Friday, July 22, 2016

July 19-20 Video commentaries

July 19-20 Video commentaries

For this Mid-latish July entry, I'll be going into lengthy commentaries on the four videos titled below.

So in this video we have an Aussie couple with a Dodge Journey that they've had for a couple of years. The problem? It's been painfully unreliable, which is unfortunately not surprising given that this is a product from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. The unreliability of their Dodge Journey has been so bad, that they've had to try so many times to try and get Fiat Chrysler Australia to fix the car, but never received the proper help that they've needed. They often had to resort to fixing it out of their own expenses. Eventually, they got so frustrated that it led to the video you see in the link above: tank demolition! They didn't want to trade it in or sell it, because they feared that it would become another owner's problem, so they resorted to abusing the car a bit before finally letting a military tank run over the garbage. Wow! They really had it with that Dodge and wanted to bring public awareness to Australia, that the country urgently needs to introduce Lemon Law protections to avoid the dilemma that many Australians go through when they purchase unreliable cars. It was entertaining watching a vehicle being crushed, but based on the nightmarish experiences the couple went through, it's also pretty sad. Now just in case a Fiat Chrysler fan reading this wants to come on and tell me or the couple off, don't. All cars can have problems, but some brands have been proven to be worse than others based on countless amounts of studies and owners reports. Fiat Chrysler, unfortunately fairs pretty badly. Not all owners have gone through hell with them, but many have. I personally like the Ram 1500, Dodge Durango and Maserati Levante from their line up, but I do hope that they work hard to improve their reliability and quality record.

I've been reading about commenters picking at Justin's “ums” for quite a while now, but now there's actually a video about this? Wow. Just Wow… While it's obvious that hes does say “um” and “uh” a lot, it's a bit awkward to point it out to this level, but nonetheless, this video was absolutely hilarious! The fact that they were not only counting, but also adding um faces each and every time he would say uh or um. He clocked in at 50 ums in under a minute and a half during this short segment. Humour and jokes aside, he was actually answering an important question in regards to the disastrous fire that plagued Fort McMurray. The asker wanted to know what the federals were going to about the situation, and he did the right thing by answering it seriously and stating what he did, but due to the intended nature of this particular video, it was borderline impossible to keep a straight face while watching this video! Seriously, who can keep their lips still to this? I left a comment saying “Hey, at least he speaks two languages!” and received the following response someone: “This IS NOT an example of speaking the English language." LOL! Wonder how he would've sounded in French or Mandarin??

Due to the graphic, sensitive nature of this video, it could be pulled down from YouTube any minute now. Viewer discretion is advised. As you can see in the video, a woman decides one day to charge at her boyfriend in a nice, red Ford Mustang because she found out that he had the human immunodeficiency virus, better known as simply HIV. Now, I can understand her being extremely upset, angry, frustrated, used, disappointment and beyond, but this was certainly not the right way to go about things! We are often taught that two wrongs doesn't make a right, and that definitely applies here. It can be very hard and embarrassing to mention to someone that you have HIV, because you'll naturally be afraid of rejection and scandalous gossip, but clearly, hiding it has proven to be a lose-lose situation for both of them: the man got ran over and broke some bones, while the woman was charged and jailed. It's been said a thousand times, but needs to be said again: communication and honesty! It can sometimes be difficult to practice these things, but it's important in order to try and keep a healthy relationship. In this case, I think it's actually a legal issue that potential sex partners are required to know whether you have the disease or not, as are your health care providers. This is a very deep, complex situation that could very well turn into a post well exceeding a thousand words, but I'll just say that if this man felt that the woman is a scandalizer who would hurt him by word of mouth and ruin many things for him, then she may not have been worth it. It's hard, risky and complicated, but if possible, let your partners know as soon as possible if you feel they can handle it. If not, speak to your health care providers and trusted experts; they're there for a reason.

Ah, now for some a little cheerier. So what makes this performance of Vivaldi's Winter so special, that I had to talk about it? The lead solo is a recorder! Yes, that's right. Those things that most people often see as cheap elementary toys, even though they're not! This man's speed, accuracy, articulation and just everything about the way he was playing was just incredible! I'll be honest: due to the recorder's small range of two octaves (and a third, fourth or even fifth depending on the model and your level of virtuosity), I didn't really think it was possible to do this, but he pulled it off like the musical champion he is! One thing I did notice, is that he did swap recorders a couple times throughout the piece, likely to get around the range issue, or probably just to show off his mad skills, or maybe just because some voices handled certain passages better? Who knows. The man is just good! That's what I know for sure. So who is he? I looked him up and apparently his name is Dan Laurin. “Dan Laurin is an award-winning Swedish recorder player” Those are the very words from his wiki page and it's spot on! I haven't really listened to his other performances, but judging from this one, we can certainly say that he's good.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Mid-July 2016 uploads

