Monday, January 23, 2017

January 22, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube 01.23.17

January 22, 2017 Uploads

Second batch of uploads for the year. Yay? For this entry I'll be discussing Mercedes-Benz
EQ [Reading & Commentary], Say No To Sugar Daddies! [Reading & Commentary], Pastry Push: Feeding The Floor Dwelling Gengar Knockoff LOL!, Subway Surfers: Runs And Disses!, and West Hill Collegiate Institute: Foggy Day and Exterior Tour. Yes, I got around to playing two games, so let's get into it!

With the buzz of all these electric cars and hatchbacks, I decided that it was time to do a commentary video on one of my favourites out of these electric SUVs: the Mercedes-Benz EQ! The Audi e-tron Quattro is another well loved choice of mine, but the EQ looks more futuristic and cool from the front end. Then there's Jaguar's I-Pace. Another interesting looking one, but still haven't looked into it much. So, the video! While I was reading about this car, it definitely gave more insights into what it was about, a better look at the interior and importantly, the EQ brand. What I really learned from that, is that this car will be the 1st of the EQ product portfolio that could potentially span many all-electric Mercedes vehicles. This is pretty interesting and exciting, but as you will know from the commentary, there are two things I don't quite like: autonomous driving and the 4-seater configuration. If there's one thing Porsche is certainly doing right with their Mission-E, that everyone else seems to be chasing, is this whole crazy autonomous driving technology. Some people, including the automakers themselves of course, keep insisting that it'll make the roads much safer, because there will supposedly be no human error once autonomous technology becomes perfected, but that has yet to be seen. The technology in our vehicles has already become increasingly automatic, and they want driving to be like that too? So far, autonomous driving has caused some people to be very lazy and careless, which has resulted in several interesting/sad/hilarious news reports. The 2nd issue is that too much electronics and tech causes poor reliability, because it leaves vehicles with more components to go faulty, and become expensive when repair time comes. And most importantly, it takes the fun out of actually driving. Since a lot of people, including myself, actually want to drive, I really hope that these automobile manufacturers do not come to the point where they make every car in their lineup 100% autonomous. Thankfully, there are companies like Porsche and certain others that understand this, so that won't happen. And even if they try to, we can always vote with our wallet and boycott cars that are 100% autonomous, should they ever try to pull such a move. I know vehicles have changed considerably over the years, mostly for the better, so it was necessary to embrace those changes. Is it necessary to embrace a change just so some people will be able to sleep, do their makeup, scratch their butts, eat and do a million other things while their car is going at 100 km/h on Highway 401? No. Please say no! Now for seat configuration! While I was recording the video, I had now idea whether this thing was a 5-seater or 4-seater, but thought that it may have been 5-seater for some reason, only to learn later that this is a 4-seater... Deal breaker? No, but a little disappointing. But one can hope that they'll offer a 5-seater variant. And oh, a little more ground clearance would be nice. The Audi e-tron Quattro has good clearance for a crossover, so they could take a cue from that competitor. Finally, if there's something that I really need to do better next time is READ like I know how to FLIPPING READ! GOSSSSSHHHHHH! Editing was so painful because of frequent errors and seemingly endless slip-ups.... Good grief! Have I not been speaking English for 20+ years?! Jeepers peepers man! I really think that reading over the text once or twice probably would've have helped significantly, but the problem is just laziness sometimes oftentimes. Still, one should be able to read their native language out loud with relative ease and rare mistakes, or was I just being too hasty and hard on myself? Who knows! All I hope for is to have less editing to do the next time I shoot another reading & commentary video, which is going be soon! Can't wait to see the Mercedes-Benz EQ on Canadian shores!
Edit: In regards to the ground clearance remarks, I actually took another look at the car and it doesn’t actually seem to be any lower or higher than the Audi rival.

