used cars in the inventory. Now, this dealership does not carry Fiats, but who cares? For those that still don't know yet, Fiat owns Chrysler, but it took a while for them to make up their minds about whether they want to sell the mini Italian cars alongside their American counterparts. You can see them in some Fiat Chrysler dealerships, but not all. The Fiat Chrysler Automobiles portfolio consists of Chrylser, Dodge, Jeep, Ram, Fiat, Alfa Romeo and Maserati, but to date, I don't think there's a dealership that actually sells those brands all under one roof. Alfa Romeo and Maserati probably think they're too luxurious and good for their cheap counterparts, but I still think it would be awesome to actually see a dealership in Ontario that would sell all brands under one roof. In fact, it would actually help Alfa Romeo and Maserati get better sales, because it would be more exposure for the two struggling brands, and allow people to get to know them better in person. Anyway, that's enough rambling about that, so let's get onto the Pickering dealership itself! This dealer, as you can tell from the video, has Ford and Lincoln neighbouring it, so this allowed me to conveniently make two videos that day, and I decided to do Chrysler first. Seeing that red Dodge Challenger with black race stripes was one of the highlights of the video, which also received a hilarious edit! Sadly, that Challenger happened to be the only Challenger there. There weren't much Dodge Chargers either, and those that were there, weren't Hellcats. I then remembered that Hellcats have a very hard time staying on their lots because there's so much pent up demand for them. In fact, it was so bad last year that FCA had to tell dealers to stop selling Hellcats to people when the inventory was empty. The Brampton plant could only spit out so much. This year though, I think I heard somewhere that they doubled the production to satisfy the demand. Another vehicle I wasn't able to find were Durangos. These things look so cool when their massive racetrack taillights in the dark! Aside from some of the cooler missing cars, it was still a great dealer to explore. This dealer had a lot of minivans and Rams though, that's for sure! Now about the “Jokesler” part of the title... um... I'm sure you can see why it garnered that warning in the first place... *snicker* The Ram 2500 Laramie Megacab is my favourite vehicle from this company, but it's too bad it has poor reliability... like most of their cars. The Maserati Levante and Dodge Durango are cool as well.

I've done Chrysler, so now it's time for Ford! Like most Ford dealerships, this one thankfully carries the Lincoln brand which makes it more of a pleasure to film and photograph. This dealer is full of trucks and SUVs which isn't surprising, considering that these are huge profits for the company. Especially the Ford F-150! Like the Chrysler side, this dealer wasn't very big, but they sure managed to get a lot of vehicles onto the lot! You can see me in some parts dodging tight corners to avoid getting pinned between the cars. There weren't very many Lincolns, but considering that they are luxury cars after all, that shouldn't be too shocking. I did get see reasonable amount Lincolns, and the Lincoln Continental was especially wonderful to see in person. When I first saw it online as a car to be released, I instantly considered it to be hands down the best looking vehicle in Ford's entire portfolio. One of my gripes I have with the Ford Motor Company is that I find many of their cars to be so ugly, but the Lincoln side of them is not only luxurious, but happens to have better looking vehicles. That said, the Ford Mustang, especially the Shelbys with race stripes, look amazing. You can hear me make a complaint about the lack of Lincoln Navigators, because I wanted to buy one – kidding! Though if were to go shopping that day, I'd request a red Lincoln Navigator.

Last week, I did not get around to playing Asphalt 8. This week, I did not get around to playing and filming any mobile games at all! What's going on? Did I quit or something? No, I did not. I'll try to see if I can film a game or two this week. Last weekend, I didn't get around to filming anything outdoors, thanks to the rain. If I ever get my hands on a desirable waterproof phone, I'd definitely like to try a rain video some day, but not now.