Mid-July 2016 uploads

I was feeling very tempted to do an entry on some videos, but I decided that it would be a better idea to do my videos first, since the videos themselves do tell you to come visit this place to learn more about them. The entries quite obviously don't simultaneously get released as soon as the videos are published, but the least I can do as attempt to post them in a timely manner, so here we go! This entry will be covering Asphalt 8 - Ratio Fail!, How to play Flappy Bird, 2016 Canada Day Fireworks and Millennium Trail.

This was the first video recorded out of the four, but I didn't get around to editing it and uploading it until recently, hence why it's being lumped with this batch. Canada Day this year was a bit on the cooler side in my area, but still reasonable enough to get out there and have fun. I didn't leave the house until after 8:00, so that too, explains the evening coolness. Last year I had somebody warn me about there being lots of cops down there, but I didn't receive such a warning this time around. LOL? Depends on the way you interpret it. You know what? I'm not going lie – that was pretty damn funny! Seriously, why would I be worried about that unless I was planning to conduct some mischief? I consider myself good, but maybe he was a villain? Who knows for sure! Anyway, I didn't bother with rides this year, but in order to make my footage a little bit more unique from 2015, I decided to briefly record a gig with singers, guitars, a saxophone and violin. If the video annotations didn't make it obvious enough, the violin and alto saxophone was what really caught my ears and eyes. Yes, I am an instrumental geek. Would've been cool to see one of the bigger saxophones like the baritone or bass, but they weren't present. Or were they? While waiting for the fireworks, I wondered around for a bit to take pictures of all sorts of stuff, and when the fireworks did start, I thankfully made it in time to watch the show. Ah, it was beautiful!

This place caught me by surprise to tell the truth. I was expecting it to be a short paved trail between to regional two roads, that would be completed in 10-15 minutes, and boy was I wrong! As a result, I did not prepare for it very well, so I forgot about bug spray, didn't bring a bag, and didn't bring a proper sized bottle of water. Wow! Not very smart of me at all! Despite the surprises and regrets, I still managed to enjoy the extensive winding networks of paths and forested areas. There were a lot of branching pathways, which made it hard to choose at times, but I just went with wherever I thought would be most interesting. As seen from the video, the trails I chose eventually led me out to Nash where I then found something I thought I wouldn’t end up filming: Courtice Secondary High School. Yep, so this makes it the 2nd time where I film a high school in one of my outdoor videos. I have no idea what this school focuses on (some focus on trades, performing arts etc.), nor do I know anyone from that place, but it was fun to film it, especially since no one was there. Well, no one within my proximity I should say, because I did see people on Nash and also while I was in the forest. Now I don't have a problem with casually or unintentionally filming people (I did this on Canada Day), but ya certainly don't want to go around filming schools while the students are fully out and about. There have been issues in this region (and of course many other places as well) where some people have done this with the intentions of being creepy and perverted, which has caused police and the news to get involved. Anyone reading this will probably be like “Duh!” “Common sense!” or “Do you really need to mention this?” Well yes, it's important to bring it up just in case viewers are wondering why my videos are the way the are. Anyway, Millennium trail is cool! I've seen people wander into this place quite a bit, so that tells you something: it's a good place to explore!

Ohhhhhhhhhh, boy! And now the time finally has come where I must discuss what was such an immensely popular game: Flappy Bird! In fact, it was so popular that the developer himself, Dong Nguyen, became concerned about the health of people and it's addictiveness, so he did the extreme thing and pulled it from the Google Play store and iOS app store altogether! Wow! I have no idea if it's back at this point (probably is), but there are thousands of other spin-offs that have since popped up to fill the void during its absence. If you own an Android device running 5.0 Lollipop or 6.0 Marshmallow, you can play a lollipop or marshmallow themed spin-off of Flappy Bird by following a few instructions that involve you going through some settings. Yes, Google developers have gone to that level to actually do that! So, for the big question: why did I make this video in 2016 and not during the times when people needed help most, and when smartphones were being abused and slaughtered? Well, you're not going to like this answer, but I don't know. I can remember being disappointed about not having it on BlackBerry 10, until I discovered how to get the APK, but I guess it's because I just never really cared to do a video about it then. This time around I did feel like a doing a video on it, and decided to add some hilarious narrations and annotations while I was at it, just to make the video that much more entertaining. Oh, and I even demonstrated another spin-off: FlappyHerbie Saga: Trolls of the Forest! This was done both for the sake of amusement, trolling, and for proving points about weight, rebound height and gate gaps. I was disappointed about not being able to get super high scores while filming on either of these games, but with time, patience, practice and careful following of my golden advice, you can become a flapping champion! I will also be posting videos of other spin-offs occasionally, so you can either rejoice, smile and be glad or mourn, roll your eyes and sulk!