Seriously, just say no to them. Do not entertain the idea. They can say all they want that it's not prostitution, but it is! Listen, by definition a prostitute is someone who engages in sexual activity for money. When you set yourself up to a sugar daddy, they're giving you money in exchange for use of your vagina, mouth, butt or in some cases, all of the above! They often like to say that it's different, simply because there's a temporary “relationship” and “companionship” involved, but you know what? It's just the industry trying to toss sugar over a dirty blanket. That's all. Even the article that I read in the video, later warns that if you're going to do this, that you should treat it like a job and not expect it to turn into an on-going relationship! See? I'm not the only one that sees the sugared up lies about the industry. At the end of the day, whether you want to make good or bad decisions such as this, there will be results for your actions. Choose: good results or bad results? People that often use sugar daddies for tuition have to try hard to had their identity in order to avoid risks with employment, because they know deep down that it's a degrading, desperate move. As mentioned in the article and some of my commentary, use other alternatives. Times are hard, money can be scarce, but you'll be surprised at the number of wonderful, better options available when you actually make an effort to seek them out! Seek them! Ask, seek, knock. (Sure some of you might get that reference). Oh yeah, and in before someone potentially comes here to yell at me for yelling at only the girls doing this, I do mention guys in the video doing it too, so I'll mention it here too: University & College boys, do not turn to a sugar mommy just to fund your schooling! It's not funny and sounds like a horribly degrading idea. Be a man and seek out the alternative options that will leave you feeling proud and confident!

Lame Fun Fact: I originally titled this “Pastry Push: Feeding The Floor Gengar Knockoff LOL!” but later tossed “dwelling” into the title since the sweet toothed creature spends the game time in the floor. Pastry Push is a puzzle game with many different levels and three dessert worlds. You must push the dessert across the floor into Moko, the Gengar knockoff's mouth, by swiping north, east, south or west across your screen in as little swipes as possible. You must also avoid obstacles like torches, trap doors and such. While it is a decent game, with great graphics, frame rates, music and gameplay, I unfortunately played the game like such a frustrating idiot in some levels. Granted that I'm not really that into puzzle games, as I prefer adventurous platformers, or racing games like Asphalt 8, that's still no excuse to play poorly. Then again, there's been a lot of gameplay videos of mine that are full of facepalm worthy moments, so it's nothing surprising. I just use the excuse that I'm just “demoing” or “showing the game” to get away with it. Has it worked? Nobody notices or cares, so I'll say yes. Besides, you're probably not ever going to read this, so I could even say that I'm dating an Aboriginal Antartican Glacial woman, and you'd never know! Ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke!

I've contemplated on recording this game for quite some time, and now I've finally done it. Just as the title and video description will tell you, I run while making lots of silly, cheesy, rude remarks about the characters and such. I'm not going to bother explaining Subway Surfers here, because it's widely recognized as one of the most popular endless runners. In the video I'm running in a dated version, from I believe 2016, Tokyo. Uh, I don't really know what else to say, admittedly – actually I do! This endless runner is very popular because it's one of the best runners around, that's why! I know I enjoyed it a lot, more so than Temple Run! Why? I just love the colourful graphics, gameplay, characters and international tracks. Well, I guess the tracks part might be considered bad for some, because you only get to play in different worlds when they issue the change through an update. Fresh? A drawback? Hindrance? Cool? Who knows, but all I know is that is doesn't bother me that much, though I guess it would be better if you could play on various tracks whenever you want, while they could still create new tracks that could be issued through updates. Still a very fun game either way. Will probably play again in the future on a different track. Will I bother to unlock new characters this time, or will I continue to insult them about how they're ugly, stink, sore, loserish, __________? We'll just have to find out the next time! LOL!

It was a “mild” winter day when I decided to drop by this place to film it, but man oh man, was it foggy! Wow! I was a little concerned about the fog making the video blurry, but it turns out the bigger problem was the damn shakiness! Sheesh! I really should have done a better job at keeping the camera steady! Part of the problem was that because visibility was poor, I didn't hold the camera in front of my face as I should, to not only pay better attention to what was being captured, but to also help the stability issue. The next time, man..... So! The school itself is a pretty large building that has a lot of corners and paths that made the walk around very interesting. The atmospheric fog also gave it very eerie, yet interesting vibe to it, especially when I stood at the track and a gate near some ravine. While the walk around was fun and all, there was something that made things extremely frustrating: a shut off! Yep, that's right! The little black devil decided to shut off after recording for 14 minutes, and even though it showed the “shutting off device” it did not save the video like how it normally should when that message shows! What treachery! I wanted to just bash and snap the thing when it did that, but I just resorted to swapping the battery and walking around again to recapture the video. Success! I was able to do a complete walk around and safely complete the video. Whew! A bit of a crazy, desperate move, but I REALLY did not feel like dealing with BlackBerry bulldoo, especially since the incident at Sinclair, so I just grudgingly made the move. Oddly enough, I did try the same thing initially at Sinclair, but it failed, likely because I haven't figured out the secret with temperatures, contacts and other bits. Needless to say, I'm glad I was able to capture West Hill again, but it would have been so much better if I didn't have to redo it in the first place! I was able to pull the old, original, 14 minute video off of the phone, but it of course cannot read because it claims that the file is “corrupted or missing codecs”. Some day, I mean it that I'm going to get that issue solved once and for all, and restore all “dead” videos I captured since 2017. In fact, I hope to actively look into this week. Last time, I did mention something about how I searched and found that the solution to the problem was mostly cost prohibitive software. This time, I'm going to look beyond money grabbing software and see if I can discover a solution to this excruciating problem! I know, some might say “Just stop using that piece of _____ already, and buy a darn new proper camera!” First thing's first, a proper camcorder is even more expensive then a legitimate MP4 fixer, and remember: the same can happen with camcorders too, so it's important to learn how to deal with a problem, and not just run away from it and hope it never occurs again.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

