Thursday, July 27, 2017

July 27th Entry

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                              07/27/17

July 27th Entry

Most bloggers very likely type directly onto their platform of choice when creating posts. For me, I usually like to type it into a word file and then transfer it onto Blogger. Why? More controls and options. If you've seen how weird last week's entry looks, you'll know why I was forced to type directly onto Blogger for the 1st time. Not sure if it's been fixed, but I can't bother taking risks right now, especially when I realize that people are actually reading this and will be seriously confused and lost with the text mishaps. I guess one advantage of direct typing is the fact that I can immediately hyperlink things and post images more directly. Alright, that's enough of my boring, crazy rambling about these text issues so let us now proceed onto discussing the videos that have been uploaded today!πŸ˜… Wait, I can use emojis with this method?! Hmmmm, if these show up after I publish this blog, then it's safe to say that I probably won't go back to typing on a word file first! Woot! πŸŒ πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡✨πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŒŸ

Wow! For once I've completed a commentary video in a timely manner! I got this one done in 6 weekdays! I feel so proud and relieved that I did not let this one drag on for weeks like the way I did for some of them in the past. *cough* Have Pickup Trucks Gotten Uglier... While putting together a proper commentary can take a little time, there's no reason for it to be drawn out for weeks because of tardiness. If there was a legitimate reason, then sure. Anyways, not going to bore you with my past irritations of not getting these done within my personal deadlines, so let's just talk about the Dodge Charger and Lucid Air.
Why these two? What do they have in common? They're both American Sedans. High performance sedans! These two aren't your friendly, docile Chevrolet Impala or Toyota Avalon or something. Driving with a speedster in one of these things will make you pee your pants, so make sure you bring an extra pair of panties or boxers if you ever get into one of these on the track!🀣 Truthfully, it wasn't the fact that their sports sedans that inspired me to make this, so what could the reason be?! πŸ€”

There's just no way I could do a silent version, without making a prompt follow-up version with the original soundtrack. Sure, it's not the most interesting game to begin with, but at the same time the sounds do make it so much more interesting to watch. And of course, you cannot forget about my controversial ever-so-interesting commentary! It's a smooth game, with good graphics. You may or may not find the music annoying, so that's something you'll have to decide for yourself when you try this game.

Both the title and thumbnail of this video tell you everything you need to know about this video: miserable playing! For real though, how could I have played so damn badly?! I know it's been months, but I should't have gotten that bad! Oh yeah, and speaking of the title, I apparently didn't realize that I've spelt "extremely" as "exremely" until now. Wow. And to think the gameplay was the only fail about this video. As painful as it was to get wrecked so much, it was highly amusing when editing time came, and I had to go back and listen to myself hilariously complain about my abysmal driving. Watching the wrecks on the big screen was even funnier. What do you say? Facepalm's worthy or good entertainment? Watch the video and leave a comment on that. 🏁

Yes! Flappy games! Who still plays these types of games? I do. It's another one of those type of videos that I used to upload frequently, but haven't done so for a while. Finally, I've done an upload with a hilarious variant that involves a roasted turkey flapping or "twerking" as they put it! πŸ™ƒπŸ¦ƒ In all honesty, it's just a cooked bird flapping its wings, so don't be put off of the idea of playing this game if you were worried that would have actually been turkey shaking its booty to some reggae or hardcore something. It isn't. Or maybe you were hoping that it would be? Would truly be something funny, wouldn't it?
In this screen shot, I was able to capture the people hidden in the background, during the rapid flash frame.