On my Asphalt 8 videos I normally try to play on at least 3 tracks during recording sessions, but because this one was mostly intended to be a quick video ratio test, I limited it to one. There has been no complaints to date about the black bars that plague my gaming videos, but I don't really like it, so I thought that I would finally attempt to do something about it and stretch the ratios to have it full up the screen, but it didn't work. I tried it in the video editor, no luck. I tried YouTube's editor, useless! I tried entering a code for stretching, which worked while I was in the video manager, but failed else where... I uploaded two versions initially to test things out, but ended up removing them and decided to edit them the way I usually do. Ugh! I wish my screen recorder gave me more resolution and ratio options. For now, I guess I'll just continue to upload the gaming videos the way they are, until I find another solution. Now for the content of the video: as you can tell from watching the first couple of seconds, I play in Iceland with the iconic Lamborghini Countach. Not the highest paying race, nor the best car, but it was something a little different, and the car is nonetheless fun to drive with. And did I say that it drifts pretty damn well? Seriously! I was able to carefully manoeuvre the Countach away from a truck in a certain part of the video and saved myself from what would have been an annoying, embarrassing wreck! The Countach is far from being the fastest in its class, but its good retro looks and handling has me coming to it now and then.

That does it for this entry, so now I can finally go and talk about some videos I've been just itching to write some blog commentary on! And for a spoiler, you can expect to see no less than 3!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

July 1st 2016 Uploads

July 1st 2016 Uploads

In this entry, I'll be discussing the four videos that I uploaded on the 1st of July (Canada Day!) which are Asphalt 8: London glitch and icy drifts!, Temple Run – Slipping like a total klutz!, Tunnel X – Dance and dodge the electrical gates! and Turtle Spin – Dashing through the grass.

In this episode of Asphalt 8, I play in Nevada with a Mercedes-Benz Silver Lightning, London again with the French super car Buggati Veyron, Monaco with the Alfa Romeo MiTo GTA and in the Alps with the elusive Pagani Huayra. With it's many twists and curves, the Nevada desert track can be very demanding and hard to play with cars that have poor handling, so that's why I chose the Silver Lightning – because it handles badly and makes it perfect for testing my skills! It took a lot of drifting and careful manoeuvring, but it overall wasn't too bad. London is where things were a little interesting. What interested me to choose the track again is because I saw a YouTuber performing a glitch in the water at the ramp close to the end of the track, so I wanted to see if I could try it for myself, and surely it worked! Most accidents or submersions cause you to be pushed back, but not this one! Try it and see how much time you can save. The Monégasque run was a bit of a joke. It took a few tries, but I pulled it off and eventually came first with the maxed out MiTo. If you ever want to try it without boosters, I recommend that you destroy your rivals as soon as you can! They're particularly vulnerable during the winding road portion of the track. The last track was supposed to be done in Iceland, but I changed it to the Alps. Iceland is exceptionally difficult to win without boosters and super fine handling skills, but I'll try it again soon. Maybe in the next Asphalt 8 episode? A lot of Class S cars just seem very awkward when drifting in Iceland, but some are better than others. I believe I originally used a Lamborghini Veneno to win all the stars, but it wasn't maxed, so how could my maxed out cars fare worse? My fault? Poor drifting cars? Not using enough nitro between the gaps? I'll have to test this again at some point and come to some serious conclusions about this.

Ah, good ol' Temple Run. Everyone knows or has very likely played this game at some point, as it and Subway Surfers are among the most popular endless runner games. It was only a matter of time before I gave this one a shot. There may be other popular titles that I haven't mentioned, and there is another interesting one that I do have on my phone that I will upload in the future. Now if the title isn't obvious enough, I didn't fare too well... I mean I wasn't horrendous per se, but certainly not good either. Another challenge is playing this on BlackBerry, because if you swipe up with a stroke that's too long or too powerful, you'll exit the game. Thankfully, this never happened to me, as I've been gaming on Android apps for long enough to master the trick, but you can clearly see when I trip sometimes due to me not swiping up hard enough, out of fear of exiting the app. Does this make BlackBerry 10 devives atrocious at swipe up games? That solely depends on your skill level, reflexes and confidence. You can be really good, or really bad. Mind you, not all the trips you saw on screen were done out of fear. Some were just my fault for not paying attention, or jumping at the wrong time, which delivered face palm worthy results! Temple Run is a very good game, so I'll have to try Temple Run 2 at some point and upload it. ImangiStudios also has a lot of other running games to try.