January 16, 2017 Uploads

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                              01.17.17

January 16, 2017 Uploads

Oh, ho ho ho ho! With only two videos to discuss, it was a seemingly light week, right? Wrong! Read on to get the full scoop of 20 Minutes of Cheap Special Effects With a Tim Hortons Red Velvet Cookie, and the supposed-to-be-familiar Some Bush Trail that Connects to Concession Road #3; 2017 Winter Visit. I honestly wanted to record some gaming videos from last week, but gosh! If only I'd practice better time management!

Why did this cookie cost me $1.49? Sometime ago, weren't these things like $0.99 or possibly even less? Or was it because this one is a fancier variety? Who knows. Now it's time to answer the burning question that many people probably must be wondering: why in the world did you make this video and what is the point of it?! Because I can. Ok, truth is, I don't know what I was thinking when I did this, but a strange idea just randomly came to to film a cookie from Tim Hortons, and then funkily fill it with a whole bunch of random special effects and filters. The results? Editing took FAR longer than I anticipated! WHEW! Editing this 21 minute video ended up taking me 2-3 hours! Paaaaaaaaaaaa! It felt like it wasn't going to end, but I did it. I was determined to actually entertain the idea of doing this, went out, bought the cookie and filmed it, so I made myself endure the tedious process. Worth it? I don't know. I got play around with a lot of things and experiment with some things that I've never done before. Oh, and let's not forget the bonus – cookie tearing and eating! Ahhhh, so it wasn't so bad after all? A cheap video that allowed to wildly dish out filters and effects to the max, and then got to enjoy the subject right afterwards. Nice. Real nice. Another thing: this video initially had a spinning segment that lasted a minute, but for very obvious reasons, this was removed in the final good copy before publishing it to YouTube. That would be way too trollish and bad for people's health, had I kept it in there. I had that removed to allow us to enjoy the red velvet cookie star. Either way, the video itself is kind of a trollish tease video, but harmless.

So yes, as you'll recognize from the title or commentary of the video, I came back to this place to film it better. If you've seen both of the videos before watching this, there are some notable differences. The first time I filmed this place back in the summer of 2016, I actually continued out to 3rd Concession. This time around, I took a path to my left and ventured out deeper into an alternate part of the forest, that also happened to bring close to a body of water. Speaking of this, after doing research in between while typing this, I've discovered that the place I was in was called Valley Farm Ravine. Makes sense. So while I was travelling in that direction, I was indeed wandering further south into the Valley Farm's forest and ravines, while west was going to bring me into Grand Valley Park, which I was aware of. While I do have plans to film Grand Valley forest at some point, I just really wanted to make a better video of that bush trail, which now that I know the name, I might just re-name the first video to Valley Farm Forest Ravine: Following The Path Straight to Grand Valley and re-name the 2017 video to Valley Farm Forest Ravine: 2017 Winter Visit. Yeah, I'll do that right after I finish this. So! How was the trip this time? Well, the video didn't turn out so rippled like the last time, but thanks to the numerous uneven ice paths, it made navigation tricky sometimes. It also made the first three minutes or so bounce off a lot, to the point that I wondered if it were going to make people motion sick if they saw it? Probably not, but I still ended up actually asking that for the video's poll anyway. LOL! The hills, trees, beautiful creek and many paths in this place made it a very nice forest to film and explore, but my “old man” camera isn't very fond of the cold, so I ended up only filming a little over 20 minutes of it, which honestly isn't too bad, but would've been nice if I could have done more. Actually, the video probably would terminated around 19 minutes, but because I determinedly pushed it, I ended up getting around 23 minutes of raw footage. Don't know why I didn't figure this out sooner, but if I had swapped that battery, I would've been able to go further. Duh? Should that have been obvious? Yes, it should've, but you see, I was there thinking that it was just the phone throwing one of those temperamental fits it threw back in 2016. I finally took notice of the fact that even when it powered off without showing the “turning off device” message, it'd often show a big, red, “scary, empty battery across the black screen, meaning that it was depleting hard and fast because of how harsh and cold Canadian winters are. So truth is, that 2100 mAh battery honestly stood up like a champ, considering that it's now 3 years old! Wow, time flies! So for another time, I should throw in a fresh battery and see if that allows me to film an additional 20-30 minutes. I shouldn’t continue to let the 1st attempt of the Sinclair trip continue to let me make such assumptions without trying, so I'll just try and see what happens next time.