Can't believe I went ahead with this crazy(?) idea, but I'm glad I did. What exactly inspired me to do this? Not exactly sure. It was just one of those ideas that comes to you on the whim, so it looks like I decided to go ahead and actually do this. Well, it isn't entirely random to tell the truth. After doing a "failed" session of Asphalt 8 with the video above, I wanted to do another proper session afterwards. I also had video game music on my mind, so I combined the two ideas together to create this project. Recording the clean runs for each race was the worst part, as this was tedious, but I pulled through and got it done. Editing them and adjusting each song's length to fit the races took a few hours, but it went through. It was great listening to all these pieces! Oh, and speaking of them⬇⬇⬇
Spyro 1 - Wizard Peak
Spyro 3 - Year of the Dragon - Icy Peak
Banjo-Tooie – Racin' With Mary
Banjo-Tooie – Hailfire Peaks (Icy Side)
Banjo-Tooie – Hailfire Peaks Chilli Billi & Chilly Willy
Super Mario Sunshine - Sirena Beach
Super Mario 64 - Dire, Dire Docks
Mario Kart 8 - Bone Dry Dunes
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - Ripple Star
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - 0² Battle
Pokemon Sun & Moon - Solgaleo & Lunala Battle
Pokemon Sun & Moon - Lusamine Battle
Which one did you like the most? Be sure to tell me in the poll and comments!

Fun fact #1 There was originally supposed to be 10 tracks for this video

Fun fact #2 The Class C race in Iceland Reverse was completed originally as a "replacement" for Iceland Season 8 with the Lamborghinis when I wanted to give up on that track. The determined side of me said "No. You're completing this." And so it was done after all.

Fun Fact #3 Instead of doing 11, I though that I might as well make it 12, so I raced in Nevada with the W Motors Lykan HyperSport as the extra race to finally bring it to 12. So as you can see, these facts all tie in with one another as to how it ended up being 12 instead of 10.

Fun Fact #4 I almost forgot to mention this one! The Tokyo race for the Lunala Battle was originally going to involve the Class D cars, but I decided to go for the Season 8 race with the Class A cars. Why? It pays more credits and the presence of the super cars in a dark environment made it a more fitting track for this theme.


Feels great to finally get more games and commentaries onto the channel. After much time of doing mostly outdoors videos, it was time to pay attention to other categories my channel is supposed to focus on: commentating and gaming. Didn't get to do as much commentaries as I'd like to. I was hoping I could have done at least 3, but at least I did one and finished it timely too. What will be coming next? Not 100% sure, but I did actually type up some ideas that came to mind, so you may possibly see 2-5 videos of something next week. August? I have some things planned for that month. πŸ€”❓😁 Stay tuned!

Friday, July 21, 2017

July 21st Entry

GuuzakaTube                                                                               07/21/17

July 21st Entry
EDIT: Something is seriously wrong with Blogger's layout. I don't know why the text is
displaying this... All I did was copy it from a word file and pasted it here, so I don't know
why the text was all over the place and still looks really strange. If you know of a fix for
this please let me know! Otherwise, I guess I'm going to have to start typing these entries
directly onto Blogger for now on.
I missed an entry last week. Darn it! Well, not going to let this week slide
by without one, so let's discuss why that happened. During the July 8-9 
weekend, no videos were filmed. The last time I uploaded an entry this 
month was on the 4th were I discussed Canada 150 Fireworks On Lake 
Ontario and Canada 150 Pixel Drawing. Whoa! That was 17 days ago! 
What's going on here?! Wait, we're getting there in just a sec. Between 
July 10 – 14 I only uploaded one video, which was a gaming video 
(finally!) and then the following weekend, I filmed two places outdoors.
Remember now, for July I made it clear that I wanted to try and focus 
more so on commentaries and gaming this month. I still wanted to 
shoot the occasional outdoor video as well, just because they're so fun to
do. For the past couple of weeks, it been rather slow and inconsistent 
with YouTube related things, so that's just that. Rather than bore you 
about everything behind the slow down and excuses logical reasons, 
let's just proceed to talking about my recent uploads shall we?
A game that I've never uploaded to the channel before, so this should be
a nice addition. Well it should, but with it being silent, I can imagine that
it likely won't be too successful. There are some people that like silent
games, but who's playing and searching for Bricktastic, let alone a silent
version? I play what I like, but believe that this video will have
questionable performance. Thankfully, I did promise to do another
episode with the original sounds, so keep reading to find out how soon
you'll see it! As for the quality of the gameplay itself, it's got good,
smooth graphics, but it's relatively boring. Sorry. It's a good time waster
if you love brick smashing games though.