Being a Funkoi game, the graphics and gameplay were really smooth. Unfortunately, a lot of people in the reviews dismissed this game as being boring, repetitive, monotonous and not as good as their other games like Eyebert or KiwiWonder. While it isn't as fun and adventurous as a game like Eyebert, it's by no means a bad game. It's still awesome and it really tests your reflexes and hand-eye coordination. Remember what I mentioned about swiping up with long strokes? It's an issue in this game too, so if you're playing on a BlackBerry 10 device it makes it more challenging! I didn't have this problem, because I've mastered the trick of swiping up without exiting, but I won't be overconfident, because if you're not careful you can end up leaving the application, regardless of how skilled you claim to be. It'll be worse if you're a novice though... much worse... Anyway, if you like graphic rich games, dance music and reflex testers, then you'll enjoy Tunnel X. Swipe north, east, south, west, dodge the electrical gates, dance (not literally unless you're that good!) and you'll have a good time.

A platformer game coming to you from John Brower. The premise of the game is incredibly simple: collects coins, grab power ups, jump over cliffs and dodge your enemies. Despite that, it's pretty fun and some even say that it has a Mario feel to it. I don't blame them. After all, the shell looks just like a Koopa's shell and one of the power ups allows you to get super-sized and crush all the blocks and enemies, the same way you do it in the Mario series. Based on the cues, it seems obvious the game is intended as a fan-made a spin-off of the Mario series. It also seems like it may possibly be an endless running, platformer, but it's hard to tell. There are levels based on the distances you travel, so I'm not sure if it eventually ends, or if it goes on to infinity! Or maybe just level 100? Who knows. One thing's certain is that the further you go, the faster the enemies come at you, so be aware of this and don't let them catch you off guard! You do have lives that allows you to respawn, but this can blow quickly if you play carelessly. The yellow shell power up honestly seems more like a hindrance, than a benefit in my opinion. What is it supposed to do aside from making you jump so high, that you end up missing your gold most of the time? It makes dodging enemies and cliffs easier at first, but only until you land right into them after jumping uncontrollably high. The extra lives and blue shell it where it's at. These seem like they actually help you, rather than offer questionable performance. Anyway, if you like platformers and turtle shells, give this a game a try. It's free on Google Play, not sure about iOS or Window 10 Mobile, but it doesn't hurt to check.

And that does it for this blog entry. No outdoor adventures in this round-up, but you'll see a special one and a commentary on a video response very soon!

Edit: I ended up uploading the response first, since I did after all, type it before I typed this entry.


My Thoughts On The Newaygo Parrot Witness Story


MeetBud: Parrot, possible murder witness & Could Parrot That Says'Don't F---ing Shoot' Be The Key To Owner's Murder

These videos belong to WOODTV8 and InsideEdition, respectively. They deal with a sad situation of a woman (not sure if it's a good idea to state their names, even though it's clearly in the videos) shooting her husband during a heated argument. The problem? Immaturity and guns being the wrong hands. Another issue is the fact that the only witness to see the murder happens to be a Congo African grey parrot named bud. Bud is shown in several related videos that have been caught on camera of him mimicking parts of the argument that took place, most notably the following phrase: “Don't f***ing shoot!” That is the phrase that has gained international attention to this bird, the videos and the tragic story behind it. As you can probably expect, the Newaygo County prosecutor, TV commenter Beth Karas and many others believe that the parrot is insufficient evidence of standing in court as a witness, because you cannot tell if the bird was mimicking something off TV or something else. It's understandable that using a parrot as a witness sounds stupid and unreliable, but in this case there was no television playing in the background, and the man is clearly dead. Also, the guilty woman even tried to shoot herself to avoid dealing with the potential consequences of her atrocious actions. More proof? The ex-wife of this man knows both the man, bird and his newer partner well, and pointed out that the bird was imitating the man's voice, and the emotions in it's voice further supports this. Am I saying that they should bring this parrot to court as a witness? No, that would be a little silly I must agree, but the evidence is clearly on video, the man is in fact dead, the body has been found, so all they need to do is put the puzzle pieces together and realize that there's more than enough proof the woman, who also tried to deny it, is undeniably guilty. Honest witnesses are great, but they might not always be there, or even be a human in rare circumstances like this one.