I plan to maybe record 2 or 3 commentaries videos this week, and an outdoors video of course. I haven't uploaded a mobile gaming video since the 26th of December last year, which means that it has been 22 days since! WHOA! I should try to play or game or two, but because these videos aren't a priority for me, I don't know if it'll happen this week, but we'll see.

Monday, January 9, 2017

January 09, 2017 Solo Upload

GuuzakaTube 01.09.17

January 09, 2017 Solo Upload

That's right; just a single video for this entry, but why? Well, I guess I would've had an outdoor video up if I wasn't feeling under the weather over the weekends, and as for gaming videos, I wasn't able to get around to it. Thankfully, I did manage to at least get one video done last week, so let's go ahead and discuss Leo P [Discussion and Commentary].

Leo P [Discussion and Commentary]
Well, I honestly don't really know what to talk about for this entry, because everything is already pretty much said in the video. I don't also think I really have much other additional details to mention either, because the inspiration and desire behind making the video was also mentioned as well. Well, I guess I can talk about production of the video and then the future of Lucky Chops itself. The video itself was actually relatively easy to make. Drawing the faces did not take as much time as I thought, so that was an awesome relief of something I worried about a little. But of course, audio syncing as you'll know from reading earlier entries of mine, is something I dislike and have previously been horrible at, but I have since come such a long way! Audio syncing went well for this video, so it's nothing like the disastrous garbage you may have seen from earlier in 2016. Another interesting fact is how lightning quick the video uploaded to YouTube. Seriously, for this 10 minute video, it only took around 10 minutes for everything to process. Wow! Quite different from the hours I'd normally have to wait, but then again, it is only one video with a few slides, and static frames, so those are also additional reasons for why the upload was so quick. Now about Lucky Chops.... Honestly, while the band members themselves were very understanding, friendly and positive about Leo's departure, I honestly feel like things might be a little shaky for them, if the comments on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram prove to be an accurate indicator. Of course, people usually naturally HATE change, so them being disappointed at first I guess is natural, but when you have some people saying things like “Darn! I bought tickets to see Leo!” or “This band is no good without him” that's a little concerning, isn't it? I mean, internet comments aren't everything, but you also have to remember how passionate these fans are, and how they love to film and take pictures with the Lucky Chops, so that could be a problem. Now, the Lucky Chops aren't stupid, so I'm sure they've done their homework and are aware of what could happen, so one thing's certain is that they'll now be visiting more countries than ever, and their talent certainly hasn't disappeared. While many might bemoan the loss of Leo, you have to remember that he isn't all there is to the band. Of course, that sentence itself is highly subjective, but it's true. The other members are bright, talented musicians as well, so they may actually benefit slightly (or greatly?) by having more breathing space and more attention directed to them, and will definitely benefit by no longer having to worry about “mansharing”. However, as I say in the video, I strongly believe that they should replace Leo with another talented baritone saxophonist that fits the group's personality and style. This is to fill the void of the bari sax voice many loved, and were used to hearing. Certainly not a move to rush, but should be done sooner or hopefully not much later.

What about Too Many Zooz? What would you say about them?” you might ask. “Which of the two bands do you think will become bigger?” For the first question, they'll now have more time to get their work and projects done, and they'll be able to grow and focus more as a trio of musicians. For the 2nd question, I honestly don't know. In fact, I don't even know which of two bands right now, or back in 2016 I should say, was supposed to be bigger? Actually wait, if my memory serves me correct, the answer that question would be Lucky Chops. Here's why: they have a larger following and views on social media, they're a larger group to begin with, and have had more shows and tours than Too Many Zooz. So with that said, they're the “larger” band of the two, in not just size, but popularity. I'll conclude this by saying that it'll be interesting to see how both bands progress, though as you'll know from the video, I am more biased toward to Too Many Zooz, but I wish good luck for both bands.

Happy 2017 New Year!

Happy 2017 New Year!