What pretty gardens! Seriously, among the list of many things as to why
places are better to explore during the warmer months, one reason is
because of aesthetics. And of course, I can't go without mentioning how
you don't have to worry about your phone's increased risk of dying or
rebooting from subarctic weather! And your nose runs less, unless you
suffer badly from allergies throughout the season. Ah, summer really is
the best season of the year. It's just so fun, warm and beautiful – oh
right! Saint Thomas! So aside from the well presented entrance, this
building was unexpectedly interesting to walk around. It had a lot of
interesting corners, fields and nearby sites that made it a fun place to
film and photograph. And of course, like several of the other schools
I've done in the past, I filmed myself walking there. Did you watch that
part? Of course not! Even I advised you not to watch that part with the
usual skipper slide.

Oh my, what a name! It's entirely in French! Do I have a problem with
that? Absolutely! No, I'm kidding. Did you think I was serious? Anyways!
I think this is the first French school that I've filmed, so seeing the title
and the fleur-de-lis, which I ignorantly just assumed was a green QuΓ©bec
flag, was definitely something different from the usual. I should film
more French schools and see if they have anything in common.
Remember that the videos themselves will not be in French. I know
that's quite obvious, and possibly disappointing to some, but I do not
speak French, and have no interest in learning it. No disrespect intended.
I'm just being transparent with you guys. Anyways, like its English
counterpart, Saint Thomas, this building was also very interesting to
explore. In fact, it was actually the more interesting of the two, thanks to
all the colourful images on the walls, the colourful play amenities, and
the presentable front which even had lively bird houses. The latter was
confirmed when I approached it and started talking. Did he not like the
sound of my voice? Or did he think I was a predator? I would say it's all
of the above! Oh yes, and Knights of Columbus lies right next to this
This is not a video, but rather a drawing. I could've turned it into a video
where I showcased the drawing process, but I did not. The reason being
that it's just a print version of the original Canada 150 Cool Maple Leaf
that I did as a Canada 150 teaser for anticipated hype. After seeing that
the other 1920 X 1080 prints had much of the drawing chopped off, I
wanted to at least have one print-worthy piece on my DeviantArt gallery,
so I created this with a 6000 X 6000 resolution. Turned out great, and I
did not find any weird cutoffs on the print. Obviously not the best or
finest drawing around, but it was still fun experimenting with the
recommended DeviantArt print resolutions. And don't worry, my gallery
will contain a better variety in the future, and won't just be a place of
Canadian icons. I say this just in case anybody was worried about that.
If you've read this far, good for you! It was worth the read because I'll
now tell you the exciting news in store for next week: a commentary
video and gaming videos. Yes, I bolded the S on purpose to emphasize
the fact that there will be 4 videos uploaded pertaining to games. See? I
told you that I would not forget my word, despite the slow down and
tardy excuses. What's even better is the fact that I already got these
recorded, so the only thing I need to do is just get them polished, and
they'll be good to go! Well, the commentary video will need a bit more
work than just a polishing, but because the audio was already recorded,
dealing with it should not take too long. It's obvious that one of the
videos is Bricktastic with sound, but what are the others? Stay tuned for
next week to find out! “When can we expect to see these videos?” You
may ask. If I must be 100% honest, I don't have an exact date. It all
depends on how smoothly things go. I'd say that you'll see them on the
channel between Tuesday to Thursday (July 25-27) hopefully.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Post-Canada Day 2017 Entry

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                       07/04/17

Post-Canada Day 2017 Entry

How ironic that I end up typing the Canada Day entry on American Independence Day! Well, the Canada 150 weekend is over, and both of the videos are now finally up, so it's time to discuss them and tell you about how Canada 150 went.

So as I tell you in the video itself, this was one of the “big” things I wanted to do for Canada 150, and that completing this was rather time consuming, but worth it! Another thing to point out that you wouldn't know is the fact that I said animating the frames was a breeze. It wasn't. Well, it certainly seemed like that at first. All I had to do was select all the frames, and set them to the same duration and presto! It worked at first, until when the computer kept given me various stupid/aggravating/annoying/pestilent/big-headed/infuriating/ridiculous/cheesy errors and excuses as to why the video just wouldn't publish to the desktop! One of these errors was error 0x887A0005, and some foolishness about the files going corrupt or how the graphics card needed to be updated. I was then concerned about whether it would be possible to create such a video, so I tried various things and tried to adjust the durations, but no avail. Eventually, I just had to resort to publishing 200 frames at a time. This meant that I had to create 12 parts... Goodness flipping gracious! It didn't take long, but seriously?! This computer is a Core i7, quad-core tool and it couldn't do the job properly?! Or was it Movie Maker to blame? Both maybe? Who knows! I was just glad that it finally freakin' worked! There's no way I'd let a project that took me a few days of 2300 pixels go to waste to easily! I determinedly fought for a solution and won the battle! Victory in time for Canada 150! I'll have the drawing uploaded to DeviantArt shortly.

This was the grand video of Canada 150: the fireworks! While it was a very lively, colourful event to watch, I'll be honest enough to say that it felt much like every other Canada Day fireworks. What do I mean by that? I was sort of expecting to see more colourful shots and even a 150 illuminate in the sky, but that didn't happen. At least not at the coastline I went to. Don't think such a thing happened anywhere else in Canada, but I could be wrong as I didn't watch the firework shows from other cities, save for a brief one from Ottawa. Despite my high-ish expectations, I wasn't disappointed so don't be under the impression that I was. My real disappointment was with all the other videos that I filmed to and around the site. That's right: there was supposed to be more Canada 150 videos on the channel, but because they turned out so darn awful, I was like, “You know what? Don't even bother editing these and putting them anywhere near internet!” So I followed my own warning and put them away as archives that I might not even really watch. Yeah, that's how bad they turned out. “Can I know what exactly was so bad about them?” you may ask. Lots of things: the sharpness/quality was substandard, the unsteadiness was absurdly bad, the audio was very annoying in some segments, and yeah, I think you get the idea by now. It's a bummer indeed, but at least you can watch the unique pixel video or the colourful fireworks video for your Canada 150 fix. Oh yeah, and speaking of fireworks video, I really hope that I won't get a copyright notice for the music in the background – Yep, I did! Great! Should I remove it so I can monetize the video or what? Sigh... A difficult decision. As much as I'd like to have the video monetized, it's going to cause a segment of the video to be completely silent and awkward. It may just be one song, but there are other songs in the background with Labels, so it would only be a matter of time before a notification comes up for them, so to play it safe and prevent the video from having awkward silences, I'll just have to grudgingly leave it in. Next time, I guess I'll just have to watch from a part of the coast away from the obnoxious speakers, which honestly kind of destroyed the beauty of the event. My 2015 and 2016 Canada Day videos were fortunate to be spared from this nonsense. Not to mention that I also had a better view and was much closer to the Lake. Oh well, better luck next time!

So I guess that does it for the Canada 150 hype! Well, guess not as hyped as it ought to be, and I made it sound more disappointing than I ought to in the last parts of the entry above. As I say, I would've been much happier if the other videos were suitable for publishing, and if I had gotten a better view away from the darn copyrighted music! For such reasons, it wouldn't have been a bad idea to focus more so on photography. Don't worry though, I was still able to take some great pictures, some of which I'll share to Instagram once I'm done with this blog post. So going forward from this Canada Day business, you may be wondering what's next? If you've been reading the previous entries, you'll know that I plan to focus mostly on commentaries and hopefully gaming videos for July, so that's exactly what I plan to do next! Oh yeah, speaking of games, if you actually bother to look at my Tweets as I instruct you to do during my call-to-actions, you'll see a Tweet about how I finished listening to Yooka-Laylee's entire soundtrack. Why this game? Not entirely sure, but I guess while I was browsing the internet and saw it come about somewhere, I remembered that this game is the spiritual successor to the much loved Banjo-Kazooie series. I also heard that it had the same composers, so this definitely inspired me to give it a listen. WOW! I definitely was not disappointed! The Banjo-Kazooie vibes is very strong within the soundtrack, and that's a good thing! I hear that some of the songs are also supposed to resemble the Donkey Kong games, but because I've never played them when I was younger, I would have never known without researching that and reading some of the YouTube comments on such videos. Now because I stopped playing video games years ago (my specialty is mobile games!) do not expect me to play these games. Not that you wanted to anyway, but you know? Anyways! That does it for this entry, so let's get it published!